Hillary Clinton's Crimes


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Snowflakes continue to declare, ignorantly, that Hillary Clinton never broke the law by using an UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-secured private server and e-mail.

Aside from the fact that she violated the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act, here are a few laws Hillary broke:

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

"Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—

(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes;"

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to persons who had no security clearance:
- Her It Tech
- The IT Tech company who maintained the server and stored her classified computer in their BATHROOM
- Her lawyers
- Her MAID

Dept of State: Volume 12 Foreign Affairs Manual 544. TL:DS-46; 06-08-1995

Sensitive But Unclassified Handling Procedures: Transmission, Mailing, Safeguarding/Storage, and Destruction Regardless of method, transmission of SBU information should be effected through means that limit the potential for unauthorized public disclosure.

Department of State: Volume 5 Foreign Affairs Manual 751.2. TL:IM-39; 06-13-2003

Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) e-mail may be transmitted on the unclassified INTRANET. SBU information marked NOFORN or with other restricted distribution must be transmitted on the classified INTRANET. SBU e-mail may not be transmitted over the INTERNET.

The Intranet is a classified system on a closed / secure network. Hillary's server / e-mail was NOT on the Intranet. They were not secure or encrypted. Hillary most definitely, ILLEGALLY, transmitted SBU material (hell, she transmitted Classified) over the INTERnet.

Transportation Security Administration: 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information AND 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information

Defines Sensitive Security Information (SSI) and states Persons subject to the requirements of part 1520 are considered “covered persons” who have a duty to protect information by adhering to restrictions on the disclosure of SSI. To this end, a covered person must take reasonable steps to safeguard SSI, may disclose or provide access to SSI only to other covered persons with a need to know, must mark SSI in a specified manner, dispose of SSI in a specified manner, and report unauthorized disclosures.

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to individuals who had no security clearances and failed to report those violations.

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information

All classified information shall be afforded a level of protection against unauthorized disclosure commensurate with its level of classification.

(b) Whenever classified material is removed from a storage facility, such material shall not be left unattended and shall be protected by attaching an appropriate classified document cover sheet to each classified document.

(c) Classified information being transmitted from one Commission office to another shall be protected with a classified document cover sheet and hand delivered by an appropriately cleared person to another appropriately cleared person.

Classified information shall be made available to a recipient only when the authorized holder of the classified information has determined that:

(1) The prospective recipient has a valid security clearance at least commensurate with the level of classification of the information; and

(3) Not to publish or otherwise reveal to unauthorized persons any classified information

These are just a very few of the crimes Hillary committed / laws / regs Hillary broke.

As mentioned, add on:

Violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act

Obstruction of Justice (Bleachbit her server, deleted evidence after her server / e-mails were subpoenaed.)

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

what laws cover protecting, securing, transporting, providing illegal access to classified information - Bing
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"That plays great before the election -- now we don't care, right?" :lol:
The left wing All-In liberal media never cared....
It depends on what is is and intent. If you are a Democrat that is. Republicans are guilty until proven innocent but even then the allegation is kept alive until you die.
The left wing All-In liberal media never cared....

The media didn't hold all those hearings trying to find a crime to charge Hillary with, but came up with nothing. That as Republicans. I wonder why they couldn't come up with something to charge her with. Do you know they they couldn't?
The media didn't hold all those hearings trying to find a crime to charge Hillary with, but came up with nothing. That as Republicans. I wonder why they couldn't come up with something to charge her with. Do you know they they couldn't?
From all that I read, after Trump won, which is all he cared about, he did her a 'solid' and just dropped it. Call it 'professional courtesy' or 'compassion'. With what has been going on and is happening now - F* THAT.

unleash the hounds.
The media didn't hold all those hearings trying to find a crime to charge Hillary with, but came up with nothing. That as Republicans. I wonder why they couldn't come up with something to charge her with. Do you know they they couldn't?
From all that I read, after Trump won, which is all he cared about, he did her a 'solid' and just dropped it. Call it 'professional courtesy' or 'compassion'. With what has been going on and is happening now - F* THAT.

unleash the hounds.

Yes, I know Trump said something like that, but that wasn't his call to make, anyway. When he saw that there was nothing there, to "LOCK HE UP" for, he had to say something to sidestep all that chanting he had done in the campaign. It's not the first convenient lie he has told.
When he saw that there was nothing there, to "LOCK HE UP" for, he had to say something to sidestep all that chanting he had done in the campaign.
Nice comment, but it lacks the evidence to support it, unlike the evidence that proves Hillary did break NUMEROUS laws.
When he saw that there was nothing there, to "LOCK HE UP" for, he had to say something to sidestep all that chanting he had done in the campaign.
Nice comment, but it lacks the evidence to support it, unlike the evidence that proves Hillary did break NUMEROUS laws.

So you think Trump can just stop legal proceedings at will with no repercussions, and that's what he did for Hillary? Quick!!! Call Washington now!!!! They are having some pretty big hearings over just that kind of thing right now.
So you think Trump can just stop legal proceedings at will with no repercussions...

No I do not, and, like with every other claim you have against Trump, you have no evidence to prove that he did so.

Good lord, STOP with the false accusations already. Get some evidence to substantiate your false narratives then come back and try again.

For example, just a few of Hillary's crimes have been listed here and the laws she broke. More than hollow accusations and 'feelings' / 'opinions'.
Snowflakes continue to declare, ignorantly, that Hillary Clinton never broke the law by using an UN-Authorized, UN-Encrypted, UN-secured private server and e-mail.

Aside from the fact that she violated the Freedom of Information Act and the Federal Records Act, here are a few laws Hillary broke:

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

"Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—

(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes;"

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to persons who had no security clearance:
- Her It Tech
- The IT Tech company who maintained the server and stored her classified computer in their BATHROOM
- Her lawyers
- Her MAID

Dept of State: Volume 12 Foreign Affairs Manual 544. TL:DS-46; 06-08-1995

Sensitive But Unclassified Handling Procedures: Transmission, Mailing, Safeguarding/Storage, and Destruction Regardless of method, transmission of SBU information should be effected through means that limit the potential for unauthorized public disclosure.

Department of State: Volume 5 Foreign Affairs Manual 751.2. TL:IM-39; 06-13-2003

Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) e-mail may be transmitted on the unclassified INTRANET. SBU information marked NOFORN or with other restricted distribution must be transmitted on the classified INTRANET. SBU e-mail may not be transmitted over the INTERNET.

The Intranet is a classified system on a closed / secure network. Hillary's server / e-mail was NOT on the Intranet. They were not secure or encrypted. Hillary most definitely, ILLEGALLY, transmitted SBU material (hell, she transmitted Classified) over the INTERnet.

Transportation Security Administration: 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information AND 49 CFR 1520 – Protection of Sensitive Security Information

Defines Sensitive Security Information (SSI) and states Persons subject to the requirements of part 1520 are considered “covered persons” who have a duty to protect information by adhering to restrictions on the disclosure of SSI. To this end, a covered person must take reasonable steps to safeguard SSI, may disclose or provide access to SSI only to other covered persons with a need to know, must mark SSI in a specified manner, dispose of SSI in a specified manner, and report unauthorized disclosures.

Hillary illegally gave access to classified information to individuals who had no security clearances and failed to report those violations.

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information

All classified information shall be afforded a level of protection against unauthorized disclosure commensurate with its level of classification.

(b) Whenever classified material is removed from a storage facility, such material shall not be left unattended and shall be protected by attaching an appropriate classified document cover sheet to each classified document.

(c) Classified information being transmitted from one Commission office to another shall be protected with a classified document cover sheet and hand delivered by an appropriately cleared person to another appropriately cleared person.

Classified information shall be made available to a recipient only when the authorized holder of the classified information has determined that:

(1) The prospective recipient has a valid security clearance at least commensurate with the level of classification of the information; and

(3) Not to publish or otherwise reveal to unauthorized persons any classified information

These are just a very few of the crimes Hillary committed / laws / regs Hillary broke.

As mentioned, add on:

Violating the FOIA and Federal Records Act

Obstruction of Justice (Bleachbit her server, deleted evidence after her server / e-mails were subpoenaed.)

46 CFR 503.59 - Safeguarding classified information.

what laws cover protecting, securing, transporting, providing illegal access to classified information - Bing
Ha ha ha. Quick look over there instead.
Same game your pathological liar plays..
So you think Trump can just stop legal proceedings at will with no repercussions...

No I do not, and, like with every other claim you have against Trump, you have no evidence to prove that he did so.

Good lord, STOP with the false accusations already. Get some evidence to substantiate your false narratives then come back and try again.

For example, just a few of Hillary's crimes have been listed here and the laws she the evidence broke. More than hollow accusations and 'feelings' / 'opinions'.
The evidence is happening live in front of the whole world. Makes POTUS worse than even you thought..
So you think Trump can just stop legal proceedings at will with no repercussions...

No I do not, and, like with every other claim you have against Trump, you have no evidence to prove that he did so.

Good lord, STOP with the false accusations already. Get some evidence to substantiate your false narratives then come back and try again.

For example, just a few of Hillary's crimes have been listed here and the laws she broke. More than hollow accusations and 'feelings' / 'opinions'.

You're the one that said Trump decided not to prosecute her.
Reasonable, let me see if I can get 1 straight, honest answer from you:

It has been proven that Hillary Clinton gave access to extremely classified information to her lawyers, to her IT tech, to the IT tech company that stored and maintained her server in their bathroom, and to her maid. None of them had security clearances or the required level of security clearances to have access to that information. I have provided the exact laws that states to do so - to give illegal access to classified to people who do not have security clearances or the proper level of clearances - is a CRIME.

So, did Hillary Clinton break the law?
You're the one that said Trump decided not to prosecute her.
Yes, I am also the one pointing out that Trump did not stop the legal proceedings against Hillary Clinton. Those proceedings were stopped under the Obama administration by his Director of the FBI, the Director who declared he would not recommend indictment based on ignorance of the law, which as per legal precedence is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking US law.

Trump decided not to re-open the case once the Obama administration had protected her from prosecution and after he had won the WH.

Such action, however, can still be - and should be - remedied.
Reasonable, let me see if I can get 1 straight, honest answer from you:

It has been proven that Hillary Clinton gave access to extremely classified information to her lawyers, to her IT tech, to the IT tech company that stored and maintained her server in their bathroom, and to her maid. None of them had security clearances or the required level of security clearances to have access to that information. I have provided the exact laws that states to do so - to give illegal access to classified to people who do not have security clearances or the proper level of clearances - is a CRIME.

So, did Hillary Clinton break the law?

Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
You're the one that said Trump decided not to prosecute her.
Yes, I am also the one pointing out that Trump did not stop the legal proceedings against Hillary Clinton. Those proceedings were stopped under the Obama administration by his Director of the FBI, the Director who declared he would not recommend indictment based on ignorance of the law, which as per legal precedence is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking US law.

Trump decided not to re-open the case once the Obama administration had protected her from prosecution and after he had won the WH.

Such action, however, can still be - and should be - remedied.

I'm impressed that you, an anonymous poster on a message board claims to have better legal judgment than the head of the FBI. You must be very proud. So was Trump lying or not when he promised to "LOCK HER UP"?
Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.
Were those issues covered in any of the numerous republican lead investigations? Why didn't they find wrong doing?
These were found. The Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress and stated Hillary Clinton broke laws. The Obama administration refused to prosecu8te Hillary Clinton.

Really? Who exactly made that call? Was that person directly ordered by Obama to not prosecute?

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