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Hillary Clinton Foreign Policy Record


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
1. The Iran Deal
Despite Iran's ruler leading a chant of Death to America, despite their military conducting exercises on how to sink a US aircraft carrier, despite them continuing to declare once they have a nuke they would destroy our ally Israel and attack the US, Obama and Hillary (and now Kerry) remained un-concerned...and worked to by-pass Congress to create a 'non-binding' (according to Kerry now) 'deal' that would all but guarantee Iran will obtain a nuke and at the least begin a nuclear arm's race in the ME (according to Saudi). Since the 'deal' went into effect and Obama/Hillary helped all sanctions be dropped, Iran has violated the deal twice now...without any consequences from the Obama administration!


2. Negotiating With Terrorists
According to Hillary, Hillary’s foreign policy was guided by the outlook that we should be dealing with groups like ISIS by “trying to understand and empathize with their perspective.” How’s that working out, Hillary?


3. Allied with the Muslim Brotherhood
Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to to create a new ally, one who is now labeled a terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood was a violent Islamic Regime that actively supported terrorism and spread chaos around the Middle East. Hillary and Obama have both had many meetings with these violent thugs and Clinton even hired a senior member to the Clinton Foundation. He was later arrested for and charged with inciting violence.


4.Failed to Curb Russian Aggression

Crimea, Syria....The plague she gave putin on the 'Reset Button' incorrectly read 'Overcharge', which means she even F*ed THAT up. 'Nuff Said.


5. Benghazi
When every other nation removed their people from Benghazi due to the threats, while Stevens asked for more security over 600 times, after 2 previous terrorist attacks, after taking away 16 members of his security team after those attacks, and after knowing he had no military response team to help him should the attack on 9/11/12 that was promised happened, she left Ambassador Stevens to die in Benghazi, lied about it, tried to cover it up, called the grieving family members liars, and her own e-mails prove she told a foreign PM and her own daughter she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had nothing to do with it, before lying to the rest of the world. AS Sect of State, according to her, she never knew about the threats, never new about the 2 previous terrorist attacks on Stevens' compound, never knew about the 600 (SIX HUDRED) requests for additional security members - all of which were denied, or about the 16 members of his team being taken away. THIS demonstrates leadership, attention to detail, being able to run ANYHTHING? THIS demonstrated that she could not even successfully run an AGENCY, let alone an entire COUNTRY!


By-passed Congress to take the country to war on their own, helping Al Qaeida - the perpetrators of 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over Libya - using our military to do so. Rejected an offer from Gaddafi to step down, allow elections, and go into exile. Ran weapons to fighters in Syria to conduct a secret 'proxy war' against Assad.


7. Contributed to Yemen's Failure / Red Line
Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton supported actions that lead to the fall of Yemen, and both praised the success that was the Yemeni state. Obama / Hillary issued his embarrassing Red Line...then backed down in front of the whole world, showing he and the U.S. under him is all talk.


Supplied, armed, protected, and trained ISIS. Allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military liberated at great cost. Protected their black market oil program which funded 50% of their terrorist activities, such as the Parisian attack and spreading out across the world into Belgium, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Paris, and even in the U.S.; dropped leaflets to let ISIS know France was coming to strike them... It has also been proven that Obama has been lying about ISIS since 2010...which means Hillary HAD to be in on it.


So HOW is she even remotely qualified to be President considering the disastrous Foreign Policy for which She was responsible?

This is not a successful resume on which to run for President. THIS is a resume that would prevent you from ever holding another top-level government job ever again...unless you name happens to be 'Hillary Clinton'.
When it comes to foreign policy, are we referring to the "Foreign Objects" wedged in various pockets in Hillarys body? like a sniper bullet?
When it comes to foreign policy, are we referring to the "Foreign Objects" wedged in various pockets in Hillarys body? like a sniper bullet?

There was no sniper bullet. Hillary hid behind the little girl that was giving her flowers.
I finally figured out why Bill Clinton has joined Hillary's campaign. As we know she is seriously pro Sunni and pro Muslim Brotherhood. I can't believe it took me so long!!!!!

She promised him 72 virgins.

1. The Iran Deal
Despite Iran's ruler leading a chant of Death to America, despite their military conducting exercises on how to sink a US aircraft carrier, despite them continuing to declare once they have a nuke they would destroy our ally Israel and attack the US, Obama and Hillary (and now Kerry) remained un-concerned...and worked to by-pass Congress to create a 'non-binding' (according to Kerry now) 'deal' that would all but guarantee Iran will obtain a nuke and at the least begin a nuclear arm's race in the ME (according to Saudi). Since the 'deal' went into effect and Obama/Hillary helped all sanctions be dropped, Iran has violated the deal twice now...without any consequences from the Obama administration!


2. Negotiating With Terrorists
According to Hillary, Hillary’s foreign policy was guided by the outlook that we should be dealing with groups like ISIS by “trying to understand and empathize with their perspective.” How’s that working out, Hillary?


3. Allied with the Muslim Brotherhood
Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton reached out to the Muslim Brotherhood in an effort to to create a new ally, one who is now labeled a terrorist organization. The Muslim Brotherhood was a violent Islamic Regime that actively supported terrorism and spread chaos around the Middle East. Hillary and Obama have both had many meetings with these violent thugs and Clinton even hired a senior member to the Clinton Foundation. He was later arrested for and charged with inciting violence.


4.Failed to Curb Russian Aggression

View attachment 59104
Crimea, Syria....The plague she gave putin on the 'Reset Button' incorrectly read 'Overcharge', which means she even F*ed THAT up. 'Nuff Said.


5. Benghazi
When every other nation removed their people from Benghazi due to the threats, while Stevens asked for more security over 600 times, after 2 previous terrorist attacks, after taking away 16 members of his security team after those attacks, and after knowing he had no military response team to help him should the attack on 9/11/12 that was promised happened, she left Ambassador Stevens to die in Benghazi, lied about it, tried to cover it up, called the grieving family members liars, and her own e-mails prove she told a foreign PM and her own daughter she KNEW it was a terrorist attack, that the video had nothing to do with it, before lying to the rest of the world. AS Sect of State, according to her, she never knew about the threats, never new about the 2 previous terrorist attacks on Stevens' compound, never knew about the 600 (SIX HUDRED) requests for additional security members - all of which were denied, or about the 16 members of his team being taken away. THIS demonstrates leadership, attention to detail, being able to run ANYHTHING? THIS demonstrated that she could not even successfully run an AGENCY, let alone an entire COUNTRY!


By-passed Congress to take the country to war on their own, helping Al Qaeida - the perpetrators of 9/11/01 AND 9/11/12 - take over Libya - using our military to do so. Rejected an offer from Gaddafi to step down, allow elections, and go into exile. Ran weapons to fighters in Syria to conduct a secret 'proxy war' against Assad.


7. Contributed to Yemen's Failure / Red Line
Both President Obama and Hillary Clinton supported actions that lead to the fall of Yemen, and both praised the success that was the Yemeni state. Obama / Hillary issued his embarrassing Red Line...then backed down in front of the whole world, showing he and the U.S. under him is all talk.


Supplied, armed, protected, and trained ISIS. Allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military liberated at great cost. Protected their black market oil program which funded 50% of their terrorist activities, such as the Parisian attack and spreading out across the world into Belgium, Africa, Afghanistan, Iraq, Paris, and even in the U.S.; dropped leaflets to let ISIS know France was coming to strike them... It has also been proven that Obama has been lying about ISIS since 2010...which means Hillary HAD to be in on it.


So HOW is she even remotely qualified to be President considering the disastrous Foreign Policy for which She was responsible?

This is not a successful resume on which to run for President. THIS is a resume that would prevent you from ever holding another top-level government job ever again...unless you name happens to be 'Hillary Clinton'.

Only disagree with #4. For all the money she and Bill took from Pinchuk the Ukrainian oligarch she assisted in the overthrow of the Ukrainian government and giving the country to her fave Nazis with her former assistant Nuland. No way jose was Putin going to allow NATO to seize Crimea and his port.

And Russian aggression in Syria? No. Not aggression. Saving his people from ISIS after the Chechen jihadists joined ISIS and gave somewhere around 15,000 soldiers who want to take on Russia with the Caliphates back up.
Hillary Clinton Ally Pitched Covert Anti-Israel Protests to Her
January 11, 2016
Daniel Greenfield


And yes, Hillary Clinton responded with her "Pls print" note, as she did for the hatefilled ravings of Max Blumenthal.

The proposal came from former Ambassador Pickering. You might remember him as the guy who headed the "independent" panel that whitewashed Benghazi. He has ties to Iran all sorts of pro-Islamic interests. Mills and Benghazi once again come together with this Clinton email, as the Free Beacon's Adam Kredo reports.

Former secretary of state Hillary Clinton considered a secret plan created by her then-advisers to foment unrest among Palestinian citizens and spark protests in order to push the Israeli government back to the negotiating table, according to emails released as part of the investigation into the Democratic presidential frontrunner’s private email server.

In a Dec, 18, 2011, email, former U.S. ambassador to Israel Thomas Pickering suggested that Clinton consider a plan to restart then-stalled peace negotiations by kickstarting Palestinian demonstrations against Israel.

Pickering described the effort as a potential “game changer in the region,” recommending that the United States undertake a clandestine campaign to generate unrest. Clinton requested that his email be printed.

The details of Pickering's plans are ridiculous unrealistic nonsense, but there is one closing paragraph worth noting.

“Most of all the United States, in my view, cannot be seen to have stimulated, encouraged or be the power behind it for reasons you will understand better than anyone,” he wrote, suggesting that the government enlist liberal non-profit groups in Israel. “I believe third parties and a number NGOs [non-government organizations] on both sides would help.”

Pickering specifically invokes Tahrir Square during his proposal. It's likely that he is referencing the backlash against the US involvement. Which is itself a backdoor admission. And it's all the more relevant considering what is going on now in Israel.


Hillary Clinton Ally Pitched Covert Anti-Israel Protests to Her
Clinton, Libya and Israel
Will Obama's disastrous foreign policy live on?
March 4, 2016
Caroline Glick

Originally published by the Jerusalem Post.

The messages from Washington ahead of Vice President Joe Biden’s arrival in Israel next week show President Barack Obama’s hostile policies toward Israel will maintained until he leaves office.

In recent weeks, the administration has warned various government ministers that any construction of housing for Jews in Jerusalem will be viewed with hostility by the administration. In contrast, the administration is pressuring Israel to permit construction of homes for Arabs in its capital city and harshly opposes all moves by the government to destroy illegal construction in Arab neighborhoods and in Judea and Samaria.

In other words, it is the Obama administration’s policy to deny Jews our civil and property rights while it demands that Israel not assert its sovereignty over non-Jews.

Whether or not Obama’s anti-Israel policies will survive his tenure in office depends on who succeeds him. If Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton is elected to serve as the next president, there is no question that they will survive him.

During her four years as Obama’s secretary of state, Clinton was a full partner in Obama’s hostile policies toward Israel. Moreover, as her internal emails have shown, all of Clinton’s close advisers are hostile to Israel. The good news for Israel is that Clinton’s chances of election are not as great as they seem from the polls.

First of all, there is every reason to believe that in the coming weeks, the Republicans will unite.

Either party leaders will back front-runner Donald Trump, or his main competitors, Sens. Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, will join forces and win the nomination.

The latter alternative, which is gaining traction among Republican leaders and political commentators, involves Cruz, who is more popular with the party’s rank in file than Rubio, and has secured primary victories in four states whereas Rubio finished first only in Minnesota, leading a joint ticket.

But even if the GOP remains fractured, Clinton may still be too weak to win the White House in November. This is first and foremost the case because of the FBI investigation of her use of a private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.

The FBI probe has been going on since last summer. From what we have already learned, as secretary of state, Clinton and her aides sent thousands of classified emails over her private, unsecured server. Hundreds of those emails included top secret information and at least two dozen included information whose classification was above top secret.

Under federal law, each time Clinton and her associates sent classified information over the unsecured server they committed a separate and distinct felony offense.


Clinton, Libya and Israel
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....
So because the Bush adm sucked were supposed to give these clowns a pass? I think not.
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....

At least Obama and Sec of State Clinton solved all of those problems over the last 7+ years, LMFAO.

Iraq was invaded with the yes votes of the Congress, Iran and North Korea have made considerable progress with their nuclear weapons and long range missiles over the last 7+years, and Israel and Pakistan were not ignored during the Bush administration. No one suggested that Jihadists would hijack airliners, and even if they had, the Clinton policy of not profiling was still in effect. Can you imagine the wailing of the Democrats if anyone that looked like a middle easterner had been banned from buying a ticket and flying on a US Airliner?

US influence in other nations is at an all time low if you haven't noticed and the exit from Iraq was negotiated by Bush before Obama took office. Obama was not interested in negotiating to keep a small military force in country as he was advised to do by Bush and many other foreign policy advisers. the result was the takeover of parts of Syria, Iraq and Yemen as well as the ISIS presence and eventual takeover of Libya and several other north African countries.

The CIA used enhanced interrogation on several captured jihadists, and the information they got led to finding and killing Osama bin Laden.

Reading your Obama talking points makes one wonder whether you are a fool or and idiot.
Hillary and Obama LIED, we will never how many people they GOT KILLED and tried to pass it off on some damn VIDEO for their screw ups. how anyone can think of voting for her. that party should be called: the party of death. because they also support Abortion on demand. 58MILLION and counting.
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....
So because the Bush adm sucked were supposed to give these clowns a pass? I think not.

No but it does show us that your decision making is worse... Truth is Obama inherited a foreign policy on its knees.. He has turned it around, in 20 years time he will be considered a very good at foriegn policy because his decisions will have no blowback unlike GOP Presidents..
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....
So because the Bush adm sucked were supposed to give these clowns a pass? I think not.

No but it does show us that your decision making is worse... Truth is Obama inherited a foreign policy on its knees.. He has turned it around, in 20 years time he will be considered a very good at foriegn policy because his decisions will have no blowback unlike GOP Presidents..
Another Laughable Hate thread...
You have to laugh to keep from crying eh?

I mean they are not even understanding that foreign policy is where they should shut up... Last time they were in charge they invaded the wrong country, allowed Iran and North Korea to do what they liked, did jackshit about Israel Palestine, ignored the 911 warnings and generally reduced US power and control over other nations in the world...

Oh crap forgot tortured people, entered wars with no exit strategies, Gitmo...

This is like taking financial advice from a hobo....
So because the Bush adm sucked were supposed to give these clowns a pass? I think not.

No but it does show us that your decision making is worse... Truth is Obama inherited a foreign policy on its knees.. He has turned it around, in 20 years time he will be considered a very good at foriegn policy because his decisions will have no blowback unlike GOP Presidents..
Regardless of what he inherited, this adm has been and continues to be an international joke. Putin made them look like children, the Iranians got a deal that really isn't an official deal, we've opened up another can of worms in Libya, are complicit in the Yemen war. Weakest I've ever seen this country internationally.

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