Hillary Clinton, Condi Rice concerned about Afghan troop withdrawal, as Hillary warns of "potential huge consequences"

This warmongering fool wants to stay in the Middle East and Afghanistan for another 19 years, but doesn’t consider the big picture—Russia and China!
Once coalition forces leave, the government in Kabul could be overthrown, and the Taliban could come back. Yet when they started this thing twenty years ago, removing the Taliban from power was the point. So the longest war in US history is ending in failure.

I think Biden and his people understand that the basic premises of the post–Cold War era have failed. Their challenge is to figure out what to replace them with. What should America’s role be in the world once we realize we’re not the indispensable nation, when we recognize we’re not militarily supreme?
Once coalition forces leave, the government in Kabul could be overthrown, and the Taliban could come back. Yet when they started this thing twenty years ago, removing the Taliban from power was the point. So the longest war in US history is ending in failure.

I think Biden and his people understand that the basic premises of the post–Cold War era have failed. Their challenge is to figure out what to replace them with. What should America’s role be in the world once we realize we’re not the indispensable nation, when we recognize we’re not militarily supreme?

Didn't Kerry say our soldiers were stupid to be stuck in Iraq?

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