Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian

you could certainly apply your commentary to the rightwingnuts who acted unhinged for 8 years under obama.

birth certificate nonsense and calls for impeachment for every breath he took.

you could also apply your commentary to the unhinged benghazi witch hunt, which then revealed former SoS' email via private server, which then led to yet another unhinged witch hunt that found NOTHING.

did the dems make flynn lie and trump cover up their secret promises to russia?

did the dems make session lie under oath about collusion with russia?

and didn't session recuse himself from the FBI russian investigation after being caught?

how does the recused guy get to recommend firing the lead investigator??
WHAT EVER HAPPENED to GOP claims as "the party of personal responsibility" ??
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian
One would think that the liberals would be elated that the man who cost Hillary the election was fired.

I seem to remember how liberals were saying Comey should be fired after he reopened the investigation.
They were for his firing before they were against it. Nothing moves faster than a partisan democrat doing a 180.
'STAND THE HELL UP': Joe Scarborough goes off on Republicans after Trump fired James Comey

"Hey, Republicans. Stand the Hell up. This is your moment to be counted," Scarborough tweeted.

"You. Owe. Trump. Nothing."

Scarborough, a former House Representative from Florida, also added that the "blowback is going to be massive."

Scarborough has been deeply critical of Trump in recent months, at one point calling him a "fake president."
I'm going to find clips of that idiot Scarborough from when he was a congressman. He was as far to the right as Rush, but now that the little twit that sits next to him is spreading her legs for him he is as far to the left as you can get. He is a Squinty eyed prick.
I'm going to find clips of that idiot Scarborough from when he was a congressman. He was as far to the right as Rush, but now that the little twit that sits next to him is spreading her legs for him he is as far to the left as you can get. He is a Squinty eyed prick.

treason is not a partisan issue, nimrod.
Perhaps the secret to removing Trump is not impeachment but another method. Suppose Congress names Trump greatest American president; appoints his kids to lifetime jobs; and conducts a daily inaugural Trump parade for a month;
What charges are needed for impeachment?
A hell of a lot more than that. And you do realize an impeached president does not have to leave office? Bill Clinton was impeached but remained in office. So I'm just trying to let you down easy for when you don't quite get your way on this.
President Trump is under investigation for working with the Russians...Firing Comey probably in all likelyhood means that he is guilty as fuck and did so to attempt to stop his discovery.
no he is not. wow, another libturd that doesn't know shit.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

There have been multiple investigations - still on-going - of Trump over the false 'Russia-Trump Collusion' accusations for 10 months now, and the Democrats will keep it going for the next 4 years if they can. Based on your opinion Comey should not be fired while this investigation is on-going, Comey would never have been fired.

No, I do not believe Comey was fired ONLY for the way he handled the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigations (1 still on-going). I believe it was a compilation of mistakes, errors in judgment, and 'buffoonery'.

I agree ^^^

and when it comes to the ridiculous allegation of the so called Russia collusion......the left has a looooooooooooooong time to wait

this :lmao:

President Trump is under investigation for working with the Russians...Firing Comey probably in all likelyhood means that he is guilty as fuck and did so to attempt to stop his discovery.

YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!
It's probably just a coincidence that grand jury subpoenas for the Flynn Grand Jury were issued on the same day as the Comey firing.

Are you asking a question? If you are giving some sort of proof for your fail argument, at least make a statement, lol! You got NOTHING but innuendo about Trump, lol!
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Donald Trump's letter firing Comey is curious if only for its contradiction of how Trump praised Comey for how he intervened days before the presidential election to destroy Hillary Clinton's chance of winning. What brought about this change in Trump's attitude, it must be asked.

Knowing that Donald Trump is a pathological liar can help us understand what might be going-on in his head. In other words, when he cites letters from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recommending Comey's dismissal as the Director, we need not believe these letters were the reason for the firing. Trump wrote that he accepted Sessions' and Rosenstein's recommendations which were based on Comey's handling of the Clinton e-mails but Trump's letter does not mention the e-mails. Instead he praises Comey for telling him "on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation"! So, Trump here is putting on record that he is not under investigation relating to Russian interference in the American election. It is worth noting that neither of the letters from Sessions nor Rosenstein made any mention of Trump campaign connections to the Russians. This is puzzling.

Trump wants the ongoing investigation of possible Russian influence in his election victory nixed. Why else would he mention his innocence in his letter of dismissal to Comey?

Well then, I suppose when they interview Comey, they will ask him if on 3 separate occasions he told Trump he wasn't under investigation. When he says that he did, will that be good enough for the libs, or will we here Trump must have bribed him, or the Russians threatened him, lolololol.

The libs live in fantasyland. There is no need for Dizzyworld in their reality; they live it-)

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