Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

Her years of corruption and lies were not a factor? Thank God she didn't become president.
A lifetime of DT's lies and corruption and now Constitution violating conflicts of interest as president is what you desire.
Stupid mfer.

I bet you went to school on the short bus, didn't ya? The president is exempt form conflict of interest. Who ever is paying you to post sure is getting short changed.
This POS continues to make millions while on the tax payer's dime.
But it's all fine with you.

Actually he's donating the taxpayers dime back to the Government. The National Parks Service was the first beneficiary.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.
Billy boiy, you use the word pussy so much that your exposing yourself as a pussy...
Oh it's true. My use of the word has spiked significantly in the recent months. It's just the most apt word when describing someone who supports Trump.
ROLMFAO and you supported hildabeast...

Stick a fork in this "C" she's done...
and didnt both of Hillarys eyes pop out of their sockets during the convention, then she looked like a spastic bird staring into space?
Her years of corruption and lies were not a factor? Thank God she didn't become president.
as soon as she opened her mouth in the three debates she lost to Trump, 70% of Americans had already figured the beast out.and did not want the dumb bitch in the oval office
Liar. She won all 3 debates. Easily.
Not to mention every word of both candidates were fact checked in the first debate.
Trump had 53 lies.
Hillary 5.
Not to mention in the last debate the pathological liar said he never sexually molested any women after just admitting it on the audio a few days earlier.
And yet you still voted for the serial sex offender.
A woman.

Exactly what were his words on that tape?
by mid 2015, didnt Hillary figure out that about 80% of all Americans just cant stand her? god, if she went to any major/city zoo,,, you would see scenes of Animals running from her as she passed the exhibits.....like we saw in one of the Omen episodes.
Hillary Clinton explains why she really lost to Trump

This bimboob is sickly

Russia. "A foreign power meddled with our election," she said, labeling it "an act of aggression." She called for an independent, bipartisan investigation into the Kremlin's involvement and said the probe should examine whether there was collusion with the Trump campaign.

- Misogyny. "Certainly, misogyny played a role. That has to be admitted," she said. Clinton added that "some people — women included — had real problems" with the idea of a woman president.

- Comey. Clinton cited as damaging to her campaign his unusual decision to release of a letter on October 28, less than two weeks before Election Day, that said he was looking at additional emails related to the FBI probe of the former secretary of state's use of a private server.

- WikiLeaks. Weeks of disclosures of stolen emails from the personal account of then-Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, were particularly harmful, Clinton said, adding that it "played a much bigger role than I think many people yet understand."

She said the combination of Comey's actions and the WikiLeaks' revelations "had the determinative effect."

There is absolutely nothing she said that isn't true.

1. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win. There are currently 3 ongoing investigations into Trump and his surrogates--continual contact with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign season. This while Trump and his surrogates have denied contact with any Russians during the campaign season (5 times) and even lying under oath about it.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

2. We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party. Strong, successful women are often looked at as a threat, not an asset. (We saw this with the way Carly Fiorina was treated by Republicans.) I don't know how many Republicans, including women that I witnessed come out and state that -(no matter how experienced and knowlegable a woman is--a woman should never to POTUS.) When asked why they thought that way, they could never come up with an explanation. I am certain there are Democrats that feel the same way. Many just won't admit their ignorance or their bias toward women, and will purposefully look for other excuses not to vote for a woman.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | The Huffington Post

3. Wikileaks has become a real National Security Threat for this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, and did it anyway. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey's investigation will involve Rudi Guiliani & James Kalstrom both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey. Hillary Clinton still beating Trump by 3 million popular votes along with this, makes him the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

So in the end you voted for this:


No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.
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i knew hillary was going to lose in a 52/48 landslide,,,,,i predicted right...:iagree:
Hillary won the popular vote by 2%, stupid.

Yep and it got her a nice little place in NY, where she belongs.
we dont consider California as one of the 57 states, therefore, Trump won by 7.8 million votes

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.
Billy boiy, you use the word pussy so much that your exposing yourself as a pussy...
Oh it's true. My use of the word has spiked significantly in the recent months. It's just the most apt word when describing someone who supports Trump.
ROLMFAO and you supported hildabeast...

Stick a fork in this "C" she's done...
and didnt both of Hillarys eyes pop out of their sockets during the convention, then she looked like a spastic bird staring into space?

Why do you have to be so mean?
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.
Billy boiy, you use the word pussy so much that your exposing yourself as a pussy...
Oh it's true. My use of the word has spiked significantly in the recent months. It's just the most apt word when describing someone who supports Trump.
ROLMFAO and you supported hildabeast...

Stick a fork in this "C" she's done...
See, this is where your stupidity comes into play. You think because I can't stand Trump that I like Hillary. It's just an easy rationale I guess. Your mind can't comprehend nuance I suppose. I don't like Hillary. I don't give two fucks she isn't president. Admittedly, I would gladly take her over Trump, but I would of course gladly take ANY candidate from the 2016 race over Trump. Hell I would even take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics and you're too much of a PUSSY to admit it. The truth is that you are in denial about how god awful he is.
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This is the bullshit that Americans are getting VERY tired of. I am tired of hearing that those not agreeing with them must have some ulterior hatreds involved. She gained WAY more support from being a woman than she lost from misogynists.
i knew hillary was going to lose in a 52/48 landslide,,,,,i predicted right...:iagree:
Hillary won the popular vote by 2%, stupid.

Yep and it got her a nice little place in NY, where she belongs.
we dont consider California as one of the 57 states, therefore, Trump won by 7.8 million votes

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
Hillary won the popular vote by 2%, stupid.

Yep and it got her a nice little place in NY, where she belongs.
we dont consider California as one of the 57 states, therefore, Trump won by 7.8 million votes

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?
Yep and it got her a nice little place in NY, where she belongs.
we dont consider California as one of the 57 states, therefore, Trump won by 7.8 million votes

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?

I wonder where the congressional perjury referral is at the DOJ?
If there was a 2. I'd say her anti-male campaign style fucked her also.

Trump got tons of men that didn't like her sexist message.

Because I like infrastructure, science, and education doesn't mean I am a hard core liberal and can't see the idiocy.
we dont consider California as one of the 57 states, therefore, Trump won by 7.8 million votes

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?

I wonder where the congressional perjury referral is at the DOJ?
Never happened with Hilary, dupe.
It's funny that Hillary referred to "misogyny" however my sisters did not like her either and they are definitely NOT misogynist !!!

Well Hillary was an unlikable bitch in general, but I also know basic bitches hate powerful women.

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