Hillary Clinton Tells Australian Crowd: ‘In My Country’ There Is Fear and Rage When Women Seek Power

Sad, pathetic. Maybe she should stay in Chappaqua with Bill, and her Chardonnay?
Has anyone ever seen her with Bill since they walked away from the White House?
She has not been "with" Bill since Chelsa was conceived . Just seems that way.[/ATTACH]View attachment 193103
The Clintons were good with hiding their disdain for each other.

Yes they were, but in Private she was astonishingly abusive to EVERYONE.
Her abuse towards staff is also well documented.

It’s amazing how anyone could think that crazy bitch would be a good president.
Yup, and Elizabeth Warren is an Indian too. These creatures will say or do anything to get elected. I sure hope folks didn't pay money to listen to her Bullshit. She's a corrupt fraud. Period, end of story.
Sad, pathetic. Maybe she should stay in Chappaqua with Bill, and her Chardonnay?

May that sad, pathetic wretch become a drooling cripple in a wheelchair. Her evil will back-feed into her with no where to go and be her final undoing.
While Hillary was good at attacking the women Bill victimized, Bill was equally good at hiding the marks Hillary made during her violent outbursts.

I guess we can give them both some credit. :)

I give Bill credit for enduring her as a wife for all these years. They must only actually see each other when they get together for camera appearances.
Gotta love the insanity of Hillary. lol

I’m not surprised she’s still trying to be relevant. :)

And yet the drooling Leftards keep asking why we keep bringing her up like WE are obsessed with HER!
They don’t like people exposing Hillary as being the train wreck she is because they voted for her. lol

I can understand these people being embarrassed and upset. I’d also be embarrassed and upset if I was dumb enough to support her.

Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

What a misogynist bitch.

Just because everyone hates the hag, doesn't mean everyone hates women... not all women Hillary. Just the pussy hatted ones.
Next she will be whining Americans discrimate against women with back braces.
Good old Hillary, making up outlandish lies to bash America overseas.

I wonder what Sarah Palin's input is.

You think about Hillary every day, don't you.

It's some kind of weird sexual fetish?

After bashing Hillary for over a quarter of a century, it's like you are all having withdrawal symptoms. :lol:
Oh yeah, she always plays the 'poor victim.'


Withdrawals. That's what this is.

WAITRESS: May I take your order?

PSEUDOCON: Yes, I'd like a ham sandwich BENGHAZI! with tomatoes, mayonnaise EMAILS! and pickles.

WAITRESS: Ummmm...okayyyy. Anything to drink?

PSEUDOCON: Yes, please. I'd like HILLARYCARE! a glass of Diet Coke.

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