Hillary Called For 'Lack Of Civility' - Democrats Got It: GOP Supporters Shut Down Debates Early


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There is an old saying that is coming back to haunt the Democrats (especially Hillary) this morning:

'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'

She called for a 'Lack of Civility' ... and she and the Democrats got it.

(I do not condone the following behavior because it prevents an open debate, an opportunity to listen / compare candidates and their ideas...that being said....)

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end

U.S. Reps. Adam Schiff and Brad Sherman -- two California Democrats who are vocal critics of President Trump -- each got an earful Wednesday night from a pro-Trump crowd that interrupted them constantly during debates against their Republican opponents.

Both Schiff and Sherman have emerged as key critics of the president in Washington, with Schiff leading the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

But it was a different story in Burbank, as the Democrats' detractors came out in droves in their home state, silencing Schiff and Sherman with shouts, and prompting organizers from the League of Women Voters of Glendale/Burbank to end the event early

It was not a restaurant, but the Democrats were harassed and driven out just the same.

Schiff criticized the crowd after the debate. “It’s a sad commentary on the times,” he told the debate’s moderator.

What is sad is that Schiff is outraged that voters would interrupt his debate yet is tolerant of his own Party's violent rhetoric, calls for public harassment, lack of civility, and increased violence / violent intolerance. If Schiff is looking for someone to blame for this behavior he can look within his own party, look to Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, and others who have attempted to succeed in making a lack of civility, violent rhetoric, and violent intolerance the new 'Norm'.

Their hand-picked 2016 Presidential Candidate called for a lack of civility...and Schiff and Sherman experienced it...and learned 'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'.

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end
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Damn did not hear the same from him when colleges were doing the same to conservative speakers. Where was his outrage when Democrats were screaming and pounding on the doors during the Kavanaugh conformation?
So the Trumpublicans organized another MOB like they did in 2010. Big surprise! It's what they do.
there's too many debates. my goal is to watch them all. shutting down some of them gets me closer to my goal!
There is an old saying that is coming back to haunt the Democrats (especially Hillary) this morning:

'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'

She called for a 'Lack of Civility' ... and she and the Democrats got it.

(I do not condone the following behavior because it prevents an open debate, an opportunity to listen / compare candidates and their ideas...that being said....)

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end

U.S. Reps. Adam Schiff and Brad Sherman -- two California Democrats who are vocal critics of President Trump -- each got an earful Wednesday night from a pro-Trump crowd that interrupted them constantly during debates against their Republican opponents.

Both Schiff and Sherman have emerged as key critics of the president in Washington, with Schiff leading the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

But it was a different story in Burbank, as the Democrats' detractors came out in droves in their home state, silencing Schiff and Sherman with shouts, and prompting organizers from the League of Women Voters of Glendale/Burbank to end the event early

It was not a restaurant, but the Democrats were harassed and driven out just the same.

Schiff criticized the crowd after the debate. “It’s a sad commentary on the times,” he told the debate’s moderator.

What is sad is that Schiff is outraged that voters would interrupt his debate yet is tolerant of his own Party's violent rhetoric, calls for public harassment, lack of civility, and increased violence / violent intolerance. If Schiff is looking for someone to blame for this behavior he can look within his own party, look to Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, and others who have attempted to succeed in making a lack of civility, violent rhetoric, and violent intolerance the new 'Norm'.

Their hand-picked 2016 Presidential Candidate called for a lack of civility...and Schiff and Sherman experienced it...and learned 'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'.

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end
it's wrong. they shouldn't have done that. that saddens me. let them speak, we all know they say nothing.
Every time I think I can't possibly DETEST Whorellary more, that waste of fallopian tubes proves me wrong by being even MORE detestable than I expected.
Every time I think I can't possibly DETEST Whorellary more, that waste of fallopian tubes proves me wrong by being even MORE detestable than I expected.
I had to turn my channel today, she was on again giving speeches about this stuff. who the fk is she again?
Every time I think I can't possibly DETEST Whorellary more, that waste of fallopian tubes proves me wrong by being even MORE detestable than I expected.
I had to turn my channel today, she was on again giving speeches about this stuff. who the fk is she again?

That cackling old witch voice of hers is such a torture to listen to, I couldn't watch one of her speeches even if I were sick enough to politically agree with her.
There is an old saying that is coming back to haunt the Democrats (especially Hillary) this morning:

'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'

She called for a 'Lack of Civility' ... and she and the Democrats got it.

(I do not condone the following behavior because it prevents an open debate, an opportunity to listen / compare candidates and their ideas...that being said....)

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end

U.S. Reps. Adam Schiff and Brad Sherman -- two California Democrats who are vocal critics of President Trump -- each got an earful Wednesday night from a pro-Trump crowd that interrupted them constantly during debates against their Republican opponents.

Both Schiff and Sherman have emerged as key critics of the president in Washington, with Schiff leading the charge that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in the 2016 presidential election.

But it was a different story in Burbank, as the Democrats' detractors came out in droves in their home state, silencing Schiff and Sherman with shouts, and prompting organizers from the League of Women Voters of Glendale/Burbank to end the event early

It was not a restaurant, but the Democrats were harassed and driven out just the same.

Schiff criticized the crowd after the debate. “It’s a sad commentary on the times,” he told the debate’s moderator.

What is sad is that Schiff is outraged that voters would interrupt his debate yet is tolerant of his own Party's violent rhetoric, calls for public harassment, lack of civility, and increased violence / violent intolerance. If Schiff is looking for someone to blame for this behavior he can look within his own party, look to Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Eric Holder, and others who have attempted to succeed in making a lack of civility, violent rhetoric, and violent intolerance the new 'Norm'.

Their hand-picked 2016 Presidential Candidate called for a lack of civility...and Schiff and Sherman experienced it...and learned 'Be Careful What You Ask For - You Might Just Get It'.

Crowd drowns out anti-Trump Dems Adam Schiff, Brad Sherman at California debates, forcing early end
Soros plans now to concentrate on smaller, more local politics around the country. All politics is local, a saying credited to former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill back in the day, is now his new playbook. I happen to believe this saying and if you are a long game kind of person, instead of the short game, it is easy to connect the dots as politicians begin in their own local communities to rise in power. Trump, a billionaire businessman, and celebrity is an exception. It is yet to be determined if his election is a fluke. Soros’ pet projects, like reforms to the criminal justice system, can move forward with the help of favorable district attorneys, for example. What is interesting to me is his failure, even in California, so far this election cycle.
This and the disruptions that are happening just brings to the front the agenda and tactics being used to shut up the other side of the debate. Leader who are encouraging disruptions are guilty as the ones who do the acts of hate and vandals.
Damn did not hear the same from him when colleges were doing the same to conservative speakers. Where was his outrage when Democrats were screaming and pounding on the doors during the Kavanaugh conformation?
Good point. The Repubs do this once and the media are whining, but they said little or nothing when the Dems did this several times.

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