Hillary chasing the conservative voter.....WTF??????????


"And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK."

This is as ignorant as it is wrong and ridiculous.

As already correctly noted: the Klan has no ‘party.’

Moreover, the Klan, along with other manifestations of racism and bigotry, despise Clinton and the Democratic Party; indeed, racists and bigots are far more likely to identify as conservative and vote republican.

This doesn’t mean, of course, that conservatives and republicans condone racism and bigotry in any official capacity, but that racists and bigots find refuge among the ranks of republicans and conservatives, and it’s incumbent upon republicans and conservatives to find out why and remedy the situation.
Tigerred59 she gonna bring back the Clintons Crime Bill which targeted and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of blacks??? Yep. And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

You know I'm not a fuckin Clinton fan....and I have said repeatively that Bill and Hill, use blacks to get votes and blacks are stupid enough to fall for their bullshit.
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
Sadly, its people like this that comprise of most american voters...this country has lost its intelligent hold on the world and is about as ignorant as a 3rd world order
It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.

Bill Clinton is a hustler and I don't care who finds him admirable and brilliant, in the eye of most americans, he's nothing more than a pandering hustler like his fuckin wife. Those outside this country that find him an okay guy...trust me, benefited entirely from his conservative policies during his pimping the white house years...so what's new about that? And to credit him with a booming economy, grant it, but he should also take credit for the mess this country has today with his NAFTA bill....he can't have his cake and eat it too. Listen, the general election has yet to start, why don't you and I agree to revisit this topic once this DINO start campaigning, if she gets the nod...agreed?
Born and raised a conservative Republican --- it ain't a stretch at all. Second nature.

Besides, for a conservative voter..... what other choice do they have?

Park Ridge is as liberal as you can get stupid fuck

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?

You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.


Listen, co signing on to progressive ideology is something Hillary does not, has not done in decades....please, I ask you to list or name some of her progressive accomplishments.....I have yet for anyone to address this topic....caring about shit and wishing for shit...don't mean shit and that's pretty much her calling card in life.
Hillary has already done her Black outreach. Don't you remember her wishing her Black Twitter friends "Happy Kwanza"? Now that's done she needs to pivot to anti-Trump Conservatives like the political shape-shifter that she is.
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....
The NYTimes is reporting that Hillary, this DINO is hoping to bring in disillusion conservative voters...you know, the one's that loved Ted Cruz......Hey, Hillary, other than promising to shut down the government when you don't get your way, fucking over the poor, them nigga's you love so much and pandering to the rich....what the fuck can you offer a damned conservative as a PROGRESSIVE MOP HEAD?

Hillary Clinton Targets Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump

Any smart Conservative would refuse to vote for Trump, he's nuts.
It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.

Bill Clinton is a hustler and I don't care who finds him admirable and brilliant, in the eye of most americans, he's nothing more than a pandering hustler like his fuckin wife. Those outside this country that find him an okay guy...trust me, benefited entirely from his conservative policies during his pimping the white house years...so what's new about that? And to credit him with a booming economy, grant it, but he should also take credit for the mess this country has today with his NAFTA bill....he can't have his cake and eat it too. Listen, the general election has yet to start, why don't you and I agree to revisit this topic once this DINO start campaigning, if she gets the nod...agreed?
In the eyes of Most Americans, he is a brilliant, very successful former president: rated now at number 8 among the most effective presidents we have ever have. You need to realize that the way you see the world is not the way MOST people see it. You think your perspective is the majority perspective, when, in fact, it is the small minority perspective of extreme right-wingers incapable of critical thinking and intellectual honesty.

Such absolute partisan BS. You don't know why people outside the US like him, and BTW, they don't think he is just an 'okay' guy: they admire him and like him a very great deal. You have probably never even stepped foot outside the US and have no idea whatsoever what people who are not Americans think. Trust you? How absolutely ludicrous. LMAO
It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.

Bill Clinton is a hustler and I don't care who finds him admirable and brilliant, in the eye of most americans, he's nothing more than a pandering hustler like his fuckin wife. Those outside this country that find him an okay guy...trust me, benefited entirely from his conservative policies during his pimping the white house years...so what's new about that? And to credit him with a booming economy, grant it, but he should also take credit for the mess this country has today with his NAFTA bill....he can't have his cake and eat it too. Listen, the general election has yet to start, why don't you and I agree to revisit this topic once this DINO start campaigning, if she gets the nod...agreed?
In the eyes of Most Americans, he is a brilliant, very successful former president: rated now at number 8 among the most effective presidents we have ever have. You need to realize that the way you see the world is not the way MOST people see it. You think your perspective is the majority perspective, when, in fact, it is the small minority perspective of extreme right-wingers incapable of critical thinking and intellectual honesty.

Such absolute partisan BS. You don't know why people outside the US like him, and BTW, they don't think he is just an 'okay' guy: they admire him and like him a very great deal. You have probably never even stepped foot outside the US and have no idea whatsoever what people who are not Americans think. Trust you? How absolutely ludicrous. LMAO
All that gushing and nothing about BJ's in the WH. I have been outside the US and the average guy on the street doesn't give a moldy fuck about Clinton, either of them. Those that loath Trump double down on that feeling towards the Clinton's.
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
The KKK is Hitler loving Democrats of the Lyndon LaRue stripe. They belong to your party.

The KKK doesn't have a "party". Never did.
Already pointed this out.
You can't deny your Party's history. The KKK was always welcomed in the Democrat Party. It was started by Democrats. Robert K Byrd was a Grand Cyclops of the KKK and he was your party's most beloved Senator. Hillary eulogized him at his funeral.
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
The KKK is Hitler loving Democrats of the Lyndon LaRue stripe. They belong to your party.
You mean Lyndon LaRouche?
Yes . Don't know why I'd type that. Can't blame my iPad for that.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.

Bill Clinton is a hustler and I don't care who finds him admirable and brilliant, in the eye of most americans, he's nothing more than a pandering hustler like his fuckin wife. Those outside this country that find him an okay guy...trust me, benefited entirely from his conservative policies during his pimping the white house years...so what's new about that? And to credit him with a booming economy, grant it, but he should also take credit for the mess this country has today with his NAFTA bill....he can't have his cake and eat it too. Listen, the general election has yet to start, why don't you and I agree to revisit this topic once this DINO start campaigning, if she gets the nod...agreed?
In the eyes of Most Americans, he is a brilliant, very successful former president: rated now at number 8 among the most effective presidents we have ever have. You need to realize that the way you see the world is not the way MOST people see it. You think your perspective is the majority perspective, when, in fact, it is the small minority perspective of extreme right-wingers incapable of critical thinking and intellectual honesty.

Such absolute partisan BS. You don't know why people outside the US like him, and BTW, they don't think he is just an 'okay' guy: they admire him and like him a very great deal. You have probably never even stepped foot outside the US and have no idea whatsoever what people who are not Americans think. Trust you? How absolutely ludicrous. LMAO
All that gushing and nothing about BJ's in the WH. I have been outside the US and the average guy on the street doesn't give a moldy fuck about Clinton, either of them. Those that loath Trump double down on that feeling towards the Clinton's.

This is absolute, complete BS. Absolutely untrue. Everyone I've spoken to outside the US, and I live outside the US (and have for 13 years) and travel a lot outside the US, EVERYONE loathes Trump--absolutely loathes him. As well, I work in an international environment with colleagues and clients from all over the world.

People around the world love Clinton: he makes millions of dollars every year doing speaking engagements around the world. He is admired, respected and loved. You are so wrong it is not even funny.

This is just ludicrous. You are imposing your view on people around the world and that's just completely ridiculous. Pathetic. You have no vision, no understanding of the wider world. Probably have never even been outside your backyard.
The KKK doesn't have a "party". Never did.
Already pointed this out.
Well, there you go again.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Yes, founded in the South by Conservative Democrats.
All those states are now Republican in protest of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
They may be Republican states now but the rest of your statement is just your worthless opinion with nothing to back it up.

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