Hilarious - Trump's firing of Comey declared an impeachable offense my many-a-liberal.

we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.

But Comey was fired, so I guess the NEW FBI head is going to have a field day in the former Obamaland-) You do realize what is really happening don't you, lol........and no, it isn't a cover-up, it is actually going to be, an UNMASKING, heheheheheheheheh!
Trump breathing = impeachable offense. So predictable. If only people would use their brains instead of their butts. I contribute it to being emotionally unstrung & lazy.

Commentators mostly agree: Firing Comey was positively Nixonian

It is impeachable.

It's an admission of guilt.

We now have a Russian agent as president who should be impeached immediately for the sake of national security.

Prove it Boseaphus, or is your normal state of being just being full of sh**-)
Coincidence:dunno: .....WE don't think so :deal:

You don't think, you just follow Marxist orders. We already knew that, lolol! No revelation from you!
It could very well be an impeachable offense for the crime of obstruction of justice:

Under 18 U.S.C. § 1505, a felony offense is committed by anyone who “corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation in being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress.”

Phony baloney, lolol! He can't obstruct unless he demands he not testify, now can he! Now since he is NOT his boss, he can't demand ANYTHING!

How long did it take you and your father BERNIE, to come up with that, lolololol! You aren't very good propagandists, because it is to easy to throw your crap right where it belongs, in the Marxist toilet!

Pathetic, really pathetic! Not one piece of proof of anything, just innuendo, and you make a case, lolol...........and your DUMB friends listen to you, and you listen to each other in a circle jerk. How loving, hehehehehehehehehehe!
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Totally true.

After being investigated by the FBI, having her foreign connections looked into by the CIA, being investigated by the House and the Senate and every single newspaper and tv station in the world, Hillary Clinton was the most vetted candidate in history.
All Republicans had was "she's corrupt" and "she took money from Goldman/Sachs for giving a speech, or her server which was secure and never hacked. It had classified material on it sent to her by others. Who knows whether or not it was sent by Republicans trying to set her up?

Trump on the other hand.

Investigation of Trump's charity wins Pulitzer Prize

Then there are his Russian connections:
"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.

Trump hired everyone from Goldman and Sachs except Goldman and Sachs.

Trump has more baggage than a 747.
Can you back ANY of that up? How do you know Hillary's server was secure and never hacked? The fact that she had one and doing government business is why she's corrupt. Are you blindly stupid or just a liar?
The FBI investigating her server SAID there were no signs her server was hacked....that's how we know.

But Comey was fired, so I guess the NEW FBI head is going to have a field day in the former Obamaland-) You do realize what is really happening don't you, lol........and no, it isn't a cover-up, it is actually going to be, an UNMASKING, heheheheheheheheh!
dream on! :rofl:

those FBI Agents that have been working the Russian case ain't stopping now and if forced to stop you will see whistle blowers...going to Dems and Repubs in Congress.

I Don't mind finding out who the leakers have been, that should be a separate issue....

FYI-unmasking is not leaking, they are 2 completely different things
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Donald Trump's letter firing Comey is curious if only for its contradiction of how Trump praised Comey for how he intervened days before the presidential election to destroy Hillary Clinton's chance of winning. What brought about this change in Trump's attitude, it must be asked.

Knowing that Donald Trump is a pathological liar can help us understand what might be going-on in his head. In other words, when he cites letters from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recommending Comey's dismissal as the Director, we need not believe these letters were the reason for the firing. Trump wrote that he accepted Sessions' and Rosenstein's recommendations which were based on Comey's handling of the Clinton e-mails but Trump's letter does not mention the e-mails. Instead he praises Comey for telling him "on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation"! So, Trump here is putting on record that he is not under investigation relating to Russian interference in the American election. It is worth noting that neither of the letters from Sessions nor Rosenstein made any mention of Trump campaign connections to the Russians. This is puzzling.

Trump wants the ongoing investigation of possible Russian influence in his election victory nixed. Why else would he mention his innocence in his letter of dismissal to Comey?

Well then, I suppose when they interview Comey, they will ask him if on 3 separate occasions he told Trump he wasn't under investigation. When he says that he did, will that be good enough for the libs, or will we here Trump must have bribed him, or the Russians threatened him, lolololol.

The libs live in fantasyland. There is no need for Dizzyworld in their reality; they live it-)
What Comey says when he gives evidence to the Senate Intelligence Committee might be an eye-opener.
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So you don't understand the difference between "Trump" and the "Trump campaign?"
'STAND THE HELL UP': Joe Scarborough goes off on Republicans after Trump fired James Comey

"Hey, Republicans. Stand the Hell up. This is your moment to be counted," Scarborough tweeted.

"You. Owe. Trump. Nothing."

Scarborough, a former House Representative from Florida, also added that the "blowback is going to be massive."

Scarborough has been deeply critical of Trump in recent months, at one point calling him a "fake president."

Hey incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial Valerie, lolol. Why do you think he is a FORMER Rep from Florida, lololololol! Unlike stupid lefties, Conservatives learn, and cut their losses.
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

I am not a Trump apologist, but I have been in, and watching politics long enough to know what IS happening, and it isn't what you people are claiming, lol! I have a funny feeling, your former adversary Comey, would be a much better deal for you than what you are going to get.

In essence, let me spell it out for you lefties----------> you should be bitching, whining, moaning, and groaning, but not for why you are pretending to be, hehehehehe. By this time next year, you are really going to be bitching, and we are going to be laughing, all the way to victory in the midterms-) Doubt me? Watch! Trump and his team (not the republicans) are going to get a few of your pals, probably starting with Susan Rice. Once they get a couple of them, your whole narrative is over, so enjoy it now while you can.
YOU ARE A LIAR Matthew! Show us where Trump is under investigation you phony baloney!

trump is lying, dum dum.

he never went bankrupt either... 'personally' :lol:

he's playing word games and peddling propaganda for parrots like you!

March 20, 2017

Less than forty minutes into the hearing, James Comey, the director of the F.B.I., provided the latest official confirmation that the “Russian story” is not “FAKE NEWS.” It is, rather, the most serious legal scandal to confront a sitting President in nearly two decades. In an extraordinary public statement, Comey disclosed not only that the bureau is investigating Russian meddling in the campaign but that it is also looking at what relationship the Trump campaign might have had to that meddling.

“The F.B.I., as part of our counterintelligence mission, is investigating the Russian government’s efforts to interfere in the 2016 Presidential election,” Comey said. “And that includes investigating the nature of any links between individuals associated with the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and whether there was any coordination between the campaign and Russia’s efforts.”

The Trump Campaign Has Been Under Investigation Since July

So you don't understand the difference between "Trump" and the "Trump campaign?"
when an investigation begins, you usually start with the small guys...if you find something, you then work your way up the ladder to see how high up it goes....lots of times through plea deals or immunity...

so even though the Trump campaign workers are under FBI investigation, if something is found on them, then Trump would be one of the next steps...in investigating...

did this wrong doing of ''whatever'' reach up to his involvement?
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Donald Trump's letter firing Comey is curious if only for its contradiction of how Trump praised Comey for how he intervened days before the presidential election to destroy Hillary Clinton's chance of winning. What brought about this change in Trump's attitude, it must be asked.

Knowing that Donald Trump is a pathological liar can help us understand what might be going-on in his head. In other words, when he cites letters from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recommending Comey's dismissal as the Director, we need not believe these letters were the reason for the firing. Trump wrote that he accepted Sessions' and Rosenstein's recommendations which were based on Comey's handling of the Clinton e-mails but Trump's letter does not mention the e-mails. Instead he praises Comey for telling him "on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation"! So, Trump here is putting on record that he is not under investigation relating to Russian interference in the American election. It is worth noting that neither of the letters from Sessions nor Rosenstein made any mention of Trump campaign connections to the Russians. This is puzzling.

Trump wants the ongoing investigation of possible Russian influence in his election victory nixed. Why else would he mention his innocence in his letter of dismissal to Comey?

Well then, I suppose when they interview Comey, they will ask him if on 3 separate occasions he told Trump he wasn't under investigation. When he says that he did, will that be good enough for the libs, or will we here Trump must have bribed him, or the Russians threatened him, lolololol.

The libs live in fantasyland. There is no need for Dizzyworld in their reality; they live it-)
What Comey says when he gives evidence to the Senate Intelligence Committee might be an eye-opener.

Yep, I bet it is....................so how many lefties are going to have to run and get a lawyer-)

You people really do not get it, do you! Let me explain it to you, along with many republicans------------>

Nobody..........let me repeat that for everyone.....NOBODY, in the Trump campaign had ANY power until he was elected President. Want to argue with me? Then tell me what power he had. Go ahead, lolol. What power did he have to cut a deal with ANYONE? Include his inner circle. Wasn't Flynn thrown out of the government by Obama! As far as Trump's inner circle, as far as I know, the people actually in government were-------> Jeff Sessions, and Chris Christie. You got anyone else lefties? I might have missed someone. They were the only people elected to anything as far as I can remember.

So what could they offer the Russians BEFORE they were elected, lol. Let me see if I have this straight--------> Somebody is going to help Trump, who has NO chance of winning, and PISS OFF the next President, Hillary Clinton for?!/!/!/!/!? What? What could Trump offer them on such a long shot, lol!

And then, AFTER he wins, since they were all under surveillance, where are the conversations? Where are they?

Do you realize how ridiculous your position is; and I mean that seriously? They caught Hillary, Huma, and Wiener screwing the pooch, it went public with proof, and yet, so far, you can't even get one conversation between Trump and the Russian shoe shine boy, lol.

You have proof positive that Podesta had LOOSE ties with the Russians, proven, done. Still waiting for a discussion between Trump and a Russian barber-)

We have the Clinton foundation losing benefactors hand over fist since she lost the election, but it wasn't the Presidency for hire to the highest bidder BEFORE she lost, lol! She wasn't selling influence, no way Jose', right!

Now, we know you can fool some people on here, but many of us know that you are either lying, or you are dumb as a box of rocks, and so partisan, you would rather have a REAL CROOK like Hillary, than a suggested crook, like Trump.

You really like to lambast Trump, now don't you, lol. Well I have a question for you lefties----------> were it not for Bill, what would Hillary be, hehehehehehe. She is UGLY, not likeable, unpersonable, FAT, and by most accounts, a BITCH to boot. That was YOUR candidate. Want to know why Trump won, if you agree with my last sentence.........even though it is NOT PC, you just got the truth, lol. Russians didn't have anything to do with it, it was Hillary's fat ass, arrogance, and sense of ENTITLEMENT that sunk her. If you can't see it, then you should apply to Dizzyworld, because that is one of the few places in the world that could make it appear your phony story was actually reality-)
Nope but I believe he would for the FBI/CIA/and American people being pissed the fuck off with the political partisan games going on in FBI right now.

See also Gowdy Mode Level 4:




Back end (consume at your own risk) - so for a long while now in the underground they've been talking about a political war in the FBI. The conspiracy theorists going out of their fucking mind that the FBI is compromised. Long standing /pol/ connected "agents" started talking about it during pizzagate, it was bad enough that it /overtook/ pizzagate (its why you don't hear about it so much anymore because /pol/ dropped it - rumor was that it was going down hard so it didn't need to be worried about anymore [note the recent MASSIVE pedo ring bust,] more are coming according to ~yuk yuk yuk~ "unidentified inside sources") /Pol/ and 4chan (aka Anonymous) went on the war path after the FBI as I hear it... Anyway so the statement made by "unidentified sources" was, at that time some months ago, that Comey had no choice because he was getting fucked from both sides. He might just be collateral damage...

Where's Rudi Guiliani and James Kalstrom been hanging out lately--because they have already been implicated in this.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? :lol:

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
Donald Trump's letter firing Comey is curious if only for its contradiction of how Trump praised Comey for how he intervened days before the presidential election to destroy Hillary Clinton's chance of winning. What brought about this change in Trump's attitude, it must be asked.

Knowing that Donald Trump is a pathological liar can help us understand what might be going-on in his head. In other words, when he cites letters from Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein recommending Comey's dismissal as the Director, we need not believe these letters were the reason for the firing. Trump wrote that he accepted Sessions' and Rosenstein's recommendations which were based on Comey's handling of the Clinton e-mails but Trump's letter does not mention the e-mails. Instead he praises Comey for telling him "on three separate occasions, that I am not under investigation"! So, Trump here is putting on record that he is not under investigation relating to Russian interference in the American election. It is worth noting that neither of the letters from Sessions nor Rosenstein made any mention of Trump campaign connections to the Russians. This is puzzling.

Trump wants the ongoing investigation of possible Russian influence in his election victory nixed. Why else would he mention his innocence in his letter of dismissal to Comey?

Well then, I suppose when they interview Comey, they will ask him if on 3 separate occasions he told Trump he wasn't under investigation. When he says that he did, will that be good enough for the libs, or will we here Trump must have bribed him, or the Russians threatened him, lolololol.

The libs live in fantasyland. There is no need for Dizzyworld in their reality; they live it-)
What Comey says when he gives evidence to the Senate Intelligence Committee might be an eye-opener.

Yep, I bet it is....................so how many lefties are going to have to run and get a lawyer-)

You people really do not get it, do you! Let me explain it to you, along with many republicans------------>

Nobody..........let me repeat that for everyone.....NOBODY, in the Trump campaign had ANY power until he was elected President. Want to argue with me? Then tell me what power he had. Go ahead, lolol. What power did he have to cut a deal with ANYONE? Include his inner circle. Wasn't Flynn thrown out of the government by Obama! As far as Trump's inner circle, as far as I know, the people actually in government were-------> Jeff Sessions, and Chris Christie. You got anyone else lefties? I might have missed someone. They were the only people elected to anything as far as I can remember.

So what could they offer the Russians BEFORE they were elected, lol. Let me see if I have this straight--------> Somebody is going to help Trump, who has NO chance of winning, and PISS OFF the next President, Hillary Clinton for?!/!/!/!/!? What? What could Trump offer them on such a long shot, lol!

And then, AFTER he wins, since they were all under surveillance, where are the conversations? Where are they?

Do you realize how ridiculous your position is; and I mean that seriously? They caught Hillary, Huma, and Wiener screwing the pooch, it went public with proof, and yet, so far, you can't even get one conversation between Trump and the Russian shoe shine boy, lol.

You have proof positive that Podesta had LOOSE ties with the Russians, proven, done. Still waiting for a discussion between Trump and a Russian barber-)

We have the Clinton foundation losing benefactors hand over fist since she lost the election, but it wasn't the Presidency for hire to the highest bidder BEFORE she lost, lol! She wasn't selling influence, no way Jose', right!

Now, we know you can fool some people on here, but many of us know that you are either lying, or you are dumb as a box of rocks, and so partisan, you would rather have a REAL CROOK like Hillary, than a suggested crook, like Trump.

You really like to lambast Trump, now don't you, lol. Well I have a question for you lefties----------> were it not for Bill, what would Hillary be, hehehehehehe. She is UGLY, not likeable, unpersonable, FAT, and by most accounts, a BITCH to boot. That was YOUR candidate. Want to know why Trump won, if you agree with my last sentence.........even though it is NOT PC, you just got the truth, lol. Russians didn't have anything to do with it, it was Hillary's fat ass, arrogance, and sense of ENTITLEMENT that sunk her. If you can't see it, then you should apply to Dizzyworld, because that is one of the few places in the world that could make it appear your phony story was actually reality-)

Like one said on this board--"trying to reason with a Trump supporter is like trying to teach Algebra to a Chimpanzee."

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

Comey has notified congress that the Trump Russian investigation started last July. In Cleveland during the Republican National convention, where Trump surrogates met with the Russian ambassador--and they weren't trading cookie recipes--they were actually writting foreign policy which was installed in the Republican platform.
James Comey confirms FBI investigation into possible Trump-Russia connections

"Another national security adviser to the Trump campaign, J.D. Gordon, also disclosed Thursday that he had met with Kislyak, this time during the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July. That meeting was first reported by USA Today.

Gordon told CNN that along with national security advisers Carter Page and Walid Phares, Gordon stressed to the Russian envoy that he would like to improve relations with Russia.

Gordon had advocated for language in the
GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful.

But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine."
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics.com

Now would you care to name another Presidential candidate--(that is not even close to winning a f...king election) that would have sat down with a Foreign adversary to write Foreign policy?

Collusion with a Foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Last edited:
we still don;t like Comey for how he handled the Clinton case and he deserved to be fired a long time ago...

but Trump firing him while Comey has a criminal investigation going on the Trump campaign team was wrong and brings the familiarity to Nixon firing the special prosecutor investigating him....

does anyone believe president Trump is firing Comey for treating Hillary badly? [emoji38]

typical Trump ... sucked Comey dry when he was bashing Clinton, fired him when he got too close to the Cartel.
How did Trump "suck" anything out of Comey?

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Nope but I believe he would for the FBI/CIA/and American people being pissed the fuck off with the political partisan games going on in FBI right now.

See also Gowdy Mode Level 4:




Back end (consume at your own risk) - so for a long while now in the underground they've been talking about a political war in the FBI. The conspiracy theorists going out of their fucking mind that the FBI is compromised. Long standing /pol/ connected "agents" started talking about it during pizzagate, it was bad enough that it /overtook/ pizzagate (its why you don't hear about it so much anymore because /pol/ dropped it - rumor was that it was going down hard so it didn't need to be worried about anymore [note the recent MASSIVE pedo ring bust,] more are coming according to ~yuk yuk yuk~ "unidentified inside sources") /Pol/ and 4chan (aka Anonymous) went on the war path after the FBI as I hear it... Anyway so the statement made by "unidentified sources" was, at that time some months ago, that Comey had no choice because he was getting fucked from both sides. He might just be collateral damage...

Where's Rudi Guiliani and James Kalstrom been hanging out lately--because they have already been implicated in this.
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy

well, kalstrom and giulliani are NIXED as being the next FBI director imo

what slime they are....and big mouths, loose lips...and liars
What charges are needed for impeachment?
A hell of a lot more than that. And you do realize an impeached president does not have to leave office? Bill Clinton was impeached but remained in office. So I'm just trying to let you down easy for when you don't quite get your way on this.
He was found NOT GUILTY of the impeachment charges in the trial in the Senate with the Chief Justice Renquist residing as the Judge.
Last edited:
Comey got lucky. Most dictators just shoot people that fuck with them.

He's saving that for Sean Picer.

Who said the firing is an impeachable offense? I could be wrong but isn't it the obstruction that's impeachable?

What about this god-awful kissing up session with Russians in the Oval Office? No Americans allowed but the place as crawling with Russians.

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