Hillary Clinton says Corporations & Businesses don't create jobs

The I love big government crowd falls for this crap all the time.
To my knowledge Lizzie Warren who depends on government to make her a very wealthy lady
started this and Obama jumped on board.

Big government and especially Obama led big government has done all it could to stifle and destroy
Corporations and business.
The fact that any survive is testament to the ones running those companies not government.
Yeah..and "you didn't build that." This hag is as stupid as Obungles

Good Grief....
Are we back to this nonsense again?.......
Let's say you own a small business installing garage doors and have 2 workers who are installers for your company.... and as time goes by you are increasing in requests for installations and your sales are growing, growing enough that you can add 2 more installers to your team....to accommodate your request

you didn't add these 2 new workers because you were getting some kind of new tax break.... you added them because the demand for door installations has increased....

if you had no increase in demand for installations and your sales were even dropping, would you truly hire 2 more installers to just be twiddling their thumbs all day, simply because you got a small tax break for it, or simply received some tax cut?

Demand, which translates to sales, and the maximum productivity of your present workers is what would drive the hiring of new and additional employees....

THIS is what Hillary's point is on your video....

I don't understand what there is to disagree with on my points above??????????
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Yeah..and "you didn't build that." This hag is as stupid as Obungles

Good Grief....
Are we back to this nonsense again?.......
Let's say you own a small business installing garage doors and have 2 workers who are installers for your company.... and as time goes by you are increasing in requests for installations and your sales are growing, growing enough that you can add 2 more installers to your team....to accommodate your request

you didn't add these 2 new workers because you were getting some kind of new tax break.... you added them because the demand for door installations has increased....

if you had no increase in demand for installations and your sales were even dropping, would you truly hire 2 more installers to just be twiddling their thumbs all day, simply because you got a small tax break for it, or simply received some tax cut?

Demand, which translates to sales, and the maximum productivity of your present workers is what would drive the hiring of new and additional employees....

THIS is what Hillary's point is on your video....

I don't understand what there is to disagree with on my points above??????????

She's pandering to you...and you're buying it
Yeah..and "you didn't build that." This hag is as stupid as Obungles

Good Grief....
Are we back to this nonsense again?.......
Let's say you own a small business installing garage doors and have 2 workers who are installers for your company.... and as time goes by you are increasing in requests for installations and your sales are growing, growing enough that you can add 2 more installers to your team....to accommodate your request

you didn't add these 2 new workers because you were getting some kind of new tax break.... you added them because the demand for door installations has increased....

if you had no increase in demand for installations and your sales were even dropping, would you truly hire 2 more installers to just be twiddling their thumbs all day, simply because you got a small tax break for it, or simply received some tax cut?

Demand, which translates to sales, and the maximum productivity of your present workers is what would drive the hiring of new and additional employees....

THIS is what Hillary's point is on your video....

I don't understand what there is to disagree with on my points above??????????
I gave a detailed example of how the jobs are created & how demand is often not even there but the goods & services are still sold.

Your example assumes that the owner must expand when in fact the only reason to expand is if it is profitable. He could very well choose to continue on with 2 installers. It was his CHOICE to create the new positions to expand his bottom line.
Overall, raising the minimum wage has not raised our unemployment rate, after every single minimum wage hike....that's a fact jack.

Mainly because they always raise it incrementally, with small increases at a time over a long period of time.

and if you all STILL believe in 'trickle down'...give the wealthiest corporations and one percenters a tax cut and this will create jobs...then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you....
I created a business. That business has created dozens of jobs.
Call it trickle down or whatever you want but THE FACT REMAINS THAT I CREATED THOSE JOBS VIA MY BUSINESS.

And trickle down is sound logically.
Ford creates cars which results in THOUSANDS of jobs created down the line from the people that make steel to the Fed Ex driver that delivers the parts needed to build said car.

Deny that logic all you want. It just makes you look as stupid as Hillary

You hire people to do jobs that your customers created.
Customers have a need. I provide a service to fulfill those needs. MY BUSINESS hires employees to make the fulfillment of those needs easier & faster. The customer doesn't NEED 4 people on that job but ME HIRING 4 PEOPLE makes the job more profitable since I can finish it faster and move on to the next job.

Get it? My desire to be more profitable drives my hiring practices. Republicans call it capitalism, lefties call it greed.

Whether you hire 2 people or 4 people the manhours doesn't change.
I could create a new product that has never been seen before. It isn't created because of demand for a still hypothetical product. I then market that product & CREATE THE DEMAND.
Or are you implying that there was a secret society petitioning Taco Bell to create the Meximelt or the Baha Steak Chalupa?
I could create a new product that has never been seen before. It isn't created because of demand for a still hypothetical product. I then market that product & CREATE THE DEMAND.
It is created because there is a demand for it, even if it is something new....

there were never DVD's before and only video tapes to watch movies....DVD's are a new creation, but it came from a demand for a similar product....it's called progress....

there were never cell phones before, only land lines...before land lines, there was the telegraph to communicate, before the telegraph there was the Pony Express or Carrier delivering messages, or smoke signals.... :D

I can't think of anything, off the top of my head, great that was invented, was not invented due to a need or demand for it...

Even a new singer, music already existed as a form of entertainment... his style may be different and unique, but the demand for entertainment already existed before he created his own music...

Like I said, I could create furry golf balls...doesn't mean just because I am supplying them, that they would ever sell/or be in demand, by anyone....

But with all of those great and awesome inventions, there was a need or demand out there for being able to easily communicate with one another
Or are you implying that there was a secret society petitioning Taco Bell to create the Meximelt or the Baha Steak Chalupa?
no, you clearly are not understanding or are intentionally being obtuse...

I'm saying there was a demand for fast food, due to both adults in the household working....

However creative a company is to meet that demand, is an attribute and makes or breaks the success of the company....
I could create a new product that has never been seen before. It isn't created because of demand for a still hypothetical product. I then market that product & CREATE THE DEMAND.

Personal PC's
Cell phones...
Fax machines

We all lived without this stuff and many more things before they were created and made easily available.
Overall, raising the minimum wage has not raised our unemployment rate, after every single minimum wage hike....that's a fact jack.

Mainly because they always raise it incrementally, with small increases at a time over a long period of time.

and if you all STILL believe in 'trickle down'...give the wealthiest corporations and one percenters a tax cut and this will create jobs...then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you....
It is correct that the only way to sustain MW increases is to raise it slowly and by small increments. Raising it overnight from where it is now to $15/hr would impact half the work force and have massive repercussions.

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