Hillary 2020, it's her turn! Favorable Rating at New Low, 3rd time is the charm!

She beat both Bernie and Trump, Dems would be fools not to let her have her turn
She seemed to have had help from several fronts beating Bernie, In what parallel Universe did she beat Trump ?
that's CF being funny.

Bill is still popular enough that if he were allowed to run today he could probably win. How is it that your husband can make you look like a fool in front of the world, and you're the one nobody likes? That takes talent.

He humiliated her every day. Used her like a rug to wipe his feet. She is the weakest woman you have ever seen. I would hate for my daughter to have such little self respect.
And she blamed the women. Went after them viciously. So in addition to being a weak doormat she was also an enabler.
Bill is still popular enough that if he were allowed to run today he could probably win. How is it that your husband can make you look like a fool in front of the world, and you're the one nobody likes? That takes talent.

He humiliated her every day. Used her like a rug to wipe his feet. She is the weakest woman you have ever seen. I would hate for my daughter to have such little self respect.
And she blamed the women. Went after them viciously. So in addition to being a weak doormat she was also an enabler.

Or, their marriage is a marriage based on something other than love and mutual respect.
Bill is still popular enough that if he were allowed to run today he could probably win. How is it that your husband can make you look like a fool in front of the world, and you're the one nobody likes? That takes talent.

He humiliated her every day. Used her like a rug to wipe his feet. She is the weakest woman you have ever seen. I would hate for my daughter to have such little self respect.
And she blamed the women. Went after them viciously. So in addition to being a weak doormat she was also an enabler.

Or, their marriage is a marriage based on something other than love and mutual respect.
That's like wonder why water makes stuff wet.
Bill is still popular enough that if he were allowed to run today he could probably win. How is it that your husband can make you look like a fool in front of the world, and you're the one nobody likes? That takes talent.

He humiliated her every day. Used her like a rug to wipe his feet. She is the weakest woman you have ever seen. I would hate for my daughter to have such little self respect.
And she blamed the women. Went after them viciously. So in addition to being a weak doormat she was also an enabler.

Or, their marriage is a marriage based on something other than love and mutual respect.

Could very well be. They both liked to grab young female interns. Watching her and Huma, who Hillary swooped in on at age 18, was disgusting.
Did Hillary commit a child sex crime with Huma???

Man, would that be PAR FOR THE COURSE or what?
and will CHEAT and COLLUDE to give Hillary the debate questions BEFORE the debate...

If you don't want HILLARY to run in 2020, you are a misogynist racist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

She was robbed by PUTIN, it's only fair for her to get a 3rd shot at the Presidency!

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating at New Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Hillary Clinton's image has declined since June and is now the worst Gallup has measured for her to date. Her favorable rating has fallen five percentage points since June to a new low of 36%, while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 61%.
This obsession with Hillary you cons still have is straight up bizarre.
If you don't want HILLARY to run in 2020, you are a misogynist racist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

She was robbed by PUTIN, it's only fair for her to get a 3rd shot at the Presidency!

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating at New Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Hillary Clinton's image has declined since June and is now the worst Gallup has measured for her to date. Her favorable rating has fallen five percentage points since June to a new low of 36%, while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 61%.
This obsession with Hillary you cons still have is straight up bizarre.

Stupid fucking progs talked about Bush for the entire 8 years of the Obama admin.

...only only a year ago, you voted for her to be President. :badgrin:

I will keep encouraging her to run again until 2020. PUTIN AND TRUMP RIGGED THE ELECTION. SHE DESERVES ANOTHER CHANCE TO RUN!

Now you dont want her even mentioned....even though she had a book tour and Donna Brazille did a media tour LAST MONTH throwing hillary under the bus.

CONS will stop talking about her when PROGS stop talking about her!!

HILLARY 2020!!
If you don't want HILLARY to run in 2020, you are a misogynist racist homophobic transphobic Islamaphobic White Supremacist.

She was robbed by PUTIN, it's only fair for her to get a 3rd shot at the Presidency!

Hillary Clinton Favorable Rating at New Low

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Hillary Clinton's image has declined since June and is now the worst Gallup has measured for her to date. Her favorable rating has fallen five percentage points since June to a new low of 36%, while her unfavorable rating has hit a new high of 61%.
This obsession with Hillary you cons still have is straight up bizarre.

Stupid fucking progs talked about Bush for the entire 8 years of the Obama admin.

...only only a year ago, you voted for her to be President. :badgrin:

I will keep encouraging her to run again until 2020. PUTIN AND TRUMP RIGGED THE ELECTION. SHE DESERVES ANOTHER CHANCE TO RUN!

Now you dont want her even mentioned....even though she had a book tour and Donna Brazille did a media tour LAST MONTH throwing hillary under the bus.

CONS will stop talking about her when PROGS stop talking about her!!

HILLARY 2020!!
We talked about Bush because his policies were relevant to the politics of Obama’s early years you doofus. Hillary was never president to begin with.

I don’t give a shit what Donna said about Hillary. I don’t give a shit about Hillary either way. It is only you cons - not liberals - that have this obsession with making threads about her still. You do it because you need to deflect the conversation away from Trump. You can’t defend his pathetic administration so far so all you can do is deflect to someone as irrelevant as Hillary. You cons NEED Hillary. Us liberals have moved on.
Thread summary

Clinton still owns the minds of the beta-male Trumpflakes.

Not every Hillary-hater is a weepy wimp ... oh wait, they are. That's the common factor among them. Scratch a Hillary-hater, find a weeping sissyboy.

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