Hillary blasting Trump on business; What's HER business record? She's never had a real job.

This hurt me when nobody answer my queiston's about election's 2020 in Union.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Six bankruptcies is a lot to rip. I wouldn't want someone with that type of history to run a business of mine if I ever owned one. Would you?

Sure. If you lefties weren't retards....you'd see those were strategic moves. Some bankruptcies are simply folks going broke. Others...are using the available system to get from Point A to Point F....then back to Point A+.

Almost ALL new business fail within 2 years. Broke. Bankrupt. Something like 90% of all new businesses close shop in 2 years. It's about innovation and perseverance.

So yeah....with a business empire like Trumps....I'd expect he'd have several endeavors that didn't work out. THE REST OF US HAVE TOO.

BUT.....what about Hillary?

A) How many of her businesses went bankrupt?
B) In her 60+ years....how many jobs has she created?

Trump has had more bankruptcies than any other business mogul, and more lawsuits. That says a lot about the man, and none of it good.

How many times has Warren Buffet gone bankrupt? What about Sheldon Adelman, George Soros?

Not every business is going to thrive, but Trump's business record is heinous.
Hillary has real business experience = Whitewater and Castle Grande

Both produced bankruptcies that cost the taxpayer, and in CG's case, put Chelsea's bio daddy Webb Hubbell in the can for claiming to do the legal work Hillary billed for at Rose Law Firm.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Six bankruptcies is a lot to rip. I wouldn't want someone with that type of history to run a business of mine if I ever owned one. Would you?

Sure. If you lefties weren't retards....you'd see those were strategic moves. Some bankruptcies are simply folks going broke. Others...are using the available system to get from Point A to Point F....then back to Point A+.

Almost ALL new business fail within 2 years. Broke. Bankrupt. Something like 90% of all new businesses close shop in 2 years. It's about innovation and perseverance.

So yeah....with a business empire like Trumps....I'd expect he'd have several endeavors that didn't work out. THE REST OF US HAVE TOO.

BUT.....what about Hillary?

A) How many of her businesses went bankrupt?
B) In her 60+ years....how many jobs has she created?

Trump has had more bankruptcies than any other business mogul, and more lawsuits. That says a lot about the man, and none of it good.

How many times has Warren Buffet gone bankrupt? What about Sheldon Adelman, George Soros?

Not every business is going to thrive, but Trump's business record is heinous.
I sure wish my business was that heinous. Obviously you value sucking the public tit way more than risk taking capitalism. Do you even know how Soros made his fortune?
So yeah....with a business empire like Trumps....I'd expect he'd have several endeavors that didn't work out. THE REST OF US HAVE TOO.

A) we do not know how good/bad he is at business since he won't release his tax return.

B). He is supposed to be "good" at business...having so many failures isn't a sign of being any better than the local barber.

If you want to know how well his businesses have done? The CAFRs of his corporations are readily available or you can look up the credit ratings on Dun and Bradstreet. As far as his personal income tax return goes....

#1 It's none of your fucking business.

#2 Income taxes goes to the owners of the Federal Reserve/ IMF bankers to pay interest on a fiat currency that was created from credit from nothing.... was never ratified by enough states to be an act, statute or code and the SCOTUS has ruled 4 different times that a direct un-apportioned tax on one's bartering of labor is unconstitutional if you work within the 50 states of the union and that the 16th amendment did not give "da gubermint" any new taxing powers.

#3 The IRS is a Puerto Rican Trust #62 and is not even licensed to do business outside of the District of Columbia and is nothing but a collection arm of the International Monetary Fund nor is it a "gubermint" agency that helps to provide the 19 essential/enumerated "gubermint" services.

No need to "thank" me.....I like schooling liberal douches like you. (snicker)
None of your business?

Wow, I guess you taught us.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
She's just showing us that everything Comey said was true and she lied. Why anyone even listens to her i can't figure.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Six bankruptcies is a lot to rip. I wouldn't want someone with that type of history to run a business of mine if I ever owned one. Would you?

Sure. If you lefties weren't retards....you'd see those were strategic moves. Some bankruptcies are simply folks going broke. Others...are using the available system to get from Point A to Point F....then back to Point A+.

Almost ALL new business fail within 2 years. Broke. Bankrupt. Something like 90% of all new businesses close shop in 2 years. It's about innovation and perseverance.

So yeah....with a business empire like Trumps....I'd expect he'd have several endeavors that didn't work out. THE REST OF US HAVE TOO.

BUT.....what about Hillary?

A) How many of her businesses went bankrupt?
B) In her 60+ years....how many jobs has she created?

Trump has had more bankruptcies than any other business mogul, and more lawsuits. That says a lot about the man, and none of it good.

How many times has Warren Buffet gone bankrupt? What about Sheldon Adelman, George Soros?

Not every business is going to thrive, but Trump's business record is heinous.
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.
Six bankruptcies is a lot to rip. I wouldn't want someone with that type of history to run a business of mine if I ever owned one. Would you?
How many times has GM filed for bankruptcy?
You still think the government should have given them our money
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.

She couldn't get past a background check for a government job......
"Hillary blasting Trump on business; What's HER business record? She's never had a real job."

As usual you miss the point.

Just as Trump is reckless, capricious, and irresponsible in his business dealings, so too would Trump be reckless, capricious, and irresponsible as president – and she’s right.
Oh my after the head of the fbi says she is incompetent, and you want to criticize trump. Over Hillary's lies.
.....but you are just fine with Democrats blowing through the US Taxpayer's money only to come back and ask for more.

Uh, dude, both parties are blowing through tax dollars. So, um, no. This isn't a solid argument.
The real problem is we don't tax enough. If you made people pay for the government they got, you'd get less of it.
How many times has GM filed for bankruptcy?
You still think the government should have given them our money

I think that was better than the alternative, which would be to let the collapse and put millions out of work.

But you are still upset they took care of working people instead of sharholders.
How many times has GM filed for bankruptcy?
You still think the government should have given them our money

I think that was better than the alternative, which would be to let the collapse and put millions out of work.

But you are still upset they took care of working people instead of sharholders.
I am upset the .gov stole the assets, at will, from their rightful owners....

You should be too.....
How many times has GM filed for bankruptcy?
You still think the government should have given them our money

I think that was better than the alternative, which would be to let the collapse and put millions out of work.

But you are still upset they took care of working people instead of sharholders.
Never owned a dime's worth of GM shares never will
.....but you are just fine with Democrats blowing through the US Taxpayer's money only to come back and ask for more.

Uh, dude, both parties are blowing through tax dollars. So, um, no. This isn't a solid argument.
The real problem is we don't tax enough. If you made people pay for the government they got, you'd get less of it.
A novel idea. Since 1988, the gop's been telling us to deficit spend because that will force us to cut spending.
.....but you are just fine with Democrats blowing through the US Taxpayer's money only to come back and ask for more.

Uh, dude, both parties are blowing through tax dollars. So, um, no. This isn't a solid argument.
The real problem is we don't tax enough. If you made people pay for the government they got, you'd get less of it.

The real real problem is there are no effort to cut wasteful spending. It's easier to grow and expand.
Trump and his businesses have a history of shortchanging small businesses and craftsmen. That alone would lose my vote. Not only that, then he dare them to sue, because he has enough lawyers that he can make it so it costs them more than they get, even if they win. A classic tin horn bully.
So, you would,gladly pay for crap work? Would you give a bonus if it was really crappy? I would stop you from putting my grandkids bike together at Walmart.....:lol:
You're an ignorant moron. How does a piano store delivering instruments to his casino translate into crappy work?

Trump would order everything with his logo on it and then when it was delivered he would refuse to pay unless they renegotiated the price. The vendor was stuck - you can't re-sell thousands of tablecloths with a Trump logo.

That's unethical. You don't see that, moron?
Trump and his businesses have a history of shortchanging small businesses and craftsmen. That alone would lose my vote. Not only that, then he dare them to sue, because he has enough lawyers that he can make it so it costs them more than they get, even if they win. A classic tin horn bully.
So, you would,gladly pay for crap work? Would you give a bonus if it was really crappy? I would stop you from putting my grandkids bike together at Walmart.....:lol:
You're an ignorant moron. How does a piano store delivering instruments to his casino translate into crappy work?

Trump would order everything with his logo on it and then when it was delivered he would refuse to pay unless they renegotiated the price. The vendor was stuck - you can't re-sell thousands of tablecloths with a Trump logo.

That's unethical. You don't see that, moron?
Not sure if serious.....

Have you ever worked a day in your fucking liberal life?

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