Hillary chasing the conservative voter.....WTF??????????

Go back and find some more links, pogo. Maybe eventually somebody here will be gullible enough to believe you. :lol:

Uh huh. So ten links (really twelve) proving my point versus ZERO for your denial of it.... somehow fall below the Alabama Literacy Test line.

Here -- have a 13th. Another nice easy video you can not-watch. Tell me where your fantasy comes to life here. You can find the origin right at the beginning:

Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

And yet, the number of evidence to that effect is still...................... zero.

But bravo Madge, you got through a 45-minute video in a mere six hours. What'dja do, watch it eight times hoping it would say something different?


A video by Mike Wallace, a well known liberal of dubious character who has a penchant for rewriting history to suit his liberal agenda (like you)? I watched a few minutes of it and noticed they conveniently left out the reason the KKK was created. How convenient.

Actually that begins right in the second sentence of the show, less than a minute and half in, and goes on for several minutes.

Apparently that was too long a wait for your ADHD. But congratulations on your new plan to one my one engage the Poison the Well Fallacy for each source you see.

Unfortunately for you, you already chose to go with the History Channel, which you posted several times --- apparently without bothering to read it, but that's your choice. So you're not going to get to poison this well, because this is what your own source says, it goes into plenty of detail about that origin, and it once again confirms what I laid down.

Roll link 14:

That's your own source talking, Dumbass.

Had enough yet? Because I've still got more, and you've still got zero.

Got anything that claims Republicans created the KKK? No? I didn't think so.
Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.
Yes, Conservative Democrats who became Republicans after 1964. Again, you're either lying or you're stupid. It's a tossup.
No, the same Democrats who made Bob Byrd their Senate majority leader until he died a few years ago. He was supported by many liberals (like Hillary Clinton).

I lived in the South then. You're wrong.
Yeah? The facts disagree with you.
Yeah, the camera lies, right?
Trump's base is liberal and moderate Republicans moron.

Trump's base has no set ideology or principles. It hates governing and giving consent to be governed. They are voting for chaos through the cult of a white male personality promising whatever they want to hear, hoping chaos will restore the racial and sexual norms of 1950's America. That's what make 'America great again' means. We are not going back there but by chaos. That's why white supremacists like Trump too. He blows the perfect dogwhistle.

If Bob Dole spoke with sound mind, then he has shamed himself.
Uh huh. So ten links (really twelve) proving my point versus ZERO for your denial of it.... somehow fall below the Alabama Literacy Test line.

Here -- have a 13th. Another nice easy video you can not-watch. Tell me where your fantasy comes to life here. You can find the origin right at the beginning:

Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

And yet, the number of evidence to that effect is still...................... zero.

But bravo Madge, you got through a 45-minute video in a mere six hours. What'dja do, watch it eight times hoping it would say something different?


A video by Mike Wallace, a well known liberal of dubious character who has a penchant for rewriting history to suit his liberal agenda (like you)? I watched a few minutes of it and noticed they conveniently left out the reason the KKK was created. How convenient.

Actually that begins right in the second sentence of the show, less than a minute and half in, and goes on for several minutes.

Apparently that was too long a wait for your ADHD. But congratulations on your new plan to one my one engage the Poison the Well Fallacy for each source you see.

Unfortunately for you, you already chose to go with the History Channel, which you posted several times --- apparently without bothering to read it, but that's your choice. So you're not going to get to poison this well, because this is what your own source says, it goes into plenty of detail about that origin, and it once again confirms what I laid down.

Roll link 14:

That's your own source talking, Dumbass.

Had enough yet? Because I've still got more, and you've still got zero.

Got anything that claims Republicans created the KKK? No? I didn't think so.

Nope. Because as I said from the beginning, even two years ago when we did this (and I can quote that too) --- the Klan wasn't started as a political organization. Ever.

That means not by Republicans... not by Democrats.... not by Whigs..... not by Socialists or Greens or Tories or anything else.

Trump's base is liberal and moderate Republicans moron.

Trump's base has no set ideology or principles. It hates governing and giving consent to be governed. They are voting for chaos through the cult of a white male personality promising whatever they want to hear, hoping chaos will restore the racial and sexual norms of 1950's America. That's what make 'America great again' means. We are not going back there but by chaos. That's why white supremacists like Trump too. He blows the perfect dogwhistle.

If Bob Dole spoke with sound mind, then he has shamed himself.
Like the rest of the Right, he just wants a Republican in the White House.
White Nationalist Leader Selected As One Of Trump’s California Delegates

Trump Camp: 'Database Error' Led To White Nationalist On CA Delegate Slate
Trump Campaign Corresponded With Its White Nationalist Delegate Long After "Database Error"

Although the Trump campaign blamed a "database error" for including Johnson as a delegate, the campaign corresponded with him personally just over 24 hours ago. Trump's California delegate coordinator, Katie Lagomarsino, sent Johnson a congratulatory email on Monday, and when he asked for clarification about how to send his completed pledge form back to the campaign, she replied. Here is the email exchange (with the personal contact information redacted by Mother Jones):

They have a database of white supremacists that support Trump? Isn't that just called the GOP voter roll?
There would be no republican party, were it not for the racist and crazies supporting thier base....so why is this news?
The NYTimes is reporting that Hillary, this DINO is hoping to bring in disillusion conservative voters...you know, the one's that loved Ted Cruz......Hey, Hillary, other than promising to shut down the government when you don't get your way, fucking over the poor, them nigga's you love so much and pandering to the rich....what the fuck can you offer a damned conservative as a PROGRESSIVE MOP HEAD?

Hillary Clinton Targets Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump


She's not picking off Cruz dimwit Republicans. They will vote for Trump or not at all. She is targeting any Republican intelligent and moderate enough to not vote for Trump and is not some right wing religious whacko. We don't need them.

But running a more inclusive campaign vs Trump's old white male exclusively racist homophobic xenophobic campaign is smart politics.

Go get 'EM Hillary.
35% of democrat voters in West Virginia will vote for Trump rather than Hillary. hahahaahahahahahahhahahahaha, I love it. Can you say Titanic?
I hate to tell you this but I didn't watch your stupid video.

Of course you didn't. You can already see the title and you don't want to know. :lalala:
But the funny part is --- everybody else sees it, and look where that leaves you.

What I like about the way I set that up --- it's the History Channel, the same source you kept flinging in here, ass-uming it said what you wished it had said. Apparently you didn't even read your own link. You walked right into it.

I didn't even mention the Colorado Republican Klan or the Pacific Northwest Republican Klan or the Anaheim Republican Klan or the forays into the Midwest and Great Plains... Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania....

Ooopsie, that last one is a tenth link, since it corroborates the history as I gave it. I'll have to add that one to my quiver.

Here's an 11th I didn't use -- from the building where the actual founding took place in 1865:


You'll notice those names and the date exactly match all ten of my previous links, with the exception that some give the date as December 25 rather than 24th.

Or, if you do your usual due diligence reading -- you won't notice at all. You'll just go :lalala: because you'd rather believe in your tooth fairy than know how teeth work.

You see, any historian will tell you that the KKK was created to stop Republicans and blacks after slavery ended. This has been substantiated repeatedly over the last century and a half.

Actually I've already quoted, and linked, eleven different historical sources that refute that fantasy, and I did that a year ago, and again a year before that. Yet on you yammer, whining and stomping your feet wishing you could change history, and to this end you've presented a total of ..... let's add 'em up.....

ZERO links.

You can dig up anything you want to try and save face but history is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to be different to suit your fantasies.

That's what I and my 11 links just said.

So you can pretend to have "won" a debate (that's not even a debate) all you want but the only thing you're managing to do is expose yourself for the idiot you are. Have a nice day.

Thanks for flying Loser Airlines. We'll see you again next year when you come back to run the same play expecting different results. BUH-bye.
Go back and find some more links, pogo. Maybe eventually somebody here will be gullible enough to believe you. :lol:

Uh huh. So ten links (really twelve) proving my point versus ZERO for your denial of it.... somehow fall below the Alabama Literacy Test line.

Here -- have a 13th. Another nice easy video you can not-watch. Tell me where your fantasy comes to life here. You can find the origin right at the beginning:

Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

Yes, Conservative Democrats who became Republicans after 1964. Again, you're either lying or you're stupid. It's a tossup.

again, you don't the history at all. Thanks for playing.
I hate to tell you this but I didn't watch your stupid video.

Of course you didn't. You can already see the title and you don't want to know. :lalala:
But the funny part is --- everybody else sees it, and look where that leaves you.

What I like about the way I set that up --- it's the History Channel, the same source you kept flinging in here, ass-uming it said what you wished it had said. Apparently you didn't even read your own link. You walked right into it.

I didn't even mention the Colorado Republican Klan or the Pacific Northwest Republican Klan or the Anaheim Republican Klan or the forays into the Midwest and Great Plains... Illinois, Michigan, Pennsylvania....

Ooopsie, that last one is a tenth link, since it corroborates the history as I gave it. I'll have to add that one to my quiver.

Here's an 11th I didn't use -- from the building where the actual founding took place in 1865:


You'll notice those names and the date exactly match all ten of my previous links, with the exception that some give the date as December 25 rather than 24th.

Or, if you do your usual due diligence reading -- you won't notice at all. You'll just go :lalala: because you'd rather believe in your tooth fairy than know how teeth work.

You see, any historian will tell you that the KKK was created to stop Republicans and blacks after slavery ended. This has been substantiated repeatedly over the last century and a half.

Actually I've already quoted, and linked, eleven different historical sources that refute that fantasy, and I did that a year ago, and again a year before that. Yet on you yammer, whining and stomping your feet wishing you could change history, and to this end you've presented a total of ..... let's add 'em up.....

ZERO links.

You can dig up anything you want to try and save face but history is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to be different to suit your fantasies.

That's what I and my 11 links just said.

So you can pretend to have "won" a debate (that's not even a debate) all you want but the only thing you're managing to do is expose yourself for the idiot you are. Have a nice day.

Thanks for flying Loser Airlines. We'll see you again next year when you come back to run the same play expecting different results. BUH-bye.
Go back and find some more links, pogo. Maybe eventually somebody here will be gullible enough to believe you. :lol:

Uh huh. So ten links (really twelve) proving my point versus ZERO for your denial of it.... somehow fall below the Alabama Literacy Test line.

Here -- have a 13th. Another nice easy video you can not-watch. Tell me where your fantasy comes to life here. You can find the origin right at the beginning:

Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

And yet, the number of evidence to that effect is still...................... zero.

But bravo Madge, you got through a 45-minute video in a mere six hours. What'dja do, watch it eight times hoping it would say something different?


what party was Bob Byrd?
Go back and find some more links, pogo. Maybe eventually somebody here will be gullible enough to believe you. :lol:

Uh huh. So ten links (really twelve) proving my point versus ZERO for your denial of it.... somehow fall below the Alabama Literacy Test line.

Here -- have a 13th. Another nice easy video you can not-watch. Tell me where your fantasy comes to life here. You can find the origin right at the beginning:

Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

Yes, Conservative Democrats who became Republicans after 1964. Again, you're either lying or you're stupid. It's a tossup.

No, the same Democrats who made Bob Byrd their Senate majority leader until he died a few years ago. He was supported by many liberals (like Hillary Clinton).


I lived in the South then. You're wrong.

what does that have to do with anything.
Even your boyfriend, political junky admits Democrats started the KKK, you fucking moron.

And yet, the number of evidence to that effect is still...................... zero.

But bravo Madge, you got through a 45-minute video in a mere six hours. What'dja do, watch it eight times hoping it would say something different?

A video by Mike Wallace, a well known liberal of dubious character who has a penchant for rewriting history to suit his liberal agenda (like you)? I watched a few minutes of it and noticed they conveniently left out the reason the KKK was created. How convenient.

Actually that begins right in the second sentence of the show, less than a minute and half in, and goes on for several minutes.

Apparently that was too long a wait for your ADHD. But congratulations on your new plan to one my one engage the Poison the Well Fallacy for each source you see.

Unfortunately for you, you already chose to go with the History Channel, which you posted several times --- apparently without bothering to read it, but that's your choice. So you're not going to get to poison this well, because this is what your own source says, it goes into plenty of detail about that origin, and it once again confirms what I laid down.

Roll link 14:

That's your own source talking, Dumbass.

Had enough yet? Because I've still got more, and you've still got zero.

Got anything that claims Republicans created the KKK? No? I didn't think so.

Nope. Because as I said from the beginning, even two years ago when we did this (and I can quote that too) --- the Klan wasn't started as a political organization. Ever.

That means not by Republicans... not by Democrats.... not by Whigs..... not by Socialists or Greens or Tories or anything else.


hahahahaahahahahaahahahahahaaha BTW. Why don't you post up a link? :link:
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
He said Carly Fiorina was beautiful. That was a lie.
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
He said Carly Fiorina was beautiful. That was a lie.
naw, that was being polite.
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
lets see him deport 10 million + people.....or has he flipped flopped on that?...
Also, this proves once again that Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.

First she wants to put coal miners out of work, and now she doesn't. What a fuck up she is.
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
lets see him deport 10 million + people.....or has he flipped flopped on that?...
how is that a lie? he isn't pres yet. So fail!!!! Try again. Or don't you have anything and you're just lying?
Hillary has no principles and will say whatever it takes to get elected.
you mean she is like all the other politicians?....

That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
lets see him deport 10 million + people.....or has he flipped flopped on that?...
how is that a lie? he isn't pres yet. So fail!!!! Try again. Or don't you have anything and you're just lying?
lets just say if you believe he will be able to do it, as many of you people seem to believe he will,then you are one of those foolish people i was talking about......hows that?....
That's funny..... Have you been listening to Trump garbage?
He is even using the national enquirer hoping that stupid Americans will listen to him. I'm sure his supporters believed that 100%.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
lets see him deport 10 million + people.....or has he flipped flopped on that?...
how is that a lie? he isn't pres yet. So fail!!!! Try again. Or don't you have anything and you're just lying?
lets just say if you believe he will be able to do it, as many of you people seem to believe he will,then you are one of those foolish people i was talking about......hows that?....
And you think Hillary wasn't responsible for four american deaths in Benghazi. yep, you'd let a murderer be president rather than someone actually promising to help US citizens. wow, don't worry about me dude, it's you with the problem.
if you dont believe she is like all the other ones then she did her job on you.....and i dont listen to trump....if anyone believes the bullshit he is throwing around then they are just as foolish as those who believe hillaries shit....
name something that Trump has said that isn't true?
lets see him deport 10 million + people.....or has he flipped flopped on that?...
how is that a lie? he isn't pres yet. So fail!!!! Try again. Or don't you have anything and you're just lying?
lets just say if you believe he will be able to do it, as many of you people seem to believe he will,then you are one of those foolish people i was talking about......hows that?....
And you think Hillary wasn't responsible for four american deaths in Benghazi. yep, you'd let a murderer be president rather than someone actually promising to help US citizens. wow, don't worry about me dude, it's you with the problem.
you think im backing hillary?.....you dont pay attention do you?....learn to read what people post and then pay attention to it....

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