Hike in POL prices hurting middle class & causes for more un-employment, street crime


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2011
Hike in POL prices hurting middle class & causes for more un-employment, street crimes

I am much hurt, dis-appoint when got news that POL prices significantly raised as Petrol by Rs. 5.37 ( 6 % ), HSD by Rs. 4.64 ( 4.70%), High Octane by Rs.6.29 ( 6%) Kerosen Oil by Rs.2.78 ( 3%) and LDO by Rs.3.43 ( 4%)

Due to inflation middle class group specially hit and very difficult to survive for those who are WHITE COLAR. Due to inflation, Lack of law and order situation, power crisis, no benefit for business community which are they key causes of un-employments and increasing street crimes. This is the real test time for those who are running their business or industry never think for any fresh employment but OWNER always think how we can curtail our further staff so we can out from losses or enjoys BREAK EVEN.

But shame on all Ministers, MPA or MNA who are got every blessing of God but still remain hungry how to get more and more money first and then become popular among own people.

The rise in POL affects directly all prices will be up sharply and no price monitoring committee working in Pakistan to determine what amount prices should be increased but traders always how to charge the consumers maximum as they crushing own people but claim they are Muslims.

As I am belong to middle class group who always design to hit first or test patience, demand from Minister of Petroleum to withdrawn the rise in POL prices with immediate affects so common people do face more burden in the name of present POL price HIKE which is totally injustice.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )
Did prices go up, or did subsidies go down?

I thought your government kept prices artificially low in the first place.
Note that the same problems that we have with our MASTERS are often similar regardless of what nation the poster is talking about?
No, I don't notice. Maybe if you expound on that a bit...
Hike in POL prices hurting middle class & causes for more un-employment, street crimes

I am much hurt, dis-appoint when got news that POL prices significantly raised as Petrol by Rs. 5.37 ( 6 % ), HSD by Rs. 4.64 ( 4.70%), High Octane by Rs.6.29 ( 6%) Kerosen Oil by Rs.2.78 ( 3%) and LDO by Rs.3.43 ( 4%)

Due to inflation middle class group specially hit and very difficult to survive for those who are WHITE COLAR. Due to inflation, Lack of law and order situation, power crisis, no benefit for business community which are they key causes of un-employments and increasing street crimes. This is the real test time for those who are running their business or industry never think for any fresh employment but OWNER always think how we can curtail our further staff so we can out from losses or enjoys BREAK EVEN.

But shame on all Ministers, MPA or MNA who are got every blessing of God but still remain hungry how to get more and more money first and then become popular among own people.

The rise in POL affects directly all prices will be up sharply and no price monitoring committee working in Pakistan to determine what amount prices should be increased but traders always how to charge the consumers maximum as they crushing own people but claim they are Muslims.

As I am belong to middle class group who always design to hit first or test patience, demand from Minister of Petroleum to withdrawn the rise in POL prices with immediate affects so common people do face more burden in the name of present POL price HIKE which is totally injustice.

Thanking You

Yours faithfully

( Ashfaq Sharif )

Training all those terrorists and suicide bombers takes money, so what do you expect.
And yet, the number one export of the United States is gasoline. Funny how that works.
And yet, the number one export of the United States is gasoline. Funny how that works.

Leave it to the Demtards to institute yet more socialist economic "reforms"...

"Any effort to restrict market forces on commodities like oil and natural gas is a North Korean style model of economics and has no place here in America," said API Chief Economist John Felmy. "Having the flexibility to export more should there be an occasional surplus of supply would go a long way to help reduce our trade deficit. We don't think that American farmers would appreciate Mr. Markey calling on them to restrict their products, and it makes no sense for an elected official to suggest this backward approach with energy."

RIGZONE - API: Proposed Oil Export Curbs Reek of N. Korean Economics

From Rep. Markey's website:

Markey, House Dems Introduce Bill to Block Keystone Exports | Congressman Ed Markey, Massachusetts 7th District
Highest gas prices on record for this time of year...
Gas prices are highest ever for this time of year
18 Feb.`12 – Gasoline prices have never been higher this time of the year.
At $3.53 a gallon, prices are already up 25 cents since Jan. 1. And experts say they could reach a record $4.25 a gallon by late April. "You're going to see a lot more staycations this year," says Michael Lynch, president of Strategic Energy & Economic Research. "When the price gets anywhere near $4, you really see people react." Already, W. Howard Coudle, a retired machinist from Crestwood, Mo., has seen his monthly gasoline bill rise to $80 from about $60 in December. The closest service station is selling regular for $3.39 per gallon, the highest he's ever seen. "I guess we're going to have to drive less, consolidate all our errands into one trip," Coudle says. "It's just oppressive."

The surge in gas prices follows an increase in the price of oil. Oil around the world is priced differently. Brent crude from the North Sea is a proxy for the foreign oil that's imported by U.S. refineries and turned into gasoline and other fuels. Its price has risen 11% so far this year, to around $119 a barrel, because of tensions with Iran, a cold snap in Europe and rising demand from developing nations. West Texas Intermediate, used to price oil produced in the U.S., is up 4% to around $103 a barrel. That's 19% higher than a year earlier. Higher gas prices could hurt consumer spending and curtail the recent improvement in the U.S. economy.

A 25-cent jump in gasoline prices, if sustained over a year, would cost the economy about $35 billion. That's only 0.2% of the total U.S. economy, but economists say it's a meaningful amount, especially at a time when growth is only so-so. The economy grew 2.8% in the fourth quarter, a rate considered modest following a recession. High oil and gas prices now set the stage for even sharper increases at the pump because gas typically rises in March and April. Every spring, refiners suspend operations to switch the type of gasoline they make. Supplies of wintertime gas are sold off before March, when refineries need to start making a new formula of gasoline that's required in the summer.

That can mean less supply for service stations, resulting in higher gas prices. And summertime gasoline is more expensive to make. The government mandates that it contain less butane and other cheap organic compounds because they contribute to the formation of ground-level ozone, a primary constituent in smog. That means more oil, a costlier component, is needed to produce each gallon. The Oil Price Information Service predicts that gasoline could peak at $4.25 a gallon by the end of April. That would top the record of $4.11 in July 2008. The national average for gasoline began the year at $3.28 a gallon. The average price for February so far is $3.49 a gallon. That's up from $3.17 a gallon last February, a record at the time. Back in 2007, before the recession hit, the average for February was $2.25 a gallon.

Is why gas prices goin' up...
Oil Price Hits Nine-Month High in New York
February 20, 2012: The price of oil is rising, hitting a nine-month high on the New York market as traders worry about the disruption in Iranian oil exports.
On Sunday, Iran cut off the small amount of oil it supplies to British and French companies. It was a pre-emptive retaliation against the European Union's planned embargo of Iranian oil starting in July that is aimed at halting Tehran's nuclear development program. The U.S. and EU nations say Iran's nuclear program is aimed at producing nuclear weaponry, a claim Iran rejects.

On Monday, Iran threatened to extend the oil cutoff to other European countries, which together buy about 600,000 barrels of Iranian oil a day of the 2.5 million Iran exports. About two-thirds of Iran's exported oil is sent to Asian countries.

As the uncertainty grew, the price of crude on the New York market increased about 2 percent to more than $105 a barrel, its highest point since early last May. The price is up more than 6 percent since start of the year. The price for Brent crude on the London market rose 1.3 percent Monday to more than $121 a barrel.

Oil financial analysts say Iran's heightened tensions with the West, along with continued economic growth in the U.S. and China, the world's two largest economies, are likely to keep oil prices high. The higher price of crude oil has already boosted gasoline prices that motorists pay in the U.S.


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