Hillary Clinton deleted entire servers and it was no big deal.

Of course you do.

Because making a rational argument is too hard. All you do is giggle thinking you’re smarter than everyone else.

Your cult has the charismatic leader in Trump. You defend anything he says and does. You refuse to acknowledge facts that get in the way of doing so. You distrust anything that comes from outside the cult.
I made a rational argument in the op and you're too busy trolling to address it.
We either have equal justice under the law or we don't.
But therein lies the hitch.The leftists Democrats love to
comingle words like We and Americans as if one.
Todays Democrats are not anything like the J.F.K Democrats
of the Early 60's.They were truly a Middle Class proud
mix of mostly Hard Hats and Blue collar.Tax Payers.
Religious.Keep in mind Jack Kennedy was the first Catholic
President.The 2nd youngest President.
R.F.K. Jr. is trying to go back to those Days.
Biden's Party is all about wordsmithing { learned from Obama }.
Where words aren't expected to be taken verbatim.
It's growing worse by the month.
Newspeak and Doublethink are now Priotities of the
New Democrats and their adjunct the Lamestream Media Cabal.
Setting aside the fact that their letter wasn’t “probably false” but offered their opinion…

Why should people face consequences for influencing elections? The first amendment protects our right to do so.
When government officials use their positions of authority to do it, there's a problem. I mean, didn't somebody get a lot of grief for stating that a candidate was going to be investigated in the leadup to an election?
What does Hunter Biden have to do with the 2016 election?

Nothing you moron.

This is how the FBI helped Trump:

But mainly this:

The New York field office, who didn't know that the FBI was going to officially exonerate Clinton, prior to the election, made it known that there was troubling info in play.
Loretta Lynch had already been outed as compromised by her secret meeting with Clinton's Husband, The Former President.
Comey jumped in to do a sham investigation and clear Clinton prior to the vote, but after -
Enumerating the laws broken, on National Televison, and Clinton admitting to 110 felonies, on National Televison.

I get that the truth - didn't help Clinton then, or you now.
It is what it is.

I get that that is not the official position of The Democrat Media Bubble and I understand why.
Smashed blackberry phones. Deleted emails. Used bleach bit to cover any tracks. Refused to turn over documents. Had servers in VERY unsecured places.

She wasn't even president with the privileges that position affords. Yet we get a DAILY drumbeat about Trump as if some new law was passed that suddenly made it criminal AFTER Hillary.

The hypocrisy is astounding. And I haven't even touched on Bidens document fiasco.

The flip side is those who screamed lock her up are now looking the other way with Trump.

It's all a shit show and quite embarrassing for our nation.
Hillary is above the rule of law. Trump is a target of the rule of law.

Those in power are willing to ruin any trust our citizens have in their government just to get Trump.

Today our FBI and DOJ are acting like the head of the Soviet Union‘s Secret Police, Lavrentiy Beria, who was famous for his quote, “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” They are desperately searching for any and all crimes to charge Trump with.


I am not quite sure what will happen if Trump ends up in prison and Hillary, Joe Biden and Hunter Biden wake away scot-free.

We are living in interesting times.

I made a rational argument in the op and you're too busy trolling to address it.
Okay. Let’s address it.

The smashing of phones isn’t relevant. For one, they had no data. The data was on the server. For two, it occurred far before the subpoena was issued.

Deleting the server is potentially a big deal. That did occur after the subpoena. The problem is that Clinton didn’t delete the server. Pagliano, an IT worker, did. According to Pagliano, no one told him to delete the server after the subpoena was issued.
Today our FBI and DOJ are acting like the head of the Soviet Union‘s Secret Police, Lavrentiy Beria, who was famous for his quote, “Show me the man and I will show you the crime.” They are desperately searching for any and all crimes to charge Trump with.
What nonsense. Trump is bringing this upon himself for no reason.

There was no reason for him to take classified documents but he did anyway.

There was no reason to play games with the archive but he did anyway.

There was no reason to defy a subpoena but he did anyway.

All this bullshit is because of the stupidity of Donald Trump.
I doubt that you will understand this, Cultist, but.

It is not a defense of any actions that President Trump did or didn't do.
No matter how many times you invoke that strawman, it is still a strawman.

It is an indictment of The Justice System.
It’s your OPINION… which means exactly nothing
When government officials use their positions of authority to do it, there's a problem. I mean, didn't somebody get a lot of grief for stating that a candidate was going to be investigated in the leadup to an election?
They aren’t government officials. They are former government officials.

I agree with you that government officials shouldn’t be engaging in campaign activity and there are laws against it which I want to be enforced fairly.

But former government officials have as many constitutional rights as the rest of us including the right to use their speech to influence elections.
Oh! I get it.So according to your festering brain fog,Hillary never
ran for President.Trump was Not Denied the Presidency.
Pay attention.Like it would help.
She ran. Trump harped on how someone who deleted a server and mishandled classified documents couldn't become president. She lost.

Now, Trump has deleted a server and mishandled classified documents. He will also lose. The difference is that he actually mishandled classified documents and will be convicted under the Espionage Act.
The New York field office, who didn't know that the FBI was going to officially exonerate Clinton, prior to the election, made it known that there was troubling info in play.
Loretta Lynch had already been outed as compromised by her secret meeting with Clinton's Husband, The Former President.
Comey jumped in to do a sham investigation and clear Clinton prior to the vote, but after -
Enumerating the laws broken, on National Televison, and Clinton admitting to 110 felonies, on National Televison.

I get that the truth - didn't help Clinton then, or you now.
It is what it is.

I get that that is not the official position of The Democrat Media Bubble and I understand why.
Thanks for the barely coherent post.

The NY FBI office was leaning damaging information about Clinton but no one wants to talk about that. Their office didn’t have troubling information about Clinton. They were pushing for the investigation to be reopened before the election (months after Comey had his press conference) and got their way. Comey’s announcement that the investigation was reopened was both totally unnecessary and very likely swayed the election enough to push Trump over the top. Don’t forget that Trump’s victory was quite slim in 2016.

Comey’s investigation wasn’t “a sham”. No one admitted to felonies. Comey and Clinton both testified at length about what happened. Comey defended his decisions and a thorough report from the DoJ IG indicated that the investigation was properly executed and the decision not to prosecute was reasonable.

Which brings up that you’re contradicting yourself. Was the investigation a sham or did they prove “110 felonies”?

Comey didn’t last long in the Trump administration and Trump had his own prosecutors but still Clinton wasn’t charged.
Talk about a double standard. If they ever went after the Clinton's like they went after Trump, the pair would still be doing time. Sodomy in the Oval Office, dead freaking bodies, destroying evidence, funding treason with fake documents designed to undermine the Trump administration. I could go on.
What nonsense. Trump is bringing this upon himself for no reason.

There was no reason for him to take classified documents but he did anyway.

There was no reason to play games with the archive but he did anyway.

There was no reason to defy a subpoena but he did anyway.

All this bullshit is because of the stupidity of Donald Trump.
Trump says he was entitled to take those documents and could be right. That will have to be determined in the future.

Joe Biden as far as I can find out was not entitled to take classified documents home especially when he was a Senator. I doubt if he will ever be changed with negligently handling classified information. It must be great to be above the rule of law.


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