Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

I'm sure Russia appreciates him bombing those Syrian airports. If Russia is friends with Trump, then who needs friends like him?

they were back up and running 24 hours later, which they appreciated very much...

the "optics" sure did proved propaganda fodder for you apologist parrots tho, didn't it?

how conveeeenient! :eusa_clap:
You people really do not get it, do you! Let me explain it to you, along with many republicans------------>

Nobody..........let me repeat that for everyone.....NOBODY, in the Trump campaign had ANY power until he was elected President. Want to argue with me? Then tell me what power he had. Go ahead, lolol. What power did he have to cut a deal with ANYONE? Include his inner circle. Wasn't Flynn thrown out of the government by Obama!

:rolleyes: you're the one who doesn't get it.

Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser, called the Russian ambassador to the US last year to reassure them that sanctions would be overturned. He was forced to resign this week.

Mr Flynn was interviewed by the FBI shortly after Mr Trump took office. The alleged misinformation he provided to intelligence agencies could be pursued in court, similar to the case of former General James Cartwright, who made false statements to FBI agents about cyberattacks on Iran’s nuclear programme and who was pardoned by former President Barack Obama.

Norm Eisen, former ethics lawyer, said that if Mr Flynn did lie to the FBI he wold be prosecuted.

Mr Trump’s aides and associates allegedly had frequent and repeated communication with Russian members of government and intelligence in the run-up to the election, according to travel, bank and phone records obtained by US intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

If it were proved that the President's aides or associates did work with Russia, it could violate the 1799 Logan Act, a statute that bars private citizens from interfering with diplomatic relations between the US and foreign governments.

Donald Trump and Michael Flynn could face legal action over Russia ties

Flynn took money from multiple Russian firms

Flynn attended intel briefings while taking money to lobby for Turkey

Excuse me, but what has that got to do with Trump?

So let me get all of this straight------> if Flynn makes Trump bad, does that mean Holder and Fast and Furious makes Obama bad?

Your narrative is really not very good. You do realize that unless you can get Trump on this somehow, we are going to run you libs off this board laughing at EVERYTHING you say. You better be correct; but I got a buck 3.90 that says even YOU know your side is full of crap, lolol.

I don't know about the rest of these people, but if it does go against you, I will ride all you lefties forever!


i'm not a "lefty", i am an informed American!
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YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

and exactly where is there any mention that trump is under investigation?

trump and his associates are in fact actively being investigated.

you're obviously in denial, parrot. :itsok:
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

and exactly where is there any mention that trump is under investigation?

trump and his associates are in fact actively being investigated.

you're obviously in denial, parrot. :itsok:
so you can't post a link eh?

i'm not a "lefty", i am an informed American!

Pity there is no Nobel Prize for creation of the world's most blatant oxymoron!

yes i know you're a morAn, henry... btw there is no such place as oak grove, massachusetts.

meanwhile, back in reality... i am not a political lefty.

anyway, what kind of moron imagines my opinion changes the facts of the matter..?? :lol:
There is no formal definition of what's an impeachable offense and what's not. If the House deems by its members votes that an act or words or even a look merits impeachment, then it is an impeachable offense and there is no one and no body, other than the members of the House, who/that can stop it from happening or reverse it once it's done.
There is no formal definition of what's an impeachable offense and what's not. If the House deems by its members votes that an act or words or even a look merits impeachment, then it is an impeachable offense and there is no one and no body, other than the members of the House, who/that can stop it from happening or reverse it once it's done.
so what do you think are the odds? especially with no crime. hmmmmmm fakey ackey news is bigly happening here.
There is no formal definition of what's an impeachable offense and what's not. If the House deems by its members votes that an act or words or even a look merits impeachment, then it is an impeachable offense and there is no one and no body, other than the members of the House, who/that can stop it from happening or reverse it once it's done.
so what do you think are the odds? especially with no crime. hmmmmmm fakey ackey news is bigly happening here.
Suppose the people want Trump impeached and removed, does there have to be a crime?
There is no formal definition of what's an impeachable offense and what's not. If the House deems by its members votes that an act or words or even a look merits impeachment, then it is an impeachable offense and there is no one and no body, other than the members of the House, who/that can stop it from happening or reverse it once it's done.
so what do you think are the odds? especially with no crime. hmmmmmm fakey ackey news is bigly happening here.
Suppose the people want Trump impeached and removed, does there have to be a crime?
Many-A-Liberal are looking for any reason to Impeach Trump. If he farts in Church, Liberals will seek to Impeach him. Ultimately, in the Liberal mindset, the core Impeachable offense by Trump was winning the Election and stopping the coronation of the next in line.
So if enough Republicans decide Trump is hurting their party and go along with Democrats, can Trump be impeached and removed?
So if enough Republicans decide Trump is hurting their party and go along with Democrats, can Trump be impeached and removed?

Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body formally levels charges against a high official of Government. Impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office; it is only a formal statement of charges, akin to an indictment in criminal law, and is thus only the first step towards removal. Once an individual is impeached, he or she must then face the possibility of conviction via legislative vote, which then entails the removal of the individual from office.

Impeachment - Wikipedia
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

and exactly where is there any mention that trump is under investigation?

trump and his associates are in fact actively being investigated.

you're obviously in denial, parrot. :itsok:

Trump is NOT being investigated, Marxist, but you can pretend all you want.

That being said, I reiterate that you, people like you......including the mighty, charming and delightful Coyote, better be correct and have something to show for it when it all comes out.......or.......you will be ridden like a Hillary with her fat ass, all the way off this board!

You chose the hill you want to live or die on, and it is this one-) OK, you got it sweet cheeks; you and all your friends from Coyote, to Lakooter. Better win, or start over here-)

And oh, by the way............in case you are only keeping score from what the lefties say.....you are LOSING, and losing badly. You have nothing........which is exactly what you are going to have after we laugh all your derriers off this board when the truth is put out by congress. CYA, wouldn't want to be ya!

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