Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

I don't know what planet you live on. The electoral college result was a shock to virtually everyone, including the Clinton campaign. That's what happens when elections are stolen. There is no way in hell that Trump legitimately "won" PA, MI, and WI when all 3 states have gone for Democratic presidential candidates for the past 20+ years.

Clinton won the popular vote by 2% and 2.5 million votes, which was fairly close to expectations. The electoral college voters should vote for her.

Shock to who?

Clinton needed a 3.9% lead on a national basis to have a 50/50 shot at winning the electoral college. She was well below that.

You look at the polls as though the national popular vote has absolute value in a system that discounts it.

Look, this system is more like football and less like baseball. Clinton scored more times then trump, but Trumps 3 touchdowns won the game over Clintons 5 field goals.

Blah, blah, blah...your stupid sports analogies are meaningless. The Founding Fathers made no distinction between a republic and a democracy. They never intended for the total votes in individual states to matter more than the total national vote, which is the true will of the American people. The Founding Fathers wanted the electoral college voters to vote for the most qualified person that earned the most votes, regardless of the state vote totals. In this election, that is Clinton.

Everything you're saying is total nonsense and there is no mention of it anywhere in the Constitution.

Learn history instead of making crap up. You liberal babies are way to funny to be taken seriously.

Please enlighten me, fucktard. There is nothing in the Constitution stating that the state vote totals mean more than the national vote total.

You're just a fucking know-nothing Repug troll.

There is nothing in the Constitution that says that the country would elect a president from the popular vote. That is why they set out the electoral college, because we are a republic, not a democracy.
Untangling the Thread

The EC has nothing to do with this democracy v. republic debate. It was the people's will, and therefore democratic, to offer something extra to the less populous states in order to get them to join the union. Having a Senate at all is the most undemocratic thing, to those who have been manipulated into following the required simple-minded view of what democracy means. Why should Rhode Island have the same number of Senators as California? Because in the real world, things cannot be reduced to simple equations.

Besides, most Americans think they might move or at least retire to the less populated regions, especially since the cities are becoming unlivable. What is undemocratic, if I may interrupt this trained-seal discussion, is the winner-take-all in the states. But the debate masters have instructed us to ignore that.
I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.

The lines were so long because Republican election officials in Phoenix’s Maricopa County, the largest in the state, reduced the number of polling places by 70 percent from 2012 to 2016, from 200 to just 60—one polling place per 21,000 registered voters.

A Republican county cut polling places? I guess that was to increase Republican votes?

Tucson’s Pima County—the second largest in the state, which is 35 percent Latino and leans Democratic—“is the nation’s biggest closer of polling places,” from 280 in 2012 to 218 in 2016.

A Democrat county with plenty of Latinos cut polling places to increase Republican votes?

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot. The Secretary of State for Arizona is a Republican and that person controls the polling place locations throughout the state.

You're hopelessly fucking stupid. But you are a willfully ignorant Repug, so no surprise there.

The vast majority of people in Maricopa County are Democrats, you fucking idiot.

Maricopa County has a long history of being a
Republican Party stronghold. While the city of Phoenix leans towards the Democratic Party, along with some other small areas within the county, the rest of the county tends to vote heavily Republican. Every Republican presidential candidate has carried Maricopa County since 1948. This includes the 1964 presidential run of native son Barry Goldwater, who would not have even carried his own state had it not been for a 21,000-vote margin in Maricopa County.

Maricopa County, Arizona - Wikipedia

Have I told you lately that you're a fucktard? You fucking fucktard!

Repug election officials in Maricopa County removed voting machines and/or voting locations from Democratic precincts, as the article explains. This is what I meant to say. And you've completed ignored that part of the article, like the intellectually dishonest little Repug shit that you are.

This is what I meant to say.

I'm supposed to read your tiny, confused mind?
Sorry, my glasses aren't that strong, fucktard.
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

Then why did the Hillary camp already know it lost as soon as east coast polls closed? Hell, they knew the night before when they cancelled for big fireworks show.

I don't know what planet you live on. The electoral college result was a shock to virtually everyone, including the Clinton campaign. That's what happens when elections are stolen. There is no way in hell that Trump legitimately "won" PA, MI, and WI when all 3 states have gone for Democratic presidential candidates for the past 20+ years.

Clinton won the popular vote by 2% and 2.5 million votes, which was fairly close to expectations. The electoral college voters should vote for her.

It's a shame that the Dem fraud machines couldn't fake more votes for your crusty old lying candidate this time.
If Trump improves ballot security and boots 10 million illegal aliens, the Dems might not win again for 40 years.
Hillary Clinton won Florida, N. Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, according to the exit polls. The story link and polling data are provided below.

I have a very difficult time believing the exit polls were "wrong" by such large amounts in all 4 of these states. Historically, exit polls are extremely reliable, which is why they are used by the United Nations to monitor elections in Third World countries. If the U.S. were a Third World country, the United Nations would be crying foul regarding this election.

I think the more logical explanation for why the exit polls were "wrong" by such a large amount is that Repug election officials stole this election for Trump in these 4 states. It happened to Gore in Florida in 2000 and it also happened to Kerry in Ohio in 2004.

The Repug Party is fascist. The Repug Party is evil. The Repug Party does not believe in democracy. Democracy in this country is in mortal danger.

Hopefully, Jill Stein's recounts discover fraud in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but it could be extremely difficult to prove.

2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened


Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7%, Trump 46.4% (Clinton by 1.3%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.8%, Trump 49.0% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 2.5%

North Carolina:

Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.6%, Trump 46.5% (Clinton by 2.1%)
Actual Results: Clinton 46.1%, Trump 49.9%) (Trump by 3.8%)

Trump gain: 5.9%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 50.5%, Trump 46.1% (Clinton by 4.4%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.6%


Exit Polls:
Clinton 48.2%, Trump 44.3% (Clinton by 3.9%)
Actual Results: Clinton 47.6%, Trump 48.8% (Trump by 1.2%)

Trump gain: 5.1%

Polls are unreliable for various reasons, which is why POLLS are not used to elect presidents with. Polls however can be used to manipulate voters on election night and even to make them cry and moan after an election. Hope you all enjoyed the polls!
You ran a great candidate, you ran a great campaign, it was stolen from you. You keep telling everyone that and I am sure in 2020 you will win.

Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.
Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

Lol! You are so hysterical!!!!! You comedy routine is pretty good, Skippy! Keep up the good lies.
Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

Sunday night man, suck it in ...
Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!
Clinton won by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting, fucktard. She did everything she had to do to win.

You're a joke and Trump and the Repug Party are a fucking joke. Most Americans and the whole world knows it.

No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you.
The race card is a Joker. Losers use it to make themselves look like winners.
No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.
Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.
Does your pussy hurt?
No one ran for the popular vote. You are stupid as shit. Democrats just lead you by the nose

Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you.
The race card is a Joker. Losers use it to make themselves look like winners.

Ain't a card, dipshit. It's simply the truth when it comes to Trump and all you miserable little racist tea baggers.
You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.
Does your pussy hurt?

No, but my dick does. You sucked it too hard last night.
Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat,

Yup, but this time your Dem cheating wasn't enough to sell Hillary's new car smell, eh comrade?

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning",

It worked for you, until it didn't.
Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.
You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.
You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat,

Yup, but this time your Dem cheating wasn't enough to sell Hillary's new car smell, eh comrade?

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning",

It worked for you, until it didn't.

Except, of course, for the fact that a dishonest piece of shit like you has absolutely no evidence of Dem cheating.

Kind of blows up your whole theory, ass fuck.
He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy lost and I went back to work. I am not a crying little bitch like you are. What a pussy, can't even man up when you lose.
Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy lost and I went back to work. I am not a crying little bitch like you are. What a pussy, can't even man up when you lose.

Except for the fact that Clinton didn't lose, of course.

Whatever Repug dumb fuck that you supported had no business being in the White House, either.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy lost and I went back to work. I am not a crying little bitch like you are. What a pussy, can't even man up when you lose.

Except for the fact that Clinton didn't lose, of course.

Whatever Repug dumb fuck that you supported had no business being in the White House, either.

Poor little girl, you got you whittle feelings hurt? You are a real poor loser, you got you panties in a wad. Lol! Loser!

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