Hillary blasting Trump on business; What's HER business record? She's never had a real job.

Actually, Hillary somewhat created 400 ish jobs at the Clinton rip off and screw Clinton Foundation to Trump's 400,000 ish jobs plus the employment of his sub-contractors, suppliers and such.

Eh, too lazy and busy to search for a proper link...:dunno:

It takes a lot of Chinese kids to make his shirts and suits.

mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:
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Trump uses ONLY ONE HAND to fend off the BS attacks of the Hildebeast...

"Hillary blasting Trump on business; What's HER business record? She's never had a real job."

As usual you miss the point.

Just as Trump is reckless, capricious, and irresponsible in his business dealings, so too would Trump be reckless, capricious, and irresponsible as president – and she’s right.
As reckless as Hillary is irresponsible with top secret documents? Do tell....

Actually, Hillary somewhat created 400 ish jobs at the Clinton rip off and screw Clinton Foundation to Trump's 400,000 ish jobs plus the employment of his sub-contractors, suppliers and such.

Eh, too lazy and busy to search for a proper link...:dunno:

It takes a lot of Chinese kids to make his shirts and suits.

mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:

Ahh, now it's payoffs...he he he... the fantasies never end with the right wing nut jobs.
Actually, Hillary somewhat created 400 ish jobs at the Clinton rip off and screw Clinton Foundation to Trump's 400,000 ish jobs plus the employment of his sub-contractors, suppliers and such.

Eh, too lazy and busy to search for a proper link...:dunno:

It takes a lot of Chinese kids to make his shirts and suits.

mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:

Ahh, now it's payoffs...he he he... the fantasies never end with the right wing nut jobs.

It comes as a surprise to you that Hillary's corrupt and accepts payoffs...:laugh:

Sheesh, you're far more uninformed than I suspected...
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Trump's has built his career running a property development business. Clinton's has built her career on running the government. If she plans on developing property, then she needs some business experience. If Trump plans on running the government, then he better get some experience in government.
Actually, Hillary somewhat created 400 ish jobs at the Clinton rip off and screw Clinton Foundation to Trump's 400,000 ish jobs plus the employment of his sub-contractors, suppliers and such.

Eh, too lazy and busy to search for a proper link...:dunno:

It takes a lot of Chinese kids to make his shirts and suits.

mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:

Ahh, now it's payoffs...he he he... the fantasies never end with the right wing nut jobs.

Candy Corn SEZ????? "Listen to me you nut jobs! Hitlery did nothing wrong and you are all just haters!!!!! Do you hear me do you????"

Only a stupid piece of shit with partisan views could look at all the lies she told concerning just the deleted e-mails and say "move along folks...nothing to see here."......what an idiot.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Let's just put it this way...

There's nothing like mishandling classified information, then criticizing someone for mishandling money. Hillary doesn't know how much of a hypocrite she is.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Trump's has built his career running a property development business. Clinton's has built her career on running the government. If she plans on developing property, then she needs some business experience. If Trump plans on running the government, then he better get some experience in government.

I've noticed that the politicians are doing a pretty lousy job of governance, politicians like Hillary/Obama being the absolute worst. Doubling the national debt within 7 years, wow, quite an accomplishment and Democrats want more of the same.. that's just crazy.

Time for an actual change in my opinion.
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It takes a lot of Chinese kids to make his shirts and suits.

mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:

Ahh, now it's payoffs...he he he... the fantasies never end with the right wing nut jobs.

It comes as a surprise to you that Hillary's corrupt and accepts payoffs...:laugh:

Sheesh, you're far more uninformed than I suspected...

That would come as a surprise to me. RWNJ allegations are nothing new.
mmm Chinese products ...

You, me and most everyone else that buys items, cars, solar cells, electronics, furniture etc. marked, "Made in China" are suspect I guess. You, me, Trump, Hillary, Obama all have that in common don't you THINK or are you just preferential with your outrage and gullibility?

Yeah, we don't have our own brand that we could have made in any community in America... he does and chose to employ Chinese and Mexicans instead.

Real Mexicans too...not the ones from Indiana

It's a stretch there old friend. When Hillary receives pay-off money from the middle-eastern countries, I don't blame her for their human rights policies, I just blame her for being a money grubbing, lying and corrupt bag of crap.. :lol:

Ahh, now it's payoffs...he he he... the fantasies never end with the right wing nut jobs.

It comes as a surprise to you that Hillary's corrupt and accepts payoffSheesh, you're far more uninformed than I suspected...

That would come as a surprise to me. RWNJ allegations are nothing new.

Candy Corn SEZ????? "Hitlery is innocent I tell you!!!!! 100 percent guilt free and this was just a witch hunt by the neocons to deny Hitlery her rightful place in power do you hear me do you????"

Hey, punkinpuss....if you or I did the things that she has done not only as her time as Secretary of State, her involvement in Chinagate as "first lady" but also her time in Arkansas? We would be serving life sentences....but here she is....running as the next potential CEO of USA.INC, a foreign owned corporate entity........the jokes practically write themselves......
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Six bankruptcies is a lot to rip. I wouldn't want someone with that type of history to run a business of mine if I ever owned one. Would you?

As for her business record, she sold access to the White House via the Lincoln Bedroom Campaign and generated millions on the side as Secretary of State via the Clinton Foundation.It's not her business record we need to be concerned but rather her security record.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.

So, does this mean that because Trump has never been elected to anything, he doesn't have the right to criticize Clinton's political record?

If Hillary can't criticize Trump for his business record because she's never been in business, it seems logically consistent that Trump can't criticize Hillary for her political record because he's held political office.
Trump knows more about business that Hitlery will ever know.

If she were smart, which she ain't, she wouldn't talk about Trump and business at all.
Umm.....what is HER business record?
Umm.....she's not in the business world.

Tell me: what's Drumpf's public policy record?

Hitlery was in the business world, if only for a brief period. Don't you recall her successful legal defense of a child rapist, then her brief stint in comedy as she laughed about getting him off? Great contribution to society....no?
Trump knows more about business that Hitlery will ever know.

If she were smart, which she ain't, she wouldn't talk about Trump and business at all.

Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
the USFL
Atlantic City
Trump University

3500 lawsuits

Um, yeah, Trump knows a lot about business. It's taken him decades to blow through Daddy's money.

He's still a billionaire so he did something right in the business world.

Hitlery was in the business world, if only for a brief period. Don't you recall her successful legal defense of a child rapist, then her brief stint in comedy as she laughed about getting him off? Great contribution to society....no?

You mean she did her job as a lawyer?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Rodham was appointed to represent a defendant charged with raping a 12-year-old girl. Clinton reluctantly took on the case, which ended with a plea bargain for the defendant.

WHAT'S FALSE: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.

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