Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

There certainly is some of that. Not as much as there used to be tho....but look at losers like INCEL...they are becoming terrorists because of their misogyny.
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

There certainly is some of that. Not as much as there used to be tho....but look at losers like INCEL...they are becoming terrorists because of their misogyny.

Terrorists? Because of perceived misogyny?

Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

She’s right I bet you in this thread is all kinds of misogynistic posts. and I just jumped in this page without looking .
Are people actually going to her endless pity tour?

Cut the poor woman off. She has wallowed enough.
Hey there Hillary!
This is waiting for you under your bed!

:muahaha: :SMILEW~130:

Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

It's true. We're still about 50 or 60 years behind the U.K. and Germany when it comes to electing women to Presidential status. Germany has Angela Merkle, and the U.K. had Margaret Thatcher & now Teresa May.

No one could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believeing that Trump won a single one of them, or was qualified and competent enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


There are men in this country that would NEVER vote for a woman President no matter how qualified she is. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party would never vote for a woman President, and many are very vocal about that. The most qualified non politician on the GOP platform was Carly Fiorinia who they continually attacked with conspiracy theories and accusations. Even one conservative radio talk show host that continually referred to her as a vagina. When she beat 2 male candidates with real votes, they still stuck her on the 2nd stage debate. There was a reason for a raining men GOP platform (16 men) to run against 1 woman. It's called misogyny and is very deeply rooted within the Republican party, and found in the Democrat party, but is not as rooted. It exists and is very alive and functional in this country still today. A great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

There is a reason that FOX NEWS and House Republicans wasted millions of tax payer dollars into doing 8 investigations into Benghazi. There is a reason that they couldn't shut up about email servers, and emails. All something they wouldn't have done if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much as they feared the 1st Woman President of the United States. Because where there is the first there will be more.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton agreed on one thing. Women have to work 3 times has hard as a man to get anywhere, and all a long the way they are attacked with vicious, sexist comments. And they both were, coming from the same side of the isle or opposite side of the isle they were attacked simply because they were women running for POTUS.

Madeleine Albright was right.
Any woman that does not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. Just Imagine what she went through in her day.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
The 2nd annual woman's march January 20, 2018

For;pictures of the 1st woman's march go to this link, and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures
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Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

It's true. We're still about 50 or 60 years behind the U.K. and Germany when it comes to electing women to Presidential status. Germany has Angela Merkle, and the U.K. had Margaret Thatcher & now Teresa May.

No one could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believeing that Trump won a single one of them, or was qualified and competent enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


There are men in this country that would NEVER vote for a woman President no matter how qualified she is. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party would never vote for a woman President, and many are very vocal about that. The most qualified non politician on the GOP platform was Carly Fiorinia who they continually attacked with conspiracy theories and accusations. Even one conservative radio talk show host that continually referred to her as a vagina. When she beat 2 male candidates with real votes, they still stuck her on the 2nd stage debate. There was a reason for a raining men GOP platform (16 men) to run against 1 woman. It's called misogyny and is very deeply rooted within the Republican party, and found in the Democrat party, but is not as rooted. It exists and is very alive and functional in this country still today. A great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

There is a reason that FOX NEWS and House Republicans wasted millions of tax payer dollars into doing 8 investigations into Benghazi. There is a reason that they couldn't shut up about email servers, and emails. All something they wouldn't have done if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much as they feared the 1st Woman President of the United States. Because where there is the first there will be more.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton agreed on one thing. Women have to work 3 times has hard as a man to get anywhere, and all a long the way they are attacked with vicious, sexist comments. And they both were, coming from the same side of the isle or opposite side of the isle they were attacked simply because they were women running for POTUS.

Madeleine Albright was right.
Any woman that does not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. Just Imagine what she went through in her day.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
The 2nd annual woman's march January 20, 2018

For;pictures of the 1st woman's march go to this link, and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The Republican party has ran several Females. You tolerant Liberals treat them like shit.
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

It's true. We're still about 50 or 60 years behind the U.K. and Germany when it comes to electing women to Presidential status. Germany has Angela Merkle, and the U.K. had Margaret Thatcher & now Teresa May.

No one could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believeing that Trump won a single one of them, or was qualified and competent enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


There are men in this country that would NEVER vote for a woman President no matter how qualified she is. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party would never vote for a woman President, and many are very vocal about that. The most qualified non politician on the GOP platform was Carly Fiorinia who they continually attacked with conspiracy theories and accusations. Even one conservative radio talk show host that continually referred to her as a vagina. When she beat 2 male candidates with real votes, they still stuck her on the 2nd stage debate. There was a reason for a raining men GOP platform (16 men) to run against 1 woman. It's called misogyny and is very deeply rooted within the Republican party, and found in the Democrat party, but is not as rooted. It exists and is very alive and functional in this country still today. A great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

There is a reason that FOX NEWS and House Republicans wasted millions of tax payer dollars into doing 8 investigations into Benghazi. There is a reason that they couldn't shut up about email servers, and emails. All something they wouldn't have done if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much as they feared the 1st Woman President of the United States. Because where there is the first there will be more.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton agreed on one thing. Women have to work 3 times has hard as a man to get anywhere, and all a long the way they are attacked with vicious, sexist comments. And they both were, coming from the same side of the isle or opposite side of the isle they were attacked simply because they were women running for POTUS.

Madeleine Albright was right.
Any woman that does not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. Just Imagine what she went through in her day.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
The 2nd annual woman's march January 20, 2018

For;pictures of the 1st woman's march go to this link, and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The Republican party has ran several Females. You tolerant Liberals treat them like shit.

The Republican party would NEVER nominate a woman as their Presidential nominee, no matter qualified she was. The closest a Republican woman would ever get to the Oval office would be with a broom and mop bucket.
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

It's true. We're still about 50 or 60 years behind the U.K. and Germany when it comes to electing women to Presidential status. Germany has Angela Merkle, and the U.K. had Margaret Thatcher & now Teresa May.

No one could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believeing that Trump won a single one of them, or was qualified and competent enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


There are men in this country that would NEVER vote for a woman President no matter how qualified she is. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party would never vote for a woman President, and many are very vocal about that. The most qualified non politician on the GOP platform was Carly Fiorinia who they continually attacked with conspiracy theories and accusations. Even one conservative radio talk show host that continually referred to her as a vagina. When she beat 2 male candidates with real votes, they still stuck her on the 2nd stage debate. There was a reason for a raining men GOP platform (16 men) to run against 1 woman. It's called misogyny and is very deeply rooted within the Republican party, and found in the Democrat party, but is not as rooted. It exists and is very alive and functional in this country still today. A great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

There is a reason that FOX NEWS and House Republicans wasted millions of tax payer dollars into doing 8 investigations into Benghazi. There is a reason that they couldn't shut up about email servers, and emails. All something they wouldn't have done if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much as they feared the 1st Woman President of the United States. Because where there is the first there will be more.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton agreed on one thing. Women have to work 3 times has hard as a man to get anywhere, and all a long the way they are attacked with vicious, sexist comments. And they both were, coming from the same side of the isle or opposite side of the isle they were attacked simply because they were women running for POTUS.

Madeleine Albright was right.
Any woman that does not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. Just Imagine what she went through in her day.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
The 2nd annual woman's march January 20, 2018

For;pictures of the 1st woman's march go to this link, and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The Republican party has ran several Females. You tolerant Liberals treat them like shit.

The Republican party would NEVER nominate a woman as their Presidential nominee. No matter how qualified she was.

Bullshit. Let Condoleezza Rice run and see what happens. You libs would be so fucked.
Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

More there is fear and rage when another idiot Clinton sought to STAY in power

Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you
Considering the way you treat Melania, you have zero room to talk.

Tell me again how Democrats are champions of women's rights.

Tell me how they (you) don't dehumanize any woman who doesn't share their (your) worldview.

You know, so I can laugh at you.

Frankly, every time ass hats like Lillian try to lump me in with the likes of herself or Hillary Clinton, I feel demeaned and dehumanized.
  • Thanks
Reactions: FJO
Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you
Considering the way you treat Melania, you have zero room to talk.

Tell me again how Democrats are champions of women's rights.

Tell me how they (you) don't dehumanize any woman who doesn't share their worldview.

You know, so I can laugh at you.

I don’t treat Melania as anything but pitiable, liar

Yeah, I'm sure Melania cries herself to sleep at night that she can't "aspire" to YOUR grandiose and triumphant existence as a pseudo-female. She's all kinds of in need of your "pity".

Call it what it is: Melania isn't a horse-faced, hairy-legged virago who spends her time trying to indoctrinate other women into being alone and miserable as revenge for a lifetime of being too ugly to get picked up in a bar at closing time with all the lights turned out. So you and every other leftist "woman" who DOES fit that description try to disguise your liver-eating envy of her as faux-superiority and just hope anyone will believe it.
Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you

What's a picture of Hillary Clinton got to do with women?

You’d have to be female to understand

I can see where YOU would consider Hillary to be the epitome of femininity, given what you're working with.
Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you
Considering the way you treat Melania, you have zero room to talk.

Tell me again how Democrats are champions of women's rights.

Tell me how they (you) don't dehumanize any woman who doesn't share their (your) worldview.

You know, so I can laugh at you.

Frankly, every time ass hats like Lillian try to lump me in with the likes of herself or Hillary Clinton, I feel demeaned and dehumanized.


spelling. try it sometime
Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you

What's a picture of Hillary Clinton got to do with women?

You’d have to be female to understand
Cecilie is female you blithering idiot.

She's trying to convince herself that she and Hillary are some icon of femininity who can lord their pathetic existences over other women, as though they have anything we would want.
Should this photo be titled...

(1) Ewww look whats coming up next?


(2) now you know why Hillary only wears pantsuits?

View attachment 193140

Tell us again how trumpscum don’t dehumanize women.

So I can laugh at you
Considering the way you treat Melania, you have zero room to talk.

Tell me again how Democrats are champions of women's rights.

Tell me how they (you) don't dehumanize any woman who doesn't share their worldview.

You know, so I can laugh at you.

I don’t treat Melania as anything but pitiable, liar

Yeah, I'm sure Melania cries herself to sleep at night that she can't "aspire" to YOUR grandiose and triumphant existence as a pseudo-female. She's all kinds of in need of your "pity".

Call it what it is: Melania isn't a horse-faced, hairy-legged virago who spends her time trying to indoctrinate other women into being alone and miserable as revenge for a lifetime of being too ugly to get picked up in a bar at closing time with all the lights turned out. So you and every other leftist "woman" who DOES fit that description try to disguise your liver-eating envy of her as faux-superiority and just hope anyone will believe it.
Holy crap!
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

It's true. We're still about 50 or 60 years behind the U.K. and Germany when it comes to electing women to Presidential status. Germany has Angela Merkle, and the U.K. had Margaret Thatcher & now Teresa May.

No one could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believeing that Trump won a single one of them, or was qualified and competent enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth.


There are men in this country that would NEVER vote for a woman President no matter how qualified she is. The Stepford wives & June Clevers of the Republican party would never vote for a woman President, and many are very vocal about that. The most qualified non politician on the GOP platform was Carly Fiorinia who they continually attacked with conspiracy theories and accusations. Even one conservative radio talk show host that continually referred to her as a vagina. When she beat 2 male candidates with real votes, they still stuck her on the 2nd stage debate. There was a reason for a raining men GOP platform (16 men) to run against 1 woman. It's called misogyny and is very deeply rooted within the Republican party, and found in the Democrat party, but is not as rooted. It exists and is very alive and functional in this country still today. A great article on this.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | HuffPost

There is a reason that FOX NEWS and House Republicans wasted millions of tax payer dollars into doing 8 investigations into Benghazi. There is a reason that they couldn't shut up about email servers, and emails. All something they wouldn't have done if Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton. It's not that they feared Hillary Clinton so much as they feared the 1st Woman President of the United States. Because where there is the first there will be more.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of RONALD REAGAN and what he had to say.

Carly Fiorina and Hillary Clinton agreed on one thing. Women have to work 3 times has hard as a man to get anywhere, and all a long the way they are attacked with vicious, sexist comments. And they both were, coming from the same side of the isle or opposite side of the isle they were attacked simply because they were women running for POTUS.

Madeleine Albright was right.
Any woman that does not support another woman deserves a special place in hell. Just Imagine what she went through in her day.


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election
The 2nd annual woman's march January 20, 2018

For;pictures of the 1st woman's march go to this link, and scroll through the many pages, you'll probably find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

The Republican party has ran several Females. You tolerant Liberals treat them like shit.

The Republican party would NEVER nominate a woman as their Presidential nominee, no matter qualified she was. The closest a Republican woman would ever get to the Oval office would be with a broom and mop bucket.

Sweetie, if Angela Merkle is your argument for "we need to elect someone based on their reproductive organs", give it up. As a woman, I am offended by your pseudo-feminism that tries to turn me into just another vagina that can be represented by any other vagina.

We'll have a female President when one gets elected based on her actual qualifications for the job and ability to convince people she's the best choice. At no point will that involve listing her anatomy as one of the qualifications.

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