Hillary Clintion Leads by 1.7 Million in Popular Vote. More than both JFK's and Carter's Victories

I'm waiting to see if ANYONE in the media thinks it's important enough to FOLLOW the 1Mil + "provisionals" from Cali and find out exactly how many folks committed felony perjury by demanding a ballot.. Think there is ZERO chance of that happening unless the details are published at the sites that I gave.

You are a Right wing white male clown who believes climate science is a hoax but the tweet rantings of Trump are from God's own mouth

Trump Falsely Claims Millions Voted Illegally

Donald Trump tweeted without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in November’s presidential election, Politico reports.

Said Trump: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Ezra Klein:
“This tweet is an example of one of Trump’s other dangerous qualities: his tendency to believe what he wants to believe about the world, facts be damned. Trump lost the popular vote, and he lost it by a wide margin — more than 2 million votes and counting. A wise man would take that information seriously and think about how to staff his White House, set priorities, and moderate his message to win over a majority of the public. Instead, Trump appears to have told himself the vote count was riddled with fraud and that he really did win a majority of the legitimate vote — and thus he doesn’t need to consider what it means that most voters didn’t want him to win the presidency.”
He just tweets what he wants with nothing to back it up. The President elect is an idiot.
He just tweets what he wants with nothing to back it up. The President elect is an idiot.
I have him in a deplorable basket because of his hide bound conservatism that is fact free and opinion heavy...the fact of the matter is that Trump is a minority President ....he represents the "white lash" ....white Right wing trash point of view ....
900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
There are still over 3 million votes left to count in California. Therefore, Clinton's victory will be over 2 million votes, possibly over 3 million votes.

This is a sad time for democracy in the United States. We have to deal with the corrupt racist and misogynist bully Trump for at least 4 years because of some nonsense known as the electoral college, which no other democracy in the world is stupid enough to have.

Kalifornia is not the rest of the US. Hillary lost. Its time to accept that and get on with your lives.
I'm waiting to see if ANYONE in the media thinks it's important enough to FOLLOW the 1Mil + "provisionals" from Cali and find out exactly how many folks committed felony perjury by demanding a ballot.. Think there is ZERO chance of that happening unless the details are published at the sites that I gave.

You are a Right wing white male clown who believes climate science is a hoax but the tweet rantings of Trump are from God's own mouth

Trump Falsely Claims Millions Voted Illegally

Donald Trump tweeted without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in November’s presidential election, Politico reports.

Said Trump: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Ezra Klein:
“This tweet is an example of one of Trump’s other dangerous qualities: his tendency to believe what he wants to believe about the world, facts be damned. Trump lost the popular vote, and he lost it by a wide margin — more than 2 million votes and counting. A wise man would take that information seriously and think about how to staff his White House, set priorities, and moderate his message to win over a majority of the public. Instead, Trump appears to have told himself the vote count was riddled with fraud and that he really did win a majority of the legitimate vote — and thus he doesn’t need to consider what it means that most voters didn’t want him to win the presidency.”
He just tweets what he wants with nothing to back it up. The President elect is an idiot.

I understand there were also "thousands and thousands" of people on a rooftop in Jersey City voting for him.

I think they were Amish.
900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Untied we stand!

Rump be all like

900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
You quack right wing you walk Right wing you are Right wing ...Libertarians are infantile...
900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
You quack right wing you walk Right wing you are Right wing ...Libertarians are infantile...

Infantile is your schtick. And you do it well. The LParty agrees with 50% of what Bernie wants. Except that WE have been consistently working as a LARGE group with their own think tanks and journals to get these reforms done for over 25 years..

So do you know what a provisional ballot is? Do you realize how outrageous it is to have over a MILLION of them in one state? OR -- are you just a flaming partisan mindless whore???
900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
You quack right wing you walk Right wing you are Right wing ...Libertarians are infantile...

Infantile is your schtick. And you do it well. The LParty agrees with 50% of what Bernie wants. Except that WE have been consistently working as a LARGE group with their own think tanks and journals to get these reforms done for over 25 years..

So do you know what a provisional ballot is? Do you realize how outrageous it is to have over a MILLION of them in one state? OR -- are you just a flaming partisan mindless whore???

Actually I have no idea what a nominal number (or percentage) of provisional ballots is. Do you?

I just looked up my own state and saw where some 60,000 provisional ballots may have to be scrutinized to settle the governor's race, if that's any perspective.
Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Go on and tell us why you think this is an anomaly and then maybe you can explain why you think these provisional ballots are so nefarious.
900,000 provisional ballots in Cali to be counted. From folks too lazy or too illegal to legitimately register before the election. Figure a percentage of them probably should be going to jail. Because it's 2 to 5 years to misrepresent your voting status. Anyone think that will happen??

And that wad of ballots is NOT gonna get resolved before the deadline. Cali needs to learn to focus on accurate REGISTRATION. And not just let anyone wander into polling stations or multiple polling stations on voting day...
you are a Right wing clown there are no illegal votes you are making it up like Russian Intelligence creating fake
news to help Orange pretender

Latest tally shows Clinton leading by more than 2.2 million
Trump Claims Popular Vote Win, Says Millions Voted Illegally
Prez-Elect Goes on Sunday Rage Bender

President-elect Donald Trump claimed without evidence Sunday that "millions" voted illegally in the national election, scoffing at Hillary Clinton's nearly 2 million edge in the popular vote and returning to his campaign mantra of a rigged race even as he prepares to enter the White House in less than two months.

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
You quack right wing you walk Right wing you are Right wing ...Libertarians are infantile...

Infantile is your schtick. And you do it well. The LParty agrees with 50% of what Bernie wants. Except that WE have been consistently working as a LARGE group with their own think tanks and journals to get these reforms done for over 25 years..

So do you know what a provisional ballot is? Do you realize how outrageous it is to have over a MILLION of them in one state? OR -- are you just a flaming partisan mindless whore???

Actually I have no idea what a nominal number (or percentage) of provisional ballots is. Do you?

I just looked up my own state and saw where some 60,000 provisional ballots may have to be scrutinized to settle the governor's race, if that's any perspective.

60.000 is nothing compared to over a MILLION. You divide by the precincts in the state and that gives you "a sanity check" on whether HUGE irregularities are going on. Over a Million people --- not on the rolls attempted to waltz in and demand to vote on election day. That's a FAILURE of govt and a sign that laziness is being rewarded and possible fraudulent attempts to vote.

We made people believe that legally being enrolled requires no effort on their part. That's a bad idea.
FlaCalTenn is the Kind of Libertarian Right Wing Mental Midget who believes all Climate Science is a hoax but that the Orange Moron's declaration of "millions of Illegal votes" is like Biblical Truth

what a maroon
Donald Trump tweeted without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in November’s presidential election, Politico reports.

Said Trump: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Ezra Klein: “This tweet is an example of one of Trump’s other dangerous qualities: his tendency to believe what he wants to believe about the world, facts be damned. Trump lost the popular vote, and he lost it by a wide margin — more than 2 million votes and counting. A wise man would take that information seriously and think about how to staff his White House, set priorities, and moderate his message to win over a majority of the public. Instead, Trump appears to have told himself the vote count was riddled with fraud and that he really did win a majority of the legitimate vote — and thus he doesn’t need to consider what it means that most voters didn’t want him to win the presidency.”

Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Either way -- I'd ignore you calling me a right-winger. I'm not. I can out liberal you on a LOT of issues as a Libertarian.. You are so "lost in space" -- your posts need to carry a Spam warning on them..
You quack right wing you walk Right wing you are Right wing ...Libertarians are infantile...

Infantile is your schtick. And you do it well. The LParty agrees with 50% of what Bernie wants. Except that WE have been consistently working as a LARGE group with their own think tanks and journals to get these reforms done for over 25 years..

So do you know what a provisional ballot is? Do you realize how outrageous it is to have over a MILLION of them in one state? OR -- are you just a flaming partisan mindless whore???

Actually I have no idea what a nominal number (or percentage) of provisional ballots is. Do you?

I just looked up my own state and saw where some 60,000 provisional ballots may have to be scrutinized to settle the governor's race, if that's any perspective.

60.000 is nothing compared to over a MILLION. You divide by the precincts in the state and that gives you "a sanity check" on whether HUGE irregularities are going on. Over a Million people --- not on the rolls attempted to waltz in and demand to vote on election day. That's a FAILURE of govt and a sign that laziness is being rewarded and possible fraudulent attempts to vote.

We made people believe that legally being enrolled requires no effort on their part. That's a bad idea.

That's not what I asked. I'm asking what a "normal" number is for California.

Which also is a lot bigger state than Carolina, and again that's for a governor's race. So I really didn't find a comparator.
FlaCalTenn is the Kind of Libertarian Right Wing Mental Midget who believes all Climate Science is a hoax but that the Orange Moron's declaration of "millions of Illegal votes" is like Biblical Truth

what a maroon
Donald Trump tweeted without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in November’s presidential election, Politico reports.

Said Trump: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Ezra Klein: “This tweet is an example of one of Trump’s other dangerous qualities: his tendency to believe what he wants to believe about the world, facts be damned. Trump lost the popular vote, and he lost it by a wide margin — more than 2 million votes and counting. A wise man would take that information seriously and think about how to staff his White House, set priorities, and moderate his message to win over a majority of the public. Instead, Trump appears to have told himself the vote count was riddled with fraud and that he really did win a majority of the legitimate vote — and thus he doesn’t need to consider what it means that most voters didn’t want him to win the presidency.”

Dood, you need to take a freaking chill pill. FCT is a reasonable mind who will debate fairly. Quit snarling.
FlaCalTenn is the Kind of Libertarian Right Wing Mental Midget who believes all Climate Science is a hoax but that the Orange Moron's declaration of "millions of Illegal votes" is like Biblical Truth

what a maroon
Donald Trump tweeted without evidence that millions of people voted illegally in November’s presidential election, Politico reports.

Said Trump: “In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”

Ezra Klein: “This tweet is an example of one of Trump’s other dangerous qualities: his tendency to believe what he wants to believe about the world, facts be damned. Trump lost the popular vote, and he lost it by a wide margin — more than 2 million votes and counting. A wise man would take that information seriously and think about how to staff his White House, set priorities, and moderate his message to win over a majority of the public. Instead, Trump appears to have told himself the vote count was riddled with fraud and that he really did win a majority of the legitimate vote — and thus he doesn’t need to consider what it means that most voters didn’t want him to win the presidency.”

You miscategorized my politics and misquoted my Climate beliefs.. You want to comment on Provisional Ballots or try to for zero credibility..
Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Go on and tell us why you think this is an anomaly and then maybe you can explain why you think these provisional ballots are so nefarious.

Whenever over a MILLION people in one state attempt to waltz in on election day without appearing on the REGISTRATION rolls -- the alarms should go off. REGISTRATION is where all the ID and eligilibity SHOULD be determined. Once ON the rolls, IF GOVT WERE COMPETENT --- you should be able to show up in your skivvies with no wallet and vote. Because the nice old person would be looking at an on-line copy of your picture, your address and your signature..

But --- govt is not that efficient or competent. AND they WANT to create the tension that you partisans like to feed on to distract you from the issues, and important stuff...
Over a MILLION provisional ballots just screams for looking into.. The fact that you would ignore this anomaly means you either have no fucking idea what a provisional ballot is -- or you're a flaming partisan mindless whore.

Go on and tell us why you think this is an anomaly and then maybe you can explain why you think these provisional ballots are so nefarious.

Whenever over a MILLION people in one state attempt to waltz in on election day without appearing on the REGISTRATION rolls -- the alarms should go off. REGISTRATION is where all the ID and eligilibity SHOULD be determined. Once ON the rolls, IF GOVT WERE COMPETENT --- you should be able to show up in your skivvies with no wallet and vote. Because the nice old person would be looking at an on-line copy of your picture, your address and your signature..

But --- govt is not that efficient or competent. AND they WANT to create the tension that you partisans like to feed on to distract you from the issues, and important stuff...
11.5 Million votes were cast in CA. Some cities in CA are more populated than numerous states.

That you seem to think provision ballots are nefarious is whack, IMO. These are teh reasons people are made to make provisional ballots:

Provisional Voting
If your name is not on the voter list at your polling place, you have the right to vote a provisional ballot.

What Is a Provisional Ballot?

A provisional ballot is a regular ballot that is placed in a special envelope prior to being put in the ballot box.

Who Casts a Provisional Ballot?

Provisional ballots are ballots cast by voters who:

  • Believe they are registered to vote even though their names are not on the official voter registration list at the polling place.
  • Vote by mail but did not receive their ballot or do not have their ballot with them, and instead want to vote at a polling place.
What Happens After You Cast a Provisional Ballot?

Your provisional ballot will be counted after elections officials have confirmed that you are registered to vote in that county and you did not already vote in that election.

You may vote a provisional ballot at any polling place in the county in which you are registered to vote, however, only the elections contests you are eligible to vote for will be counted.

provisional voting ensures that no properly registered voter is denied their right to cast a ballot if that voter's name is not on the polling place roster due to a clerical, processing, computer, or other error.

Second, provisional voting allows elections officials to ensure that no voter votes twice, either intentionally or inadvertently, in a given election.

The most common circumstances when an elections official will ask a voter to cast a provisional ballot are:

  • First-time voters. Under federal law, a person who is voting for the first time in a federal election is required to provide proof of identification, even if their name is on the polling place roster. If the voter cannot provide proof of identification, the voter will be asked to cast a provisional ballot. The elections official will verify the voter's eligibility by comparing their signature on the provisional ballot envelope with the signature on their voter registration form and if the signatures match, then the ballot will be counted. (Elections Code sections 14310(c), 15350, and 3019.)
  • Vote-by-mail voters who appear in person. In this instance, the voter's name is on the polling place roster and the roster notes the voter requested a vote-by-mail ballot. However, the voter states they didn't receive the ballot, lost the ballot, or spoiled the ballot and doesn't have it with them. After the voter casts a provisional ballot, the elections official will check the records to ensure that the voter did not cast their vote-by-mail ballot. If this is the case and the voter's signature on the provisional ballot envelope matches the signature on the voter's registration card, then the voter's provisional ballot will be counted. (Elections Code sections 3016, 14310(f), 15350, 15100 et seq.) If the voter did vote and return their vote-by-mail ballot before the close of polls on Election Day, then the vote-by-mail ballot will be counted and the provisional ballot will not be counted. If the voter did vote and return their vote-by-mail ballot but failed to sign the vote-by-mail ballot envelope, then the voter's provisional ballot will be counted, provided they complied with the instructions associated with the provisional ballot.
  • Voters who have moved within their county without re-registering to vote. The voter's name is not on the polling place roster because they moved within the county but did not re-register to vote. This also happens when a voter updates their driver's license with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) but the DMV's computer system doesn't update the voter's registration information, as it is required to do by law. In either instance, the voter is entitled to vote a provisional ballot at the polling place based on their current address. The elections official is required to count the ballot if the voter's signature on the provisional ballot envelope matches the signature on the voter's prior registration form. The elections official is then required to re-register the voter at their new address for all future elections. (Elections Code sections 14310, 14311, 15350, 15100 et seq.)
  • Voters who are not on the polling place roster for an unknown reason. Should this occur, the elections official will check the county's official registration records after Election Day. If the voter was properly registered to vote in the county and in the precinct in which they voted, their provisional ballot will be counted. If the voter was registered to vote at another address in the county, their votes will be counted in the races they voted on as if they were voting in their home precinct (i.e., their votes for U.S. President, statewide, and countywide measures will be counted, but their votes in a city council race may not be counted if the precinct they're registered in is in a different city council district than the one in which they cast a ballot). If the voter is not registered to vote or is registered to vote in another county or state, their ballot will not be counted in part or in whole. (Elections Code section 14310(c)(3).
Both federal and state law permit any voter who cast a provisional ballot to find out if their ballot was counted and Elections Code section 2142 gives voters the right to go to court in order to compel county elections officials to register them to vote and to count their ballot.

No provisional ballot is counted or precluded from being counted until the elections official goes through the detailed process to determine whether a voter's provisional ballot should be counted. (Elections Code sections 14310-14311, 15350, and 15100-15112.)

Provisional Voting | California Secretary of State

They get scrutinized and verified, and included or tossed. I don't see why you are flipping a wig about this.
An article from 6AM election day:

Does Your Provisional Ballot Really Count?
Tuesday, November 8, 2016 at 6:13 a.m.


So you went to your polling place, nervous, excited. You had your cheat sheet in one hand, your Starbucks in the other. Even waiting in line was a veritable pleasure. You got to the front, told the lady your name, she moved her ruler down the list with a practiced grace ... and you weren't on the list. You had no choice; you had to vote provisionally.

Does your vote even count?

As a matter of fact, it does. It's just counted a lot more slowly.

"If they are verified successfully, they get counted just as a normal ballot would," says Mike Sanchez, a spokesman for the L.A. County Registrar-Recorder.

Provisional ballots have been around in California since 1984. They're designed for voters who show up at the wrong voting place, are mistakenly left off the voter roll or are registered to vote by mail but forget to mail in their ballots.

To guard against voter fraud, provisional ballots are carefully checked, to verify the voter is registered to vote and isn't trying to vote more than once. (If you forgot to register to vote, then no, your provisional ballot won't count.)

In the June primary, more than 240,000 voters in L.A. County cast provisional ballots. Many of them were registered to vote by mail but showed up at their polling place anyway.

If you got your ballot in the mail and forgot to mail it in, you can still fill it out and bring it to your polling place. It will then be counted the same as any other ballot. If you show up without your ballot, though, you'll have to vote provisionally.

Does Your Provisional Ballot Really Count? | LA WEEKLY

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