Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.


Good God! They're idiotic!

No actually the Idiocy is accomplished by Unamericanism.
The New and hardly improved version of how to be an
Obama Marxist as if No one the wiser.
" A thoroughly sensible wife would reduce me to
a condition of
idiocy in less than six months. "
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And she was denied the presidency. And now Trump should be denied the presidency because of doing the same thing, right?
She wasnt denied anything. She LOST!

Her scandal wasnt even remotely as bad as Joes. The Bidens are facing real prison time. What do you suppose HIS chances are of winning the next election? :laugh:
Trump says he was entitled to take those documents and could be right. That will have to be determined in the future.

Joe Biden as far as I can find out was not entitled to take classified documents home especially when he was a Senator. I doubt if he will ever be changed with negligently handling classified information. It must be great to be above the rule of law.

There was absolutely no reason to think he was entitled to take highly classified government documents.

There definitely wasn’t any legitimate reason for him to do so.

Even if he thinks he gets to keep them, that doesn’t excuse obstructing justice by refusing to comply with a grand jury subpoena.
Trump says he was entitled to take those documents and could be right. That will have to be determined in the future.

Joe Biden as far as I can find out was not entitled to take classified documents home especially when he was a Senator. I doubt if he will ever be changed with negligently handling classified information. It must be great to be above the rule of law.

This is so predictably juvenile.We know as abject firsthand proof that
The Deep State and especially Biden White House live to inspire
leaking.Which used to be taken gravely serious.Serious enough under
Trump to consider having General Flynn { Trumps Director of DIA }
and highest serving military Intelligence office be put behind bars.
Because he got Framed.By Slither Deep state operatives accusing him
of Lying.Same crap they pulled with Roger Stone and countless others.
Where the newspapers of record { N.Y.Times & WAshington Post }
virtually get a pass for open-ended leaking.
That is how slimeballs like the evil Jack Smith are considered hero's
of the Lamestream and Garlands corrupt DOJ.
How about the archive told him to fuck himself, he was on his own as far as documents were concerned.
The archives doesn’t sort the presidents documents for them. The administration is supposed to do that.

Of course Trump’s administration was dysfunction and didn’t really give a damn about complying with administrative laws. Don’t forget that Trump spent months after the election denying he lost.
The archives doesn’t sort the presidents documents for them. The administration is supposed to do that.
They are supposed to take custody of the docs and give him access to them. They told Trump to fuck himself.
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.

Your media lies to lie.

They lie to you because you want them to lie to lie.

And you keep tuning in.


According to the federal grand jury indictment filed on June 8, Trump took hundreds, likely even thousands of government documents from the White House, including more than 300 that contained prominent classification markings, and moved them to his homes at Mar-a-Lago and his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.​

Clinton was never accused of physically removing any documents from the White House or any other government location. Rather, the accusation against Clinton was that she used a private email server to conduct government business and that some of the communications on the server, although not marked as classified (see “Documents containing classification markings” below), were judged in hindsight to contain classified information.​

Trump’s removal of classified documents from the White House actually resembles the conduct of then-National Security Advisor Sandy Berger more than it resembles anything Hillary Clinton did.​

In 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to criminal charges after taking copies of a highly classified report from a reading room at the National Archives. He said he took the documents so that he could review them in his office to prepare himself for testifying before a commission investigating the September 11 attacks, a fact that the Justice Department never disputed. He was fined $50,000 and sentenced to two years of probation and community service.​

While Berger, like Trump, illegally took classified documents out of secure government locations, Trump’s conduct was far worse. Trump’s removal of classified documents not only dwarfed Berger’s in scale but was also more sinister in context. Berger’s reason for taking the documents, while not a legal defense, was at least related to the performance of his official duties as national security advisor.​

Not so Trump …​

The FBI did not find a single document bearing classification markings on Clinton’s email server, much less documents marked as secret or top secret. Among the approximately 30,000 government emails on Clinton’s server, the FBI found only three documents that contained a lower-case “c” buried somewhere in the text, indicating that the documents contained “confidential” information, the lowest category of classification. Two of the three were later found to have been mistakenly marked in the first place. The FBI also found some 110 documents that they interpreted, in hindsight, contained unspecified classified “information,” although none contained any classification markings.

That’s it.​

Trump is a whole different story. According to the indictment, Trump took over 300 documents bearing classification markings out of the White House and dumped them in a variety of unsecured locations at Mar-a-Lago, including his office, his bedroom, and a bathroom.​

They are supposed to take custody of the docs and give him access to them. They told Trump to fuck himself.

The archives did take custody of the documents that the administration send them.

They never denied him access to anything.

The archives did take custody of the documents that the administration send them.

They never denied him access to anything.
Willful ignorance - the predictable result of only listening to one side of the story.

NARA unfortunately has become overtly political and declined to provide archival assistance to President Trump's transition team. Interestingly, in its Press Statement NARA cites every recent President after Jimmy Carter as having received the same assistance with “archival and security standards’. Yet, President Carter, the last President before President Trump to not receive archival assistance found documents with classification markings in his home, which he returned to NARA (though apparently without an accompanying DOJ criminal probes
How about the archive told him to fuck himself, he was on his own as far as documents were concerned.
A sitting President has the Ultimate authority { Top dog of the
Executive branch } far exceeding some National Archivist.
Or dint ya git the memo.As soon as a President serves his last day
he loses that authority.But not until.
That is why the corrupt Lamestream conjures up all kinds of
scenarios of this and that as if Trump did this and that.
Then using scumbags like Lawrence O'Donnell at MSNBC to
ply such scuttlebutt by little snarky leftists like Andrew Weissmann.
The top dog prosecutor used in Muellers Special Counsel.
As soon as Muellers Special Counsel had to concede and close
down due to No Proof as to Russian Collusion by Trump.
Little Rat nosed Weissmann quickly fled away from any consequences
of the Failed Mueller Special Counsel.Went back to teaching Law in
N.Y.city.But he's back more than ever Ratting out to O'Donnell each
night on MSNBC the latest rat turd inspired scuttlebutt about
Trump this and Trump that.
As if some Stalinist Game.MSNBC the new and improved version
of the Old Pravda.
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A sitting President has the Ultimate authority { Top dog of the
Executive branch } far exceeding some National Archivist.
Or dint ya git the memo.As soon as a President serves his last day
he loses that authority.

Not really. The Presidential Records Act actually gives the President five years to urn over records. For every President since Carter, NARA has taken custody of the docs, including classified docs, and stored them where the President wants them, typically at or near the site of their future library.

For Trump, NARA told him to fuck himself.
Your media lies to lie.

They lie to you because you want them to lie to lie.

And you keep tuning in.


According to the federal grand jury indictment filed on June 8, Trump took hundreds, likely even thousands of government documents from the White House, including more than 300 that contained prominent classification markings, and moved them to his homes at Mar-a-Lago and his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.​

Clinton was never accused of physically removing any documents from the White House or any other government location. Rather, the accusation against Clinton was that she used a private email server to conduct government business and that some of the communications on the server, although not marked as classified (see “Documents containing classification markings” below), were judged in hindsight to contain classified information.​

Trump’s removal of classified documents from the White House actually resembles the conduct of then-National Security Advisor Sandy Berger more than it resembles anything Hillary Clinton did.​

In 2005, Berger pleaded guilty to criminal charges after taking copies of a highly classified report from a reading room at the National Archives. He said he took the documents so that he could review them in his office to prepare himself for testifying before a commission investigating the September 11 attacks, a fact that the Justice Department never disputed. He was fined $50,000 and sentenced to two years of probation and community service.​

While Berger, like Trump, illegally took classified documents out of secure government locations, Trump’s conduct was far worse. Trump’s removal of classified documents not only dwarfed Berger’s in scale but was also more sinister in context. Berger’s reason for taking the documents, while not a legal defense, was at least related to the performance of his official duties as national security advisor.​

Not so Trump …​

The FBI did not find a single document bearing classification markings on Clinton’s email server, much less documents marked as secret or top secret. Among the approximately 30,000 government emails on Clinton’s server, the FBI found only three documents that contained a lower-case “c” buried somewhere in the text, indicating that the documents contained “confidential” information, the lowest category of classification. Two of the three were later found to have been mistakenly marked in the first place. The FBI also found some 110 documents that they interpreted, in hindsight, contained unspecified classified “information,” although none contained any classification markings.

That’s it.​

Trump is a whole different story. According to the indictment, Trump took over 300 documents bearing classification markings out of the White House and dumped them in a variety of unsecured locations at Mar-a-Lago, including his office, his bedroom, and a bathroom.​

A Lie by any other name still has the address of :
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
And odor of cheap dimestore perfume.
Willful ignorance - the predictable result of only listening to one side of the story.
This letter is from earlier this year and is hilarious given what we know since then. Also it comes from Trump’s personal attorneys so consider the source.

It even tried to claim that Trump had no idea he kept classified documents.

Not even Trump says that anymore.

They’re trying to blame NARA for the negligence of the Trump administration.
Not really. The Presidential Records Act actually gives the President five years to urn over records. For every President since Carter, NARA has taken custody of the docs, including classified docs, and stored them where the President wants them, typically at or near the site of their future library.

For Trump, NARA told him to fuck himself.
I know it depends on who one asks.
I harken back to fundementals.Donald John Trump is
The Most famaliar name and face on Planet earth.
Not as much as a single Misdemeanor.
That bugs the bejesus out of most every Leftist today.
That actually is all one need understand.It's like being
a career lifetime criminal and expecting them to not
viscerally hate Wardens.It's a given.
Nothing more,nothing less.
Far surpassing basic human nature.It's a preversion
of sorts.

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