Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian
Well I see by the title of your thread that you are either the average conservative liar or just too stupid to know what is meant by "nixonian."
I have no idea what nixonian means either. Sounds like something a raging baby libtard would make up to associate his enemies with.
Or an ignorant conservative would falsely state it was a term that suggested an impeachable offence...
I just said I don't know what it means. I don't speak baby libtard. Y'all are so consumed with hate and bile you have your own language.
No, we simply have the ability to comprehend words past the third grade level...
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian
Well I see by the title of your thread that you are either the average conservative liar or just too stupid to know what is meant by "nixonian."
I have no idea what nixonian means either. Sounds like something a raging baby libtard would make up to associate his enemies with.
Or an ignorant conservative would falsely state it was a term that suggested an impeachable offence...
I just said I don't know what it means. I don't speak baby libtard. Y'all are so consumed with hate and bile you have your own language.
No, we simply have the ability to comprehend words past the third grade level...
See above.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
But that detail hardly prevented “Nixonian” from quickly climbing Twitter’s list of trending terms Tuesday night, as many compared Comey’s unexpected ouster to the 1973 “Saturday Night Massacre,” in which Nixon fired Archibald Cox, the independent special prosecutor overseeing the Watergate investigation. That, in turn, prompted the resignations of then Attorney General Elliot Richardson and then Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus.

“This is an investigator who is investigating the White House, and he was just fired by the White House,” said CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin. This doesn’t happen in the United States, except on October 20, 1973, when Richard Nixon fired Archibald Cox.”

So, Nixonian does not refer to the actual crime when Nixon authorized burglary, it refers to his efforts to curtail and obstruct justice...
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
So, Nixonian does not refer to the actual crime when Nixon authorized burglary, it refers to his efforts to curtail and obstruct justice...
I see. So Obama is Nixonian. He wouldn't investigate anything that could harm his party.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?

What is it you think is a mistake? The direct quote from Donald Jr.? The Pulitzer Prize? All the Goldman and Sachs people working for Trump? Hillary being investigated by the FBI, the CIA, the GOP House, the GOP Senate and every news media outlet in the world? What part is wrong?

If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?

You also know that Condi Rice and Powell never turned over a single email after being ordered to, right?
And you know that Colin had an AOL account and used his iPhone, right?
And you know Flynn had a private server while at the DOD and Trump still make him National Security Advisor, right?

Rules are only for Democrats. That much is clear.
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
If her server had been hacked we would know about it. You know that right?
So you can't back any of it up with anything other than assertions and conclusions based on your beliefs. And you ignored why she was considered corrupt after lying about what conservatives say.

How do you know her server wasn't hacked? Over 30,000 emails got wiped clean before she turned it over. That's another reason she's corrupt. You can lie all you want, I don't care if you make a fool of yourself.
The goofy Alt Right thinks that the Senate cannot fit impeachment charges for Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team",
Remind me... Who controls the Senate?
Immaterial. The question was impeachment charges. Yes, Trump has committed acts that fit into "high crimes and misdemeanors." :lol:

Burr is a Republican, and he will pursue Trump hard. With the anti-Trump rump in the GOP Senate, the ground is trumpslippery.
Then why worry? Obviously your wish will come true any moment now... Try holding your breath till that moment. After all... It just around the corner, huh?
Careful with mocking his predictions, sir. Jake is one of the experts who claimed "hillary will win by a landslide." :) Stay tuned for a "show me where" request.......
I said the polls said the PV would be a HRC landslide. It was. :) Trump won the EC because he pulled just enough illegal votes in MI, MN, and WI.

Illegal votes? Why is it every time you people lose a presidential election, it's never because it's your own fault?

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
While the thread title is a lie, the one conclusion we can draw from the presidents firing of comey while he was knee deep in an investigation of the trump whitehouse is the level of insanity coursing through the presidents alleged mind. Not a good thing.
How do we know the operation of his mind? No one but Comey can do the job even though his performance is criticized on the left and right? How many more years does the investigation need to go on in your mind?
The goofy Alt Right thinks that the Senate cannot fit impeachment charges for Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team", reveals just how much they don't understand the procedure.

The mainstream of America, not pro-Comey at all, abhors Trump and want action.

This Trumpery is very Watergate-esque.

You're right on one thing: somebody doesn't understand the procedure.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.
Remind me... Who controls the Senate?
Immaterial. The question was impeachment charges. Yes, Trump has committed acts that fit into "high crimes and misdemeanors." :lol:

Burr is a Republican, and he will pursue Trump hard. With the anti-Trump rump in the GOP Senate, the ground is trumpslippery.
Then why worry? Obviously your wish will come true any moment now... Try holding your breath till that moment. After all... It just around the corner, huh?
Careful with mocking his predictions, sir. Jake is one of the experts who claimed "hillary will win by a landslide." :) Stay tuned for a "show me where" request.......
I said the polls said the PV would be a HRC landslide. It was. :) Trump won the EC because he pulled just enough illegal votes in MI, MN, and WI.

Illegal votes? Why is it every time you people lose a presidential election, it's never because it's your own fault?Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
McMullin, my candidate, did not get any illegal votes. Your guy cleaned up and won the EC because of them. Good on you, Ray. Self admission that you don't understand the procedure is the first step to self improvement. Stay with us, and you will learn about impeachment.
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.
Except they didn't get the server until Hilary's team bleach bit the stuff they didn't want known. You left that part out. So Comey would be correct, no signs left but you would be intellectually dishonest to leave it at that.

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