Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

Nah there is fear and rage in thinking of Hitlery as POTUS. Big difference.

I wouldn't trust that POS to shovel shit out of my horse stall never mind being POTUS.

She's a waste of air.


so where is the next stop for Hillary to tell others that Americans fear female women leaders? Kenya? will she be staying at the Motel 6 there?
Hillary still thinks she lost because she's a woman. Lmao.

She lost because she was a terrible insincere candidate. I know several liberal friends that couldn’t vote for the Wall St. candidate.

I know. I reckon if anything she GAINED more votes for being a woman than she lost. It's just that, she was covered in scandal and lies, and she had no charisma. Trump was covered in scandal and lies as well, but he did have charisma, and he campaigned more intelligently (Michigan and Wisconsin, hello?).
Hillary still thinks she lost because she's a woman. Lmao.

She lost because she was a terrible insincere candidate. I know several liberal friends that couldn’t vote for the Wall St. candidate.

I know. I reckon if anything she GAINED more votes for being a woman than she lost. It's just that, she was covered in scandal and lies, and she had no charisma. Trump was covered in scandal and lies as well, but he did have charisma, and he campaigned more intelligently (Michigan and Wisconsin, hello?).

The whole idea that she believes women were dumb and controlled by their husbands is an insult to women everywhere. That is how little she cares about women, it seems that Hillary cares about only Hillary.
The fact that Hillary was a woman had nothing to do with her loss to Donald Trump.

Hillary's reputation, 1st and foremost, as America's '1st Lady of Scandal' stands out when the name Hillary Clinton pops up. Over decades, however, the Clintons were more 'elusive', 'covert', 'hard to pin down', hard to pin things on them. In the last few years; however, their decline has been remarkable.

Her Server scandal was the most obvious, most damning scandal of their career - it was just >BAM<, 'right there in your face' obvious they were guilty. There was no denying it. Anyone who has ever worked with classified information for even a day knew immediately when the details came out she was guilty.

The next glaring thing about the scandal was the ridiculous defense of her and half-assed attempt to even hide the fact that the Democrats were not going to let her go to jail, despite the literally thousands of criminal charges waiting to be filed. The FBI, for example, openly declared in a press conference that they had recovered over 15,000 official documents that ere required to be turned in according to the FOIA and Federal Records Acts but were not - crimes - had been pulled off of her server and was in their possession. The FBI openly admitted they had recovered enough evidence of crimes with which to charge Hillary and ensure she never got out of prison....and then they protected her...and still do.
Never did I imagine before in my life this nation would sink to such '3rd World banana Republic' judicial standards where we would be so openly protecting our own Imelda Marcos.

Hillary was / is a life-long criminal self-serving politician, an Influence peddler, a sexual deviant Enabler, an elitist who hates the Middle Class and the poor, someone who believed the country OWED her the Presidency ('It's MY TURN'), who jeopardized national security and abandoned Americans to die. She could not win her own party's nomination without cheating, breaking laws, etc....she should have been forced out of the race for her crimes....

She became a bitter 2-time loser who has realized she will never realize her dream of becoming rule...President, someone who lashed out at anyone and everyone (except the only person responsible - herself) to the point where even her own party wants her to just STFU and Go Away.

If we could only be so lucky.....
Hillary still thinks she lost because she's a woman. Lmao.

You don't think misogyny was a factor? Well, I guess if that makes you feel better about yourself.

So all those people who call Hillary a Hag, a Bitch and that word we can't use on USMB, they weren't misogynistic at all, right?

Again, Palin, being called a bitch, whore, slut and c*** weren’t misogynistic? Hillary has also said some real stupid crap, that’s seems to be your excuse for it being okay to call Palin names. The left did the same to Bachman, Coulter, and Whitman? Then you have Conyers and Franken who love women so much they can’t keep their hands off of them.

Democrats and Republicans will attack each other and resort to name calling, pretty sad but it is done all the time. To think that both don’t participate is pretty ignorant and naive.
The fact that Hillary was a woman had nothing to do with her loss to Donald Trump.

Hillary's reputation, 1st and foremost, as America's '1st Lady of Scandal' stands out when the name Hillary Clinton pops up. Over decades, however, the Clintons were more 'elusive', 'covert', 'hard to pin down', hard to pin things on them. In the last few years; however, their decline has been remarkable.

Her Server scandal was the most obvious, most damning scandal of their career - it was just >BAM<, 'right there in your face' obvious they were guilty. There was no denying it. Anyone who has ever worked with classified information for even a day knew immediately when the details came out she was guilty.

The next glaring thing about the scandal was the ridiculous defense of her and half-assed attempt to even hide the fact that the Democrats were not going to let her go to jail, despite the literally thousands of criminal charges waiting to be filed. The FBI, for example, openly declared in a press conference that they had recovered over 15,000 official documents that ere required to be turned in according to the FOIA and Federal Records Acts but were not - crimes - had been pulled off of her server and was in their possession. The FBI openly admitted they had recovered enough evidence of crimes with which to charge Hillary and ensure she never got out of prison....and then they protected her...and still do.

She had a lot of baggage and she handled it poorly, she basically wrote off those that didn’t like her and erroneously thought it wasn’t that many. Two of my co-workers who are liberals voted for Green because they couldn’t vote for,Hillary. She never mended or tried to mend fences.
She had a lot of baggage and she handled it poorly, she basically wrote off those that didn’t like her and erroneously thought it wasn’t that many. Two of my co-workers who are liberals voted for Green because they couldn’t vote for,Hillary. She never mended or tried to mend fences.
30,000 counts of criminal violations of the FOIA and Federal Records Acts, according to the FBI, is not 'a lot of BAGGAGE' - that's a lot of CRIME!

Intentionally violating a federal subpoena that demands you hand over all documents and devices by shredding, deleting, bleach-bitting, illegally destroying devices and removing / hiding sim cards is not 'failing to mend fences' - that's committing OBSTRUCTION.

The FBI's own final report used the legal criminal term 'criminal negligence', signifying she broke laws...until Strzok reportedly altered the wording to protect Hillary from Indictment.
Hillary still thinks she lost because she's a woman. Lmao.

She lost because she was a terrible insincere candidate. I know several liberal friends that couldn’t vote for the Wall St. candidate.

I agree. I have several Dem and liberal friends who told me they wouldn't vote for that POS.

She lost because she thought she won and never went to the rust belt. She thought she had it in the bag and all the media agreed with her.

Just goes to show you can't cure stupid.
Hillary still thinks she lost because she's a woman. Lmao.

She lost because she was a terrible insincere candidate. I know several liberal friends that couldn’t vote for the Wall St. candidate.

I know. I reckon if anything she GAINED more votes for being a woman than she lost. It's just that, she was covered in scandal and lies, and she had no charisma. Trump was covered in scandal and lies as well, but he did have charisma, and he campaigned more intelligently (Michigan and Wisconsin, hello?).

The whole idea that she believes women were dumb and controlled by their husbands is an insult to women everywhere. That is how little she cares about women, it seems that Hillary cares about only Hillary.

I doubt Hillary has ever listened to her husband in her entire life. I wouldn't be surprised if she's never listened to ANYONE. I think her belief that the rest of us are just dumb little slaveys being led around by our menfolk is merely a reflection of her bitter jealousy that WE have husbands who actually love us, who we love in return.

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