Hillary Clintons poll numbers are dropping like a skyscraper during demolition

So let's run with the winner.

Sheesh he looks half dead already.

Just as soon as the government comes out and says everything was above board and proper this whole charade falls apart and Republicans can go back and do what they do best when not investigating....nothing.

"In a little noticed brief, filed on Wednesday to a federal court, Department of Justice lawyers outlined a comprehensive defense of the contentious decision by Hillary Clinton to wipe the private email server she used as secretary of state: The attorneys assert that, regardless of whether she used a personal or government account, Clinton was within her legal right to handpick the emails that qualified as federal records — and to delete the ones she deemed personal.

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” write the Justice Department attorneys, representing the State Department in the brief.

The lawyers add that under policies issued by the State Department and by NARA, the National Archives and Records Administration, government employees “are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”
Just as soon as the government comes out and says everything was above board and proper this whole charade falls apart and Republicans can go back and do what they do best when not investigating....nothing.

"In a little noticed brief, filed on Wednesday to a federal court, Department of Justice lawyers outlined a comprehensive defense of the contentious decision by Hillary Clinton to wipe the private email server she used as secretary of state: The attorneys assert that, regardless of whether she used a personal or government account, Clinton was within her legal right to handpick the emails that qualified as federal records — and to delete the ones she deemed personal.

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” write the Justice Department attorneys, representing the State Department in the brief.

The lawyers add that under policies issued by the State Department and by NARA, the National Archives and Records Administration, government employees “are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”

yeah Obama started the investigation just to clear his BFF Hillary.


This is why I've been saying Hillary will not get the nomination
I think its her huge fat ass that's dragging her down. You seen the size of that thing. Imagine how her carbon emissions contribute to global warming.
Just as soon as the government comes out and says everything was above board and proper this whole charade falls apart and Republicans can go back and do what they do best when not investigating....nothing.

"In a little noticed brief, filed on Wednesday to a federal court, Department of Justice lawyers outlined a comprehensive defense of the contentious decision by Hillary Clinton to wipe the private email server she used as secretary of state: The attorneys assert that, regardless of whether she used a personal or government account, Clinton was within her legal right to handpick the emails that qualified as federal records — and to delete the ones she deemed personal.

“There is no question that former Secretary Clinton had authority to delete personal emails without agency supervision — she appropriately could have done so even if she were working on a government server,” write the Justice Department attorneys, representing the State Department in the brief.

The lawyers add that under policies issued by the State Department and by NARA, the National Archives and Records Administration, government employees “are permitted and expected to exercise judgment to determine what constitutes a federal record.”

yeah Obama started the investigation just to clear his BFF Hillary.


This is why I've been saying Hillary will not get the nomination

Benghazi has been under investigation through 13 investigations, 50 hearings, spending upwards of 20 million dollars over three long years to produce nothing. Every time a tidbit leaks you guys are all over yourself with "we got her this time", but you don't. Karl Rove deleted 22 million emails and came away with not a single charge, what makes you think Clinton is any different?
I think its her huge fat ass that's dragging her down. You seen the size of that thing. Imagine how her carbon emissions contribute to global warming.

It's tiny compared to your old lady's ass Mr. President.
So let's run with the winner.

Sheesh he looks half dead already.

Some think he looks like a wise old timer with character and integrity. Too bad the Republicans don't have one of those. There old guy is a plastic baffoon whose main traits are arrogance, whining, self love, greed and a mean spirit.

Some would be wrong.

This country does NOT need an old leader. Period. Trump, Clinton, Sanders, Biden ... all are too old, all should drop out before they drop dead.

Your last sentence is spot on.
I have a dream that Hillary will not be judged by the size of her ass, but the content of her character. She's doomed either way.
So let's run with the winner.

Sheesh he looks half dead already.

Some think he looks like a wise old timer with character and integrity. Too bad the Republicans don't have one of those. There old guy is a plastic baffoon whose main traits are arrogance, whining, self love, greed and a mean spirit.

Which old Democrat are you talking about?

Trump, he hasn't fooled me into believing me he is a Republican but that is the disguise he wears nowadays.
What difference does it make whether he is a "Republican" or not? Anyone can register for any party they want, or no party at all.

I like the fact that he is the only person in the presidential sweepstakes so far who understands how the American people feel about immigration. And it seems like the same thing can be said about Federal taxation.

Ronaldus Maximus understood that if you focus on a few major points that stimulate the American people, that can be sufficient to carry the election. In Reagan's case it was, "Government is too big, Taxes are too high, and We have allowed our military to deteriorate too much." The Trumpster can focus on (1) we have been invaded by illegal foreigners, (2) our tax code is too complicated and too expensive, and (3) ???

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