Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules

WOW!!!! What a complete and total fantasy you live in. Now the fake news narrative is Russia helped Clinton!!!!

In 2010 Hillary Clinton tool $145 million from the Russians as a 'donation' for the 'Clinton Foundation'...from the same Russian who would lead the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

In 2014 Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for less than 1-hour speeches by the Russians. Bill Clinton also attempted to meet with Russian Uranium Agency officials - WHY? Failing to meet with them, he instead met with Putin himself.

In 2014 evidence also shows Mueller, then FBI Director, hid Russian crimes associated with their effort to buy Uranium one, crimes that included bribery, extortion, violence, etc... Both US AG Holder and Hillary knew of these crimes, never shared that information with their fellow board members - a board that decided if the Russians could purchase Uranium One or not...and they eventually agreed to let the sale go through. If Hillary knew the Russians were such a threat why did she hide Russian crimes and approve the sale?

Her campaign manager, John Podesta, was Manaforte's partner in the money laundering scheme Mueller went after Manaforte for....but Mueller gave Podesta - and his brother, 'Fat Tony Podesta, an unregistered agent for the Russian Intel Agency and for the KGB Bank - immunity from prosecution. John Podesta accepted thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks, and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
- When the entire BS investigation into Trump began, specifically diving into Manaforte's activities that involved / linked to John Podesta, Podesta's company went under as everyone pulled out / fled like rats on a sinking ship.


What a crock of shit, an incredible fecal-matter-infused fairy tale snowflakes like to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about supporting a felonious traitor who could not even win her own party's nomination without cheating and sought help from the Russians to beat Trump.


I am also amused by the fact that the liberal media completely skipped right over how to ensure Hillary's win Obama tried to make the argument for his administration to seize control od ALL state election systems.

After publicly declaring that state election systems could not be hacked, Obama argued that his administration should take over control of all the state election systems....what a horrifying idea!

He and his Homeland Security actually attempted to hack state elections - like Georgia's ... several times. Thank God they failed!

Gee, if Barry had taken control of all the state election systems Hillary just might have achieved that 'landslide victory' all the snowflakes and liberal media were predicting.
Pretty Putinesque of Obama, don't you think?
Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules

“It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business,” said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle & Reath who is a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.

A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, defended her use of the personal email account and said she has been complying with the “letter and spirit of the rules.”

Under federal law, however, letters and emails written and received by federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional committees, historians and members of the news media can find them. There are exceptions to the law for certain classified and sensitive materials.

This bitch is something else. She doesn't think any rules apply to her.
Ivanka Trump last year used her personal email account to discuss or relay official White House business hundreds of times. Apparently that's ok, because she didn't know any better
Ivanka Trump: personal email account was used for government business - CNNPolitics
and CNN would NEVER slant anything against the trumps...
Ivanka acknowledged it. Said she wasn't aware of the rules.
WOW!!!! What a complete and total fantasy you live in. Now the fake news narrative is Russia helped Clinton!!!!

In 2010 Hillary Clinton tool $145 million from the Russians as a 'donation' for the 'Clinton Foundation'...from the same Russian who would lead the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

In 2014 Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for less than 1-hour speeches by the Russians. Bill Clinton also attempted to meet with Russian Uranium Agency officials - WHY? Failing to meet with them, he instead met with Putin himself.

In 2014 evidence also shows Mueller, then FBI Director, hid Russian crimes associated with their effort to buy Uranium one, crimes that included bribery, extortion, violence, etc... Both US AG Holder and Hillary knew of these crimes, never shared that information with their fellow board members - a board that decided if the Russians could purchase Uranium One or not...and they eventually agreed to let the sale go through. If Hillary knew the Russians were such a threat why did she hide Russian crimes and approve the sale?

Her campaign manager, John Podesta, was Manaforte's partner in the money laundering scheme Mueller went after Manaforte for....but Mueller gave Podesta - and his brother, 'Fat Tony Podesta, an unregistered agent for the Russian Intel Agency and for the KGB Bank - immunity from prosecution. John Podesta accepted thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks, and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
- When the entire BS investigation into Trump began, specifically diving into Manaforte's activities that involved / linked to John Podesta, Podesta's company went under as everyone pulled out / fled like rats on a sinking ship.


What a crock of shit, an incredible fecal-matter-infused fairy tale snowflakes like to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about supporting a felonious traitor who could not even win her own party's nomination without cheating and sought help from the Russians to beat Trump.

As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING MANAFORT was accused of he did with The Podesta Group for The Podestas and it was The Podestas who profitted from it. Manafort received very little in compensation for his work on behalf of The Podesta Group, and even filed taxes on it, which THE FBI said was a false filing, claiming that the Money THE PODESTA Group received actually went to MANAFORT instead. Since Herr Mueller gave The Podestas Immunity, and the money The PODESTA Group received via Manafort's Legal Lobbying Work of which he was only paid an already defined contractual salary for was ON THE BOOKS at THE PODESTA GROUP, Mueller was able to say without PROOF that Manafort received that money and filed false tax returns.

There is no way to refute that, since you cannot question The Podestas or anyone in The Podesta Group on it. They all have Immunity, just like Clinton did and her Criminal Cronies.

All tied up nice and neat, no loolse ends, and someone else left to pin it on just for good measure.

That my friends is what is called Phase 2 of a Massive Coverup. Phase 1 was Comey's and Lynch's job to accomplish. The baton for Phase 2 was handed off to Mueller, Comey's best friend and co-conspirator along with Clinton, and Holder in covering up The Rosatom Bribery scandal for the Uranium One Deal.

The game and Manafort's Trial was rigged against Manafort just like Clinton and Obama tried to rig The Election, long before any Bullshit Pre-Dawn Raid was orchestrated. And don't even get me started on the multiple times Mueller violated Attorney Client Privilege in his Jihadist Witch Hunt.

Now, I ask you, ISN'T THAT SOME SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP CORRUPT SHIT? Mueller is essentially going around trying to frame people for crimes they did not commit.

Take for instance the accusation of "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller has nothing. Mueller makes flimsy claims that so and so lied, despite the fact that they disclosed certain meetings and dates and times of them in the properly filed disclosure documents.

But under Verbal Interrogation, when the subjects were questioned on these already disclosed dates or the number of times they thought they met with diplomats, members of the media or whomever, if they get the date wrong or number of times they met wrong, they are charged with "Lying to THE FBI"

And if you think I am making this up, go research it. Mueller is a Corrupt Scumbag who was sold to The American People as an unbiased man,

Ask The Innocent Men Mueller railroaded over the years if they think Mueller is fair and unbiased, and then ask The American Taxpayer who had to pay out Millions in damages to these people who Mueller using Corrupt Methods and ProsecutorIal Misconduct to Railroad Innocent Men just to pad his record.
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The US IG reported the FBI altered witness testimony AFTER THE FACT in this investigation and 'abandoned normal procedures'. No $hit. The US IG also recommended former Deputy FBI Director McCabe for Indictment.....gee, why do you suppose Rosenstein never followed up on that?

Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept., Possibly Breaking Rules

“It is very difficult to conceive of a scenario — short of nuclear winter — where an agency would be justified in allowing its cabinet-level head officer to solely use a private email communications channel for the conduct of government business,” said Jason R. Baron, a lawyer at Drinker Biddle & Reath who is a former director of litigation at the National Archives and Records Administration.

A spokesman for Mrs. Clinton, Nick Merrill, defended her use of the personal email account and said she has been complying with the “letter and spirit of the rules.”

Under federal law, however, letters and emails written and received by federal officials, such as the secretary of state, are considered government records and are supposed to be retained so that congressional committees, historians and members of the news media can find them. There are exceptions to the law for certain classified and sensitive materials.

This bitch is something else. She doesn't think any rules apply to her.
Ivanka Trump last year used her personal email account to discuss or relay official White House business hundreds of times. Apparently that's ok, because she didn't know any better
Ivanka Trump: personal email account was used for government business - CNNPolitics
and CNN would NEVER slant anything against the trumps...
Ivanka acknowledged it. Said she wasn't aware of the rules.
still not the same as owning your own server.
Rules and laws are for the little people, not for the Messiah and his family.
The US IG reported the FBI altered witness testimony AFTER THE FACT in this investigation and 'abandoned normal procedures'. No $hit. The US IG also recommended former Deputy FBI Director McCabe for Indictment.....gee, why do you suppose Rosenstein never followed up on that?

I don't understand why all these corrupt bastards from The Obama Administration are still out running around free and not facing a firing squad or life in prison.

The Democrat Party and their Corrupt Russian Moles in the DOJ, & FBI with a complicit Media Staged a Soft Coup using Russian Propaganda to Defraud The American People, They Intentionally used Russian Propaganda to sway The American Voter and alter The Outcome of our Elections.

They Defrauded The FISA Court with Russian Propaganda the knew was Russian Sourced, Knew was False, Salacious and Unverifiable, and Knew was paid for by The DNC, Obama and Clinton, and Soiled Everything they Touched with it.

And there was no mistaking that they knew exactly what they were doing. You don't buy an "Insurance Policy" without thinking you need it, or thinking you might have to cash it in some day.
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WOW!!!! What a complete and total fantasy you live in. Now the fake news narrative is Russia helped Clinton!!!!

In 2010 Hillary Clinton tool $145 million from the Russians as a 'donation' for the 'Clinton Foundation'...from the same Russian who would lead the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

In 2014 Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for less than 1-hour speeches by the Russians. Bill Clinton also attempted to meet with Russian Uranium Agency officials - WHY? Failing to meet with them, he instead met with Putin himself.

In 2014 evidence also shows Mueller, then FBI Director, hid Russian crimes associated with their effort to buy Uranium one, crimes that included bribery, extortion, violence, etc... Both US AG Holder and Hillary knew of these crimes, never shared that information with their fellow board members - a board that decided if the Russians could purchase Uranium One or not...and they eventually agreed to let the sale go through. If Hillary knew the Russians were such a threat why did she hide Russian crimes and approve the sale?

Her campaign manager, John Podesta, was Manaforte's partner in the money laundering scheme Mueller went after Manaforte for....but Mueller gave Podesta - and his brother, 'Fat Tony Podesta, an unregistered agent for the Russian Intel Agency and for the KGB Bank - immunity from prosecution. John Podesta accepted thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks, and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
- When the entire BS investigation into Trump began, specifically diving into Manaforte's activities that involved / linked to John Podesta, Podesta's company went under as everyone pulled out / fled like rats on a sinking ship.


What a crock of shit, an incredible fecal-matter-infused fairy tale snowflakes like to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about supporting a felonious traitor who could not even win her own party's nomination without cheating and sought help from the Russians to beat Trump.

As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING MANAFORT was accused of he did with The Podesta Group for The Podestas and it was The Podestas who profitted from it. Manafort received very little in compensation for his work on behalf of The Podesta Group, and even filed taxes on it, which THE FBI said was a false filing, claiming that the Money THE PODESTA Group received actually went to MANAFORT instead. Since Herr Mueller gave The Podestas Immunity, and the money The PODESTA Group received via Manafort's Legal Lobbying Work of which he was only paid an already defined contractual salary for was ON THE BOOKS at THE PODESTA GROUP, Mueller was able to say without PROOF that Manafort received that money and filed false tax returns. There is no way to refute that, since you cannot question The Podestas or anyone in The Podesta Group on it. They all have Immunity, just like Clinton did and her Criminal Cronies. That my friends is what is called Phase 2 of a Massive Covrerup.

Now, I ask you, ISN'T THAT SOME SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP CORRUPT SHIT? Mueller is essentially going around trying to frame people for crimes they did not commit.

Take for instance the accusation of "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller has nothing. Mueller makes flimsy claims that so and so lied, despite the fact that they disclosed certain meetings and dates and times of them in the properly filed disclosure documents.

But under Verbal Interrogation, when the subjects were questioned on these already disclosed dates or the number of times they thought they met with diplomats, members of the media or whomever, if they get the date wrong or number of times they met wrong, they are charged with "Lying to THE FBI"

And if you think I am making this up, go research it. Mueller is a Corrupt Scumbag who was sold to The American People as an unbiased man,

Ask The Innocent Men Mueller railroaded over the years if they think that, and then ask The American Taxpayer who had to pay out Millions in damages to these people who Mueller using Corrupt methods and ProsecutorIal Misconduct Railroaded Innocent Men just to pad his record.
All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation. Every time we have one of these investigations, people in Washington get nervous because the special council, becomes an officer of the court and as such he can not ignore wrong doing discovered in the course of the investigation. That leads to indictments that have nothing to do with purpose of the investigation. Trump will probably not be tied to any collusion with the Russians but that doesn't mean he will be off the hook. Trump is quick to cry No Collusion, as if that were the only thing he had to worry about.
Rosenstein imo should be fired and then indicted, because he, like McCabe and others knew about The Rosatom Bribery scandal too and also helped to keep it hush hush until the Uranium One Deal went through, but I think Trump has him over a barrel, so he might like Rosenstein's corrupt ass right where it is. What is the saying.....Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer?
All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....
Rosenstein was a witness in the investigation he was supervising....how Congress let his ass stay on as overseer of the investigation despite this massive Conflict of Interest I will never know.

5 seconds after Oher testified that Steele, working for the FBI, and himself were already communicating with Mueller BEFORE he was named Special Counsel Congress should have stepped in to fire / demand Mueller step down as Special Counsel. At that moment Mueller should have been considered for investigation himself.
WOW!!!! What a complete and total fantasy you live in. Now the fake news narrative is Russia helped Clinton!!!!

In 2010 Hillary Clinton tool $145 million from the Russians as a 'donation' for the 'Clinton Foundation'...from the same Russian who would lead the KGB Bank's effort to buy Uranium One and acquire 20% of the US supply of uranium.

In 2014 Bill Clinton was paid half a million dollars for less than 1-hour speeches by the Russians. Bill Clinton also attempted to meet with Russian Uranium Agency officials - WHY? Failing to meet with them, he instead met with Putin himself.

In 2014 evidence also shows Mueller, then FBI Director, hid Russian crimes associated with their effort to buy Uranium one, crimes that included bribery, extortion, violence, etc... Both US AG Holder and Hillary knew of these crimes, never shared that information with their fellow board members - a board that decided if the Russians could purchase Uranium One or not...and they eventually agreed to let the sale go through. If Hillary knew the Russians were such a threat why did she hide Russian crimes and approve the sale?

Her campaign manager, John Podesta, was Manaforte's partner in the money laundering scheme Mueller went after Manaforte for....but Mueller gave Podesta - and his brother, 'Fat Tony Podesta, an unregistered agent for the Russian Intel Agency and for the KGB Bank - immunity from prosecution. John Podesta accepted thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks, and 1/3rd of his company's Board of Directors consisted of prominent Russian businessmen who had direct links to the Kremlin and to Putin himself.
- When the entire BS investigation into Trump began, specifically diving into Manaforte's activities that involved / linked to John Podesta, Podesta's company went under as everyone pulled out / fled like rats on a sinking ship.


What a crock of shit, an incredible fecal-matter-infused fairy tale snowflakes like to tell themselves to make themselves feel better about supporting a felonious traitor who could not even win her own party's nomination without cheating and sought help from the Russians to beat Trump.

As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING MANAFORT was accused of he did with The Podesta Group for The Podestas and it was The Podestas who profitted from it. Manafort received very little in compensation for his work on behalf of The Podesta Group, and even filed taxes on it, which THE FBI said was a false filing, claiming that the Money THE PODESTA Group received actually went to MANAFORT instead. Since Herr Mueller gave The Podestas Immunity, and the money The PODESTA Group received via Manafort's Legal Lobbying Work of which he was only paid an already defined contractual salary for was ON THE BOOKS at THE PODESTA GROUP, Mueller was able to say without PROOF that Manafort received that money and filed false tax returns. There is no way to refute that, since you cannot question The Podestas or anyone in The Podesta Group on it. They all have Immunity, just like Clinton did and her Criminal Cronies. That my friends is what is called Phase 2 of a Massive Covrerup.

Now, I ask you, ISN'T THAT SOME SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP CORRUPT SHIT? Mueller is essentially going around trying to frame people for crimes they did not commit.

Take for instance the accusation of "Lying to The FBI" when Mueller has nothing. Mueller makes flimsy claims that so and so lied, despite the fact that they disclosed certain meetings and dates and times of them in the properly filed disclosure documents.

But under Verbal Interrogation, when the subjects were questioned on these already disclosed dates or the number of times they thought they met with diplomats, members of the media or whomever, if they get the date wrong or number of times they met wrong, they are charged with "Lying to THE FBI"

And if you think I am making this up, go research it. Mueller is a Corrupt Scumbag who was sold to The American People as an unbiased man,

Ask The Innocent Men Mueller railroaded over the years if they think that, and then ask The American Taxpayer who had to pay out Millions in damages to these people who Mueller using Corrupt methods and ProsecutorIal Misconduct Railroaded Innocent Men just to pad his record.
All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation. Every time we have one of these investigations, people in Washington get nervous because the special council, becomes an officer of the court and as such he can not ignore wrong doing discovered in the course of the investigation. That leads to indictments that have nothing to do with purpose of the investigation. Trump will probably not be tied to any collusion with the Russians but that doesn't mean he will be off the hook. Trump is quick to cry No Collusion, as if that were the only thing he had to worry about.

Nothing will be revealed with regards to THE ACTUAL COLLUSION Clinton, Obama and THE DNC engaged in, nor will any of the corrupt dealings of The Podesta Group, The Clinton Foundation, COIE Lawfirm, Fusion GPS will be revealed. Mueller was illegally appointed to run interference, and to engage in a Coverup and build Deflections for The Obama Administration, Clinton Campaign and Associates and their treasonous activities that they engaged in when they solicited Russia and Putin's help to aid them in defeating Donald Trump.

Mueller's only job is to provide cover and distraction, and to attempt to hamstring The Trump Administration while continuing to sweep The Crimes of The Obama Administration and Clinton Campaign and their corrupt Russian Moles in The DOJ and FBI under the rug.

If Mueller's mandate was to investigate all things Russian regarding our election, and he was carrying out that Mandate in an Unbiased Manner, Then The Russian Dossier that The Clinton Campaign and Obama Administration Purchased and then carried that Russian Propaganda in to The DOJ, FBI and FISA Court like a dirty Russian Bomb to attempt to de-stablize our Democracy and call in to question our elections WOULD BE FRONT AND CENTER OF HIS INVESTIGATION.


ALL things Obama, All things DNC, and all Things Clinton will be swept under the rug.
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Rosenstein was a witness in the investigation he was supervising....how Congress let his ass stay on as overseer of the investigation despite this massive Conflict of Interest I will never know.

5 seconds after Oher testified that Steele, working for the FBI, and himself were already communicating with Mueller BEFORE he was named Special Counsel Congress should have stepped in to fire / demand Mueller step down as Special Counsel. At that moment Mueller should have been considered for investigation himself.
AT the time, you had a lot of NEVER TRUMPERS.....RINOS...... FAKE REPUBLICANS who also were out to "GET TRUMP" because he wanted to END the Gravy Train of Graft and Corruption, Fraud and Waste that Hillary Clinton promised to continue.

The Resistance has slowed him down, but it hasn't been able to stop him.
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All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....

I am proud to be surrounded by you guys who do your research and your homework, like I do. Promoting Truth is hard work. You must be dilligent in your work to Undo The Lies of Deceivers and Slanderers.

Promoting Propganda is easy. All you need is a lazy and uneducated audience, USEFUL IDIOTS for Propaganda to take root.

Bullshit is fertile soil for Propaganda. The Rock of Truth is much harder place for it to take root.
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All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....

I am proud to be surrounded by you guys who do your research and your homework, like I do. Promoting Truth is hard work. You must be dilligent in your work to Undo The Lies of Deceivers and Slanderers.

Promoting Propganda is easy. All you need is a lazy and uneducated audience, USEFUL IDIOTS for Propaganda to take root.

Bullshit is fertile soil for Propaganda. The Rock of Truth is much harder for it to take root.
I guess you're another "stable genius" huh?

All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....
Wrong on several issues. First, the Mueller investigation is only 18 months old, not two years which is not that long for special council investigations. Both the Whitewater and the Iran Contra investigation lasted over 6 years and had less indictments than the Mueller investigation has after 18 months.

Saying there is no evidence shows how little you understand grand jury investigations. Actions of the investigation team and the grand jury are sealed. Nothing can be released to the public until the investigations conclude. Almost every piece of information in the media is the result of a leaks or just speculation. As Mueller said when the investigation began, there will be no interim public statements, the indictments and convictions will speak for themselves.
All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....
Wrong on several issues. First, the Mueller investigation is only 18 months old, not two years which is not that long for special council investigations. Both the Whitewater and the Iran Contra investigation lasted over 6 years and had less indictments than the Mueller investigation has after 18 months.

Saying there is no evidence shows how little you understand grand jury investigations. Actions of the investigation team and the grand jury are sealed. Nothing can be released to the public until the investigations conclude. Almost every piece of information in the media is the result of a leak or just speculation. As Mueller said when the investigation began, there will be no interim public statements, the indictments and convictions will speak for themselves.

First off, There have been 6 Investigations before Mueller's and some running Concurrent with Mueller's. All of them declared that There Was No Russian Collusion, so Mueller's so called Investigation is a Witch Hunt and is a Vengeful Act. Otherwise Mueller would Investigate how The Russian Dirty Dossier which was funded by Obama and Clinton found it's way in to a FISA Court and was used to file false affidavits for a fictitious Wire Tapping Warrant on an American Citizen and rival campaign.

Mueller's appointment was illegal, and unjustified. Also the basis for it, was The Dirty Russian Dossier, funded by Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama and The DNC. That same Russina Propaganda was used to Defraud The FISA Court. No matter which way you look at this, It IS AN ILLEGITIMATE Investigation. No crime has been committed, so there is nothing to investigate unless you want to investigate the money laundering to Russian spies committed by Obama Bin Spying and Hillary Rotten Clinton.

The DemNazis of which I assume you are one are already calling for an 8th Investigation even if Trump is completely exonerated.

So I ask you, when has Endless Investigations become a Political Strategy for The Democrat Party, and since there has been no Crime Committed, and this entire Charade was launched fraudulently, where exactly is your sense of Justice, Due Process, The Presumption of Innocence?

Oh Kavanaugh......

Your side has lost ALL CREDIBILITY, and there has to be a limit to an investigation, especially with regards to an illegitimate politically driven one.

Wrap it up, and quit trying to disrupt our Democracy. Clinton Lost....even with rigging her own elections, rigging debates and with liberal elitist Marxists and Russian Allies giving her $1.5 Billion. She got Rejected. Nobody wants Skankles in The White House.

The Investigation is a CON GAME, just like The DIRTY RUSSIAN DOSSIER Clinton, Obama, The DNC and even THE FBI paid for.

It was Outrageous, Salacious, False and Unverifiable, but Russian Stooges in The FBI and DOJ fraudulently used it to Illegitimately obtain an Illegal FISA Warrant.

That makes Mueller a Fraud, Comey a Fraud, Yates a Fraud, Oher a Fraud, Stozk a Fraud, McCabe a Fraud, Paige a Fraud, McCabe a Fraud, Rosenstein a Fraud and it makes all of them Agents of The Kremlin.
Last edited:
All will be revealed unless Trump shuts down the investigation.

"Just you wait......"

Enough of that bullshit.

After 2 years of witch hunting there is no evidence of non-existent illegal collusion between Trump and the Russians - there never has been. There was no evidence of such a crime sufficient enough to even begin an investigation.

After 2 years the only existing evidence of actual real crimes committed leads right back to the Democrats.

Oher testified that Steele, a foreign spy, was working for the FBI and with Fusion GPS to acquire 'dirt' / the Russian-authored dossier on Trump AND that he and Steele had been communicating with Mueller BEFORE MUELLER WAS NAMED SPECIAL COUNSEL.

When Steele revealed publicly he was working for the FBI the FBI 'fired' him...but not really. They kept him around and used Oher (DOJ) as a go-between. Oher basically testified that the Conspiracy was on-going and the Conspirators were already working together BEFORE the investigation had begun and before Mueller was appointed Special Counsel.

Evidence shows, and Oher confirmed, the Dossier was used by the CIA (Brennan), the NIA (Clapper), and the FBI (Strzok) working all together - Conspiracy, illegal collusion......
- Strzok helped Brennan write the Intel Community Assessment based off of the Dossier,
- Clapper then sent the ICA to a select few Intel members to control the narrative and get back the response they wanted.
- Strzok, Clapper, and Brennan then used that tainted response to write the Intel Community Report
- Brennan took the ICR to Congress, lying to Congress by telling them the ICR was based off of REAL Intel, not the Dossier, and urged them to open up an investigation
- The FBI took the ICR based on the Dossier to the FISA courts, lied to them, and illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump, the GOP Presidential Candidate in the middle of an election
- Congress agreed to open up an investigation and agreed to appoint Mueller, a co-conspirator who had already been working with Oher and Steele, as Special Counsel.

The whole thing reeks of corruption, betrayal, conspiracy, sedition, perjury - all backed by evidence and testimony.

Both Mueller and Rosenstein reek with Conflict of Interests which should have prevented wither one from having anything to do with this investigation, and both have already perpetrated Obstruction by refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas. Both could / should already have been perp walked out of their offices by now.

From the left, all we hear about is 'YOU JUST WAIT.....'

Enough waiting.

Whitaker should demand several more Special Counsels be appointed immediately:
- 1 to re-investigate Hillary and the Obama administration's part in protecting her from indictment for proven crimes....
- 1 to investigate the Obama administration agencies for conspiracy / collaboration in passing the Dossier off as legit Intel to get the investigation started, to get Mueller appointed as Special Counsel, and to illegally obtain warrants
- 1 to investigate the entire Mueller investigation: The FBI, NIA, CIA / refusal to indict Hillary's aides for lying to the FBI / Obstruction by Rosenstein & Mueller / etc.....
Wrong on several issues. First, the Mueller investigation is only 18 months old, not two years which is not that long for special council investigations. Both the Whitewater and the Iran Contra investigation lasted over 6 years and had less indictments than the Mueller investigation has after 18 months.

Saying there is no evidence shows how little you understand grand jury investigations. Actions of the investigation team and the grand jury are sealed. Nothing can be released to the public until the investigations conclude. Almost every piece of information in the media is the result of a leak or just speculation. As Mueller said when the investigation began, there will be no interim public statements, the indictments and convictions will speak for themselves.

Actually the entire investigation - all of it - is more than 2 years old.

Evidence shows that the investigation was opened and Co-Conspirator Mueller being appointed Special Counsel based on CIA Brennan's perjury / deceit in pushing the ICR - written based on the Dossier but sold as legitimate Intel. Simultaneously the FBI illegally acquired warrants to spy on Trump and his team by similarly deceiving / lying to the FISA court, a request knowingly signed off on by Rosenstein as well.

Nothing can be released to the public you claim, but evidence already shows how the Mueller investigation / FBI engaged in a systematic pre-planned leak of information, orchestrated by Counter-Intelligence Expert Co-Conspirator Strzok.

The proverbial 'jig' is up, dude! The only existing evidence of REAL crime in all of this - not dating back before Obama was President - all points to the crimes committed by Democrats, to include Mueller and Rosenstein.

If anyone on the Left gave a sh!t about 'JUSTICE' both Rosenstein and Mueller would have been pulled off / per-walked long ago.

Oher's testimony sunk the FBI (Comey, McCabe, Strzok), the DOJ (Oher/Rosenstein), Steele, and Oher's wife at Fusion GPS!

Comey's testimony before Congress, specifically his answering Gowdy's questions, sunk Hillary Clinton.

18 months or 2 years, there was NEVER any evidence warranting an investigation - zero evidence of any crime of illegal collusion .. by anyone other than Hillary Clinton!

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