Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

She's not wrong. Just look at this board, every day women are called whores, ugly, fat, and stupid just for daring to not be submissive.

No, women are called those things (and more) because they dare to have anything other than a liberal democratic point of view. Funny, how you talk about women not having to be submissive, but belong to a frame of mind that demands women submit to a particular point of view -- or risk being alienated from a liberal elitist culture.

The irony is overwhelming. Nay, hypocrite, you have no room to talk either.
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yah, but, is Hillary a woman?

Well they did catch a couple of fraudulent voters in this election, but unfortunately for you they were Trump voters.


Rote, who is 56 and lives in Des Moines, told police she turned in two absentee ballots before the November election because she believed Trump's unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged and that her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.She was arrested on Oct. 21 at a satellite voting station in Des Moines attempting to vote the second ballot.
Iowa woman charged with voting twice for Trump pleads guilty


A man liked voting so much in Texas — he tried it twice. Cops in suburban Houston cuffed 62-year-old Phillip Cook Jr. at a polling station around 6 p.m. Tuesday after telling deputies he worked for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and was trying to vote again."He was testing our security," Nehls told the Daily News.
Texas man arrested after trying to vote twice and telling cops he's a Donald Trump employee - NY Daily News

No illegal is stupid enough to risk immediate deporation, just so they can cast a single vote.

Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. Trump won by a measly accumulated 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, making him the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.


Democratic precinct chairwoman candidate indicted in voter fraud case in Fort Worth

N.C. State Board Finds More than 35K Incidents of ‘Double Voting’ in 2012 | National Review

(VIDEO) Former congressional candidate, Cobby Williams, arrested on voter fraud charge - Mississippi Business Journal

Ohioan gets 5-year prison term for illegal voting

The Heritage Foundation
Again, too bad so sad for you. Boo Hoo, wah, wah, you can cry all you want and claim all you want it doesn’t make it true. Sorry you lose, put out a better candidate next time. You justify the left doing the same as the right, you don’t t give a fuck about right or wrong. You cry the same thing you have been crying since Trump won. It’s fun to watch you nuts cry.

Guy, I just can't get all worked up that Hillary used her own email just like Colin Powell and Condi Rice did.


We all lost. When you have a clown who goes out there and jokes about how a Senator in his own party doesn't count because he's dying, we all lose.

Sorry you don't get that.

He hates that we are doing well, they would rather America crash and burn and he will go on and tell you so. You can’t make this stuff up it is really funny to listen to them cry and wet their panties.

Here's the problem, buddy. America only "Crashes and Burns" when Republicans are in charge.

9 of the last 10 recessions happened on Republican Watches.

It's not a bug, it's a design feature. You see, the rich really honestly hate, hate, hate sharing the money with the people who actually do the work.

If America crashes and burns because of Trump, it's because we deserve it.

You lost I don’t care about you justifying what Hillary did. You offer the same old crap that has been explained over and over and you dislike the answers so no point going down that road again again and again.

Hillary was there for Wall St. and Dems don’t give a damn about you or me, they are there for the rich. Absolutely no difference in either party on that count.

You are just crying cuz you lost, get a better candidate. Pretty simple but you nuts don’t want to get it.
yah, but, is Hillary a woman?

Well they did catch a couple of fraudulent voters in this election, but unfortunately for you they were Trump voters.


Rote, who is 56 and lives in Des Moines, told police she turned in two absentee ballots before the November election because she believed Trump's unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged and that her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.She was arrested on Oct. 21 at a satellite voting station in Des Moines attempting to vote the second ballot.
Iowa woman charged with voting twice for Trump pleads guilty


A man liked voting so much in Texas — he tried it twice. Cops in suburban Houston cuffed 62-year-old Phillip Cook Jr. at a polling station around 6 p.m. Tuesday after telling deputies he worked for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and was trying to vote again."He was testing our security," Nehls told the Daily News.
Texas man arrested after trying to vote twice and telling cops he's a Donald Trump employee - NY Daily News

No illegal is stupid enough to risk immediate deporation, just so they can cast a single vote.

Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. Trump won by a measly accumulated 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, making him the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

but in los angeles,,,they dont care if you vote 2 or 12 times,,right?

Well it looks like they find them fairly easily elsewhere, so my guess is that you have never volunteered to work an election precinct, and don't know the checks and balances that goes into them, and are just on here spouting Trump babble.
yah, but, is Hillary a woman?

Well they did catch a couple of fraudulent voters in this election, but unfortunately for you they were Trump voters.


Rote, who is 56 and lives in Des Moines, told police she turned in two absentee ballots before the November election because she believed Trump's unsubstantiated claims that the election was rigged and that her first ballot would be changed to a vote for Hillary Clinton.She was arrested on Oct. 21 at a satellite voting station in Des Moines attempting to vote the second ballot.
Iowa woman charged with voting twice for Trump pleads guilty


A man liked voting so much in Texas — he tried it twice. Cops in suburban Houston cuffed 62-year-old Phillip Cook Jr. at a polling station around 6 p.m. Tuesday after telling deputies he worked for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and was trying to vote again."He was testing our security," Nehls told the Daily News.
Texas man arrested after trying to vote twice and telling cops he's a Donald Trump employee - NY Daily News

No illegal is stupid enough to risk immediate deporation, just so they can cast a single vote.

Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 3 million popular votes. Trump won by a measly accumulated 73K votes coming out of 3 blue rust belt states, making him the most illegitmate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

but in los angeles,,,they dont care if you vote 2 or 12 times,,right?

Well it looks like they find them fairly easily elsewhere, so my guess is that you have never volunteered to work an election precinct, and don't know the checks and balances that goes into them, and are just on here spouting Trump babble.

Looks like they find them all over the place, but you leftist drones figure if the media doesn't report it, it doesn't exist, so you just keep prattling about "voter fraud is rare" and "solving a problem that doesn't exist" and similar horseshit.
Im sure there is...in her head. She is raging with hate and bitterness.
oh, does she mean like the hot&sexy attorney general of florida and governor sarah palin?

We're not talking about congresswomen, governors, senators, we're talking about the POTUS, of which you would never vote for a woman for that position. You know it, I know it. Why do I know it--because you just labeled two women with a sexist comment "hot & sexy." You don't look for brains in women you look for "hot & sexy." You vote for "hot & sexy." Hell you probably voted for Trump because Melania is "hot & sexy.".

Enjoy this coming November---:auiqs.jpg:


More Than 4,000 Women Say They Want to Run for Office Since Trump's Election

I don't know do you think this lady was too "ugly for Trump" as he claims in the above video?


Natasha Stoynoff--(People magazine writer)
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story

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Looks like the ones scared of female achievement are the democrats wanting to block Gina Haspel's appointment as head of the CIA. She'd be the first female director of the CIA.
Looks like the ones scared of female achievement are the democrats wanting to block Gina Haspel's appointment as head of the CIA. She'd be the first female director of the CIA.

It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.
It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.
Right. Which means democrats hate women.

That is of course, if they used their own standards on themselves. Or, are you saying people should be judged based on something more than immutable characteristics?
Looks like the ones scared of female achievement are the democrats wanting to block Gina Haspel's appointment as head of the CIA. She'd be the first female director of the CIA.

It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.

Interesting that none of the Democrats had any objections to John Brennan, though.
Interesting that none of the Democrats had any objections to John Brennan, though.
Yep. Same issue there: oversaw torture. Irrefutable proof that democrats hate women.... if they use their own standards of evaluating the detection of sexism anyway.
Interesting that none of the Democrats had any objections to John Brennan, though.
Yep. Same issue there: oversaw torture. Irrefutable proof that democrats hate women.... if they use their own standards of evaluating the detection of sexism anyway.

Not only is it the same issue, but Gina Haspel was only mid-management at the CIA at the time. John Brennan was #4 in the agency, if I recall correctly. If she's going to be held responsible for the CIA's policies - which were ordered and endorsed by the US government, btw - then HE certainly should be.
It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.
Right. Which means democrats hate women.

That is of course, if they used their own standards on themselves. Or, are you saying people should be judged based on something more than immutable characteristics?

What is it that you didn't understand about John McCain doesn't want her as CIA chief? You know, when the Republican party nominates a woman Presidential nominee, then maybe you'll be able to erase the misogyny that is deeply rooted in the party.

Until then you won't be able to compete for the woman vote (which is the largest voting block in this country today.)

As long as you have your hero's, like Rush Limbaugh and many others in your only "men's club" referring to women as "vagina's" your party has been reduced to that of an old angry white men ONLY party. You're not going to win too many elections with that group.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

You know what you did--you watched it. There is no one that could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing he won a single one of them, or was competent, knowledgable, & emotionally stable enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth. Their problem was they just could not bring themsleves to cast a vote for a woman. (Misogyny)


The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing
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What is it that you didn't understand about John McCain doesn't want her as CIA chief? You know, when the Republican party nominates a woman Presidential nominee, then maybe you'll be able to erase the misogyny that is deeply rooted in the Republican party. Until then you won't be able to compete for the woman vote (which is the largest voting block in this country today.) As long as you have your hero's, like Rush Limbaugh and many others referring to women as "vagina's" your party has been reduced to that of an old angry white men ONLY party. You're not going to win too many elections with that group.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

You know what you did--you watched it.


The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

I'm not a republican. Therefore, I accept your admission of using logical inconsistency as long as it benefits you.
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The fact that Hillary was a woman had nothing to do with her loss to Donald Trump.
never anywhere near a courtroom 4 corruption

Um, yeah, it kind of did. The very fact you guys can't talk about her without using misogynistic insults says it all.

Again, Palin, being called a bitch, whore, slut and c*** weren’t misogynistic? Hillary has also said some real stupid crap, that’s seems to be your excuse for it being okay to call Palin names. The left did the same to Bachman, Coulter, and Whitman?

Actually, Palin wasn't called those things, she was just called stupid because she said things like not being able to name newspapers she read or what the Bush doctrine was, and people (including women) who liked McCain weren't comfortable with her being one heartbeat away from the presidency.

Bachmann and Coulter get called awful things because they say truly awful hateful things, all the time.

Then you have Conyers and Franken who love women so much they can’t keep their hands off of them.

Yeah, Franken totally needed to lose his job because a stripper thought he was rude 10 years ago... oh, wait. Shouldn't Trump lose his job under the same standard?

Democrats and Republicans will attack each other and resort to name calling, pretty sad but it is done all the time. To think that both don’t participate is pretty ignorant and naive.

PapaCorkio, you missed my point like a retard. Yes, all sides engage in awful behavior. That's not the point.

The point is, we were given a choice between a highly qualified, if not terribly likeable woman, and a mentally ill game show host with no qualifications... and enough people voted for the game show host knowing he was bad for the country because they just couldn't stand "That bitch".

That goes a little beyond the usual "Men are Pigs" ranting.
but does she swallow?

"Nailin"? Isn't that like violence based rhetoric that lefties blame on the mysterious right wing? Or is it just a cheap rhyming exercise that replaces real thought?

HAHAHA Nailn' Palin is a porn buddy, with an actress who looks just like little old Sarah as the star

False equivalency.

And Sarah Palin IS a XXXX.

We all know that Sarah Palin is a big whore in more ways than one and like Jeb and George W Bush her kids are whores and in trouble with the law. As stupid and as hypocritical Evil Vangelicals they know that Palin is a filthy whore and they know that her slut daughter Bristol managed to get herself knocked up twice. They also know that her son Track is a violent maniac. Did they transfer Sarah's sins onto Trump and vote for that other false Christian Canada Cruz?

Yep the left never called Palin a slut, a whore or a c***.

Maher, Cher and others called Palin names.

I never thought Clinton was highly qualified, she was corrupt and a Wall St. insider. Never trusted her and neither did some of my liberals friends who voted for Stein.
Never anywhere near a courtroom for corruption, and an Insider because she took money for a speech... 25 years of GOP hate BS propaganda...

Lol! I really don’t care what you want to claim cupcake, it’s fun to watch you unravel everyday. Thanks for all the laughs you provide.
You Dupes certainly are not Seekers of Truth LOL! You're a disgrace... Enjoy the actual swamp... The greedy idiot Mega rich GOP 1.
The fact that Hillary was a woman had nothing to do with her loss to Donald Trump.

Um, yeah, it kind of did. The very fact you guys can't talk about her without using misogynistic insults says it all.

Again, Palin, being called a bitch, whore, slut and c*** weren’t misogynistic? Hillary has also said some real stupid crap, that’s seems to be your excuse for it being okay to call Palin names. The left did the same to Bachman, Coulter, and Whitman?

Actually, Palin wasn't called those things, she was just called stupid because she said things like not being able to name newspapers she read or what the Bush doctrine was, and people (including women) who liked McCain weren't comfortable with her being one heartbeat away from the presidency.

Bachmann and Coulter get called awful things because they say truly awful hateful things, all the time.

Then you have Conyers and Franken who love women so much they can’t keep their hands off of them.

Yeah, Franken totally needed to lose his job because a stripper thought he was rude 10 years ago... oh, wait. Shouldn't Trump lose his job under the same standard?

Democrats and Republicans will attack each other and resort to name calling, pretty sad but it is done all the time. To think that both don’t participate is pretty ignorant and naive.

PapaCorkio, you missed my point like a retard. Yes, all sides engage in awful behavior. That's not the point.

The point is, we were given a choice between a highly qualified, if not terribly likeable woman, and a mentally ill game show host with no qualifications... and enough people voted for the game show host knowing he was bad for the country because they just couldn't stand "That bitch".

That goes a little beyond the usual "Men are Pigs" ranting.
but does she swallow?

"Nailin"? Isn't that like violence based rhetoric that lefties blame on the mysterious right wing? Or is it just a cheap rhyming exercise that replaces real thought?

HAHAHA Nailn' Palin is a porn buddy, with an actress who looks just like little old Sarah as the star

False equivalency.

And Sarah Palin IS a XXXX.

We all know that Sarah Palin is a big whore in more ways than one and like Jeb and George W Bush her kids are whores and in trouble with the law. As stupid and as hypocritical Evil Vangelicals they know that Palin is a filthy whore and they know that her slut daughter Bristol managed to get herself knocked up twice. They also know that her son Track is a violent maniac. Did they transfer Sarah's sins onto Trump and vote for that other false Christian Canada Cruz?

Yep the left never called Palin a slut, a whore or a c***.

Maher, Cher and others called Palin names.

I never thought Clinton was highly qualified, she was corrupt and a Wall St. insider. Never trusted her and neither did some of my liberals friends who voted for Stein.
While your giant BS hate propaganda machine called Hillary names and Criminal with no evidence for 25 years. How is your ridiculous prosecution coming, super dupe?

Lol! Looks like Hillary lost and can’t figure out why. You people keep spreading the humor and the laughs, thanks for putting a smile on my face.
It's pretty damn easy 2 see why she lost. 25 years of phony scandals and hate propaganda, ignoramuses saying there must be something to it, and big mouth Comey's idiocy. I hope Trump has success diplomatically and economically, unlike you party first brainwashed haters with Obama.
It's not because she is a woman--is because of the Waterboarding. John McCain doesn't want her either.
Right. Which means democrats hate women.

That is of course, if they used their own standards on themselves. Or, are you saying people should be judged based on something more than immutable characteristics?

What is it that you didn't understand about John McCain doesn't want her as CIA chief? You know, when the Republican party nominates a woman Presidential nominee, then maybe you'll be able to erase the misogyny that is deeply rooted in the party.

Until then you won't be able to compete for the woman vote (which is the largest voting block in this country today.)

As long as you have your hero's, like Rush Limbaugh and many others in your only "men's club" referring to women as "vagina's" your party has been reduced to that of an old angry white men ONLY party. You're not going to win too many elections with that group.

You have elected a man with no honor, no respect, no dignity, no humility, no decency & the only loyalty he has ever shown to anyone was to himself & Vladimir Putin.

You know what you did--you watched it. There is no one that could have watched any of those debates between Hillary Clinton & Donald Trump and walked away believing he won a single one of them, or was competent, knowledgable, & emotionally stable enough to be POTUS. If they tell you differently, they're lying through their teeth. Their problem was they just could not bring themsleves to cast a vote for a woman. (Misogyny)


The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

What is it YOU don't understand about John McCain's preferences obligating the rest of us to Jack and shit, and nothing else?

Thank you kindly for mansplaining to me about the "women's vote" and what we want. Because God knows, we silly, fluffy femmes would be unable to figure out what we're voting for and what we want without big ol' arrogant penis bearers like you to speak for us.

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