Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
But Orange Man!!!!

That fucking shit is so old and tiresome.
The cult doesn’t want you to hear about it.

But supposedly Comey was fired for helping Trump too much. That’s what Rosenstein’s memo said.

But your cult tries to convince you otherwise because the cult defends Trump no matter how stupid it makes the cult members look.

And you do look quite stupid.
The cult doesn’t want you to hear about it.

But supposedly Comey was fired for helping Trump too much. That’s what Rosenstein’s memo said.

But your cult tries to convince you otherwise because the cult defends Trump no matter how stupid it makes the cult members look.

And you do look quite stupid.

I know the story, retard.
Better than you apparently.
Yeah they helped him by investigating a made up story for years. The also helped him with 41 fbi agents in 2020 stating Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. You're an idiot.

Not FBI - former intelligence agencies personnel.

The Marener being an idiot shill part. - agreed.
Yeah they helped him by investigating a made up story for years. The also helped him with 41 fbi agents in 2020 stating Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. You're an idiot.
What does Hunter Biden have to do with the 2016 election?

Nothing you moron.

This is how the FBI helped Trump:

But mainly this:
I know the story, retard.
Better than you apparently.
You know what you’ve been told by the cult.

And your too afraid to actually talk about the story because you know it doesn’t stand up to reality when you’re outside the cult.

Cultists like yourself don’t engage. You just lob insults because you think you’re smarter than everyone else.
You know what you’ve been told by the cult.

And your too afraid to actually talk about the story because you know it doesn’t stand up to reality when you’re outside the cult.

Cultists like yourself don’t engage. You just lob insults because you think you’re smarter than everyone else.

Every time that you say Cult, thinking that it is not you.
I giggle.
A lot.
I’ll be damned. You finally got a fact right. Thanks for correcting this lie I’ve seen repeatedly from your fellow cultists.
It is also a fact that they signed off on something that was subsequently proven false and very likely influenced the election. I don't recall any of them suffering any consequences for doing so.
Every time that you say Cult, thinking that it is not you.
I giggle.
A lot.
Of course you do.

Because making a rational argument is too hard. All you do is giggle thinking you’re smarter than everyone else.

Your cult has the charismatic leader in Trump. You defend anything he says and does. You refuse to acknowledge facts that get in the way of doing so. You distrust anything that comes from outside the cult.
It is also a fact that they signed off on something that was subsequently proven false and very likely influenced the election. I don't recall any of them suffering any consequences for doing so.

They didn't and wont'
They couched their words carefully.
And it was admitted.
Of course you do.

Because making a rational argument is too hard. All you do is giggle thinking you’re smarter than everyone else.

Your cult has the charismatic leader in Trump. You defend anything he says and does. You refuse to acknowledge facts that get in the way of doing so. You distrust anything that comes from outside the cult.

I correct the inaccuracies presented by people like you.
It is also a fact that they signed off on something that was subsequently proven false and very likely influenced the election. I don't recall any of them suffering any consequences for doing so.
Setting aside the fact that their letter wasn’t “probably false” but offered their opinion…

Why should people face consequences for influencing elections? The first amendment protects our right to do so.

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