Hillary broke the only campaign statement should could possibly break


Gold Member
Oct 26, 2016
Beings she's a loser, Hillary only made one statement that would stand the test of time, and of course she proved a liar (again). Liberals ate this shit up.

"So that is not the way our democracy works. We've been around for 240 years. We've had free and fair elections. We've accepted the outcomes when we may not have liked them. And that is what must be expected of anyone standing on a debate stage during a general election. You know, President Obama said the other day when you're whining before the game is even finished...it just shows you're not up to doing the job. And let's -- you know, let's be clear about what he is saying and what that means. He is denigrating -- he's talking down our democracy. And I, for one, am appalled that somebody who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that kind of position."

BTW, are
disoriented liberals appreciating the bone the Democrats throw on occasion, only to steal it away? For example, declaring Hillary a victor before she's won or the participation trophy for "winning" the popular vote. This recount is another example. Word of the day is obsequious.
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yep, the duplicitous lying harpy in full bloom on this one.

and she wonders why people think she's full of shit....
Bbbbbut she's a Progressive. The ends (of the left) always justify the means.
She was the anointed one, She was supposed to win and there just has to be something "they" did that was crooked that we overlooked and if we figure out what it is, we will never lose another election

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