Hillary chasing the conservative voter.....WTF??????????

So you find the Klan "funny", do you S.J. ....?
No, I find YOU funny, especially when you try to rewrite history.


Prove me wrong then. You already know I can back it all up and bring in ten more chapters and back them up too.

Watcha got?
You've haven't backed up a G-damn thing. You're a lying hack and everyone knows it.

So you have no link and you can't prove me wrong. Can't even answer PJ's question about what's in the History Channel link.

You KNOW we've done this before, Hunior.

Here's the one where I mopped the floor with your ass almost exactly one year ago. And that refers back to the one where I did the same thing a year before that. Link after link after link after link after link, all backing up exactly what I said. Fatter o' mact, check out link four back there ---- it links to..... wait for it...

... The History Channel. The same source you've been using without knowing what it says.

And yet --- here you come again digging ever deeper after being proven wrong ninefold.

That's a rare degree of dumbfuckitude.
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So you find the Klan "funny", do you S.J. ....?
No, I find YOU funny, especially when you try to rewrite history.


Prove me wrong then. You already know I can back it all up and bring in ten more chapters and back them up too.

Watcha got?
You've haven't backed up a G-damn thing. You're a lying hack and everyone knows it.

So you have no link and you can't prove a thing. Can't even answer PJ's question about what's in the History Channel link.

You KNOW we've done this before, Hunior.
I can't help it if you're too stupid to click on a link, moron. Like I told your butt buddy, it's on the first page.
So you find the Klan "funny", do you S.J. ....?
No, I find YOU funny, especially when you try to rewrite history.


Prove me wrong then. You already know I can back it all up and bring in ten more chapters and back them up too.

Watcha got?
You've haven't backed up a G-damn thing. You're a lying hack and everyone knows it.

So you have no link and you can't prove me wrong. Can't even answer PJ's question about what's in the History Channel link.

You KNOW we've done this before, Hunior.

Here's the one where I mopped the floor with your ass almost exactly one year ago. And that refers back to the one where I did the same thing a year before that. Link after link after link after link after link, all backing up exactly what I said. Fatter o' mact, check out link four back there ---- it links to..... wait for it...

... The History Channel. The same source you've been using without knowing what it says.

And yet --- here you come again digging ever deeper after being proven wrong ninefold.

That's a rare degree of dumbfuckitude.
I can't help it if you're too stupid to click on a link, moron. Like I told your butt buddy, it's on the first page.

So you're actually going to sit there and pretend all that linked history isn't there. Just go :lalala:

Like you did a year ago.

Like you did a year before that.

The KKK doesn't have a "party". Never did.
Already pointed this out.
Well, there you go again.
Ku Klux Klan - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com
Yes, founded in the South by Conservative Democrats.
All those states are now Republican in protest of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Sorry but anyone who reads the Constitution in such a way that condones the institution is a Liberal. The overwhelming majority of Democrats where against Civil rights until 1964. Hundreds od years of Slavery and Jim Crow bigotry and in less than a decade they where the champions of civil rights. That smells like 3 day old fish.
Fact: KKK was created for the purpose of intimidating blacks and Republicans to discourage them from running for office. It's history, pogo, and posting something that names individuals doesn't change that fact. You have nothing, dude. Democrats created the KKK, whether they were party leaders (like Bob Byrd) or just Democrats doesn't really matter. Their aim was to keep black people under their thumb and they were ALL Democrats, and repeated denials from you won't change that.
Fact: KKK was created for the purpose of intimidating blacks and Republicans to discourage them from running for office. It's history, pogo, and posting something that names individuals doesn't change that fact. You have nothing, dude. Democrats created the KKK, whether they were party leaders (like Bob Byrd) or just Democrats doesn't really matter. Their aim was to keep black people under their thumb and they were ALL Democrats, and repeated denials from you won't change that.
Even David Duke switched to Republican. Can you name some Democrats who are in the KKK today?
Even David Duke switched to Republican.

David Duke is more balanced than Al Sharpton. Do you say even Al Sharpton? No, you don't. Because you want to hold repubs to a double standard in typical libtard fashion. Clean your own fucking house before you get on your high horse.
Thanks for admitting you like David Duke. He was kicked out of the Czech Republic for denying the holocaust and other Far Right speech.
Fact: KKK was created for the purpose of intimidating blacks and Republicans to discourage them from running for office. It's history, pogo, and posting something that names individuals doesn't change that fact. You have nothing, dude. Democrats created the KKK, whether they were party leaders (like Bob Byrd) or just Democrats doesn't really matter. Their aim was to keep black people under their thumb and they were ALL Democrats, and repeated denials from you won't change that.

Funny you can't prove any of that then, while I can prove my case ten times over. And already have.

Sucks to be you in your hole.

Fun fact -- the KKK wasn't created for any of those purposes. Neither political nor racial. It was simply a goof. That's why it has all the jokey K-alliterations -- it was a joke, a way to deal with boredom. That Klan was soon infiltrated by terrorists who were already around and active, but the six guys that founded it had no such inclinations. Of course you would have to actually read history to know that -- as opposed to parroting stupid easily-refutable memes found on Googly Images.

Fun fact two -- the other Klan -- the revival of the Klan in 1915 --- was founded basically to milk money off the xenophobia of the time via membership fees and selling robes. That's why it targeted immigrants, and Jews, and communists, and labor unions and Catholics -- along with alcohol and homosexuality and "loose women" and of course the traditional black people target.

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's interesting you can come up with no evidence whatsoever of any political affiliation for John C. Lester, Captain John B. Kennedy, James R. Crowe, Frank O. McCord, Richard R. Reed, or J. Calvin Jones -- the six who founded it in 1865 --- nor for William Simmons, who re-founded it in 1915. No record of political activity at all. For any of them.

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's odd that the organization worked to oust Jack Walton (Democrat) out of the governorship of Oklahoma for trying to drive the Klan out of the state (1923). If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's bizarre the KKK rallied to keep the leading voice condemning the Klan, Alabama Senator Underwood; from getting the Democratic nomination for POTUS (1924, successfully) and to keep NY Gov Al Smith, because he was a Catholic, from the same nomination (1928, unsuccessfully) -- and then went on to support Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover in the GEs of those years. And then in later years went on to oppose FDR's New Deal.

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's weird that its then-leader Hiram Evans threatened to go to Louisiana to campaign against Huey Long's Presidential campaign but relented when Democrat Long declared that if Evans came he'd be leaving the state "with his toes turned up" (1935). If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats", then it's confounding that Stetson Kennedy, writer and 1952 Democratic candidate for Governor in Florida, infiltrated the Klan, wrote an exposé about it, and worked with the writers of the national radio show "Superman" to write scripts denouncing the organization for the terrorist bullshit it was (1954 and 1946 respectively).

If that sounds like it's "founded by Democrats" then it's inexplicable that the first President to prosecute the Klan after Ulysses Grant was Lyndon Johnson (1965).

Also makes this kind of hard to explain....

Oh look ------ it's your History Channel source again.

Had enough?
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Funny you can't prove any of that then, while I can prove my case ten times over. And already have.
Sorry, but you have proved nothing. But keep digging yourself further into that hole, it's fun to watch.
Funny you can't prove any of that then, while I can prove my case ten times over. And already have.
Sorry, but you have proved nothing. But keep digging yourself further into that hole, it's fun to watch.

Sure is -- the History Channel ..... YOUR OWN SOURCE. The one you kept posting over and over. Say boy-howdy to the world of reality.

Funny you can't prove any of that then, while I can prove my case ten times over. And already have.
Sorry, but you have proved nothing. But keep digging yourself further into that hole, it's fun to watch.

Sure is -- the History Channel ..... YOUR OWN SOURCE. The one you kept posting over and over. Say boy-howdy to the world of reality.

I hate to tell you this but I didn't watch your stupid video. You see, any historian will tell you that the KKK was created to stop Republicans and blacks after slavery ended. This has been substantiated repeatedly over the last century and a half. You can dig up anything you want to try and save face but history is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to be different to suit your fantasies. So you can pretend to have "won" a debate (that's not even a debate) all you want but the only thing you're managing to do is expose yourself for the idiot you are. Have a nice day.
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
huh? dude, do some research please before you post stupid like this. The KKK were demorats, use the thingy called the internet and check it out. I love uniformed.
I hate to tell you this but I didn't watch your stupid video.

Of course you didn't. You can already see the title and you don't want to know. :lalala:
But the funny part is --- everybody else sees it, and look where that leaves you.

What I like about the way I set that up --- it's the History Channel, the same source you kept flinging in here, ass-uming it said what you wished it had said. Apparently you didn't even read your own link. You walked right into it.

I didn't even mention the Colorado Republican Klan or the Pacific Northwest Republican Klan or the Anaheim Republican Klan or the forays into the Midwest and Great Plains... Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania....

Ooopsie, that last one is a tenth link, since it corroborates the history as I gave it. I'll have to add that one to my quiver.

Here's an 11th I didn't use -- from the building where the actual founding took place in 1865:


You'll notice those names and the date exactly match all ten of my previous links, with the exception that some give the date as December 25 rather than 24th.

Or, if you do your usual due diligence reading -- you won't notice at all. You'll just go :lalala: because you'd rather believe in your tooth fairy than know how teeth work.

You see, any historian will tell you that the KKK was created to stop Republicans and blacks after slavery ended. This has been substantiated repeatedly over the last century and a half.

Actually I've already quoted, and linked, eleven different historical sources that refute that fantasy, and I did that a year ago, and again a year before that. Yet on you yammer, whining and stomping your feet wishing you could change history, and to this end you've presented a total of ..... let's add 'em up.....

ZERO links.

You can dig up anything you want to try and save face but history is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to be different to suit your fantasies.

That's what I and my 11 links just said.

So you can pretend to have "won" a debate (that's not even a debate) all you want but the only thing you're managing to do is expose yourself for the idiot you are. Have a nice day.

Thanks for flying Loser Airlines. We'll see you again next year when you come back to run the same play expecting different results. BUH-bye.
I hate to tell you this but I didn't watch your stupid video.

Of course you didn't. You can already see the title and you don't want to know. :lalala:
But the funny part is --- everybody else sees it, and look where that leaves you.

What I like about the way I set that up --- it's the History Channel, the same source you kept flinging in here, ass-uming it said what you wished it had said. Apparently you didn't even read your own link. You walked right into it.

I didn't even mention the Colorado Republican Klan or the Pacific Northwest Republican Klan or the Anaheim Republican Klan or the forays into the Midwest and Great Plains... Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania....

Ooopsie, that last one is a tenth link, since it corroborates the history as I gave it. I'll have to add that one to my quiver.

Here's an 11th I didn't use -- from the building where the actual founding took place in 1865:


You'll notice those names and the date exactly match all ten of my previous links, with the exception that some give the date as December 25 rather than 24th.

Or, if you do your usual due diligence reading -- you won't notice at all. You'll just go :lalala: because you'd rather believe in your tooth fairy than know how teeth work.

You see, any historian will tell you that the KKK was created to stop Republicans and blacks after slavery ended. This has been substantiated repeatedly over the last century and a half.

Actually I've already quoted, and linked, eleven different historical sources that refute that fantasy, and I did that a year ago, and again a year before that. Yet on you yammer, whining and stomping your feet wishing you could change history, and to this end you've presented a total of ..... let's add 'em up.....

ZERO links.

You can dig up anything you want to try and save face but history is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to be different to suit your fantasies.

That's what I and my 11 links just said.

So you can pretend to have "won" a debate (that's not even a debate) all you want but the only thing you're managing to do is expose yourself for the idiot you are. Have a nice day.

Thanks for flying Loser Airlines. We'll see you again next year when you come back to run the same play expecting different results. BUH-bye.
dude that group didn't exist after that monument was put up. What is it you're still trying to promote with it?
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
huh? dude, do some research please before you post stupid like this. The KKK were demorats, use the thingy called the internet and check it out. I love uniformed.

I just did that earlier. And a year ago. And a year before that. Ten links say that's bullshit.

Your links say..... uh, your links say......

Oops --- you don't have any.
And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

The KKK are far-right republicans.

Do you really think most American voters are as stupid as you?
huh? dude, do some research please before you post stupid like this. The KKK were demorats, use the thingy called the internet and check it out. I love uniformed.

I just did that earlier. And a year ago. And a year before that. Ten links say that's bullshit.

Your links say..... uh, your links say......

Oops --- you don't have any.
oh, do you want me to post it again? We did this in another thread about two months ago. Do you still want me to post it up again? or do you want to admit that group was done at that time? You make the call. I'm not going to repeat if you wish to disagree with that. So, do you disagree that group was the end of that organization?

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