Hillary angers Gaystapo for praising Nancy Reagan on AIDS

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

I beg your pardon. We!? Where have you ever once expressed support for gay marriage here? You didn't give gays shit.

Sure he did. I've seen him give gays shit lots of times. Not much else though.

So, you're allowed to make homophobic insults, because you are a liberal.

I am reporting you faggot.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

That's your problem. You think you gave somebody something, when in reality, they just finally received the rights that they had always been entitled to but only recently received. Their civil rights were never yours to give.
When a battle is won, and the defeated are chaotic and disorganized, sometimes the general will order his men to kill all the defeated soldiers in what's called "mopping up."

What the gays are doing now is "mopping up." They got their victory, but now, out of spite and hatred of the Christian God who denied them what they wanted, they are attacking and destroying Christians who still oppose them.

They are attempting (and succeeding) in creating a society where it is impossible to oppose same-sex marriage without suffering loss of career and reputation. In some European countries and Canada, it is against the law to criticize homosexuality, even on religious grounds.

Criminalizing Christianity: Sweden's Hate Speech Law

God never denied their rights. Religious nuts did.
Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

I beg your pardon. We!? Where have you ever once expressed support for gay marriage here? You didn't give gays shit.

Sure he did. I've seen him give gays shit lots of times. Not much else though.

So, you're allowed to make homophobic insults, because you are a liberal.

I am reporting you faggot.

Well do it then bitch.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

That's your problem. You think you gave somebody something, when in reality, they just finally received the rights that they had always been entitled to but only recently received. Their civil rights were never yours to give.
Bullshit you lying scumbag. Gays are sick idiots, they deserve nothing.

Fortunately, opinions of idiots like you don't really count any more.
Wrong as retarded scum libs always are.
Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

I beg your pardon. We!? Where have you ever once expressed support for gay marriage here? You didn't give gays shit.

Sure he did. I've seen him give gays shit lots of times. Not much else though.

So, you're allowed to make homophobic insults, because you are a liberal.

I am reporting you faggot.

Well do it then bitch.
You are the bitch, faggot.
It's utterly shameless, though completely expected, that Liberals are blaming Nancy Reagan for Rock Hudson's death.
The LGTB agenda is getting too aggressive, Hillary was correct for praising Nancy Reagan. Also Nancy Reagan drew attention to drug abuse with the "Just Say No" campaign, she also should be congratulated for this.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

It's just laughable that the queers blame Reagan for AIDS deaths. Liberals can NEVER take responsibility for their own self-destructive actions.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

That's your problem. You think you gave somebody something, when in reality, they just finally received the rights that they had always been entitled to but only recently received. Their civil rights were never yours to give.
Forcing acquiescence and subsidization aren't 'rights'.
How many millions died because of the Reagans? Damned old fart refused to even say the word.


Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

The OP is idiotic. "We" didn't give them the right to marry. The US Constitution did.

Like it or not, gays are equal and have/should have equal rights.

If its between consenting adults, MYOB
If MYOB, why force it to be everyone else's business through legal marriage? You contradict yourself.
"It may be hard for your viewers to remember how difficult it was for people to talk about HIV/AIDS back in the 1980s. And because of both President and Mrs. Reagan -- in particular Mrs. Reagan -- we started a national conversation. When before nobody would talk about it, nobody wanted to do anything about it, and that too is something that I really appreciate with her very effective, low key advocacy but it penetrated the public conscience and people began to say, 'Hey, we have to do something about this too.'"

Hillary Clinton Apologizes After Shocking Praise For Nancy Reagan's 'AIDS Activism' (UPDATE)

the anger is toward nancy not hillary, but hillary misspoke and she apologized for getting it wrong because at the time, nancy didn't really push soon enough...
Nothing to push. Apparently the Reagan's realized that HIV was and still is mainly a problem within the homo male world and its behavior and needs to be addressed as such.
How many millions died because of the Reagans? Damned old fart refused to even say the word.


Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

The OP is idiotic. "We" didn't give them the right to marry. The US Constitution did.

Like it or not, gays are equal and have/should have equal rights.

If its between consenting adults, MYOB

Well, you tell us how many "millions" died because of Reagan. Keep in mind that we are not talking about the number of people who died in the world during the Reagan administration.

Then tell us how many thousands were saved by that other Republican president - GWB - by his unselfish and generous involvment in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

That's your problem. You think you gave somebody something, when in reality, they just finally received the rights that they had always been entitled to but only recently received. Their civil rights were never yours to give.
When a battle is won, and the defeated are chaotic and disorganized, sometimes the general will order his men to kill all the defeated soldiers in what's called "mopping up."

What the gays are doing now is "mopping up." They got their victory, but now, out of spite and hatred of the Christian God who denied them what they wanted, they are attacking and destroying Christians who still oppose them.

They are attempting (and succeeding) in creating a society where it is impossible to oppose same-sex marriage without suffering loss of career and reputation. In some European countries and Canada, it is against the law to criticize homosexuality, even on religious grounds.

Criminalizing Christianity: Sweden's Hate Speech Law

The next item on the liberal agenda is to criminalize those who have the nerve of questioning global warming/climate change.
You do know that liberals are pushing hard to decriminalize even knowingly infecting someone with HIV, right?
Queer dicksuckers lash out at Clinton. Non-queer dicksuckers stay home.
Hillary was a fool for praising the Reagans on the subject of AIDS. Thank God, she apologized for her comments.

Let's face it. The LGBT movement now has America by the throat. Anyone who pisses them off will see their career destroyed, their reputation thrashed, and their physical safety endangered with death threats from radical leftists.

Shame on America for allowing this to happen. We gave them same-sex marriage, and this is how they repay us, by ramping up their demands and destroying people who oppose them.

That's your problem. You think you gave somebody something, when in reality, they just finally received the rights that they had always been entitled to but only recently received. Their civil rights were never yours to give.
Forcing acquiescence and subsidization aren't 'rights'.

From what I can tell, you haven't acquiesced, so that throws the part about you being forced to do that out the window
Oh well, she and that nasty party of her helped in stroking all this with their class warfare for votes. so I hope they devour her. now lets get the Hispanics, muslims, Africans, ect all riled up and they can take over the whole party.

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