Hillary Clinton Implies Millions Of AMERICANS who voted against her are WHITE NATIONALISTS

The government needs to stay out of the business of trying to tell me how to run my life. If I don't want to hire a Negro then I shouldn't be forced to do so by the filthy government.

Then change the laws. I'm sick of you racist fucks bellyaching about not being able to discriminate. NO, you don't get to discriminate just because you feel entitled to be a racist ass. It's against the law. Now fuck off.
How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?

He’s got FEELZ.

It's called empathy, moron. Something a racist ass such as yourself lacks.

White people are probably the only race on earth that feels empathy. Look at how they treat one another in Africa and South America. Look at how Asians treat animals. The white man's empathy has been weaponized against us.

Good. Because I have absolutely zero empathy for racist fucks.
Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

Because people cannot control their skin color. Why would you belittle someone for something they cannot control? Plus I already proved I am more “white” than you. So does that make me better than you in your eyes? Mutt.

I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.
The government needs to stay out of the business of trying to tell me how to run my life. If I don't want to hire a Negro then I shouldn't be forced to do so by the filthy government.

Then change the laws. I'm sick of you racist fucks bellyaching about not being able to discriminate. NO, you don't get to discriminate just because you feel entitled to be a racist ass. It's against the law. Now fuck off.
Leftist queers sure don't mind discriminating against Christians.
The government needs to stay out of the business of trying to tell me how to run my life. If I don't want to hire a Negro then I shouldn't be forced to do so by the filthy government.

Then change the laws. I'm sick of you racist fucks bellyaching about not being able to discriminate. NO, you don't get to discriminate just because you feel entitled to be a racist ass. It's against the law. Now fuck off.
Leftist queers sure don't mind discriminating against Christians.

Aww... Is da widdle Cwistian feeling persecuted again? Better find a safe space, snowflake.
The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?

He’s got FEELZ.

It's called empathy, moron. Something a racist ass such as yourself lacks.

White people are probably the only race on earth that feels empathy. Look at how they treat one another in Africa and South America. Look at how Asians treat animals. The white man's empathy has been weaponized against us.

Good. Because I have absolutely zero empathy for racist fucks.

I bet you'd like to see me and my family burned at the stake for heresy, huh?
All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?

He’s got FEELZ.

It's called empathy, moron. Something a racist ass such as yourself lacks.

White people are probably the only race on earth that feels empathy. Look at how they treat one another in Africa and South America. Look at how Asians treat animals. The white man's empathy has been weaponized against us.

Good. Because I have absolutely zero empathy for racist fucks.

I bet you'd like to see me and my family burned at the stake for heresy, huh?

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

Because people cannot control their skin color. Why would you belittle someone for something they cannot control? Plus I already proved I am more “white” than you. So does that make me better than you in your eyes? Mutt.

I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.

Dude, my ancestors are from Russia. LOL. St. Petersburg. I am More Viking than Middle Eastern LOL. Poor uneducated white trash. At least you’re smart enough to see that Leftists are idiots. We agree there.
How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That’s how you stay ignorant right there...keep it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" story.....always allow the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent.

See this is how nutless pussies like you stay stupid and scared. For me, its actually not about skin color as I've said before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color.
I might hate white trash liberals more than any. BUT the odds say, Darkies have a much higher likelihood of being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go deeper....my daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works scared guy?

Compton is 32% black, yet in your fucked up racist world they alone make Compton the bad place that it is.

I tell my daughter to avoid all places of high crime, not just black people. I also did not raise her to be a racist, sadly the same is probably not true for your daughters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you ever wonder why there isn’t any “high crime” predominantly Caucasian or Asian communities? Fucking weird huh?
How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That’s how you stay ignorant right there...keep it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" story.....always allow the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent.

See this is how nutless pussies like you stay stupid and scared. For me, its actually not about skin color as I've said before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color.
I might hate white trash liberals more than any. BUT the odds say, Darkies have a much higher likelihood of being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go deeper....my daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works scared guy?

Compton is 32% black, yet in your fucked up racist world they alone make Compton the bad place that it is.

I tell my daughter to avoid all places of high crime, not just black people. I also did not raise her to be a racist, sadly the same is probably not true for your daughters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you find it at all peculiar that anytime a pie chart looks like this you can guarantee yourself that city / community is a crime infested super shithole? Just coincidence right?
The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That’s how you stay ignorant right there...keep it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" story.....always allow the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent.

See this is how nutless pussies like you stay stupid and scared. For me, its actually not about skin color as I've said before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color.
I might hate white trash liberals more than any. BUT the odds say, Darkies have a much higher likelihood of being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go deeper....my daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works scared guy?

Compton is 32% black, yet in your fucked up racist world they alone make Compton the bad place that it is.

I tell my daughter to avoid all places of high crime, not just black people. I also did not raise her to be a racist, sadly the same is probably not true for your daughters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you ever wonder why there isn’t any “high crime” predominantly Caucasian or Asian communities? Fucking weird huh?

You need to get out more and see the rest of the country.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
How is being pro-white, hating?

Because people cannot control their skin color. Why would you belittle someone for something they cannot control? Plus I already proved I am more “white” than you. So does that make me better than you in your eyes? Mutt.

I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.

Dude, my ancestors are from Russia. LOL. St. Petersburg. I am More Viking than Middle Eastern LOL. Poor uneducated white trash. At least you’re smart enough to see that Leftists are idiots. We agree there.

For someone who's supposedly not racist you sure do nitpick on little details about your ancestry an awful lot, dude.
Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That’s how you stay ignorant right there...keep it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" story.....always allow the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent.

See this is how nutless pussies like you stay stupid and scared. For me, its actually not about skin color as I've said before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color.
I might hate white trash liberals more than any. BUT the odds say, Darkies have a much higher likelihood of being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go deeper....my daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works scared guy?

Compton is 32% black, yet in your fucked up racist world they alone make Compton the bad place that it is.

I tell my daughter to avoid all places of high crime, not just black people. I also did not raise her to be a racist, sadly the same is probably not true for your daughters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you ever wonder why there isn’t any “high crime” predominantly Caucasian or Asian communities? Fucking weird huh?

You need to get out more and see the rest of the country.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I’ve been all over this country many, many times...I’ve even ran the motohome coast to coast twice...What does that mean?
Because people cannot control their skin color. Why would you belittle someone for something they cannot control? Plus I already proved I am more “white” than you. So does that make me better than you in your eyes? Mutt.

I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.

Dude, my ancestors are from Russia. LOL. St. Petersburg. I am More Viking than Middle Eastern LOL. Poor uneducated white trash. At least you’re smart enough to see that Leftists are idiots. We agree there.

For someone who's supposedly not racist you sure do nitpick on little details about your ancestry an awful lot, dude.

Wrong. I am proud of it but I do not consider those with a different background inferior...scientists do.
Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That’s how you stay ignorant right there...keep it myopic with a good ole fashion "I know this one guy who is awesome" story.....always allow the two percentile to define the other ninety eight percent.

See this is how nutless pussies like you stay stupid and scared. For me, its actually not about skin color as I've said before, I hate all pieces of shits regardless of skin color.
I might hate white trash liberals more than any. BUT the odds say, Darkies have a much higher likelihood of being a total piece of shit.
You're suppose to be an intelligent being, you have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. You're suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. You are not supposed to set your intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what ignorant, retarded pussies do.
Let me go deeper....my daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole full of degenerate pieces of shits....(who happen to be Black...weird huh?)
Now you, because you're a scared pussy would tell your 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton because you wouldn't dare want to imply that they should stay clear of all the filthy Nuggas. Your dumbass might even suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw.
See how this works scared guy?

Compton is 32% black, yet in your fucked up racist world they alone make Compton the bad place that it is.

I tell my daughter to avoid all places of high crime, not just black people. I also did not raise her to be a racist, sadly the same is probably not true for your daughters.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Do you ever wonder why there isn’t any “high crime” predominantly Caucasian or Asian communities? Fucking weird huh?

You need to get out more and see the rest of the country.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Think like someone with balls would for just a minute....you really don't find it odd that you people sling statistics and historical data all day long to prove a point yet you piss yourselves when someone does the same with regard to behavioral traits related to different ethnicities? How do you dumb down and get your head to do that? That's just plain fucking bizarre.
I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.

Dude, my ancestors are from Russia. LOL. St. Petersburg. I am More Viking than Middle Eastern LOL. Poor uneducated white trash. At least you’re smart enough to see that Leftists are idiots. We agree there.

For someone who's supposedly not racist you sure do nitpick on little details about your ancestry an awful lot, dude.

Wrong. I am proud of it but I do not consider those with a different background inferior...scientists do.

Fucking white natiionalist & proud of it. Only in a Trump Amertica are you pieces of dirt allowed to show yourselves. This is what Trump has done to America.

Fuck you & fuck your racism.
I love it, you put white in quotes as if we don't exist. Typical, of your "kind". Why you gotta play into all them stereotypes?

You do. White Trash.

When white trash like me become a minority and the country coincidentally goes to shit, you can run off to your tribal safe space in the middle east where the ethnic majority is protected.

Dude, my ancestors are from Russia. LOL. St. Petersburg. I am More Viking than Middle Eastern LOL. Poor uneducated white trash. At least you’re smart enough to see that Leftists are idiots. We agree there.

For someone who's supposedly not racist you sure do nitpick on little details about your ancestry an awful lot, dude.

Wrong. I am proud of it but I do not consider those with a different background inferior...scientists do.

Even if racial differences don't affect behavior, we're immigrating too many at too fast a rate for them to even have a chance to assimilate into our culture. Doesn't take a genius to realize it's gonna turn out bad for social cohesion. Not only that but it's being forced down our throats and the only reason more people don't speak out against it is because they're intimidated into silence by propaganda about racism.

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