Hillary Clinton likens Trump supporters to Nazis

“I remember as a young student, you know, trying to figure out, how people get basically drawn in by Hitler. How did that happen? I’d watch newsreels and I’d see this guy standing up there ranting and raving, and people shouting and raising their arms. I thought, ‘What’s happened to these people?'” Clinton said Friday at the Texas Tribune Festival in Austin.

“You saw the rally in Ohio the other night, Trump is there ranting and raving for more than an hour, and you have these rows of young men with their arms raised. I thought, ‘What is going on?'”

Deplorables. Threats to democracy. Nazis.

When those terms don't work - what's next?

And she sold us out to the Chinese decades ago

I couldn't agree more. Where you and I differ (apparently) is that I don't trust anyone who was friends with the Clintons for years and publicly praised them on numerous occasions.

Here are just a few...

That was just one of the reasons I never supported him from the start. I don't play the lesser of two evils game, because as I've been saying for years, that's precisely what the PTSB want you to do, that's the scam they set up. They give voters two phony candidates that are really playing on the same team and count on you voting for the "lesser of two evils" ...whichever one happens to have the right letter by their name. What's amazing to me is that so many people are still falling for it, I figured out that game ages ago. haha
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Start a thread on it. Oppression of minorities is the start of it and is much in evidence on this site.
do you all even allow minorities in your country? my understanding is africans and hispanics need not apply to canada
No. Its a bigger % than that. I base it on their attitude to minorities and their attitudes to democracy.
A few thousand sieg heiling at a rally isnt a significant nember but it is an indication.
They are anti freedom and anti american.
You just saw the White Elitist Prog's real feelings on minorities at Martha's Vineyard. It's easy to do the talk while at a distance. Doing the walk is near nonexistent.
Hillary hopes to run again for President. Perhaps this time she will call conservatives Nazis rather than Deplorables and think that will win the campaign for her.
Hillary knows that the dumb democrat voters thrive on a daily diet of hate and fear
Hillary knows that the dumb democrat voters thrive on a daily diet of hate and fear
True. However, you need more than just Democrats to win the Presidential election. It would seem smart to try to appeal to some Republicans to get their vote. Independent voters will make the difference unless the election is rigged and considering inflation, crime and the stock market it may be hard to get many independent votes.

If Trump runs that may allow Hillary to win. Trump is very polarizing and people either love him or hate him. Of course that is true of Hillary too.
True. However, you need more than just Democrats to win the Presidential election. It would seem smart to try to appeal to some Republicans to get their vote. Independent voters will make the difference unless the election is rigged and considering inflation, crime and the stock market it may be hard to get many independent votes.
Exactly. More than ever, the nation needs consensus leadership. Divisive partisans are killing us.
No. Its a bigger % than that. I base it on their attitude to minorities and their attitudes to democracy.
A few thousand sieg heiling at a rally isnt a significant nember but it is an indication.
They are anti freedom and anti american.

Ok, so I just watched a little of the TRump rally..... he comes out and says to the crowd they are gong to defeat the Democrats at the ballot box... he calls Pelosi, Schumer ..etc.. radical leftists and says they are destroying our country. The crowd cheers...
So the hell what??? There is nothing I saw there that is anti freedom..anti American... Just a difference in Political opinion. I would think someone like yourself who has been ruled by a monarchy could appreciate that, but I understand England is a place where you can sometimes go to jail for words against authority.
You dont have some of our protections as a human.

I dont see some sieg heil as you say but just people cheering. Clinton uses the Nazi reference simply because she knows a good number of her base will just eat it up. They don't even have to watch the rally.
When the Sheep Turn Into Rams, the Wolves Will Howl

Trump gave them hope that he and they could finally break out of this lucent nightmare of 60 years of unchained Leftism. How can he be a demagogue when all he is doing is saying in public what the Silenced Majority have been saying in private all along? These people are demagoguing Trump. What happened to that interesting celebrity who wasn't interested in politics?
Unchained leftism? Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan, Bush 1 and 2? Please.
Trump has given to liberal causes for his entire adult life.
It was only when he ran for President that he saw a bunch of suckers who were looking for "hope"....and preyed on their weaknesses.
Again, lying to yourself.

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Same tired gifs, same tired meme's.
She could be an example of a Trump supporter for the last two years screaming at the sky about a "stolen" election. :)

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