Hilarious - Romney On Wall Street Protests: ‘I Worry About The 99 Percent’ OOPS!



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I don’t worry about the top one percent. I don’t stay up nights worrying about ‘gee we need to help them.’ I don’t worry about that. They’re doing just fine by themselves. I worry about the 99 percent in America. I want America, once again, to be the best place in the world to be middle-class. I want to have a strong and vibrant and prosperous middle-class. And so I look at what’s happening on Wall Street and my own view is, boy I understand how those people feel…The people in this country are upset.

Romney Flip-Flops On Wall Street Protests: ‘I Worry About The 99 Percent’ | ThinkProgress

Rep. Spencer Bachus (R-AL) — chairman of the House Financial Services Committee:

“In Washington, the view is that the banks are to be regulated, and my view is that Washington and the regulators are there to serve the banks,” he said.

The debate tonight will be interesting. Mitt screwed up again, coming out on the side of the average American. A Republican "no-no" and a major "flip-flop".
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Holy shit, that was just way too much stupid of a post to even make any sense out of it..

the rest of you, GOOD LUCK
Yea, he's gone from the GOP, support of the average citizen is by and far the worst way to win an election.
You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.
You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.

well see the problem. you ARE always ASSUMING..dumbass.........sheeesh:cuckoo:
You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.

well see the problem. you ARE always ASSUMING..dumbass.........sheeesh:cuckoo:

Once again, you couldn't disagree with anything I said. You couldn't. No wonder you're angry.
Holy shit, that was just way too much stupid of a post to even make any sense out of it..

the rest of you, GOOD LUCK


Romney has been doing double back flips on his views.

Speaks to his core "values".

Ain't that important to you folks?

steffie is scared of the First Amendment EXCEPT for when it has to do w/ FreedomWerks (funded by Koch Industries ;) ).
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Don't you guys agree with what he said?

But first he said they were "dangerous".


well if you don't think they are, you go and camp out in all the garbage. let us know how it is.

So are they dangerous nor not? Romney feels they are dangerous, only now he doesn't think they are. Tomorrow they will be dangerous. Day after tomorrow they won't be, until the day after that.
You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.

My candidates are Cain and Gingrich.

Perry fucked himself by not being prepared.
Don't you guys agree with what he said?

But first he said they were "dangerous".

Did he?

Yes, he did. Do a search using the following:

mitt romney calls protesters dangerous

Then pick out what video or quote you would be willing to believe. Don't believe me. Believe Mitt. He also said, "Corporations are people my friend". To most Republicans, I suspect they are.
You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.

My candidates are Cain and Gingrich.

Perry fucked himself by not being prepared.

You guys are hilarious. Two days ago, Romney called the protesters "dangerous" and accused them of engaging in "class warfare". Now he "understands them and feels their pain"?


I think it's fucking hilarious how little Republicans know about their candidates. I just assumed you already knew his positions, his "many" and "ever changing" positions. Guess I was wrong. I'm always assuming Republicans know more than they do. My bad.

My candidates are Cain and Gingrich.

Perry fucked himself by not being prepared.


What mean, again?

Perry's expecting that America is going to be like the evangelical church he goes too.

He's completely out of the loop.

I don't care what Mitt says. He was NEVER my candidate to begin with..

But this thread is hilarious and the babbling in it is a hoot.

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