Hillary chasing the conservative voter.....WTF??????????

It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.
What is he popular for then, giving missile technology to the Chinese for financing his reelection campaign?
It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.
Hillary Clinton has no basic beliefs. She has no principles. She has espoused the left-wing agenda so far because she was fighting off Bernie Sanders. Now that Bernie is defeated, she will pull hard to the right to fight Trump. I predict she will start quoting Ronald Reagan's "shining city on the hill speech." She will start talking about lowering taxes, deregulating business, and saving the unborn from godless abortion doctors. Anything to get elected. Hillary is a shameless whore, and if you don't know that by now, you will know it in the next few weeks. It has already started, and you are too dumb to read the New York Times story to verify it. But soon, even you will have to pull your head out of the sand and realize that Hillary doesn't belong to you anymore. And really, she never did. She belongs to the Wall Street banks, Saudia Arabia, and all the billionaires and millionaires who dumped money into the Clinton Foundation. She is their marionette, and she will do their bidding. And their instructions right now are BEAT TRUMP, no matter what it takes.
If this bitch chases the conservative vote...she's gonna have to throw progressive shit to the wind and guess who's gonna suffer as a result of her lies/????? Stupid black voters. The sacrificial lamb for both parties.
Tigerred59 she gonna bring back the Clintons Crime Bill which targeted and imprisoned hundreds of thousands of blacks??? Yep. And yall are still gonna vote for her because she's with the Party of the KKK.

Once again for the ignorant -- there is no "party of the KKK". And maybe the part you're not getting is that posting a myth over and over and over on a message board doesn't reach back in time and make it happen retroactively.
It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.

They do. This is a message board, where the wacko fringe lives. And they hang here because no one in the real world will listen to them.
Born and raised a conservative Republican --- it ain't a stretch at all. Second nature.

Besides, for a conservative voter..... what other choice do they have?

Park Ridge is as liberal as you can get stupid fuck

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?
Born and raised a conservative Republican --- it ain't a stretch at all. Second nature.

Besides, for a conservative voter..... what other choice do they have?

Park Ridge is as liberal as you can get stupid fuck

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?

You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.

Born and raised a conservative Republican --- it ain't a stretch at all. Second nature.

Besides, for a conservative voter..... what other choice do they have?

Park Ridge is as liberal as you can get stupid fuck

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?

You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.

And you think being from a particular suburb not only infuses politics through some sort of weird osmosis, but is immutably fixed in time over sixty years, do you?

OMFG you stepped yourself directly into it. Set yourself up and then pulled the chain. What a moron.

Yeah the fact is Hillary grew up a conservative Republican. President of the Wellsley Young Republicans Club in college. "Goldwater Girl". You could look it up.

But no, I'm afraid politics is not transmitted by some kind of geographic ooze, just because Harrison Freaking Ford comes from the same place and you saw one of his movies, or because you think you "dated a few girls from there" decades later.

Holy SHIT what a maroon.
Park Ridge is as liberal as you can get stupid fuck

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?

You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.

And you think being from a particular suburb not only infuses politics through some sort of weird osmosis, but is immutably fixed in time over sixty years, do you?

OMFG you stepped yourself directly into it. Set yourself up and then pulled the chain. What a moron.

Yeah the fact is Hillary grew up a conservative Republican. President of the Wellsley Young Republicans Club in college. "Goldwater Girl". You could look it up.

But no, I'm afraid politics is not transmitted by some kind of geographic ooze, just because Harrison Freaking Ford comes from the same place and you saw one of his movies, or because you think you "dated a few girls from there" decades later.

Holy SHIT what a maroon.

Glad you looked it up dumb shit , but you don't know Jack about Park Ridge, once white liberal trash always white liberal trash.

Who the fuck is "Park Ridge"?

Showing your ignorance again?

No one has mentioned any kind of "Park Ridge" anywhere in the thread. Do you just not know what the fuck you're posting about then?
What, are you a roomful of monkeys on typewriters?

You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.

And you think being from a particular suburb not only infuses politics through some sort of weird osmosis, but is immutably fixed in time over sixty years, do you?

OMFG you stepped yourself directly into it. Set yourself up and then pulled the chain. What a moron.

Yeah the fact is Hillary grew up a conservative Republican. President of the Wellsley Young Republicans Club in college. "Goldwater Girl". You could look it up.

But no, I'm afraid politics is not transmitted by some kind of geographic ooze, just because Harrison Freaking Ford comes from the same place and you saw one of his movies, or because you think you "dated a few girls from there" decades later.

Holy SHIT what a maroon.

Glad you looked it up dumb shit , but you don't know Jack about Park Ridge, once white liberal trash always white liberal trash.

I didn't say I looked it up, Evelyn Wood --- I said you could.

I don't need to look it up; I already knew. That's uh, kind of how I was capable of posting the original idea in the first place.
So I just let you dig yourself into your own hole, and you jumped in with both feet.

It's in the New York Times, and they have quotes from Hillary herself, asking Republicans to vote for her:


Also, she met with a coal miner and backpedaled on her promise to put the coal mining industry out of business.

So liberals, you can kiss Hillary's donkey ass goodbye, because pretty soon she'll be explaining why global warming is a fraud and every unborn child in the womb is a precious gift from God.
Absolute nonsense. You're ridiculous. Encouraging people to vote for her who are disillusioned with Trump is not at all, on any level, the same as making an official declaration and doesn't mean she is changing her promises or agenda. Get a grip on reality.

You are hysterical.

It's really a sad thing that people like you are allowed to vote. Hopefully, the majority of American voters have more common sense.
Esmeralda, she has already apologized for promising to put coal miners and the coal mining industry out of business. This is a major item on the environmentalist agenda, and she just did a 180 because one coal miner popped off at her. She will similarly betray all other leftist agenda items because she figures she has leftists in the bag, so she needs to go conservative to get Republican votes.

Why do you even doubt this? When Bill was President, he ruled as a leftist for two years, even trying to start Hillary care, but after the Republicans took Congress in 1994, he pulled way to the right and started working with Newt Gingrich to pass welfare-to-work reform, NAFTA, stricter immigration laws (which put me out of business since I could no longer help immigrants), the crime bill (which now has millions of minorities locked up for minor drug crimes), etc. He even lowered taxes, and the economy improved, and he took credit for it. Clinton remains popular today for all the CONSERVATIVE things he did, working with Newt Gingrich. The LIBERAL things he tried to do FAILED and except for Hillary care, are forgotten.
Bill Clinton is popular all over the world. He is popular because he is brilliant and he has just been deemed, by presidential scholars, as the 8th most successful American president ever, and not because of the 'conservative' things he did while in office.

It is obvious that anyone in Mrs. Clinton's position would like to gain some Republican voters, given the loathing so many of them have for Trump. This is NOT NEWS. It is obvious to anyone who is not brain dead. However, it does not mean she is going to do somersaults with her basic beliefs. You are just plain silly.
Hillary Clinton has no basic beliefs. She has no principles. She has espoused the left-wing agenda so far because she was fighting off Bernie Sanders. Now that Bernie is defeated, she will pull hard to the right to fight Trump. I predict she will start quoting Ronald Reagan's "shining city on the hill speech." She will start talking about lowering taxes, deregulating business, and saving the unborn from godless abortion doctors. Anything to get elected. Hillary is a shameless whore, and if you don't know that by now, you will know it in the next few weeks. It has already started, and you are too dumb to read the New York Times story to verify it. But soon, even you will have to pull your head out of the sand and realize that Hillary doesn't belong to you anymore. And really, she never did. She belongs to the Wall Street banks, Saudia Arabia, and all the billionaires and millionaires who dumped money into the Clinton Foundation. She is their marionette, and she will do their bidding. And their instructions right now are BEAT TRUMP, no matter what it takes.
:beer::beer::clap2::clap2:Thank you, thank you, thank you....I have always said that the Clintons are nothing but political money seeking whores who not only will do and say anything for a vote, but will do it for a dollar donation off the books. I knew she was worthless when her man was fuckin everything in Arkansas right under her nose, while she looked the other way.....cause being a gov.'s wife was more important than her dignity and morals.
You fucking idiot you said Hillary was brought up conservative she is from Park Ridge Illinois, the same place Harrison Ford is from, an Ultra liberal suburb on the North west side of Chicago. I know that burb well dated a few girls from there.
Hillary was an AuH2O girl.
If this bitch chases the conservative vote...she's gonna have to throw progressive shit to the wind and guess who's gonna suffer as a result of her lies/????? Stupid black voters. The sacrificial lamb for both parties.

Yall aren't a sacrificial lamb to us. Come on over. We want you all to have jobs and the dignity of INDEPENDENCE from the government. The ability to be free. Live well. All that.

We just aren't gonna treat ya different because of your skin color. Other than that....come on over. Let's make the economy boom. Let's flood our cities with JOBS....not more shitty government housing. Let's make people INDEPENDENT so they can choose their own destiny.

Or....keep voting Democrat. Keep putting on those government handout chains. Keep jobs fleeing America due to crippling taxes and crippling labor laws. Keep pushing young black men out of the labor market by flooding it with illegals who do those same jobs for half the price.

Hey dead brain bitch....if jobs are leaving, its because of cheap labor overseas...you people are hopeless...we can't help you, we can't

The only person serious about bringing jobs back from China is Trump. But you can't bring yourself to vote for him. You've been programmed to believe he's a racist, because your old white masters who run the Democrat Party and the media have told you so. Now be a good whipped dog and go vote for Hillary.
"Hillary Clinton Targets Republicans Turned Off by Donald Trump"

And appropriately so, as she’s at liberty to do, just as republican voters are at liberty to vote for whomever they wish, including Clinton.

Clinton is serious about winning this election, she’s a formidable opponent – republicans would be ill-advised to underestimate her based on their blind, unwarranted hatred of Clinton.

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