Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

She got their EVs and still came up way short. Ain't federalism great?
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?

I wonder where the congressional perjury referral is at the DOJ?
Never happened with Hilary, dupe.

Actually DOJ confirmed receipt, action is still pending.

The Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter Kadzik, confirmed in an Aug. 2 letter to both committees they had the perjury investigation request and the department would "take appropriate action as necessary."

House Republicans detail perjury allegations against Clinton
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?

I wonder where the congressional perjury referral is at the DOJ?
Never happened with Hilary, dupe.

Actually DOJ confirmed receipt, action is still pending.

The Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter Kadzik, confirmed in an Aug. 2 letter to both committees they had the perjury investigation request and the department would "take appropriate action as necessary."

House Republicans detail perjury allegations against Clinton
House Republicans are also bought off FOS hypocrites, dupe. DUH lol. EVERYTHING the Clintons did the last 30 years has been investigated many times
and NOTHING illegal duh....You dupes have your own planet, paid for by greedy idiot billionaires.
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.

Just can't accept the fact that the bitch was the worse candidate in US history, can ya? She had more baggage than a jumbo jet.
All total bs, dupe. Not corrupt at all. Fox, Rush, Heritage etc etc is total bs, 25 years of it. You name it. A disgrace. How's lock her up coming, brainwashed functional moron?

I wonder where the congressional perjury referral is at the DOJ?
Never happened with Hilary, dupe.

Actually DOJ confirmed receipt, action is still pending.

The Justice Department Assistant Attorney General for Legislative Affairs, Peter Kadzik, confirmed in an Aug. 2 letter to both committees they had the perjury investigation request and the department would "take appropriate action as necessary."

House Republicans detail perjury allegations against Clinton
All dropped after the election...duh.
Without GOP shytte Comey, she would have won easily. Without Putin, biggest win ever. Hopefully Trump will get back to his roots and figure out Fox is FOS, like you dupes.
Without an opponent she would have won too. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. IF, AND, BUT...
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.

I am grateful every single day that Hillary is not my president.
Hillary lost for a myriad of reasons. First and foremost was that she a bitch and comes off like one. That is the one thing she'll never admit, and who can blame her?
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.
The thing is, Hillary is worse than Trump.
Hillary doesn't deny that all of the information "leaked" was true. She seems more troubled by the fact that it was shared:

""I don't want any Republican candidate to be subjected to what I was subjected to....I don't want anybody running campaigns to have their communications stolen," she said."

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

The woman is both corrupt and callous.


Republicans have had their communications stolen or at least surveiled. Only differences is republicans didn't do anything bad.

Note that not one of her reasons is her fault. Its all because of others. Which is the M.O. for the left. Don't take responsibility for losing
Ain't nothing that the democrats and liberals hate more than being caught. Actually they don't mind being caught they just don't want to be told about it. I think they get joy in violating the rules and getting away with it.
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.

It is important to stop the rewriting of history first of all. She got her ass kicked. Since then there has been a concerted propaganda effort to push conspiracy theories as to why she lost. The truth is America willingly chose Trump over her for legitimate reasons .
Sorry if you don't like the reminder.

Secondly, she is still spouting her poisonous, spiteful venom as the OP pointed out. You liberals love to attack and then label the response as mean or dwelling on the past or whatever. It is the cowards way.
The fact is she is still attacking the people who elected Trump. Isn't that a large part of why she lost...labeling half the country "deplorable"? She is attempting to delegitimize and weaken our President by stating that his win was due to "misogyny" or "Russian hacking". That has to be answered every time.
You don't want the past brought up? Send her back to the woods to walk. But trot the past out then expect a response.

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Hillary doesn't deny that all of the information "leaked" was true. She seems more troubled by the fact that it was shared:

""I don't want any Republican candidate to be subjected to what I was subjected to....I don't want anybody running campaigns to have their communications stolen," she said."

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

The woman is both corrupt and callous.


Republicans have had their communications stolen or at least surveiled. Only differences is republicans didn't do anything bad.

Note that not one of her reasons is her fault. Its all because of others. Which is the M.O. for the left. Don't take responsibility for losing
Ain't nothing that the democrats and liberals hate more than being caught. Actually they don't mind being caught they just don't want to be told about it. I think they get joy in violating the rules and getting away with it.
Let's see...the Russians were hacking the Hillary campaign and Obama was hacking the Trump campaign.

Strange times.
Hillary doesn't deny that all of the information "leaked" was true. She seems more troubled by the fact that it was shared:

""I don't want any Republican candidate to be subjected to what I was subjected to....I don't want anybody running campaigns to have their communications stolen," she said."

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

The woman is both corrupt and callous.


Republicans have had their communications stolen or at least surveiled. Only differences is republicans didn't do anything bad.

Note that not one of her reasons is her fault. Its all because of others. Which is the M.O. for the left. Don't take responsibility for losing
Ain't nothing that the democrats and liberals hate more than being caught. Actually they don't mind being caught they just don't want to be told about it. I think they get joy in violating the rules and getting away with it.
Let's see...the Russians were hacking the Hillary campaign and Obama was hacking the Trump campaign.

Strange times.
An Nixon left office for "hacking." Strange times indeed.
Hillary doesn't deny that all of the information "leaked" was true. She seems more troubled by the fact that it was shared:

""I don't want any Republican candidate to be subjected to what I was subjected to....I don't want anybody running campaigns to have their communications stolen," she said."

Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to bomb Syrian air fields

The woman is both corrupt and callous.

And ugly.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

One of the reasons she lost a lot of the Dem base is because she is white.

The progressives have been demonizing rich whites for so long, they forgot most of their political elites are rich old white people. Kind of difficult to motivate your base to vote for a rich old white woman when you've spent so much time brainwashing your base to hate them.
Here's 4 reasons:

1. Wisconsin
2. Michigan
3. Pennsylvania
4. Ohio
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

She's an unlikable old bitch.
I'm sure that being a corrupt, lying, cold hearted bitch had nothing to do with it.


Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.

Stay out of the thread then dumbass. She is and always has been a whiny bitch.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

She's an unlikable old bitch.

Really, yep, that's it in a nutshell. People didn't like her, didn't trust her and therefore didn't vote for her.

All of the rest of this nonsense is just nonsense. Misogyny! ROOSHINS!

Puhleaze, enough of the excuse making and trying to paint the people that chose not to vote for her as bigots, dummies etc.

It was the dems that were so bigoted against the "rubes" that they didn't think they mattered. It was the dems that were dumb enough to think this was such a lock that they could run this polarizing character and win anyhow, and it was Hillary herself who was so arrogant and stupid that she ignored her own husband's advice, that husband being one of the sager politicians of this generation nonetheless, and didn't bother with the midwest swing states.

The dems fucked up from pillar to post and have nobody but themselves to blame for this loss.
Translation: Even though I'm corrupt, I would have won if no one had found out.
Hillary definitely collided with Russian Vodka, we all saw the debates and videos of her falling down, or trying not to fall down on camera

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