Hillary blasting Trump on business; What's HER business record? She's never had a real job.

He's still a billionaire so he did something right in the business world.

1) We don't know he's a billionaire because he won't release his financials.

2) If "doing something right", you mean he had a rich daddy who left him a lot of money? That's not "right", that's just "lucky".

Hitlery was in the business world, if only for a brief period. Don't you recall her successful legal defense of a child rapist, then her brief stint in comedy as she laughed about getting him off? Great contribution to society....no?

You mean she did her job as a lawyer?

FALSE: Hillary Clinton Freed Child Rapist, Laughed About It

WHAT'S TRUE: In 1975, young lawyer Hillary Rodham was appointed to represent a defendant charged with raping a 12-year-old girl. Clinton reluctantly took on the case, which ended with a plea bargain for the defendant.

WHAT'S FALSE: Hillary Clinton did not volunteer to be the defendant's lawyer, she did not laugh about the the case's outcome, she did not assert that the complainant "made up the rape story," she did not claim she knew the defendant to be guilty, and she did not "free" the defendant.
Awwww....how cute, you defend her vile actions, and her stand up humor career over them.....she really attacked that poor child rape victim....it was quite disgusting to normal Americans....I can see how if doesn't offend your senses though....:lol:
Anyone find it ironic that Crooked Careless Hillary is ripping Trump's business history?

Umm.....what is HER business record? Bitch has never had a real job. She toyed around as a low level lawyer where she helped child rapists get off (fact). Then.....she went and married Bill and road his coat tails for 30 years.

Hillary has never even run a hot dog stand. And she's ripping his business past???

The ONLY job she has ever created....was Monicas blowjob on Bill due to Hillary neglecting her husband.

She's pointing out that a lousy record in business is not a plus on one's resume.
Trump knows more about business that Hitlery will ever know.

If she were smart, which she ain't, she wouldn't talk about Trump and business at all.

Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
the USFL
Atlantic City
Trump University

3500 lawsuits

Um, yeah, Trump knows a lot about business. It's taken him decades to blow through Daddy's money.

He's still a billionaire so he did something right in the business world.

How rich was Bernie Madoff?
He's still a billionaire so he did something right in the business world.

1) We don't know he's a billionaire because he won't release his financials.

2) If "doing something right", you mean he had a rich daddy who left him a lot of money? That's not "right", that's just "lucky".
Here....perhaps these will help.....
Awwww....how cute, you defend her vile actions, and her stand up humor career over them.....she really attacked that poor child rape victim....it was quite disgusting to normal Americans....I can see how if doesn't offend your senses though....

Did you actually read the article, dude? The PARENTS of the victim pushed for a plea bargain.

But don't worry, you guys have your version, the facts be damned, like the fact the guy DID go to prison
Here....perhaps these will help.....

Not really. Trump go other people to pay for those.

But you keep trying to tell yourself a guy who has declared multiple bankruptcies to leave other people holding the bag is a good pick.
Awwww....how cute, you defend her vile actions, and her stand up humor career over them.....she really attacked that poor child rape victim....it was quite disgusting to normal Americans....I can see how if doesn't offend your senses though....

Did you actually read the article, dude? The PARENTS of the victim pushed for a plea bargain.

But don't worry, you guys have your version, the facts be damned, like the fact the guy DID go to prison
Yes, to stop hitlery from raping their child....again.....

You are not very good at this outside your liberal propaganda, are you.....
Trump and his businesses have a history of shortchanging small businesses and craftsmen. That alone would lose my vote. Not only that, then he dare them to sue, because he has enough lawyers that he can make it so it costs them more than they get, even if they win. A classic tin horn bully.
Here....perhaps these will help.....

Not really. Trump go other people to pay for those.

But you keep trying to tell yourself a guy who has declared multiple bankruptcies to leave other people holding the bag is a good pick.
Please, don't insult us with your ignorant liberal talking points....it makes you look like a clueless dolt....unless that was your goal..:lol:
Trump and his businesses have a history of shortchanging small businesses and craftsmen. That alone would lose my vote. Not only that, then he dare them to sue, because he has enough lawyers that he can make it so it costs them more than they get, even if they win. A classic tin horn bully.
So, you would,gladly pay for crap work? Would you give a bonus if it was really crappy? I would stop you from putting my grandkids bike together at Walmart.....:lol:
Yes, to stop hitlery from raping their child....again.....

You are not very good at this outside your liberal propaganda, are you.....

Wow, you gys are taking your "Hillary is a Lesbian" fantasy a bit too far, aren't you?

Guy, the point is, you are lying about Hillary's part in this case, either through ignorance or outright mendacity.
Please, don't insult us with your ignorant liberal talking points....it makes you look like a clueless dolt....unless that was your goal..

Yawn, guy, the fact you are stuck blubbering about "talking points" shows I've left you smoking ruin...

Here's the thing. If you guys had nominated someone sensible, like Kasich or Rubio, you'd be clobbering Hillary right now.

Instead you nominated the Orange Nazi Hairpiece.
Please, don't insult us with your ignorant liberal talking points....it makes you look like a clueless dolt....unless that was your goal..

Yawn, guy, the fact you are stuck blubbering about "talking points" shows I've left you smoking ruin...

Here's the thing. If you guys had nominated someone sensible, like Kasich or Rubio, you'd be clobbering Hillary right now.

Instead you nominated the Orange Nazi Hairpiece.
Advice from a fascist liberal on what to do with the Republican Party....priceless...:lol:

As,for smoking something on me, I see you as this....
On her best day Crooked Hillary's resume would read:

"Third rate crooked ambulance chaser turned corrupt politician."
View attachment 80709
Please, don't insult us with your ignorant liberal talking points....it makes you look like a clueless dolt....unless that was your goal..

Yawn, guy, the fact you are stuck blubbering about "talking points" shows I've left you smoking ruin...

Here's the thing. If you guys had nominated someone sensible, like Kasich or Rubio, you'd be clobbering Hillary right now.

Instead you nominated the Orange Nazi Hairpiece.
Advice from a fascist liberal on what to do with the Republican Party....priceless...:lol:

As,for smoking something on me, I see you as this....

He's liberal in politics, patriot in war and racist in own life. And American all life. 4 pieces in total. And now he's months to goes all in for president in United States. He is my favous after Ted Cruz become 2nd place by they Republicans.

Cruz / Rubio next ticket if Trump lose his campagin against a women or Johnson(really have all at least 80 percent of black vote then more things if he win this election) for next election and two pieces Cruz / Rubio are favous for challenger Clinton or Johnson.

If do Johnson become not president he represent Libertarian next election to??

About Kasich otherwise. Is he strong enough to put throne with Cruz / Rubio or.
Trump knows more about business that Hitlery will ever know.

If she were smart, which she ain't, she wouldn't talk about Trump and business at all.

Trump Steaks
Trump Airlines
the USFL
Atlantic City
Trump University

3500 lawsuits

Um, yeah, Trump knows a lot about business. It's taken him decades to blow through Daddy's money.

.....but you are just fine with Democrats blowing through the US Taxpayer's money only to come back and ask for more.
Can't anyone answer me these eleven:

Cruz / Rubio next ticket if Trump lose his campagin against a women or Johnson(really have all at least 80 percent of black vote then more things if he win this election) for next election and two pieces Cruz / Rubio are favous for challenger Clinton or Johnson.

If do Johnson become not president he represent Libertarian next election to??

About Kasich otherwise. Is he strong enough to put throne with Cruz / Rubio or.

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