Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

A poll has Clinton trailing in Michigan. Another has her trailing badly in Florida.
Dems supported her because she looked like a winner. So you go with what you got, no matter how damaged. Now that she doesnt look like sucha winner they'll be dropping her in droves.
Democrats care about winning, not much else.
Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand

There is no crime here. At best, there is a security violation which would be as much on the agency who approved the private server as the person who used the server

The expected outcome will be....Don't do that again
Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand

There is no crime here. At best, there is a security violation which would be as much on the agency who approved the private server as the person who used the server

The expected outcome will be....Don't do that again

Take it up with Obama, he's the one behind the FBI investigation
Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand

There is no crime here. At best, there is a security violation which would be as much on the agency who approved the private server as the person who used the server

The expected outcome will be....Don't do that again
Were you aware that Hillary's lawyer (Kendall) also represented Bill and assisted him right into a perjury beef?
Expect to see much more of this. It's about time:

Hillary Clinton's Lawyer Defends Her Use of Personal Email

Hillary Clinton's use of a personal email account for conducting State Department business followed both federal rules in place at the time and the practice of some of her predecessors, her lawyer says.

The explanation, from Washington, D.C. lawyer David Kendall, comes in a letter sent late Friday to the State Department's undersecretary for management, obtained by NBC News.

"Secretary Clinton's use of personal e-mail was consistent with the practice of other Secretaries of State and was permissible under State Department policy in place during her tenure," Kendall writes...

...In his letter, Kendall quotes from a memoir by former Secretary of State Colin Powell who wrote that he used his personal email account for messages to "principal assistants, to individual ambassadors, and increasingly to [his] foreign-minister colleagues."

Clinton's use of her personal account was also permitted by federal regulations, Kendall says, including rules issued by the National Archives to implement a federal law on record preservation.

In 2009, Kendall says, the rule explained the practice to be followed when federal agencies "allow employees to send and receive electronic mail messages using a system not operated by the agency."

In that event, the employee must ensure that a record of the email is obtained in a government system. "Secretary Clinton followed that regulation through her practice of communicating with other Department officials on their state.gov e-mail accounts," Kendall's letter says.

By forwarding and copying messages to department employees at their government addresses, her emails were preserved in the State Department system, he said.

Kendall also said Clinton followed government regulations in deciding which emails in her personal accounts were private and which involved official business.

Wait and see how this turns out, but it is looking more and more as if zealots on the Right are chasing their tail on this one, not to mention the fact that they shot their gunpowder way too early.

Even though it may have been legal, Clinton using a personal email server for official business demonstrates horrible, horrible judgement.

It betrays an elitist attitude, and strongly suggests she wanted an opportunity to purge anything embarrassing before shit got FOIA released to the public.

Nobody, but nobody, buys the "It was for convenience" bullshit.
Once again, Republicans are overplaying a weak hand

There is no crime here. At best, there is a security violation which would be as much on the agency who approved the private server as the person who used the server

The expected outcome will be....Don't do that again
No agency approved a private server. Have you missed that part?
Gen Petraeus pleaded guilty to a much lesser offense/
Even if she committed no crime, it shows really, really poor judgement... that alone should make anyone rethink her as a viable candidate.

Personally, I think it a bit more nefarious.... I think she used her role as SoS to advance her Foundation.
Even if she committed no crime, it shows really, really poor judgement... that alone should make anyone rethink her as a viable candidate.

Personally, I think it a bit more nefarious.... I think she used her role as SoS to advance her Foundation.
Thats like the biggest Duh on here. The Clintons have constantly used their positions to enhance their own wealth. It would be shocking actually if she did NOT do that as SoS.

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