Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

So, Nixonian does not refer to the actual crime when Nixon authorized burglary, it refers to his efforts to curtail and obstruct justice...
I see. So Obama is Nixonian. He wouldn't investigate anything that could harm his party.
Obviously you don't see because your primitive brain came to yet another stupid and silly conclusion...
You have nothing but baby shit.
You are nothing but shit and not even baby shit...now go try to wrap your primitive brain around the simple meaning of "Nixonian", you illiterate asshole...
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
How do we know the operation of his mind? No one but Comey can do the job even though his performance is criticized on the left and right? How many more years does the investigation need to go on in your mind?

Dude, that over the top love for all things trump is about to take a huge hit so you better start wearing a helmet and buckle up As for your deeply stupid question
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.

Comey testified that there is no possible way of knowing.


What he said is the FBI found no signs of her server being hacked. But there was no way to be certain her email/texts/calls were not hacked when she used her blackberry overseas.

And due to the fact that NOT ONE of Hillary's emails that were not released by the State dept, has been leaked or shown up on the internet and not 1 of the 30k private emails that she got rid of has ever been leaked....the FBI assessment is showing to be sound.
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian
One would think that the liberals would be elated that the man who cost Hillary the election was fired.

I seem to remember how liberals were saying Comey should be fired after he reopened the investigation.
You are correct, some folks did call for his firing. Not sure it was just the liberals.
Everyone called for his firing, for very different reasons.
typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.

Comey testified that there is no possible way of knowing.


What he said is the FBI found no signs of her server being hacked. But there was no way to be certain her email/texts/calls were not hacked when she used her blackberry overseas.

And due to the fact that NOT ONE of Hillary's emails that were not released by the State dept, has been leaked or shown up on the internet and not 1 of the 30k private emails that she got rid of has ever been leaked....the FBI assessment is showing to be sound.

Just because we are not aware of any leaks doesn't mean they didn't happen. People may have classified material that they are keeping to themselves for whatever reason. Now........if you can give me any other reason why a SOS would buy, and install, maintain their own server other than to be able to erase content with no trace, I'd like to know what that reason is.
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
How do we know the operation of his mind? No one but Comey can do the job even though his performance is criticized on the left and right? How many more years does the investigation need to go on in your mind?

Dude, that over the top love for all things trump is about to take a huge hit so you better start wearing a helmet and buckle up As for your deeply stupid question
The retard is strong with you. All I need to see is the baby libtards pooping their diapers. That's as good as it gets for me. I don't love Trump, I hate the shitstains that steal our air.
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
How do we know the operation of his mind? No one but Comey can do the job even though his performance is criticized on the left and right? How many more years does the investigation need to go on in your mind?

Dude, that over the top love for all things trump is about to take a huge hit so you better start wearing a helmet and buckle up As for your deeply stupid question
The retard is strong with you. All I need to see is the baby libtards pooping their diapers. That's as good as it gets for me. I don't love Trump, I hate the shitstains that steal our air.

So you're a hater. No love, yet still filled with hatred. What makes you feel that way?
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
How do we know the operation of his mind? No one but Comey can do the job even though his performance is criticized on the left and right? How many more years does the investigation need to go on in your mind?

Dude, that over the top love for all things trump is about to take a huge hit so you better start wearing a helmet and buckle up As for your deeply stupid question
The retard is strong with you. All I need to see is the baby libtards pooping their diapers. That's as good as it gets for me. I don't love Trump, I hate the shitstains that steal our air.

So you're a hater. No love, yet still filled with hatred. What makes you feel that way?
I didn't make your claims. You're talking out of your ass. You're the type I have no use for.
It could very well be an impeachable offense for the crime of obstruction of justice:

Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, a felony offense is committed by anyone who “corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation in being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress.”
It could very well be an impeachable offense for the crime of obstruction of justice:

Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, a felony offense is committed by anyone who “corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation in being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress.”

You're really going fishing, aren't cha?

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wasn't the guy who officially initiated the recommendation to fire the man in charge of the russian collusion investigation (comey), the same guy who lied under oath regarding his russian contacts (sessions), the very same guy who then recused himself from having anything to do with the russian collusion investigation...?? that guy who we now call US ATTORNEY GENERAL...?? (HE is the one who should have been fired, for lying under oath).

how does that work?? :doubt:
trump knew flynn was covering up his secret promise to lift russian sanctions, maybe even pence knew too...

the FBI knows, hence trump is flipping out because he is guilty (yet he still believes it's no big deal, just nonsense "fake news").

Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

it's not just "many-a-liberal" it's MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF PATRIOTIC AMERICANS!


“This is a full-blown crisis, and it is a hair’s thread from unraveling the administration, and I don’t know if they’re prepared for what’s coming,” said Rick Tyler, a Republican consultant who knows many of the top players in the White House.

White House says Trump knew that Flynn misled on contacts with Russia
Of course Trump knew, he directed it....you could tell by all of Trump's actions and responses at the time.... I even said such, in the threads on this site, months ago.

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