Hilda Beast is Melting


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2011
Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her, it’s making the lives of those who work for her hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

Hillary’s anger may be stoked by fear — her poll numbers have slipped by 10 points in one week on the eve of the Democrat debate.

Bill Clinton and Hillary’s campaign team are concerned that her anger may surface at the wrong time. They are concerned that she could have a serious meltdown in front of TV cameras, which would make her look so out of control that voters would decide she doesn’t have the temperament to be commander in chief.

“We’re having some success in giving her some chill pills,” says a campaign adviser.

The goal is to channel her anger and make her focus on Republicans, not on her campaign aides and fellow Democrats.
Clinton's camp says she 'could have a serious meltdown'
“Hillary’s always at her most effective when her back is to the wall,” says one of her longtime political advisers. “After weeks of pounding and pummeling by the press, she’s mad as hell and isn’t going to take it any more.”

The plan is already in play. Over the past two weeks, she has slammed the Benghazi hearings as nothing more than a Republican-instigated political witch-hunt aimed at suppressing her poll numbers.

She’s bashed the Supreme Court and the National Rifle Association over the Second Amendment.

She’s thumbed her nose at President Obama by coming out against one of his major foreign-policy goals — the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

And with her approval, her opposition research team has been collecting dirt on Vice President Joe Biden, which Hillary’s camp is prepared to release to the media if Biden enters the nominating race following his family summit this weekend.

“She’s beginning to understand that she can use her righteous anger and indignation to good effect,” said the adviser. “After all, her anger is in keeping with the mood of the American
as a democrat i find her to be an embarrassment at best...i find the whole....hillary movement without question to be a sham...remember bill clinton introduced the 'free speech zone' call me old fashioned but i remember when we didnt need free speech zones....the whole place was free speech....as much as i loved bill....i detest her
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
and i read that book....by ken starr? the one where you had to read the footnotes to find the dirt....having a kidlet....i would pretty much do whatever it would take to prevent my child from reading that...and i am pretty liberal
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.
Hillary is furious — and while Clinton advisers think that may save her, it’s making the lives of those who work for her hell.

“Hillary’s been having screaming, child-like tantrums that have left staff members in tears and unable to work,” says a campaign aide. “She thought the nomination was hers for the asking, but her mounting problems have been getting to her and she’s become shrill and, at times, even violent.”

In one incident, Hillary berated a low-level campaign worker for making a scheduling mistake. When the girl had the nerve to turn her back on Hillary and walk away, Hillary grabbed her arm.

Hillary’s anger may be stoked by fear — her poll numbers have slipped by 10 points in one week on the eve of the Democrat debate.

Bill Clinton and Hillary’s campaign team are concerned that her anger may surface at the wrong time. They are concerned that she could have a serious meltdown in front of TV cameras, which would make her look so out of control that voters would decide she doesn’t have the temperament to be commander in chief.

“We’re having some success in giving her some chill pills,” says a campaign adviser.

The goal is to channel her anger and make her focus on Republicans, not on her campaign aides and fellow Democrats.
Clinton's camp says she 'could have a serious meltdown'
“Hillary’s always at her most effective when her back is to the wall,” says one of her longtime political advisers. “After weeks of pounding and pummeling by the press, she’s mad as hell and isn’t going to take it any more.”

The plan is already in play. Over the past two weeks, she has slammed the Benghazi hearings as nothing more than a Republican-instigated political witch-hunt aimed at suppressing her poll numbers.

She’s bashed the Supreme Court and the National Rifle Association over the Second Amendment.

She’s thumbed her nose at President Obama by coming out against one of his major foreign-policy goals — the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

And with her approval, her opposition research team has been collecting dirt on Vice President Joe Biden, which Hillary’s camp is prepared to release to the media if Biden enters the nominating race following his family summit this weekend.

“She’s beginning to understand that she can use her righteous anger and indignation to good effect,” said the adviser. “After all, her anger is in keeping with the mood of the American

Hillary was off the top and a shrieking terradactyl in 1992 during BIll's first campaign, too. Read "Primary Colors" by "Anonymous" and remember that for the first year the author, Joe Klein, kept his name off that book, for obvious reasons.

It's just how she rolls. No one can achieve levels of power within the most powerful country in the world without being a raging narcissist/borderline sociopath.
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.

Providing corroborating references for your opinions does wonders for your cred.
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.

Providing corroborating references for your opinions does wonders for your cred.
Hillary Clinton went on national television and blamed a right-wing conspiracy for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. You know that. My credibility is just fine.
Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate
Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate

Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate

Despite a summer of the political pundits claiming that Hillary Clinton is struggling in the polls, the numbers themselves say that’s never been the case. For months her lead over rival Bernie Sanders and potential rival Joe Biden has hovered in the twenty percent range in national polls, forcing the media to resort to reporting single-state outlier polls as if they were national polls in the hopes of making the race appear close for the sake of ratings. But even as Clinton prepares to head into the first democratic party debate, her dominant poll numbers are climbing even higher.

Last week three major national polls from PPP, IBD, and USA Today pegged Hillary Clinton’s lead over Bernie Sanders at 18, 20, and 18 percent respectively. Now the latest national poll from Fairleigh Dickinson pegs Clinton’s lead at 22 percent. The breakdown is that Clinton has 45 percent, Sanders has 23 percent, and Biden has 17 percent despite not actually running and not planning to participate in the first debate.

Various polls have suggested that most of Joe Biden’s support would shift to Hillary Clinton if he announces that he’s not going to enter the race. The first debate on Tuesday, which will feature Clinton and Sanders along with other democratic party candidates like Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee, may end up sending the polls in one direction or the other. But heading into the event, Clinton’s lead isn’t just massive, it’s growing a bit.
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.

Providing corroborating references for your opinions does wonders for your cred.
Hillary Clinton went on national television and blamed a right-wing conspiracy for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. You know that. My credibility is just fine.

With you, at least. You just stated a fact, but your previous comments about Bill Clinton being a predator are not fact, they are opinion. He was not impeached for sexual crimes.
Joe Biden is insurance if Hillary implodes, which appears likely.

First they're going to need to organize a mission to rescue good ole Joe from the 20th Century....

"Folks, where's it written we cannot lead the world in the 20th century in making automobiles?," said Biden, August 2012

A Joe Presidency might not be all that bad, he has a decent shot of exceeding the comedic value of 8 years of Bushisms :)
Her entire career before 2001 was protecting and lying for her sexual predator husband while deliberately destroying the lives of the women victims of her husband's behavior. She should never have been in any government office.
LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.

Providing corroborating references for your opinions does wonders for your cred.
Hillary Clinton went on national television and blamed a right-wing conspiracy for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. You know that. My credibility is just fine.

With you, at least. You just stated a fact, but your previous comments about Bill Clinton being a predator are not fact, they are opinion. He was not impeached for sexual crimes.
Bill Clinton is a sexual predator according to the accounts of many women who were victims of his behavior. Perhaps you're not informed.
Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate
Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate

Hillary Clinton’s lead climbs higher nationally ahead of first debate

Despite a summer of the political pundits claiming that Hillary Clinton is struggling in the polls, the numbers themselves say that’s never been the case. For months her lead over rival Bernie Sanders and potential rival Joe Biden has hovered in the twenty percent range in national polls, forcing the media to resort to reporting single-state outlier polls as if they were national polls in the hopes of making the race appear close for the sake of ratings. But even as Clinton prepares to head into the first democratic party debate, her dominant poll numbers are climbing even higher.

Last week three major national polls from PPP, IBD, and USA Today pegged Hillary Clinton’s lead over Bernie Sanders at 18, 20, and 18 percent respectively. Now the latest national poll from Fairleigh Dickinson pegs Clinton’s lead at 22 percent. The breakdown is that Clinton has 45 percent, Sanders has 23 percent, and Biden has 17 percent despite not actually running and not planning to participate in the first debate.

Various polls have suggested that most of Joe Biden’s support would shift to Hillary Clinton if he announces that he’s not going to enter the race. The first debate on Tuesday, which will feature Clinton and Sanders along with other democratic party candidates like Martin O’Malley and Lincoln Chafee, may end up sending the polls in one direction or the other. But heading into the event, Clinton’s lead isn’t just massive, it’s growing a bit.
Dem Primary Poll: Hillary Drops 10 Points
A new national poll of Democrats and Democrat leaners finds Hillary Clinton with 42 percent support in her party's presidential primary, down 10 points from a month ago and facing significant opposition from other candidates. The Monmouth University poll found Clinton, the former secretary of state, fell from 52 percent support last month, the first time she has failed to get a majority of Democrats in Monmouth's poll.

LINK please, a legitimate one.....not a blog....
Link for what? Everyone knows Hillary lied for Bill and protected his sexual predator behavior.

Providing corroborating references for your opinions does wonders for your cred.
Hillary Clinton went on national television and blamed a right-wing conspiracy for the Monica Lewinsky scandal. You know that. My credibility is just fine.

With you, at least. You just stated a fact, but your previous comments about Bill Clinton being a predator are not fact, they are opinion. He was not impeached for sexual crimes.
Bill Clinton is a sexual predator according to the accounts of many women who were victims of his behavior. Perhaps you're not informed.

Perhaps you need to remember that no charges were ever filed against him by any of the women involved.

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