Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:
The left in a nut shell. Thanks for the post.

Comey investigating Clinton is bad and he should be fired.

Comey investigating Trump is good and there's no way he should be fired.
Clinton and Trump both should have been investigated; no true, sane American doubts that.

How the investigations were handled is altogether another matter.

The FBI now will make sure Trump investigation materials will be regularly leaked to the press.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

There have been multiple investigations - still on-going - of Trump over the false 'Russia-Trump Collusion' accusations for 10 months now, and the Democrats will keep it going for the next 4 years if they can. Based on your opinion Comey should not be fired while this investigation is on-going, Comey would never have been fired.

No, I do not believe Comey was fired ONLY for the way he handled the Hillary Clinton e-mail investigations (1 still on-going). I believe it was a compilation of mistakes, errors in judgment, and 'buffoonery'.
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian

It is impeachable.

It's an admission of guilt.

We now have a Russian agent as president who should be impeached immediately for the sake of national security.
Keep on crying the river of butthurt. Nothing will happen no matter much you lie. ;)
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian

It is impeachable.

It's an admission of guilt.

We now have a Russian agent as president who should be impeached immediately for the sake of national security.
Nice 'triggered' opinion. Too bad, like the accusations against Trump of 'Russian-Trump collusion', there is no evidence to support any of that.
Bill of Particulars Against King Trump
President Trump has undermined the country’s democratic traditions:

  • He’s falsely claimed that as many as three million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election.
  • He’s falsely claimed that President Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower during the campaign.
  • He’s refused to release his tax returns.
  • He’s refused to divest himself of business interests that present many conflict of interests and possibly violate the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution.
  • He’s repeatedly attacked judges and even suggested he would break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
And now he’s fired the FBI Director who was leading an investigation into his campaign’s possible ties with Russia.
Bill of Particulars Against King Trump
President Trump has undermined the country’s democratic traditions:

  • He’s falsely claimed that as many as three million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election.
  • He’s falsely claimed that President Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower during the campaign.
  • He’s refused to release his tax returns.
  • He’s refused to divest himself of business interests that present many conflict of interests and possibly violate the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution.
  • He’s repeatedly attacked judges and even suggested he would break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
And now he’s fired the FBI Director who was leading an investigation into his campaign’s possible ties with Russia.
You the "falsely" claim guy, and about 1 million others.
If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
So strange the way your kind always tries to pounce without knowing anything of substance.

FBI: No evidence Clinton’s email was hacked by foreign powers, but it could have been

It could have been doesn't mean it was.

But you fail to mention it was much more likely that Powell was hacked since he used an AOL account and an iPhone, both with long histories of being hacked.

But we will never know, will we? Since he didn't turn ever a single email after being ordered to. Nothing ever came of it because rules only apply to Democrats.
Bill of Particulars Against King Trump
President Trump has undermined the country’s democratic traditions:

  • He’s falsely claimed that as many as three million people voted illegally in the 2016 presidential election.
  • He’s falsely claimed that President Obama ordered wiretaps on Trump Tower during the campaign.
  • He’s refused to release his tax returns.
  • He’s refused to divest himself of business interests that present many conflict of interests and possibly violate the emoluments clause of the U.S. Constitution.
  • He’s repeatedly attacked judges and even suggested he would break up the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
And now he’s fired the FBI Director who was leading an investigation into his campaign’s possible ties with Russia.

'DEMOCRATic traditions' - :p

So he has expressed his opinion, refused to appease snowflakes by turning over private information he is not legally required to make public - and Rachel Madcow reported he pays his taxes so him paying his taxes is not the issue, and he actually did turn over control of his businesses while he is President so your claim that he refused to divest himself is not entirely true, and he had every right to fire the Director of the FBI, which liberals/snowflakes have called for several times in the past.

And you think all that is 'Impeachable'? LOL
If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
So strange the way your kind always tries to pounce without knowing anything of substance.

FBI: No evidence Clinton’s email was hacked by foreign powers, but it could have been

It could have been doesn't mean it was.

But you fail to mention it was much more likely that Powell was hacked since he used an AOL account and an iPhone, both with long histories of being hacked.

But we will never know, will we? Since he didn't turn ever a single email after being ordered to. Nothing ever came of it because rules only apply to Democrats.
That's just what I said, Slick. We don't know so no one can say she wasn't hacked. Your smokescreen is pathetic.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Funny how you can post direct quotes, links and even repeat news that's published everywhere and still, right wingers will wail, "You can't prove any of that!". Talk about living in a bubble.

But the most hilarious part? Most Trump minions will tell you they voted for Trump over jobs. Trump has said again and again he is bringing jobs "back". But 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated. They will NEVER come back. Period. They don't exist. And still, these right wingers will call that verifiable and verified FACT a lie. They're delusional. Trump is lying to them.

Even the CEO of Carrier, where Trump said he "saved" over a thousand jobs said it was only a few hundred and he is taking the money given by Trump and Pence and "automating" so there will only be a fraction of those thousand jobs left. A fraction.

Even coal mining is being automated.

Even milk production is being automated.


The only person you see is at a computer terminal off to the left. That's our future. Jobs aren't coming back. Your future is welfare or education and we know what Republicans think of education.
If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
So strange the way your kind always tries to pounce without knowing anything of substance.

FBI: No evidence Clinton’s email was hacked by foreign powers, but it could have been

It could have been doesn't mean it was.

But you fail to mention it was much more likely that Powell was hacked since he used an AOL account and an iPhone, both with long histories of being hacked.

But we will never know, will we? Since he didn't turn ever a single email after being ordered to. Nothing ever came of it because rules only apply to Democrats.
That's just what I said, Slick. We don't know so no one can say she wasn't hacked. Your smokescreen is pathetic.
She was hacked or you don't know so you assume she was hacked.

I think a bigger concern is Putin. Unless you like Putin and wish he was your president. In that case, perhaps you live in the wrong country?

I still do not believe it was the Russians. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired 3 Pakistani brother IT techs - who had/have ties to terrorists, have criminal records, kidnapped their mother, potentially killed their father, and was taking all their father's money - who had no security clearances yet gave them access to classified House files. AFTER they were banned from the House and a criminal investigation of potential Espionage had been opened up on them, DWS then hired the eldest brother, gave him access again to classified House files - ignoring both the investigation and House ban - as well as access to DNC e-mail with usernames and passwords of people within the DNC - to include Donna Brazille, Podesta, and supposedly Hillary Clinton - also to include access to all the DNC e-mails that were hacked/leaked.

It is far more believable that the DNC e-mails were accessed and leaked by these 3 brothers than hacked and stolen by the Russians. That is not to say that the Russians had not hired them as surrogates to carry this out.

Considering the fact that the Democrats and Hillary were so criminally lax in their own personal / party cyber security, the blame for the leaks should lie more squarely on Hillary, DWS, and the Democrats than on the Russians.
- DWS hired terrorist hacker spies and gave them access, usernames, and passwords to classified House files and DNC e-mail
- Democrats were lax in their passwords, using 'password' as their password
- Classified information was stored on personal, un-secured, unencrypted servers stored in unsecured bathrooms of IT companies that did not have the appropriate level of security to have the servers in their possessions
- IT techs who had no security clearances were given access to files / servers
- Access to classified e-mails and info was given to MANY people with no security clearance and need-to-know, such as IT Techs, LAWYERS, AND maids
- Classified e-mails / info was forwarded 'home' to unclassified, unencrypted laptops that sat on the nakes laps and junk of Child porn perverts sexting 15yos...
- Comey testified Hillary DID break laws and DID jeopardize national security but was not indicted because she was TOO STUPID to know she was dong it

And instead of rebuking and excoriating the Democrats for any of this, we are scapegoating the Russians, blaming them for potentially accepting the GIFT the democrats were handing them on a silver platter?!

If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
So strange the way your kind always tries to pounce without knowing anything of substance.

FBI: No evidence Clinton’s email was hacked by foreign powers, but it could have been

It could have been doesn't mean it was.

But you fail to mention it was much more likely that Powell was hacked since he used an AOL account and an iPhone, both with long histories of being hacked.

But we will never know, will we? Since he didn't turn ever a single email after being ordered to. Nothing ever came of it because rules only apply to Democrats.
That's just what I said, Slick. We don't know so no one can say she wasn't hacked. Your smokescreen is pathetic.
She was hacked or you don't know so you assume she was hacked.

I think a bigger concern is Putin. Unless you like Putin and wish he was your president. In that case, perhaps you live in the wrong country?
I never said she was hacked, I responded to the assertion she wasn't. Pop your head out of your ass and read the goddamn posts or don't respond!

I still do not believe it was the Russians. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz hired 3 Pakistani brother IT techs - who had/have ties to terrorists, have criminal records, kidnapped their mother, potentially killed their father, and was taking all their father's money - who had no security clearances yet gave them access to classified House files. AFTER they were banned from the House and a criminal investigation of potential Espionage had been opened up on them, DWS then hired the eldest brother, gave him access again to classified House files - ignoring both the investigation and House ban - as well as access to DNC e-mail with usernames and passwords of people within the DNC - to include Donna Brazille, Podesta, and supposedly Hillary Clinton - also to include access to all the DNC e-mails that were hacked/leaked.

It is far more believable that the DNC e-mails were accessed and leaked by these 3 brothers than hacked and stolen by the Russians. That is not to say that the Russians had not hired them as surrogates to carry this out.

Considering the fact that the Democrats and Hillary were so criminally lax in their own personal / party cyber security, the blame for the leaks should lie more squarely on Hillary, DWS, and the Democrats than on the Russians.
- DWS hired terrorist hacker spies and gave them access, usernames, and passwords to classified House files and DNC e-mail
- Democrats were lax in their passwords, using 'password' as their password
- Classified information was stored on personal, un-secured, unencrypted servers stored in unsecured bathrooms of IT companies that did not have the appropriate level of security to have the servers in their possessions
- IT techs who had no security clearances were given access to files / servers
- Access to classified e-mails and info was given to MANY people with no security clearance and need-to-know, such as IT Techs, LAWYERS, AND maids
- Classified e-mails / info was forwarded 'home' to unclassified, unencrypted laptops that sat on the nakes laps and junk of Child porn perverts sexting 15yos...
- Comey testified Hillary DID break laws and DID jeopardize national security but was not indicted because she was TOO STUPID to know she was dong it

And instead of rebuking and excoriating the Democrats for any of this, we are scapegoating the Russians, blaming them for potentially accepting the GIFT the democrats were handing them on a silver platter?!

Sorry, I missed the part about Flynn having a private server while working at the DOD.
I missed the part about Flynn getting money from Russia and being in a suspected kidnap plot.
I missed the part about Flynn given access to Top Secret material while working for Trump.
I missed the part about Flynn giving classified material to another country.
I missed the part about Flynn being made our National Security Advisor.

And worst of all, I missed the part about Trump trying to blame all that on Obama. Especially after Obama FIRED Flynn.
If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
So strange the way your kind always tries to pounce without knowing anything of substance.

FBI: No evidence Clinton’s email was hacked by foreign powers, but it could have been

It could have been doesn't mean it was.

But you fail to mention it was much more likely that Powell was hacked since he used an AOL account and an iPhone, both with long histories of being hacked.

But we will never know, will we? Since he didn't turn ever a single email after being ordered to. Nothing ever came of it because rules only apply to Democrats.
That's just what I said, Slick. We don't know so no one can say she wasn't hacked. Your smokescreen is pathetic.
She was hacked or you don't know so you assume she was hacked.

I think a bigger concern is Putin. Unless you like Putin and wish he was your president. In that case, perhaps you live in the wrong country?
I never said she was hacked, I responded to the assertion she wasn't. Pop your head out of your ass and read the goddamn posts or don't respond!
So you admit she was never hacked. See, we can agree on something.
Sorry, I missed the part about Flynn having a private server while working at the DOD.
I missed the part about Flynn getting money from Russia and being in a suspected kidnap plot.
I missed the part about Flynn given access to Top Secret material while working for Trump.
I missed the part about Flynn giving classified material to another country.
I missed the part about Flynn being made our National Security Advisor.

And worst of all, I missed the part about Trump trying to blame all that on Obama. Especially after Obama FIRED Flynn.

'Nice' attempted distraction from the fact that the Democrats proved they can not be trusted with handling classified information and access to that information, as it has been proven their actions were criminally negligent, criminally lax, and endangered our national security.

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