Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

Mammath Ass Poll: 59% Believe Hillary does not have a vagina. the other 31% have no idea whats between her thighs
Remember when the Trumpers were pushing the story that Hillary was almost dead.
She was so sick she would not make it to election day....

How is she doing now?
Looks pretty normal to me.

I guess that's what four months in the woods will do for a person. Personally I prefer being on my bike or on the water.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.
Billy boiy, you use the word pussy so much that your exposing yourself as a pussy...
Oh it's true. My use of the word has spiked significantly in the recent months. It's just the most apt word when describing someone who supports Trump.
ROLMFAO and you supported hildabeast...

Stick a fork in this "C" she's done...
See, this is where your stupidity comes into play. You think because I can't stand Trump that I like Hillary. It's just an easy rationale I guess. Your mind can't comprehend nuance I suppose. I don't like Hillary. I don't give two fucks she isn't president. Admittedly, I would gladly take her over Trump, but I would of course gladly take ANY candidate from the 2016 race over Trump. Hell I would even take GW Bush over Trump and that says A LOT. Trump is an unprecedented disaster in American politics and you're too much of a PUSSY to admit it. The truth is that you are in denial about how god awful he is.
Face it, you're rabid as is the rest of the left, you lost get over it have a good cry and move on snowflake. The left is throwing everything it can at Trump it's just going to make him stronger. The left is spending big money and it will only make people dislike the left even more. All the names you guys come up with for the republicans you actually act out for everyone to see, you don't even hide it anymore, SAD...
Oh by the way obongo worst president ever and your to PUSSY to admit it...:bye1:
Last edited:

I glanced over the four reasons. Is it a serious site? Not the PurpleOnion or whatever it is? Not one does she even suggest that she might have had any responsibility. Even about the release of the emails, she didn't blame their contents or the people who wrote them but rather the fact that they were released.

Hacking into someone's emails is the equivalent of someone walking up to your mail box and opening your mail, reading it, and in this case then blasting it all over the internet.

It's no one's business.--It is a FELONY to hack into public and private computers. And there will always be a reward for the perpetrator to take that risk.

First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

1. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win. There are currently 3 ongoing investigations into Trump and his surrogates--continual contact with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign season. This while Trump and his surrogates have denied contact with any Russians during the campaign season (5 times) and even lying under oath about it.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

2. We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party. Strong, knowlegable, competent women are often looked at as a threat, espeically by men who are afraid their testicles will shrivel up and fall off. (We saw this with the way Carly Fiorina was treated by Republicans.) I know many Republicans, including some very weak oppressed--low self esteemed women--that actually stated that -(no matter how experienced and knowlegable a woman is--a woman should never to POTUS.) When asked why they thought that way, they could never come up with an explanation. I am certain there are Democrats that feel the same way. Many just won't admit their ignorance or their bias toward women, and will purposefully look for other excuses not to vote for a woman, any woman. IOW-- If Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton--there would have never been 8 separate investigations into Benghazi.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | The Huffington Post

3. Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, and did it anyway, 11 days from an election. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey's investigation will involve Rudi Guiliani & James Kalstrom both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey. Hillary Clinton still beating Trump by 3 million popular votes along with this, makes him the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

So in the end you voted for this:


No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.

Last edited:

I glanced over the four reasons. Is it a serious site? Not the PurpleOnion or whatever it is? Not one does she even suggest that she might have had any responsibility. Even about the release of the emails, she didn't blame their contents or the people who wrote them but rather the fact that they were released.

Hacking into someone's emails is the equivalent of someone walking up to your mail box and opening your mail, reading it, and in this case then blasting it all over the internet.

It's no one's business.--It is a FELONY to hack into public and private computers. And there will always be a reward for the perpetrator to take that risk.

First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

1. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win. There are currently 3 ongoing investigations into Trump and his surrogates--continual contact with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign season. This while Trump and his surrogates have denied contact with any Russians during the campaign season (5 times) and even lying under oath about it.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

2. We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party. Strong, knowlegable, competent women are often looked at as a threat, espeically by men who are afraid their testicles will shrivel up and fall off. (We saw this with the way Carly Fiorina was treated by Republicans.) I know many Republicans, including some very weak oppressed--low self esteemed women--that actually stated that -(no matter how experienced and knowlegable a woman is--a woman should never to POTUS.) When asked why they thought that way, they could never come up with an explanation. I am certain there are Democrats that feel the same way. Many just won't admit their ignorance or their bias toward women, and will purposefully look for other excuses not to vote for a woman, any woman. IOW-- If Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton--there would have never been 8 separate investigations into Benghazi.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | The Huffington Post

3. Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, and did it anyway, 11 days from an election. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey's investigation will involve Rudi Guiliani & James Kalstrom both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey. Hillary Clinton still beating Trump by 3 million popular votes along with this, makes him the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

So in the end you voted for this:


No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.

Rubber stamping your own posts(#50) SAD...

I glanced over the four reasons. Is it a serious site? Not the PurpleOnion or whatever it is? Not one does she even suggest that she might have had any responsibility. Even about the release of the emails, she didn't blame their contents or the people who wrote them but rather the fact that they were released.

Hacking into someone's emails is the equivalent of someone walking up to your mail box and opening your mail, reading it, and in this case then blasting it all over the internet.

It's no one's business.--It is a FELONY to hack into public and private computers. And there will always be a reward for the perpetrator to take that risk.

First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

1. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win. There are currently 3 ongoing investigations into Trump and his surrogates--continual contact with not only the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents throughout the campaign season. This while Trump and his surrogates have denied contact with any Russians during the campaign season (5 times) and even lying under oath about it.

Analysis | 5 times Donald Trump’s team denied contact with Russia

Trump aides were in constant touch with senior Russian officials during campaign - CNNPolitics.com

2. We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party. Strong, knowlegable, competent women are often looked at as a threat, espeically by men who are afraid their testicles will shrivel up and fall off. (We saw this with the way Carly Fiorina was treated by Republicans.) I know many Republicans, including some very weak oppressed--low self esteemed women--that actually stated that -(no matter how experienced and knowlegable a woman is--a woman should never to POTUS.) When asked why they thought that way, they could never come up with an explanation. I am certain there are Democrats that feel the same way. Many just won't admit their ignorance or their bias toward women, and will purposefully look for other excuses not to vote for a woman, any woman. IOW-- If Hillary Clinton's name was Henry Clinton--there would have never been 8 separate investigations into Benghazi.
Dear Hillary: How Very Dare You! | The Huffington Post

3. Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.
Why is Julian Assange still inside the embassy of Ecuador?
Analyst says WikiLeaks dump 'devastating' for CIA - CNNPolitics.com

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election. He was warned by the DOJ to not release a letter to congress, and did it anyway, 11 days from an election. During those 7 days, millions of people voted believing charges were imminent against Hillary Clinton, and 7 days later Comey gave birth to his nothing burger. Comey is also under investigation for his interference into this election.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Comey's investigation will involve Rudi Guiliani & James Kalstrom both frequent flyers on FOX NEWS.

Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy


Everyone knows that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey. Hillary Clinton still beating Trump by 3 million popular votes along with this, makes him the most illegitimate President to ever be sworn into the Oval Office.

So in the end you voted for this:


No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.

"First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:" There's your first problem.
Her years of corruption and lies were not a factor? Thank God she didn't become president.
A lifetime of DT's lies and corruption and now Constitution violating conflicts of interest as president is what you desire.
Stupid mfer.

I bet you went to school on the short bus, didn't ya? The president is exempt form conflict of interest. Who ever is paying you to post sure is getting short changed.
This POS continues to make millions while on the tax payer's dime.
But it's all fine with you.
Your POS made a vast fortune in his 8 yrs, and he didn't spread the wealth...
You're falling down on the job bump/master, time to go to work...:whip:
First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

Arguing for Clinton on the basis of things she did not say is so libtard it is hillaryous.

. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win.

That statement is simply a lie as every investigative body so far has conceded that nothing that occurred caused a single vote to flip other than via persuasion, which is not a crime.

We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party.

Hillary Clinton would have lost the election with or without a vagina.

Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.

Whether the above is true or not, it does not constitute a reason that Hillary lost. It is merely whining.

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.

Comey agreed to keep the Congressional leadership informed about any developments in the Clinton investigations and the new laptop that became available constituted new information, so Comey had no choice but to inform Congress, who immediately leaked it to the press.

That you think such histrionics affects the voters more than the serious issues is telling about your opinion of the American voters, who seem to have ignored the hoopla from BOTH sides and focused on issues.

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Voters explain

Why did Americans choose Trump over Clinton?

What was forgotten in all this hysteria was that Trump had brought to the race unique advantages, some of his own making, some from finessing naturally occurring phenomena.

His advocacy for fair rather than free trade, his insistence on enforcement of federal immigration law and promises to bring back jobs to the United States brought back formerly disaffected Reagan Democrats, white working-class union members and blue-dog Democrats—the “missing Romney voters”—into the party. Because of that, the formidable wall of rich electoral blue states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina crumbled.

Beyond that, even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008 and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines.

Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him.​

The voters in the midwest, Appalachia and the Northeast went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump because both were change agents and Hillary was far from that.


That has nothing to do with Hillary having a pussy or not.

There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey.

That is simply a complete 100% lie and it says alot about your objectivity that you really cannot even imagine why anyone would vote for Trump without the mythical Putin interference.

No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Again, you reveal more about your blinders you wear than the reality of the debates which Trump won by huge amounts according to various online polls.

You are just lying to yourself now.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.


Clinton lost because ....

1. Voters wanted change that they failed to get when they elected Obama. They wanted to boot out the Establishment and put in people who would put America first in global trade. Obama talked the talk but could not do the walk. Instead of helping middle class America, he blew $4 TRILLION bailing out the banks and caused so much controversial nonsense that no one paid any attention to the trillion dollar gifts he gave Wall Street banksters.

2. Clinton has a long history of walking along the edge of the law and her history of donations through the Clinton Foundation had the stench of corruption all over it.

3. The DNC was not fair with Bernie Sanders supporters or the candidate himself. Many of his supporters either stayed home or voted third party or for Trump.

4. Hillary Clinton, in contrast to her husband Bill, has a long history of surrounding herself with ass kissing 'Yes women' who just cant wait to elect the first vagina to the White House. There is little substance or gravitas among her advisers. This is part of the reason that Bill was successful while Hillary was not. Bill knew the value of ass holes that would tell him what they really thought. For Hillary that was a death sentence and so she made one blunder after another like not campaigning in the Blue Wall states.

5. Hillary Clinton believed her own campaigns fake, distorted polls that were used to encourage her supporters. But the chariot turned back into a pumpkin on election day and no amount of wishing can bring it back.

Hillary Clinton does not have the managerial skills or honesty to ever be POTUS.
Last edited:
Remember when the Trumpers were pushing the story that Hillary was almost dead.
She was so sick she would not make it to election day....

How is she doing now?
Looks pretty normal to me.
Yeah, they even faked her fainting spell on video, they are debacle. yeah she looks normal for a sick old woman.
First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

Arguing for Clinton on the basis of things she did not say is so libtard it is hillaryous.

. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win.

That statement is simply a lie as every investigative body so far has conceded that nothing that occurred caused a single vote to flip other than via persuasion, which is not a crime.

We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party.

Hillary Clinton would have lost the election with or without a vagina.

Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.

Whether the above is true or not, it does not constitute a reason that Hillary lost. It is merely whining.

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.

Comey agreed to keep the Congressional leadership informed about any developments in the Clinton investigations and the new laptop that became available constituted new information, so Comey had no choice but to inform Congress, who immediately leaked it to the press.

That you think such histrionics affects the voters more than the serious issues is telling about your opinion of the American voters, who seem to have ignored the hoopla from BOTH sides and focused on issues.

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Voters explain

Why did Americans choose Trump over Clinton?

What was forgotten in all this hysteria was that Trump had brought to the race unique advantages, some of his own making, some from finessing naturally occurring phenomena.

His advocacy for fair rather than free trade, his insistence on enforcement of federal immigration law and promises to bring back jobs to the United States brought back formerly disaffected Reagan Democrats, white working-class union members and blue-dog Democrats—the “missing Romney voters”—into the party. Because of that, the formidable wall of rich electoral blue states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina crumbled.

Beyond that, even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008 and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines.

Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him.​

The voters in the midwest, Appalachia and the Northeast went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump because both were change agents and Hillary was far from that.

View attachment 121039

That has nothing to do with Hillary having a pussy or not.

There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey.

That is simply a complete 100% lie and it says alot about your objectivity that you really cannot even imagine why anyone would vote for Trump without the mythical Putin interference.

No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Again, you reveal more about your blinders you wear than the reality of the debates which Trump won by huge amounts according to various online polls.

You are just lying to yourself now.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.


Clinton lost because ....

1. Voters wanted change that they failed to get when they elected Obama. They wanted to boot out the Establishment and put in people who would put America first in global trade. Obama talked the talk but could not do the walk. Instead of helping middle class America, he blew $4 TRILLION bailing out the banks and caused so much controversial nonsense that no one paid any attention to the trillion dollar gifts he gave Wall Street banksters.

2. Clinton has a long history of walking along the edge of the law and her history of donations through the Clinton Foundation had the stench of corruption all over it.

3. The DNC was not fair with Bernie Sanders supporters or the candidate himself. Many of his supporters either stayed home or voted third party or for Trump.

4. Hillary Clinton, in contrast to her husband Bill, has a long history of surrounding herself with ass kissing 'Yes women' who just cant wait to elect the first vagina to the White House. There is little substance or gravitas among her advisers. This is part of the reason that Bill was successful while Hillary was not. Bill knew the value of ass holes that would tell him what they really thought. For Hillary that was a death sentence and so she made one blunder after another like not campaigning in the Blue Wall states.

5. Hillary Clinton believed her own campaigns fake, distorted polls that were used to encourage her supporters. But the chariot turned back into a pumpkin on election day and no amount of wishing can bring it back.

Hillary Clinton does not have the managerial skills or honesty to ever be POTUS.

With liberals it must be remembered their reality is what they want their reality to be. They wish to believe that it wasn't Hillary that caused her to lose it was the Russians, so that is their reality. Perception is reality.

Along with the reasons given by yourself the biggest reason Hillary lost, other than being herself, is the SCOTUS nominations. Evangelicals and other Christians could look past Trumps "imperfections." After the years of the Roberts court we have had enough.

Besides, Hillary being more of the establishment same old same old.
Remember when the Trumpers were pushing the story that Hillary was almost dead.
She was so sick she would not make it to election day....

How is she doing now?
Looks pretty normal to me.
Hillary is almost dead, she only comes out of her home one day a week. In fact if she were healthy enough to campaign correctly instead of collapse under the strain she could have won.

Dude she can't walk up steps

The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

This is breaking news! Hillary has spoken the truth for the first time in ages.
First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

Arguing for Clinton on the basis of things she did not say is so libtard it is hillaryous.

. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win.

That statement is simply a lie as every investigative body so far has conceded that nothing that occurred caused a single vote to flip other than via persuasion, which is not a crime.

We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party.

Hillary Clinton would have lost the election with or without a vagina.

Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.

Whether the above is true or not, it does not constitute a reason that Hillary lost. It is merely whining.

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.

Comey agreed to keep the Congressional leadership informed about any developments in the Clinton investigations and the new laptop that became available constituted new information, so Comey had no choice but to inform Congress, who immediately leaked it to the press.

That you think such histrionics affects the voters more than the serious issues is telling about your opinion of the American voters, who seem to have ignored the hoopla from BOTH sides and focused on issues.

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Voters explain

Why did Americans choose Trump over Clinton?

What was forgotten in all this hysteria was that Trump had brought to the race unique advantages, some of his own making, some from finessing naturally occurring phenomena.

His advocacy for fair rather than free trade, his insistence on enforcement of federal immigration law and promises to bring back jobs to the United States brought back formerly disaffected Reagan Democrats, white working-class union members and blue-dog Democrats—the “missing Romney voters”—into the party. Because of that, the formidable wall of rich electoral blue states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina crumbled.

Beyond that, even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008 and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines.

Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him.​

The voters in the midwest, Appalachia and the Northeast went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump because both were change agents and Hillary was far from that.

View attachment 121039

That has nothing to do with Hillary having a pussy or not.

There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey.

That is simply a complete 100% lie and it says alot about your objectivity that you really cannot even imagine why anyone would vote for Trump without the mythical Putin interference.

No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Again, you reveal more about your blinders you wear than the reality of the debates which Trump won by huge amounts according to various online polls.

You are just lying to yourself now.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.


Clinton lost because ....

1. Voters wanted change that they failed to get when they elected Obama. They wanted to boot out the Establishment and put in people who would put America first in global trade. Obama talked the talk but could not do the walk. Instead of helping middle class America, he blew $4 TRILLION bailing out the banks and caused so much controversial nonsense that no one paid any attention to the trillion dollar gifts he gave Wall Street banksters.

2. Clinton has a long history of walking along the edge of the law and her history of donations through the Clinton Foundation had the stench of corruption all over it.

3. The DNC was not fair with Bernie Sanders supporters or the candidate himself. Many of his supporters either stayed home or voted third party or for Trump.

4. Hillary Clinton, in contrast to her husband Bill, has a long history of surrounding herself with ass kissing 'Yes women' who just cant wait to elect the first vagina to the White House. There is little substance or gravitas among her advisers. This is part of the reason that Bill was successful while Hillary was not. Bill knew the value of ass holes that would tell him what they really thought. For Hillary that was a death sentence and so she made one blunder after another like not campaigning in the Blue Wall states.

5. Hillary Clinton believed her own campaigns fake, distorted polls that were used to encourage her supporters. But the chariot turned back into a pumpkin on election day and no amount of wishing can bring it back.

Hillary Clinton does not have the managerial skills or honesty to ever be POTUS.

With liberals it must be remembered their reality is what they want their reality to be. They wish to believe that it wasn't Hillary that caused her to lose it was the Russians, so that is their reality. Perception is reality.

Along with the reasons given by yourself the biggest reason Hillary lost, other than being herself, is the SCOTUS nominations. Evangelicals and other Christians could look past Trumps "imperfections." After the years of the Roberts court we have had enough.

Besides, Hillary being more of the establishment same old same old.

I agree one of the most infamous reasons for voting for Trump was the SCOTUS nominee. I saw that comment all of the time. Trump had Evangelicals just convinced that he would nominate a Supreme court justice that would overturn Roe V Wade. They were terrified as to whom Hillary Clinton would pick.

And what did they get. Niel Gorsuch a Supreme Court Judge that Democrats love, and Hillary Clinton voted for. These Democrats had voted for him in the past. Under G.W. Bush in 2006--when Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him to the Federal District court.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This uproar in the Senate has nothing to do with Democrats having an issue with Niel Gorsuch--it's political payback for Republicans blocking Obama's last judge Merrick Garland.

So as always we had Republicans for the last 7 years campaigning on repealing and replacing Obamacare--they also were campaigning on getting SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade. NIEL GORSUCH is the first nominee to my memory that stated during the confirmation hearing--that ROV V WADE is Precendent--meaning set in stone.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

And you're right also--that Evangelicals kicked their favorite Ted Cruz to the curb to get Donald Trump. (Someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.) The hypocrisy of the 2016 primary and what Republicans, especially the so called Evangelical Christian block did, is absolutely astounding. Mike Huckabee being the biggest Hypocrite in the bunch.


And in your comment ("other than being herself") exemplifies your own issues with Misogyny. Women are not beneath you--in fact they're smarter, much calmer, with instinct, intuition and a well thought out pragmatic thought process. Hillary Clinton would have made a much better Presdient than the emotionally unstable drama queen you have installed in the White House.
Last edited:
First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

Arguing for Clinton on the basis of things she did not say is so libtard it is hillaryous.

. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win.

That statement is simply a lie as every investigative body so far has conceded that nothing that occurred caused a single vote to flip other than via persuasion, which is not a crime.

We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party.

Hillary Clinton would have lost the election with or without a vagina.

Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.

Whether the above is true or not, it does not constitute a reason that Hillary lost. It is merely whining.

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.

Comey agreed to keep the Congressional leadership informed about any developments in the Clinton investigations and the new laptop that became available constituted new information, so Comey had no choice but to inform Congress, who immediately leaked it to the press.

That you think such histrionics affects the voters more than the serious issues is telling about your opinion of the American voters, who seem to have ignored the hoopla from BOTH sides and focused on issues.

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Voters explain

Why did Americans choose Trump over Clinton?

What was forgotten in all this hysteria was that Trump had brought to the race unique advantages, some of his own making, some from finessing naturally occurring phenomena.

His advocacy for fair rather than free trade, his insistence on enforcement of federal immigration law and promises to bring back jobs to the United States brought back formerly disaffected Reagan Democrats, white working-class union members and blue-dog Democrats—the “missing Romney voters”—into the party. Because of that, the formidable wall of rich electoral blue states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina crumbled.

Beyond that, even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008 and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines.

Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him.​

The voters in the midwest, Appalachia and the Northeast went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump because both were change agents and Hillary was far from that.

View attachment 121039

That has nothing to do with Hillary having a pussy or not.

There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey.

That is simply a complete 100% lie and it says alot about your objectivity that you really cannot even imagine why anyone would vote for Trump without the mythical Putin interference.

No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Again, you reveal more about your blinders you wear than the reality of the debates which Trump won by huge amounts according to various online polls.

You are just lying to yourself now.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.


Clinton lost because ....

1. Voters wanted change that they failed to get when they elected Obama. They wanted to boot out the Establishment and put in people who would put America first in global trade. Obama talked the talk but could not do the walk. Instead of helping middle class America, he blew $4 TRILLION bailing out the banks and caused so much controversial nonsense that no one paid any attention to the trillion dollar gifts he gave Wall Street banksters.

2. Clinton has a long history of walking along the edge of the law and her history of donations through the Clinton Foundation had the stench of corruption all over it.

3. The DNC was not fair with Bernie Sanders supporters or the candidate himself. Many of his supporters either stayed home or voted third party or for Trump.

4. Hillary Clinton, in contrast to her husband Bill, has a long history of surrounding herself with ass kissing 'Yes women' who just cant wait to elect the first vagina to the White House. There is little substance or gravitas among her advisers. This is part of the reason that Bill was successful while Hillary was not. Bill knew the value of ass holes that would tell him what they really thought. For Hillary that was a death sentence and so she made one blunder after another like not campaigning in the Blue Wall states.

5. Hillary Clinton believed her own campaigns fake, distorted polls that were used to encourage her supporters. But the chariot turned back into a pumpkin on election day and no amount of wishing can bring it back.

Hillary Clinton does not have the managerial skills or honesty to ever be POTUS.

With liberals it must be remembered their reality is what they want their reality to be. They wish to believe that it wasn't Hillary that caused her to lose it was the Russians, so that is their reality. Perception is reality.

Along with the reasons given by yourself the biggest reason Hillary lost, other than being herself, is the SCOTUS nominations. Evangelicals and other Christians could look past Trumps "imperfections." After the years of the Roberts court we have had enough.

Besides, Hillary being more of the establishment same old same old.

I agree one of the most infamous reasons for voting for Trump was the SCOTUS nominee. I saw that comment all of the time. Trump had Evangelicals just convinced that he would nominate a Supreme court justice that would overturn Roe V Wade. They were terrified as to whom Hillary Clinton would pick.

And what did they get. Niel Gorsuch a Supreme Court Judge that Democrats love, and Hillary Clinton voted for. These Democrats had voted for him in the past. Under G.W. Bush in 2006--when Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him to the Federal District court.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This uproar in the Senate has nothing to do with Democrats having an issue with Niel Gorsuch--it's political payback for Republicans blocking Obama's last judge Merrick Garland.

So as always we had Republicans for the last 7 years campaigning on repealing and replacing Obamacare--they also were campaigning on getting SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade. NIEL GORSUCH is the first nominee to my memory that stated during the confirmation hearing--that ROV V WADE is Precendent--meaning set in stone.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

And you're right also--that Evangelicals kicked their favorite Ted Cruz to the curb to get Donald Trump. (Someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.) The hypocrisy of the 2016 primary and what Republicans, especially the so called Evangelical Christian block did, is absolutely astounding. Mike Huckabee being the biggest Hypocrite in the bunch.


And in your comment ("other than being herself") exemplifies your own issues with Misogyny.
So you agree that the democrat filibuster attempts were merely politically motivated. So were the Republicans but they didn't vote against a person they actually were proven to support, as did the democrats.
First of all there is nothing that she didn't say that isn' true:

Arguing for Clinton on the basis of things she did not say is so libtard it is hillaryous.

. We know for a fact that Russia hacked into our Democracy to help Trump win.

That statement is simply a lie as every investigative body so far has conceded that nothing that occurred caused a single vote to flip other than via persuasion, which is not a crime.

We know that there is Misogyny and it is deeply rooted in this country, especially within the Republican party.

Hillary Clinton would have lost the election with or without a vagina.

Wikileaks who you're referencing- is a very serious National Security Threat to this country. Recently leaking thousands of CIA documents on how we catch terrorists. They attacked G.W. Bush in 2007, basically putting a target on our soldiers backs. Julian Assange, Wikileak founder, has been holded up in the Ecuador Embassy in London for the last 4 years with UK police surrounding it trying to avoid extradition back to the U.S. to face charges. You'll note that Julian Assange has never attacked Russia, it's always been the United States. He works for the Russians. They do the hackings and Assange puts it on the internet--again for the REWARD. Trump and his supporters stated they loved Wikileaks--especially when it was going after Hillary Clinton and the DNC databases.

Whether the above is true or not, it does not constitute a reason that Hillary lost. It is merely whining.

4. FBI Director James Comey--violates long standing DOJ protocol of not releasing information within 60 days of an election.

Comey agreed to keep the Congressional leadership informed about any developments in the Clinton investigations and the new laptop that became available constituted new information, so Comey had no choice but to inform Congress, who immediately leaked it to the press.

That you think such histrionics affects the voters more than the serious issues is telling about your opinion of the American voters, who seem to have ignored the hoopla from BOTH sides and focused on issues.

Why did people vote for Donald Trump? Voters explain

Why did Americans choose Trump over Clinton?

What was forgotten in all this hysteria was that Trump had brought to the race unique advantages, some of his own making, some from finessing naturally occurring phenomena.

His advocacy for fair rather than free trade, his insistence on enforcement of federal immigration law and promises to bring back jobs to the United States brought back formerly disaffected Reagan Democrats, white working-class union members and blue-dog Democrats—the “missing Romney voters”—into the party. Because of that, the formidable wall of rich electoral blue states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio and North Carolina crumbled.

Beyond that, even Trump’s admitted crudity was seen by many as evidence of a street-fighting spirit sorely lacking in Republican candidates that had lost too magnanimously in 1992, 2008 and 2016 to vicious Democratic hit machines.

Whatever Trump was, he would not lose nobly, but perhaps pull down the rotten walls of the Philistines with him.​

The voters in the midwest, Appalachia and the Northeast went from voting for Obama to voting for Trump because both were change agents and Hillary was far from that.

View attachment 121039

That has nothing to do with Hillary having a pussy or not.

There is no one that believes that Donald Trump would be the POTUS today without the interference of Vladimir Putin and FBI director James Comey.

That is simply a complete 100% lie and it says alot about your objectivity that you really cannot even imagine why anyone would vote for Trump without the mythical Putin interference.

No one could have possibly watched any one of those debates, either during the primary or with Hillary Clinton and walked away believing Trump won a single one of them. If they tell you that they're lying through their teeth.

Again, you reveal more about your blinders you wear than the reality of the debates which Trump won by huge amounts according to various online polls.

You are just lying to yourself now.

Ignorance via Misogyny--Putin--Comey & Wikileaks-- beat knowledge, dignity, respect and experience in 2016. There is no doubt about that.


Clinton lost because ....

1. Voters wanted change that they failed to get when they elected Obama. They wanted to boot out the Establishment and put in people who would put America first in global trade. Obama talked the talk but could not do the walk. Instead of helping middle class America, he blew $4 TRILLION bailing out the banks and caused so much controversial nonsense that no one paid any attention to the trillion dollar gifts he gave Wall Street banksters.

2. Clinton has a long history of walking along the edge of the law and her history of donations through the Clinton Foundation had the stench of corruption all over it.

3. The DNC was not fair with Bernie Sanders supporters or the candidate himself. Many of his supporters either stayed home or voted third party or for Trump.

4. Hillary Clinton, in contrast to her husband Bill, has a long history of surrounding herself with ass kissing 'Yes women' who just cant wait to elect the first vagina to the White House. There is little substance or gravitas among her advisers. This is part of the reason that Bill was successful while Hillary was not. Bill knew the value of ass holes that would tell him what they really thought. For Hillary that was a death sentence and so she made one blunder after another like not campaigning in the Blue Wall states.

5. Hillary Clinton believed her own campaigns fake, distorted polls that were used to encourage her supporters. But the chariot turned back into a pumpkin on election day and no amount of wishing can bring it back.

Hillary Clinton does not have the managerial skills or honesty to ever be POTUS.

With liberals it must be remembered their reality is what they want their reality to be. They wish to believe that it wasn't Hillary that caused her to lose it was the Russians, so that is their reality. Perception is reality.

Along with the reasons given by yourself the biggest reason Hillary lost, other than being herself, is the SCOTUS nominations. Evangelicals and other Christians could look past Trumps "imperfections." After the years of the Roberts court we have had enough.

Besides, Hillary being more of the establishment same old same old.

I agree one of the most infamous reasons for voting for Trump was the SCOTUS nominee. I saw that comment all of the time. Trump had Evangelicals just convinced that he would nominate a Supreme court justice that would overturn Roe V Wade. They were terrified as to whom Hillary Clinton would pick.

And what did they get. Niel Gorsuch a Supreme Court Judge that Democrats love, and Hillary Clinton voted for. These Democrats had voted for him in the past. Under G.W. Bush in 2006--when Democrats owned the Senate and could have easily rejected him to the Federal District court.


Here Are the Democrats Who Voted for Neil Gorsuch as a Circuit Court Judge in 2006

This uproar in the Senate has nothing to do with Democrats having an issue with Niel Gorsuch--it's political payback for Republicans blocking Obama's last judge Merrick Garland.

So as always we had Republicans for the last 7 years campaigning on repealing and replacing Obamacare--they also were campaigning on getting SCOTUS nominees that would overturn Roe v Wade. NIEL GORSUCH is the first nominee to my memory that stated during the confirmation hearing--that ROV V WADE is Precendent--meaning set in stone.
Gorsuch to Feinstein: Abortion ruling is 'precedent'

And you're right also--that Evangelicals kicked their favorite Ted Cruz to the curb to get Donald Trump. (Someone that Jesus Christ would have never approved of.) The hypocrisy of the 2016 primary and what Republicans, especially the so called Evangelical Christian block did, is absolutely astounding. Mike Huckabee being the biggest Hypocrite in the bunch.


And in your comment ("other than being herself") exemplifies your own issues with Misogyny.
So you agree that the democrat filibuster attempts were merely politically motivated. So were the Republicans but they didn't vote against a person they actually were proven to support, as did the democrats.

Definitely the uproar in the Senate over Niel Gorsuch was nothing more that partisan politics. Democrats were angry that Merrick Garland didn't get a vote and was blocked by Republicans.

The irony here is that Republicans liked Merrick Garland, as much as Democrats like Niel Gorsuch. They just blocked Garland because they wanted to campaign on the next Supreme Court nominee.

Unfortunately for Republicans they will be the ones that get the short end of the stick on this one. Democrats are certain to take over the Senate in 2018--and at that point (If Trump is still in office)--his supreme courts picks are finished. Democrats take over the Presidency in 2020 and they'll have a run on the court--because Republicans set new precedent for voting for confirmation. A simple majority is only required, but the 60 vote confirmation was just tradition to insure that court nominees appeal to the majority.

This is bad for America--because this is where you'll get your too far left and too far right judges.
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July 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you needed more reasons not to buy Hillary's latest book, What Happened, here are a whole bunch. Courtesy of Hillary.

Hillary Clinton had one successful book. That was the book where everyone expected her to talk about Monica Lewinsky. Everything else fell flat. Publishing companies lost a fortune on her. But here she is again with yet another book that no one wants.

How many books about herself can one politician whose highest elected office was a sinecure position in the Senate, write anyway?

But this one will at least be very long because it will contain an extensive list of everyone whose fault it was that she lost. (Not her.)


Hillary Book to Blame Everyone Else for Defeat
July 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you needed more reasons not to buy Hillary's latest book, What Happened, here are a whole bunch. Courtesy of Hillary.

Hillary Clinton had one successful book. That was the book where everyone expected her to talk about Monica Lewinsky. Everything else fell flat. Publishing companies lost a fortune on her. But here she is again with yet another book that no one wants.

How many books about herself can one politician whose highest elected office was a sinecure position in the Senate, write anyway?

But this one will at least be very long because it will contain an extensive list of everyone whose fault it was that she lost. (Not her.)


Hillary Book to Blame Everyone Else for Defeat
She has plenty to blame ferchrissake...

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