Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event


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Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009

When I saw this on Drudge this morning I thought it was a joke. But nope, it's real. Hillary made everyone who entered her event in Cleveland, Ohio, sign a loyalty pledge to vote for her in the election before they were allowed to enter.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I wonder why she even held the event in the first place if they were already in the bag. I thought townhalls and campaign events were supposed to be for a way to convince voters that you're a good candidate....not bring in only people that have already made up their minds.

I guess she wants to be worshiped, not challenged.

You need to see the pledge form at this site before they are forced to take it down.

Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event

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Kinda like Trump's loyalty pledge
Uh....no.......not even close.

This is a demented woman taking a rational idea and using it to weed out any possible negativity at her events.

The fact that she would even consider this shows me that she's the wrong person to put in the White House.

We don't need a queen. We need a president.
Didn't Trump sign a loyalty pledge? :dunno:
Yes......but Hillary didn't.

So what's your point.....other than you're so clueless you can't be rational?

Trump said he wouldn't at first.....but the establishment Republicans felt they could use their pledge to make him look like he's everything that Trump critics claimed......that he wasn't a real candidate, but instead, he was a Clinton plant.

Trump signed it and their chance to marginalize him went out the window.

My guess is he was the only one they formally demanded sign the silly thing.
Mudwhistle that's the shittiest source I've ever seen. Nothing more than a smear piece.
Didn't Trump sign a loyalty pledge? :dunno:
Yes......but Hillary didn't.

So what's your point.....other than you're so clueless you can't be rational?

Trump said he wouldn't at first.....but the establishment Republicans felt they could use their pledge to make him look like he's everything that Trump critics claimed......that he wasn't a real candidate, but instead, he was a Clinton plant.

Trump signed it and their chance to marginalize him went out the window.

My guess is he was the only one they formally demanded sign the silly thing.

So, Trump bowing to the demands of a few makes him a stronger candidate?
I wouldn't put it past her. We saw her corral and rope off people who were in the media. She needs to have total control over her subjects Yet they still go vote for her.

she really believes she is Entitled, even after her subjects Rejected her the last time and voted for some nobody community agitator man over her.
But , $$$$$$$$$ and Power is what she seeks in running for President and you little people aren't going to get her way again.
This is a demented woman taking a rational idea and using it to weed out any possible negativity at her events.

The fact that she would even consider this shows me that she's the wrong person to put in the White House.

We don't need a queen. We need a president.

The fact that she's a criminally insane totalitarian sociopath tells me she should be in a mental hospital.

Didn't Trump sign a loyalty pledge? :dunno:
Yes......but Hillary didn't.

So what's your point.....other than you're so clueless you can't be rational?

Trump said he wouldn't at first.....but the establishment Republicans felt they could use their pledge to make him look like he's everything that Trump critics claimed......that he wasn't a real candidate, but instead, he was a Clinton plant.

Trump signed it and their chance to marginalize him went out the window.

My guess is he was the only one they formally demanded sign the silly thing.

So, Trump bowing to the demands of a few makes him a stronger candidate?
He got assurances from Republicans that they would treat him fairly instead of undermining his candidacy like they had been doing.

He made a deal to get the GOP off of his ass.

You think this is a sellout.....yet you probably support Obama's deal with Iran.
you probably support Obama's deal with Iran.
It's a GREAT deal. Ask the former heads of Mossad, and all the ex-CIA and U.S. Generals and Admirals who support it. Or ex-Bush officials. Or ex-Reagan officials.

They all agree it's a great deal for the U.S.

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Hillary made everyone who entered her event in Cleveland, Ohio, sign a loyalty pledge to vote for her in the election before they were allowed to enter.
Is it a binding contract? Or just for show?
I think it was to keep undesirables out.

She didn't want any shoes flying past her head.

I think there's something wrong with a person running for public office that's afraid of the public.

She's paranoid. I don't blame her, she's dropping like a stone in the polls. She's losing to a crackpot in several states, and Slow Joe Biden is about to challenge her.

She's also aging like a head of lettuce.....
you probably support Obama's deal with Iran.
It's a GREAT deal. Ask the former heads of Mossad, and all the ex-CIA and U.S. Generals and Admirals who support it. Or ex-Bush officials. Or ex-Reagan officials.

They all agree it's a great deal for the U.S.

Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
Have you read the deal?

Did you know that Iran has already said that they refuse to abide by it?

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