Hillary Clinton Implies Millions Of AMERICANS who voted against her are WHITE NATIONALISTS

Advocating American interests is advocating everyone's interests, not just one skin color.

I guess that's why patriotic slogans like America First and MAGA have been criticized as "racist" by the left and the media.

I think they have been criticized as "racist" because people like you that are openly and proudly racist are the one's spouting them....just a guess
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint
Calling out racist haters in the democrat party like Obungo and Hillary doesn't make anyone a hater. When the guy with the spotlight shines it on the target, it doesn't make him the same as the target. That's absurd.
Advocating American interests is advocating everyone's interests, not just one skin color.

I guess that's why patriotic slogans like America First and MAGA have been criticized as "racist" by the left and the media.

I think they have been criticized as "racist" because people like you that are openly and proudly racist are the one's spouting them....just a guess
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?
Democrats were calling me a racist long, long before I got annoyed enough about it to actually become kinda racist.

please tell me you are not another one that is going to blame their racism on other people?

Even the most docile animal will bite if you back it into a corner and antagonize it.

So, you are another pussy that blames his choices on other people.

Thanks for clarifying.

I am a citizen of a country that taught me as a child that judging people based on the color of their skin is wrong. I believed it, like a good little boy.

Then that country's media and politicians turned around and violated that principal. They condone discrimination and harassment against people who look like me.

Only a pussy would sit back and say nothing about it.

I never bought in to the idea that discrimination should opposed by the government. Being mostly Libertarian I believe the government has no business telling you who you should hire, sell your house to, allow into your neighborhood, bake a cake for, or whatever.

It is a personal liberty thingy.
Great post. The left demands everyone bend to their agenda, while they're free to discriminate, shun and insult conservatives and Christians all day long.
"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton implied Tuesday that millions of Americans might be white nationalists, by association if nothing else.

The twice-unsuccessful Democratic presidential candidate tweeted a HuffPost article about far-right activists abroad who have adopted the slogans and rhetoric of President Donald Trump. “The white nationalists certainly think MAGA is a white nationalist slogan,” was the comment Clinton added."

How well was that accepted?

"Critics immediately pointed out that Clinton was exercising the same strategy she employed in 2016, when she referred to Trump-supporters as a “basket of deplorables.”

Hillary Clinton Implies Millions Of Americans Who Voted Against Her Are White Nationalists

People who voted for Obama didn't vote for her, so what are they?
Typical DemNazi, making up lies.

DemNazis are multicultural globalist Nazis who hate America, so of course they are going to say everything they can to defame America.
Being white is part of American nationalism, it's the race of America just like African is the race of South America and Asian is the race of Japan.


America is a majority white nation Golftarded Gator, and we prefer to keep it that way. In specific, we prefer to keep America American, which means not replacing the people as you would love to do.

There is no "race" of America , we have always been a mixed bag. The fact the majority of people are white does not make people of other skin colors less American. The fact that you think so just shows how fucking unAmerican you are.

Your racist ass is just a fucking moron, quit pissing on the grave of all the non-Whites that fought and died for this country.

What in the fuck are you talking about?

We have always been a majority white nation. Or in short, a white nation.

We have always had a majority of white white people, but we have also always had people of other skin colors, and they are no less American than you, no matter how much you hate them or how much they scare you.

In your fucked up deluded world someone like Oscar Austin who won the Medal Of Honor is less American than you because of his skin color.

To that I say, fuck off and die

The Mexicans who are illegally invading the nations are much less American than I am, in fact, they are often Anti-American, socialist big government idiots like yourself. Same can be said about the immigrants that the democrats want to endlessly import... but not just any immigrants of course. Only the ones that are likely to be the least American, because the whole party hasn't been American for a long while.

America is majority white nation and of course, like Japan should enact policies that benefit our people. For sure, that wouldn't include displacing said people.
please tell me you are not another one that is going to blame their racism on other people?

Even the most docile animal will bite if you back it into a corner and antagonize it.

So, you are another pussy that blames his choices on other people.

Thanks for clarifying.

I am a citizen of a country that taught me as a child that judging people based on the color of their skin is wrong. I believed it, like a good little boy.

Then that country's media and politicians turned around and violated that principal. They condone discrimination and harassment against people who look like me.

Only a pussy would sit back and say nothing about it.

I never bought in to the idea that discrimination should opposed by the government. Being mostly Libertarian I believe the government has no business telling you who you should hire, sell your house to, allow into your neighborhood, bake a cake for, or whatever.

It is a personal liberty thingy.
Great post. The left demands everyone bend to their agenda, while they're free to discriminate, shun and insult conservatives and Christians all day long.

Yes the Left has a very distorted view of what kinds of discrimination should be protected, don't they? They want the government to protect their filthy special interest groups but they want to be able to discriminate against Right Wing interest all day long.
I never bought in to the idea that discrimination should opposed by the government. Being mostly Libertarian I believe the government has no business telling you who you should hire, sell your house to, allow into your neighborhood, bake a cake for, or whatever.

It is a personal liberty thingy.

I agree 100%. Anti-discrimination rules should apply only to the government, not private entities. They are also a violation of the equal protection clause.
I guess that's why patriotic slogans like America First and MAGA have been criticized as "racist" by the left and the media.

I think they have been criticized as "racist" because people like you that are openly and proudly racist are the one's spouting them....just a guess
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?
Even the most docile animal will bite if you back it into a corner and antagonize it.

So, you are another pussy that blames his choices on other people.

Thanks for clarifying.

I am a citizen of a country that taught me as a child that judging people based on the color of their skin is wrong. I believed it, like a good little boy.

Then that country's media and politicians turned around and violated that principal. They condone discrimination and harassment against people who look like me.

Only a pussy would sit back and say nothing about it.

I never bought in to the idea that discrimination should opposed by the government. Being mostly Libertarian I believe the government has no business telling you who you should hire, sell your house to, allow into your neighborhood, bake a cake for, or whatever.

It is a personal liberty thingy.
Great post. The left demands everyone bend to their agenda, while they're free to discriminate, shun and insult conservatives and Christians all day long.

Yes the Left has a very distorted view of what kinds of discrimination should be protected, don't they? They want the government to protect their filthy special interest groups but they want to be able to discriminate against Right Wing interest all day long.
Yep, the left will insult and bash Christians all day every day, but you say one word against Islam then you're a hateful bigot, racist, etc.
I think they have been criticized as "racist" because people like you that are openly and proudly racist are the one's spouting them....just a guess
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live among higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?
The Somali muslims in Minneapolis have turned an entire section of a once great city into a third world shithole, but you can't say one critical word about it or you're a racist hateful bigot. They're democrat voters and they must be protected from being encouraged to become civilized Americans.
I think they have been criticized as "racist" because people like you that are openly and proudly racist are the one's spouting them....just a guess
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.
America is really a racist nation after 8 years of Obama and his racist divisive politics.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?
Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?

He’s got FEELZ.
being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

All we've got is like, a couple thousand years of human civilization to base our evil, racist theories on.

What do you have?

He’s got FEELZ.

He wants us to believe these two fellers are exactly the same.

Obama was a hater no doubt about it but he's a democrat, it's what they do. don't let the propaganda-spewing mainstream media and Marxist college academics off the hook.

being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.
being a hater is not only what they do, it is what you do also. you are no different than that which you rail agasint

How is being pro-white, hating?

How dare you prefer to live amongst higher quality human beings that you are likeminded with....You must be a total asshole. Isn’t that right Golfing Gator ?
We know, we know....just because all the data PROVES that Caucasians are higher quality human beings doesn’t mean they actually are....right?

The color of one's skin has no bearing on the character of that person.

Spoken just like a PC programmed fool....How do you just ignore all the data like that...that’s actually kind of cool that you’re able to play that stupid with a straight face.

It is all about life experiences...i have worked with and served with 1000's of people of all colors. What kind of person they were never had anything to do with their skin color. There are lazy pieces of shit in ever color.

Take you for example, you are racist piece of shit with the character of a wombat, yet you are a white guy.

Then we have my supervisor, a person that at the age of 40 put herself through college to better her life and who does more for her community than anyone I have ever met and who has amazing character and integrity...and she is a black woman.

In your world she would not even be allowed to hold a job or vote.

That's your evidence justifying the complete ethnic displacement of white europeans worldwide? A handful of biased personal anecdotes over a period of a couple decades?
So, you are another pussy that blames his choices on other people.

Thanks for clarifying.

I am a citizen of a country that taught me as a child that judging people based on the color of their skin is wrong. I believed it, like a good little boy.

Then that country's media and politicians turned around and violated that principal. They condone discrimination and harassment against people who look like me.

Only a pussy would sit back and say nothing about it.

I never bought in to the idea that discrimination should opposed by the government. Being mostly Libertarian I believe the government has no business telling you who you should hire, sell your house to, allow into your neighborhood, bake a cake for, or whatever.

It is a personal liberty thingy.
Great post. The left demands everyone bend to their agenda, while they're free to discriminate, shun and insult conservatives and Christians all day long.

Yes the Left has a very distorted view of what kinds of discrimination should be protected, don't they? They want the government to protect their filthy special interest groups but they want to be able to discriminate against Right Wing interest all day long.
Yep, the left will insult and bash Christians all day every day, but you say one word against Islam then you're a hateful bigot, racist, etc.

Remember that asshole Obama telling everybody that if they didn't accept the filth of Islam then they were not right with God?

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