Hillary Clinton likens Trump supporters to Nazis

I'm not a Hillary fan, but she would've been far better than this trump asshole who tried to take over our country on January 6. Looks like a huge number of republicans just stupidly believe anything trump tells them. What fools.
Well, that's what Trump's pep rallies have reminded me of for years.
Nuremberg rallies. She isn't wrong. ^Shrug^.

So answer her question.
What's happened to these people?

Oh it reminded you of the Nuremburg rallies? So does that mean you were actually there?
Hillary is simply begging for relevance right now.. pathetic hate monger.

She said she saw rows of young men with their arms raised.. then she makes the Hitler salute.. she can fuck off. Funny how if "conservatives" speak loudly and raise their voices ...its because they are angry or are radicals. If Leftist Democrats raise their voices speak loudly or shout...oh they are only being passionate in what they believe....
They use Hitler name to invoke terror in the simple minds that will listen to her talk but if she had any original thought she would know Trump ain’t Hitler!

Mussolini or Lorenzo the Magnificent wannabe maybe 🤔 and that could be a great discussion but Trump isn’t anything like Hitler.

I mean that would be like me comparing Biden to Stalin which would be insulting to Stalin!
They use Hitler name to invoke terror in the simple minds that will listen to her talk but if she had any original thought she would know Trump ain’t Hitler!
You expect too much from the MSDNC crowd.
Clinton does know a thing or two about NAZIs, she famously hired a bunch of her brownshirts back in 2016 to harass, and assault republicans.https://www.masslive.com/politics/2016/10/donald_trump_says_hillary_clin_2.html
They dared to disagree with Her.
Thus, they are Nazis.
That's not disagreement.
That's standing up in front of a "charismatic" figure yelling at the top of his lungs while they expend a massive amount of rage and grievance with raised fists.
Again, I ask, What happened?....and why is she wrong to point this out?

Tens of millions....no. Not even close.
I doubt that they are all nazis. Not all of them.

try like .0001 % something like that. This is the country that defeated the nazis.. most Trump supporters had family who fought in WW2 to defeat the bastards.. many of them are military people in greater numbers than the Democrats. Anyone who feels the need to be a Nazi OR a communist in the U.S. is mentally ill.
That's not disagreement.
Yes. It's disagreement, plus hatred over beating Hillary.
When Trump was a Democrat you - individually and collectively - didn't have a bad thing to say about him; he declared as a Republican, and he's the 2nd coming of Hitler.
You're just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions on the ignorant.
Yes. It's disagreement, plus hatred over beating Hillary.
When Trump was a Democrat you didn't have a bad thing to say about him; he declared as a Republican, and he's the 2nd coming of Hitler.
You're just another example of how the (D)ishonest prey upon the emotions on the ignorant.
Trump has always been an opportunist and a slimebag..which is what I'd say even if he were a Democrat...and he never would have been elected had he run as a Democrat.
Most of us think he's a joke. :)
Trump has always been an opportunist and a slimebag..which is what I'd say even if he were a Democrat...and he never would have been elected had he run as a Democrat.
Now you're just lying to yourself.

Now you;re just lying to yourself.

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Sorry. Some of us have integrity. We don't raise our fists and vent our grievance because our candidate lost.
Again, Trump would have been laughed out of the Democratic party had he tried to join. The only reason he ran
as a Republican, is that he knows you people are suckers. You'll fall for anything. :)
“I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler. How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people?'” Clinton said Friday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.

“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night, Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, ‘What is going on?'”

Deplorables. Threats to democracy. Nazis.

When those terms don't work - what's next?

Is she still whining about losing to two amateurs? LOL!
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Sorry. Some of us have integrity. We don't raise our fists and vent our grievance because our candidate lost.
Again, Trump would have been laughed out of the Democratic party had he tried to join. The only reason he ran
as a Republican, is that he knows you people are suckers. You'll fall for anything. :)
Trump was a Dem...until he wised up and saw how the radicals have taken over your party at the turn of the century. Due to that, he left the party, then felt a patriotic need to run and fix the mess they created....

This is also the reason a record number of Dems are retiring from Congress....folks are doing all they can to distance themselves from the demafacist

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