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Hillary Clinton: Sniper Fire and Dead Broke

The Bush administration killed off thousands of America's finest young people, permanently crippled tens of thousands more and wasted $4 trillion (with a T) hard earned taxpayer dollars.

This is the ignorance I expect from a Liberal who is mentally unstable due to their obsessive hatred for Bush.

1. Bush did not kill any American. The soldiers who went off to war - with the authority given to them by BOTH Democrats and Republicans who voted to give Bush the authorization to go to war (DEMOCRATS even stood on the floor of Congress and made the case why Hussein HAD to be overthrown before the vote) - were killed and wounded by THE ENEMY. In war people get killed and people get wounded. Perhaps instead of blaming Bush you should legitimately place some of the blame on the DEMOCRATS who made the case for war, played on the emotions of the American people to send our troops to war, and then VOTED to send our troops to war.

2. In 6 of his 8 years in office, during 9/11/01, the economic 'collapse' of Wall Street after the attack, and through 6 years of war only $2.5 Trillion was added by the Bush administration. At the end of that 6 years the DEMOCRATS won a near Super Majority control of BOTH the House and the Senate, which means THEY controlled the spending and THEY controlled the budget. In the next 2 years, under DEMOCRAT control, $1.5 Trillion was added to the national debt. DEMOCRATS, not BUSH, added that money.

Liberals always insist - when the GOP has control of the House - that whoever controls the purse strings controls spending. Liberals also insist that the economy started to tank THOSE LAST 2 YEARS under Bush. Liberals also like to DISH OUT shit but never like to OWN UP to anything or TAKE SHIT! The last 2 years of the Bush administration was controlled by a DEMOCRATIC PARTY Congress who controlled the purse strings and who controlled spending! The economy did start to tank the last 2 years of Bush's administration...because the DEMOCRATS had a (3 - 5 seat shy of a) SUPER MAJORITY Control of Congress. The 'bad economy' Obama inherited was the one the DEMOCRATS controlling the purse string gave him.

And don't start doing the standard bitching, whining, and making excuses:

'Our Super Majority' wasn't REALLY a 'Super Majority' because the GOP blocked us.
- PLEASE! As Ryan just demonstrated, the Washington Establishment GOP has been the DNC's 'bitch' for years now - they're just not trying to hide it anymore. It is required BY LAW that an annual budget be passed EVERY year, and the 1st thing that changed when the Democrats took control with 2 years left to Bush's term was to suspend passing a budget. It's documented - look it up! The next time a Budget was passed was when the GOP won the House back!

'We couldn't do anything ourselves - why hasn't the GOP passed legislation to fix our infrastructure?!'
- Again, just STOP! With a SUPER MAJORITY control of the house and Senate Liberals could have passed legislation to fix our infrastructure, fix the broken Visa program, worked to stop Illegal Immigration, ended funding for Sanctuary Cities, etc....BUT NONE OF THAT WAS THEIR PRIORITY.

The 1st spending bill Obama and the Liberals rammed into existence was a back-logged DNC-ONLY 'WISH List' of over 7,000 pieces of SELF/PARTY-serving DNC-ONLY Pork! This 'F* Over the Hard Working Tax-Paying Citizen' Legislation included millions to MILLIONAIRE DNC Politician Diane Feinstein to bail out her husband's bankrupting business, money to teach alcoholic CHINESE PROSTITUTES how to drink more responsibly on duty, money for liberals to study why a homosexual ARGENTINIAN man's love life is 'better' than a heterosexual American male's is, millions for brand new storm windows for a Ranger station that had been abandoned and unused for 4 years, and millions for 'SHOVEL-READY PROJECTS' that did not even EXIST - Obama admitted to the American people that he was so clueless that he didn't even know there wasn't such a thing.

The nearly $1 TRILLION dollar failed legislation did NOT keep unemployment below 8% as promised - it rose to 10.1%, and the 'cash for clunkers' - that required the used cars turned in to be destroyed - ended up hurting the middle class because it eliminated a lot of affordable cars and drove up the price for those left. Obama gave half the ownership of a US auto manufacturer to the Unions he owed favors to, 'nationalized' the company (great Socialist technique to seize ownership of a private business), sold off part of that American-made auto company to a foreign company in worse economic shape than GM was in, and when Obama sold off the majority of the remaining stock he / the US government held he did so at a massive LOSS to tax payers. Let's not forget that by 'nationalizing' the company he violated Bankruptcy Law. Allowing GM to go into Bankruptcy would have allowed them to void the Union contracts that were killing the company and renegotiate new contracts that would have restructured the company, made it viable, saved them billions, and would have saved the company and saved the tax payers billions that it lost in the deal. The problem was that Unions would have been the big loser, and Obama couldn't have that!

In the FINAL outcome of this failed 'tax-payer F*-Over' 'Wish List' sold as a 'Jobs Creation Bill', it cost the tax payers OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama CLAIMED to have 'saved' / 'created'!

Liberals didn't give a damn or a though to the US tax payer, did not respect the hard work that went into that money collected, and treated THEMSELVES to over 7,000 pieces of pork-funded 'goodies' at tax payer expense after winning the House, Senate, and WH. THAT was their priority!

So, not only was Bush NOT responsible for the entire $4 Trillion added during his administration, not only was he NOT responsible for the tanking economy Obama inherited, but, again, he also did not F* the American people the way the Liberals did when they rewarded themselves for taking over the House, Senate, and WH!

BTW, moron, OBAMA called Bush Un-Patriotic' for adding $ Trillion ($2.5) to the deficit...then proceeded to add OVER $6 Trillion - more than EVERY US President COMBINED - in only 4 (FOUR) Years, as opposed to Bush's 8 years....and no one heard the Liberals bitch and whine about THAT, only do what you do best: Blame someone else - especially Bush!

So again, STFU, MAN UP, and hold your own people / party accountable...FOR ONCE!
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Cattle-Futures Miracle - Hillary’s first commodity trade was in cattle futures where she ordered 10 futures contracts which normally cost $12,000 dollars with only $1,000 dollars in her account. This turned into $6,300 dollars by the next morning and after 10 months totaled $100,000, with trading help from James B. Blair.

“Blair, who at the time was outside counsel to Tyson Foods Inc., Arkansas' largest employer, says he was advising Clinton out of friendship, not to seek political gain. . ." reports The WashingtonPost.

Robert L. "Red" Bone ran the Springdale, AK financial services company REFCO allowed the trades and later, after investigation, had to pay the largest fine at the time in the exchanges history and was suspended for three years. Hillary Clinton said she was able to make the successful trading because she read the Wall Street Journal for research.

Nobody ever traded futures like Hillary, nobody ever.

She made these "trades" at a time when a big Commodity house like Tyson could direct where the trades landed before they settled, so Hillary got the wins, Tyson the losses. It's a neat way of moving $100K from Tyson to Clinton.
Nobody ever traded futures like Hillary, nobody ever. She made these "trades" at a time when a big Commodity house like Tyson could direct where the trades landed before they settled, so Hillary got the wins, Tyson the losses. It's a neat way of moving $100K from Tyson to Clinton.

A few years ago several politicians were caught engaging in CRIMINAL 'Insider Trading', which is the only way Hillary would have been able to pull off such a deal.

The average citizen like me, you...Martha Stewart...would go to jail (and did). These F*ING CRIMINAL politicians, however, projected 'shock' and declared they had no idea that Insider Trading laws actually applied to THEM!


Think about that for a second...the very people who WRITE and PASS the laws, who are supposed to know the Constitution better than anyone and damn-well KNOW Congress - or anyone - is NOT exempt from ANY law passed actually claimed ignorance in order to EXCUSE the crimes they had perpetrated.

Then, proving that Americans really are 'THAT' stupid, these politicians declared they would write NEW legislation that stated 'From HER ON OUT (as if it never had before) Congress will be held accountable to THAT specific law by name ('Insider Trading'), leaving the door open for the next time they broke another law they could pull the same routine about not knowing THAT law applied to them.

NO ONE went to jail. NONE of them were held accountable in ANY way for their CRIMES...and, to STICK IT TO the 'nosey' citizens who had stumbled across their crimes only because of a 'FOIA' request, several days later - quietly and ALMOST without any press coverage - they passed legislation that now exempt their own financial dealings from 'FOIA' requests, making it impossible for the American people from ever catching them breaking that law again.

There is a reason almost every single one of those bastards are millionaires and 'by coincidence' the laws that continue to be passed benefit THEM, their buddies, and the people who helped get them there and keep them there...at our expense.
Cattle-Futures Miracle - Hillary’s first commodity trade was in cattle futures where she ordered 10 futures contracts which normally cost $12,000 dollars with only $1,000 dollars in her account. This turned into $6,300 dollars by the next morning and after 10 months totaled $100,000, with trading help from James B. Blair.

“Blair, who at the time was outside counsel to Tyson Foods Inc., Arkansas' largest employer, says he was advising Clinton out of friendship, not to seek political gain. . ." reports The WashingtonPost.

Robert L. "Red" Bone ran the Springdale, AK financial services company REFCO allowed the trades and later, after investigation, had to pay the largest fine at the time in the exchanges history and was suspended for three years. Hillary Clinton said she was able to make the successful trading because she read the Wall Street Journal for research.

Nobody ever traded futures like Hillary, nobody ever.

She made these "trades" at a time when a big Commodity house like Tyson could direct where the trades landed before they settled, so Hillary got the wins, Tyson the losses. It's a neat way of moving $100K from Tyson to Clinton.

100,000, is chump change to Mrs Clinton today.
Claiming to be dead broke when you are assured of a nearly $200,000 annual salary, $96,000 for staff, and numerous other free perks for life, while maybe technically accurate, is disingenuous, to say the least.
"Damn right, Bush!

Whether you're smart enough to recognize it or not, at least one self described "really-really smart" "Republican" knows Bush & company screwed over this country's future really-really bad."

And Bush has not been President for almost a decade - OBAMA HAS.

And every time anyone brings up a CURRENT foreign or domestic policy failure, scandal, or violation of Constitution or Law by THIS President or THIS administration the only thing liberals want to do is point back nearly a decade ago and attack someone in the past instead of dealing with the problems currently happening

F* Bush!
Bush did not arm Mexican Drug cartels resulting in the deaths of over 500 innocent people, including 2 US citizens.

BUSH did not help a terrorist group take over the govt of our ally Egypt, resulting in the 'cleansing' of thousands of Christians in that country.

BUSH did not arm Al '9/11/01' Qaeida in Libya and eventually drag this nation to war on his own to help them defeat/kill Qadaffi and take over Libya as their own.

BUSH did not hire Al Qaeida militants to guard a NOW DEAD US Ambassador, the 1st in over 30 years to be assassinate.

BUSH prevented any terrorist attacks from happening on US soil after 9/11/01 while Obama has failed to prevent 4 successful terrorist attacks on US soil and the murder of numerous Americans, when half of them could and should have been prevented but weren't because of his failures and another attack was perpetrated using guns he had given to the Mexican Drug cartels.

There have been and still are failures, crimes, scandals and terrorist attacks in THIS decade under THIS President that can and should be addressed, but instead Liberals are too busy trying to defend their failed President, attempting to justify and gloss over his deeds by declaring 'What about Bush?'

F* Bush - he isn't President. Obama is. Start acting like it!

BUSH did not hire Al Qaeida militants to guard a NOW DEAD US Ambassador, the 1st in over 30 years to be assassinate.

The Bush administration killed off thousands of America's finest young people, permanently crippled tens of thousands more and wasted $4 trillion (with a T) hard earned taxpayer dollars. After that kind of screwing, it's going to take at least several Democratic Presidents in conjunction with Democratic Congresses to wipe up the huge wet spot he and his Dick left behind.

I feel s sorry for rightwingers/Republicans, like the sheeple they are, the rightwing media has catapulted their fear/run emotion to the point they don't even believe their teammates anymore - according to committee chairman rightwing nutjob Mike Rogers (R., Mich.), "A House report on the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, concludes that the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. military responded properly and that Obama administration “talking points” were flawed, but didn’t find that administration officials attempted to mislead the public."
Quote excerpted from: http://www.wsj.com/articles/house-report-cia-military-acted-properly-in-benghazi-attacks-1416616698

Did you catch that, even Republican ODSers can't make hay out of what you say and-----and even the Republican owned WSJ thinks your source is making stuff up.

Please allow me to preface my post by saying that I have nothing but disdain for the neocons but I especially despise the pseudo liberal of the Fabian socialist bent and their utter stupidity and hypocrisy. Let's reflect back in 2006 when the demcrat party ran on the issue of "stopping the war" and they took both houses and continued to fund the war well into Barrypuppet's first term and the troops that are guarding the opium in Afghanistan remain there....so sell your phony bullshit to someone else. Benghazi was an arms deal, plain and simple in order to put 4 warehouses of military arms in the hands of al qaeda/ISIS/ CIA asset in order to fight a proxy war with Assad that was being brokered by agents of the Turkish government. Stevens didn't wish to relent so the raid took place with full knowledge of Holder, Hitlery and the Barrypuppet...anything said to the contrary is pure bullshit. It doesn't mean a flying fuck on who gets elected because they are merely faces of the franchise that is USA.INC and their fifty some odd subsidiaries and territories. Politics appeal to limp-wristed douchebags like you that buy into this theater and you don't give a shit as to how far this country slides as long as you think it's YOUR side that is calling the shots thus you are placated. It's called "scoreboarding" as if you are a part of a winning side when in all actuality we all continue to lose and continue to be indentured debt slaves to this corporate entity trying to pass it's self off as a legitimate governmental body.
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I look forward to Hillary and Bill returning to the White House. I look forward to more years of peace and prosperity.
OMG a liar lying about lying. What an incredible bunch of carp.

NO ONE, would forget the details of such a threat. She didn't say there was sniper fire she said that they had to put their head down and run to the cars. WHICH DIDN'T HAPPEN. WTH is wrong with the left to defend such a liar? Would YOU put your daughter in such danger? When on the tarmac they obviously didn't have bullet proof clothing. She is a liar there is no other explanation, thank you for continually driving home the point.

Read the link on Bosnia in my signature, it will tell you why Mrs. Tuluza's lie was not just a mistake. I laugh when i ask those on the left to actually read something.
Sniper Fire

During Monday's editorial meeting -- in which Clinton was seeking the Daily News' endorsement ahead of Pennsylvania's April 22 primary -- she was asked about the apparent discrepancy. The newspaper reported her response:

"Now let me tell you what I can remember, OK -- because what I was told was that we had to land a certain way and move quickly because of the threat of sniper fire. So I misspoke -- I didn't say that in my book or other times but if I said something that made it seem as though there was actual fire -- that's not what I was told," she told the newspaper.

"I was told we had to land a certain way, we had to have our bulletproof stuff on because of the threat of sniper fire. I was also told that the greeting ceremony had been moved away from the tarmac but that there was this 8-year-old girl and, I can't, I can't rush by her, I've got to at least greet her -- so I greeted her, I took her stuff and then I left. Now that's my memory of it."

Clinton says she misspoke about sniper fire - CNN.com

She was in a combat zone with Chelsea. They were probably very scared. She probably felt like she was running with her head down. Fear alters perceptions. Seems perfectly reasonable to me. Anyway, she said she misspoke.

Dead Broke

Clinton’s 2000 Senate financial disclosure form, via the Open Secrets website, provides a rough view of the balance between the couple’s assets and liabilities. These forms only show amounts in broad ranges -- from $15,001 to $50,000, from $50,001 to $100,000 and so forth -- but under any set of assumptions, the Clintons were in the red, a problem driven by Bill Clinton’s enormous legal bills.

Their highest possible assets totaled about $1.8 million, while their lowest possible debts were nearly $2.3 million. The most optimistic scenario left them in a hole of about $500,000.

Hillary Clinton said she and Bill were in debt and dead broke when they left the White House. The public record shows that they possibly had more liabilities than assets, but it doesn’t show that conclusively.

Hillary Clinton says she and Bill were dead broke - PolitiFact

Bill had enormous legal debts when they left the White House - and the above PolitiFact quote shows they may have been $500,000 in debt when they left the White House - "but under any set of assumptions, the Clintons were in the red, a problem driven by Bill Clinton’s enormous legal bills."

Well, Bill always could have kept his dick in his pants....
Hillary Clinton is ther Female Version Of Barry when it comes to lying (and comparing her to him instead of bill says a lot...Obama has replaced 'Slick Willey'). Here are my favorite Hillary LIES:

1. Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

2. She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In true Brian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H type arrival scene in fear for her life. (Cue the video of Neo in the Matrix in slo-mo dodging bullets...) In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

3. She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) until Hillary Clinton was 6 years old. How about that...Hillary's mom could see the future. (Sorta like Obama saying Selma inspired his parents about him....and again Selma was AFTER Obama was born...)

4. Her family was dead broke when they left the White House. They only made $12 MILLION the year after Bill Clinton’s Presidency.

5. She claims to have been instrumental in the Northern Ireland peace process. Except those who actually were at the negotiating table say Hillary was nowhere to be seen

6. She’s just like you. No, really. Because every woman in America has one child who’s always attended private schools, was married to a President, had a personal chef, flies in a environment polluting personal jet, and makes about $200K for every speaking engagement. Duh.

7. Benghazi – it was a disgusting video! The worst of the worst. We know for a fact, based on State Department documents, that not only was Benghazi a terrorist attack, but Hillary knew it was a terrorist attack which had absolutely nothing to do with a YouTube video. Not only did she lie about Benghazi, she failed to act in response to the attack, and 4 American lives were lost in the conflict.

...yeah, so Hillary just turns out to be a sad, pathetic, multi-millionaire elitist, self-promoting, Socialist liar.... but, in her words, "What difference does it make", right?!

On 1.

Here's what Hillary told Dateline in November 2001:

She'd gone, what she thought would be just a great jog. She was going to go down to Battery Park, she was going to go around the towers. She went to get a cup of coffee and -- and that's when the plane hit.
This statement was "contradicted" when Chelsea spoke of her whereabouts on 9/11 to Talk.

Clinton had been staying with her high school friend Nicole Davison in her apartment near Union Square . . . After they had coffee together, Davison went to work and Clinton returned to the apartment.

Davison called Clinton with the news of the first plane that crashed into the World Trade Center. Clinton turned on the television and watched the second plane crash into the second WTC tower, and tried to reach her mother in Washington, but after speaking to her assistant, the phone line went dead.

. . .

Chelsea Clinton was downtown in line at a pay phone when she heard the rumble of the second tower collapsing.

Hillary appeared to mistake whether her daughter had already or was intending to jog around the World Trade Center, and did not provide details of where, exactly, she was when she got a cup of coffee at the time of the attack.

This so-called "fabrication" got the most traction during the 2008 campaign on right-wing blogs and websites, where commentators trumped up - often without citing the original material - what Hillary had said to make it as though she'd embellished her daughter's whereabouts on the day to gain sympathy.

Did Hillary Clinton falsely claim that Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11? - Quora

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