Hillary At Yalta


Sep 23, 2010
Hillary Clinton lies about everything. One thing is certain. She wants the presidency so badly she will lie about the extent of her illnesses knowing that her base will vote for her should she become a vegetable before election day.

Hillary’s lies should remind the rest of us that FDR was so sick at Yalta Joe Stalin ate him alive. In truth, the record shows that Hillary was a train wreck in the best of health. God only knows what Putin, the Chicoms, and Iran will do to a sick Hillary.

Let’s speculate for a moment. Hillary Clinton is so sick she has to drop out.

Hillary dropping out is the last thing Republicans should want because it could cost them the House and the Senate. Basically, every Democrat running for reelection will cash in on the sympathy factor. Think Ted Kennedy and the sympathy he got for forty years because his brothers were assassinated. Ted Kennedy never would have created the tremendous carnage he was proud of. It is doubtful he would have lasted more than one term in the Senate had JFK lived. In Hillary’s case her sickness is as useful as assassination. With Ted Kennedy in mind consider the damage the myth of Hillary’s infallibility will leave in her wake.

I can see the spin coming. “Hillary would have creamed Trump had she been healthy; so let’s legislate everything she stood for by voting for me.” The spin begs one question: Was she really so good for the country her personal agenda must live on?

Now, assume Hillary Clinton is in perfect health and ask yourself “Do I want a another liar, a known crook, and a blood soaked United Nations traitor in the White House?”
The op is moronic nonsense.

To paraphrase what one commentator said during the '84 election...
"I'd rather have Hillary asleep at the switch than Trump searching desperately in the dark for it and saying "lets see what this one does".
If the Hildebeast's health further deteriorates or, worse, she croaks I would bet my entire net worth the lefty media conspirators would spin it within nanoseconds it was caused by the terrible treatment by Republicans in general, Trump, Fox, Rush, etc., etc. during the campaign. All the right-wing "bullies" would be blamed for the terrible national tragedy.
If the Hildebeast's health further deteriorates or, worse, she croaks I would bet my entire net worth the lefty media conspirators would spin it within nanoseconds it was caused by the terrible treatment by Republicans in general, Trump, Fox, Rush, etc., etc. during the campaign. All the right-wing "bullies" would be blamed for the terrible national tragedy.
To blastoff: You got that right. The spin machine is already working overtime. I noticed that media spin doctors locked onto the word “stumble” before Hillary sobered up. Not a wise choice. Stumble is awfully close to:

stumblebum (noun)

1. A person regarded as blundering or inept.

2. Sports. A punch-drunk or second-rate prizefighter.​
Hillary’s lies should remind the rest of us that FDR was so sick at Yalta Joe Stalin ate him alive.
Let’s hope Donald Trump does it to HRC:

“Do I want another liar, a known crook, and a blood soaked United Nations traitor in the White House?”
Hit men say that killing gets easier after the first one. By now, killing is a piece of cake for Hillary. So what does this tell you about the media?


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