Hillary Clinton says Corporations & Businesses don't create jobs

Overall, raising the minimum wage has not raised our unemployment rate, after every single minimum wage hike....that's a fact jack.

Mainly because they always raise it incrementally, with small increases at a time over a long period of time.

and if you all STILL believe in 'trickle down'...give the wealthiest corporations and one percenters a tax cut and this will create jobs...then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you....
I created a business. That business has created dozens of jobs.
Call it trickle down or whatever you want but THE FACT REMAINS THAT I CREATED THOSE JOBS VIA MY BUSINESS.

And trickle down is sound logically.
Ford creates cars which results in THOUSANDS of jobs created down the line from the people that make steel to the Fed Ex driver that delivers the parts needed to build said car.

Deny that logic all you want. It just makes you look as stupid as Hillary

You hire people to do jobs that your customers created.
Customers have a need. I provide a service to fulfill those needs. MY BUSINESS hires employees to make the fulfillment of those needs easier & faster. The customer doesn't NEED 4 people on that job but ME HIRING 4 PEOPLE makes the job more profitable since I can finish it faster and move on to the next job.

Get it? My desire to be more profitable drives my hiring practices. Republicans call it capitalism, lefties call it greed.

Whether you hire 2 people or 4 people the manhours doesn't change.
Are you stupid?
I can make 2 widgets a week with 2 men or 4 with 4 men.

Do you know what the term 'manhour' means?
If you employ a worker, the work will magically appear. Or at least that's what trickle-down True Believers apparently believe.

How do you argue with delusion that deep? You don't. You smile and nod and walk away.
You hire people to do jobs that your customers created.
Where do customers come from? Does the government birth them? Are you a "birther" bro?

Duh. You need a roof on your house. That's a job you create out of need. You call a roofer. He fulfills the need.
The roofer is providing a service. If there are no roofers around people have to do their own. Or they can anyway. The customer didn't create the job.

The customer calls the roofers and says, I have a JOB for you.

That's where the work comes from.

The auto manufacturer calls and says "I have a job for you"
He CLEARLY is clueless how businesses work. Doesn't understand how profit margins work.
Where do customers come from? Does the government birth them? Are you a "birther" bro?

Duh. You need a roof on your house. That's a job you create out of need. You call a roofer. He fulfills the need.
The roofer is providing a service. If there are no roofers around people have to do their own. Or they can anyway. The customer didn't create the job.

The customer calls the roofers and says, I have a JOB for you.

That's where the work comes from.

The auto manufacturer calls and says "I have a job for you"
He CLEARLY is clueless how businesses work. Doesn't understand how profit margins work.

You claimed you create 4 jobs instead of 2. But the manhours worked is the same. You didn't create 2 extra jobs, you just spread around the amount of work to be done.
The Clintons made their fortune off the backs of Taxpayers. They've milked Government for all they could get out of it. I mean, Hillary Clinton's been chauffeured around her entire life. Rumor has it, she can't even drive a vehicle. She usually evades the question when asked about it.

They don't know what real work is. They relied on their corruption and Government handouts most of their lives. Hillary Clinton especially, is the last person anyone should seek information on creating jobs. She's completely clueless.

How does someone this delusional get elected? Serious question. And the answer does not involve the name Trump. TRY to stay on topic...

Holy fucking shit. She actually did say it. She's wrong about her minimum wage statement as well. The truth is is depends on the job itself. I'm all for a fair wage and time off work. But it can't be a blanket law mandated by the government as every business is different.
I created a business. That business has created dozens of jobs.
Call it trickle down or whatever you want but THE FACT REMAINS THAT I CREATED THOSE JOBS VIA MY BUSINESS.

And trickle down is sound logically.
Ford creates cars which results in THOUSANDS of jobs created down the line from the people that make steel to the Fed Ex driver that delivers the parts needed to build said car.

Deny that logic all you want. It just makes you look as stupid as Hillary

You hire people to do jobs that your customers created.
Customers have a need. I provide a service to fulfill those needs. MY BUSINESS hires employees to make the fulfillment of those needs easier & faster. The customer doesn't NEED 4 people on that job but ME HIRING 4 PEOPLE makes the job more profitable since I can finish it faster and move on to the next job.

Get it? My desire to be more profitable drives my hiring practices. Republicans call it capitalism, lefties call it greed.

Whether you hire 2 people or 4 people the manhours doesn't change.
Are you stupid?
I can make 2 widgets a week with 2 men or 4 with 4 men.

Do you know what the term 'manhour' means?
Do you understand that manhours =/= profit margin in REAL HOURS?

Why do you think businesses expand? For the fun of it? Or increased profits?
The man hours remain fairly static but the amount of work capable of being done is nearly doubled which means I can do more work which increases the bottom line.

Again I ask, are you stupid?
I created a business. That business has created dozens of jobs.
Call it trickle down or whatever you want but THE FACT REMAINS THAT I CREATED THOSE JOBS VIA MY BUSINESS.

And trickle down is sound logically.
Ford creates cars which results in THOUSANDS of jobs created down the line from the people that make steel to the Fed Ex driver that delivers the parts needed to build said car.

Deny that logic all you want. It just makes you look as stupid as Hillary

You hire people to do jobs that your customers created.
Where do customers come from? Does the government birth them? Are you a "birther" bro?

Duh. You need a roof on your house. That's a job you create out of need. You call a roofer. He fulfills the need.
The roofer is providing a service. If there are no roofers around people have to do their own. Or they can anyway. The customer didn't create the job.

The customer calls the roofers and says, I have a JOB for you.

That's where the work comes from.
Or he can do it himself. He only needs someone to do it if he wants someone else to do it. That's supply side economics. You can demand a roofer but if none is around where is your job creation?
The Clintons made their fortune off the backs of Taxpayers. They've milked Government for all they could get out of it. I mean, Hillary Clinton's been chauffeured around her entire life. Rumor has it, she can't even drive a vehicle. She usually evades the question when asked about it.

They don't know what real work is. They relied on their corruption and Government handouts most of their lives. Hillary Clinton especially, is the last person anyone should seek information on creating jobs. She's completely clueless.
huh? what?

be specific with your CLAIM that Clinton's made their fortune off tax payer's backs....
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
yea, that's called bad business. What are the roots for the "demand"?
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
No, the demand doesn't come first. People wanted cold air long before air conditioners were invented. When they were and made affordable the demand for them came along.
Duh. You need a roof on your house. That's a job you create out of need. You call a roofer. He fulfills the need.
The roofer is providing a service. If there are no roofers around people have to do their own. Or they can anyway. The customer didn't create the job.

The customer calls the roofers and says, I have a JOB for you.

That's where the work comes from.

The auto manufacturer calls and says "I have a job for you"
He CLEARLY is clueless how businesses work. Doesn't understand how profit margins work.

You claimed you create 4 jobs instead of 2. But the manhours worked is the same. You didn't create 2 extra jobs, you just spread around the amount of work to be done.
Productivity and workload are foreign entities in your world apparently. Work is not static numbnuts
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
yea, that's called bad business. What are the roots for the "demand"?
Breaking the 10th commandment? Coveting other's goods? :p
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
yea, that's called bad business. What are the roots for the "demand"?
Breaking the 10th commandment? Coveting other's goods? :p
What are the roots for the "demand"?
people have to have money and need to buy what the supplier is supplying... the ''demand'' comes first, the ''supply'' comes second.

I can manufacture furry golf balls, without a demand for them, without someone to purchase them, my manufacturing business goes belly up.
No, the demand doesn't come first. People wanted cold air long before air conditioners were invented. When they were and made affordable the demand for them came along.
Off topic but interesting tidbit.... in prison we used buckets of ice, fans & sheets to create air conditioning. Only lasted a couple hours though.

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