Hillary Beats Bernie Sanders In Wisconsin


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
By eight (8) points! 49 - 41

Eight points, people.

Do you have ANY idea how much trouble this walking advertisement for FDS is in?

A lot. Really a lot

Wisconsin straw poll surprise Hillary edges Bernie Sanders by just eight points Hot Air Headlines

Especially when you consider that she is doing 'Friendly Only' campaign stops

NYT Team Hillary tracing friendly-only path in primary campaign Hot Air

Then there's the snooze I saw the other day where she only beat Scott Walker and Marco Rubio by 1 point -- Which I can't find.

Anyway, we're going to start seeing libturds get more and more shrill as they see their hopes for a 3rd term fade away. Gird yer loins people......

Here's the deal (at least with me) with Hillary. I honestly expect the bitch to bail out on her supposed "campaign" long before the election is held. I TRULY expect her to fold under the pressure of a campaign season. She DESPISES having to answer questions about ANYTHING. After 20-30 questions about her joke of a career, she will throw a tantrum and drop out.

As it is now, she considers herself "entitled" to the office and is acting like royalty. This will not last.
Here's the deal (at least with me) with Hillary. I honestly expect the bitch to bail out on her supposed "campaign" long before the election is held. I TRULY expect her to fold under the pressure of a campaign season. She DESPISES having to answer questions about ANYTHING. After 20-30 questions about her joke of a career, she will throw a tantrum and drop out.

As it is now, she considers herself "entitled" to the office and is acting like royalty. This will not last.

You are a reasonable man and think with a reasonable mind

Hitlery is not. Hitlery is a dimcrap. The lowest form of life on earth.

She seeks power not to help people, to get rich or to leave a mark on history; she seeks power to bend people to her will. She seeks power for power's sake.

She is a dimocrap.

A disease
By eight (8) points! 49 - 41

Eight points, people.

Do you have ANY idea how much trouble this walking advertisement for FDS is in?

A lot. Really a lot

Wisconsin straw poll surprise Hillary edges Bernie Sanders by just eight points Hot Air Headlines

Especially when you consider that she is doing 'Friendly Only' campaign stops

NYT Team Hillary tracing friendly-only path in primary campaign Hot Air

Then there's the snooze I saw the other day where she only beat Scott Walker and Marco Rubio by 1 point -- Which I can't find.

Anyway, we're going to start seeing libturds get more and more shrill as they see their hopes for a 3rd term fade away. Gird yer loins people......


It's getting closer, and I think you halucinated the poll where Marco Rubio was within 1.

But Fox News...of course Fox News.....had a poll showing Bush ahead by one.

I can't imagine who that group sampled was.

2016 Presidential Race
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Bush (R) Spread
RCP Average 4/26 - 5/31 -- -- 47.6 42.4 Clinton +5.2

CNN/Opinion Research 5/29 - 5/31 1025 A 3.0 51 43 Clinton +8
ABC/Wash Post 5/28 - 5/31 836 RV 4.0 47 44 Clinton +3
Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 47 37 Clinton +10
FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 44 45 Bush +1
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/26 - 4/30 RV -- 49 43 Clinton +6
All General Election: Bush vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Walker vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Walker (R) Spread
RCP Average 4/26 - 5/31 -- -- 48.3 41.5 Clinton +6.8

CNN/Opinion Research 5/29 - 5/31 1025 A 3.0 49 46 Clinton +3
Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 46 38 Clinton +8
FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/26 - 4/30 RV -- 50 40 Clinton +10
All General Election: Walker vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Rubio (R) Spread
RCP Average 4/26 - 5/31 -- -- 47.5 43.3 Clinton +4.2

CNN/Opinion Research 5/29 - 5/31 1025 A 3.0 49 46 Clinton +3
Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 45 41 Clinton +4
FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 47 43 Clinton +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/26 - 4/30 RV -- 49 43 Clinton +6
All General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Paul vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Paul (R) Spread
RCP Average 4/19 - 5/31 -- -- 46.8 44.0 Clinton +2.8

CNN/Opinion Research 5/29 - 5/31 1025 A 3.0 48 47 Clinton +1
Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 46 42 Clinton +4
NBC News/Wall St. Jrnl 4/26 - 4/30 RV -- 47 44 Clinton +3
FOX News 4/19 - 4/21 1012 RV 3.0 46 43 Clinton +3
All General Election: Paul vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Cruz (R) Spread
RCP Average 5/9 - 5/31 -- -- 49.3 41.0 Clinton +8.3

CNN/Opinion Research 5/29 - 5/31 1025 A 3.0 52 43 Clinton +9
Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 48 37 Clinton +11
FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 48 43 Clinton +5
All General Election: Cruz vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Huckabee (R) Spread
RCP Average 5/9 - 5/26 -- -- 47.0 42.0 Clinton +5.0

Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 47 40 Clinton +7
FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 47 44 Clinton +3
All General Election: Huckabee vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Christie vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Christie (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/26 - 5/26 -- -- 50.0 37.7 Clinton +12.3

Quinnipiac 5/19 - 5/26 1711 RV 2.4 46 37 Clinton +9
CNN/Opinion Research 4/16 - 4/19 1018 A 3.0 58 39 Clinton +19
PPP (D) 3/26 - 3/31 989 RV 3.1 46 37 Clinton +9
All General Election: Christie vs. Clinton Polling Data

General Election: Carson vs. Clinton
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Carson (R) Spread
RCP Average 3/26 - 5/12 -- -- 51.7 40.0 Clinton +11.7

FOX News 5/9 - 5/12 1006 RV 3.0 48 42 Clinton +6
CNN/Opinion Research 4/16 - 4/19 1018 A 3.0 60 36 Clinton +24
PPP (D) 3/26 - 3/31 989 RV 3.1 47 42 Clinton +5
The Dems are in so much trouble they're now talking about running Bloomberg....
I'm looking smarter every minute.
If you support Hillary or Bernie, you look like a moron. I'd go with Chafee and his burning issue of the metric system if I were you. Maybe you guys can ad a few more old white rich guys to your diversity party ticket.

Yeah, the metric system... and gay marriage... the hot button topics of the new millennium.
Here's the deal (at least with me) with Hillary. I honestly expect the bitch to bail out on her supposed "campaign" long before the election is held. I TRULY expect her to fold under the pressure of a campaign season. She DESPISES having to answer questions about ANYTHING. After 20-30 questions about her joke of a career, she will throw a tantrum and drop out.

As it is now, she considers herself "entitled" to the office and is acting like royalty. This will not last.

You are a reasonable man and think with a reasonable mind

Hitlery is not. Hitlery is a dimcrap. The lowest form of life on earth.

She seeks power not to help people, to get rich or to leave a mark on history; she seeks power to bend people to her will. She seeks power for power's sake.

She is a dimocrap.

A disease

Couldn't agree more. However, her inability (or unwillingness) to speak directly to the media is very telling - as is her past history while in the White House. She is a devil and she feels no responsibility to the people who "vote" for her. She understands that these fools couldn't care less that scandal follows her wherever she goes. She considers the presidency to be a "right" that somehow she has moved into line for and, as a natural progression, she is next in line.

When the questions begin - and they will - she will go ballistic repeatedly (why do you think her handlers are keeping her quiet?) and eventually, she will become a laughing stock. Wait until the debates begin between the republicans and the democrats. They will ROAST her fat ass and she will not be able to hold her own.

Can you imagine the look on her face when the republican candidate asks her (if he/she has any balls) "Mrs Clinton - did you sleep well the night the ambassador was murdered and you had not provided the security necessary to protect both him and his security detail?" She will go ape-shit. Game over.
There are two reasons not to use polls to confirm your belief system right now.

First, Hillary hasn't even started campaigning wide yet. Once she does, the momentum will start moving in her favor again. People have short memories and won't give a flying fuck about her emails any more. And they are long past caring about Benghazi. Only partisan tards who were never going to vote for her anyway give a shit about Benghazi.

Second, the Republican slate has been homeopathically diluted to the point where there isn't so much as a molecule of policy to be found in the brains of the consumer. A vote for a Republican is simply a vote for "Not Hillary" at this point.

You could make up a name for a Republican candidate and he would poll just as well against Hillary as any of the real ones right now.

Once the field is narrowed down to one or two serious contenders on the GOP side of the equation, you will see things begin to tighten up.

Until then, you are allowing your personal biases to believe your own manufactured bullshit.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... Hillary.. she was going to be president in '08.. then oops, she was ditched for a zilch with a track record of absolutely nothing and zero experience.

The notion that that 70 year old crook is a shoe in is beyond retarded. Who do the Dems have? A Clinton, a Socialist and the mayor of one of America's biggest Democrat urban failures, Baltimore.

It's a straw poll....

In case you might be forgetting Michelle Bachmann won an Iowa Straw poll.
Where do all of you people get the garbage about Hillary being in trouble?

Don't you think you should wait till one of the Republicans is beating her in the polls?

Or are you just participating in the GOP's wishfull thinking...where saying it enough times might make it true?
Bernie Sanders has been making himself available to everyone with a microphone.

But once Hillary starts making the talking head circuit, it will be "Bernie who?"
HOST: So what about those emails?

CLINTON: Boy, I tell ya. Who knew? Ha ha ha. But you know, I have turned over eleventy million emails. They were not all deleted as some people keep saying. And I think it is time we move on to the issues that are facing Americans who are starving. Starving for jobs, starving for food, starving for college tuition reform, and most of all starving for a message that isn't all about whining and crying. They don't want to get bogged down in a bunch of hooey over emails. They want jobs. They want to see their kids end up better off than they are. They want to see America continue to be great.

And so forth.

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