Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump

July 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you needed more reasons not to buy Hillary's latest book, What Happened, here are a whole bunch. Courtesy of Hillary.

Hillary Clinton had one successful book. That was the book where everyone expected her to talk about Monica Lewinsky. Everything else fell flat. Publishing companies lost a fortune on her. But here she is again with yet another book that no one wants.

How many books about herself can one politician whose highest elected office was a sinecure position in the Senate, write anyway?

But this one will at least be very long because it will contain an extensive list of everyone whose fault it was that she lost. (Not her.)


Hillary Book to Blame Everyone Else for Defeat
She has plenty to blame ferchrissake...
Yep, it's called a mirror...
July 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

If you needed more reasons not to buy Hillary's latest book, What Happened, here are a whole bunch. Courtesy of Hillary.

Hillary Clinton had one successful book. That was the book where everyone expected her to talk about Monica Lewinsky. Everything else fell flat. Publishing companies lost a fortune on her. But here she is again with yet another book that no one wants.

How many books about herself can one politician whose highest elected office was a sinecure position in the Senate, write anyway?

But this one will at least be very long because it will contain an extensive list of everyone whose fault it was that she lost. (Not her.)


Hillary Book to Blame Everyone Else for Defeat
She has plenty to blame ferchrissake...
Yep, it's called a mirror...
Comey, Putin...DUHHH.
She lost mostly for one reason.
1. Trade and outsourcing of our jobs....

That is what flipped Pa, Michigan and Wis over for the first time in decades....

If the democrats had stood by the worker and fought to keep jobs in this country for the past 30 years, Clinton would be president.
And WTF were they supposed to do in about 2 years and a month of control? Clinton should have raised taxes on the rich in his 2 years.
She needs to STFU & GO AWAY!

D-Schumer told her this week that if she wants to know why she lost she should look in a mirror.

'Nuff said.
If she keeps trying to draw attention to herself she just might get it...and find herself in prison for her crimes, all of which she thinks is behind her. The FBI just recently released over 400 new criminal e-mails from her server, so her crimes are still being exposed.
I can't wait for it to come out and watch the liberal robot peons here start repeating her reasons.
Come on Simon and schuster...there are people here just waiting to be told what to think.
They will go to their graves remembering this 2017/18/20/22/24/etc/etc defeat...

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Still finding it hard to swallow defeat.


Trey Sanchez

Hillary Clinton lost to Donald Trump and that is a hard pill for her to swallow.

Now, in her first public interview with Nicholas Kristof of The New York Times, Clinton has come up with four major reasons which “were beyond her control,” according to NBC News, as to why the American people rejected her:


The only responsibility she took was to say, “There were things I could have done better.”

Clinton still describes her loss as “devastating.”

NBC News says that Clinton is writing a book to “examine her defeat last year” and inferred she is doubtful she will ever run for office again.

Hillary Comes Up With 4 Stupid Reasons She Lost to Trump
Why do you dumbasses waste your time on bullshit Hillary said about the election? No liberals on this forum even gives a shit what her perspective was. I certainly don't give a shit what she says. She is the past. You're only bringing her up because you're too much of pussies to admit how god awful Trump is in comparison. He is what is relevant right now - not her. He is unprecedented disaster in American politics and you don't have the balls to admit it.

How can you compare a career politician to a civilian?
Let Hillary prattle on it is just an extension of the crummy, take it for granted, campaign she ran. Two weeks away from the election the TV pundits were saying she was not campaigning because she was assembling her staff, because everyone knew it was over for Trump. I was hoping that people were listening, apparently they were.
I'm sure that being a corrupt, lying, cold hearted bitch had nothing to do with it.


Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.
Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, loser.
No evidence for criminal corruption, dupe. Or the rest.

No evidence for criminal corruption!!!! WTF, have you been sleeping for the last 10 years.
I'm sure that being a corrupt, lying, cold hearted bitch had nothing to do with it.


Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.
Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, loser.
No evidence for criminal corruption, dupe. Or the rest.
Comey listed the evidence in front of Congress, you idiot.
Bad case of logorrrhea. Just say no reason for prosecution, and shut your stupid mouth 11 days before an election (based on Russia fake news ferchrissake)...
Last edited:
I'm sure that being a corrupt, lying, cold hearted bitch had nothing to do with it.


Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.
Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, loser.
No evidence for criminal corruption, dupe. Or the rest.

No evidence for criminal corruption!!!! WTF, have you been sleeping for the last 10 years.
Nothing, in the opinion of the US Justice system, dupe.
I'm sure that being a corrupt, lying, cold hearted bitch had nothing to do with it.


Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.
Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, loser.
No evidence for criminal corruption, dupe. Or the rest.

No evidence for criminal corruption!!!! WTF, have you been sleeping for the last 10 years.
Nothing, in the opinion of the US Justice system, dupe.

Not to worry, reality will catch up soon...tard.
Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation
Quit being a pussy and address the actual relevance in American politics: Trump.
Yeah, I don't blame you for wanting to change the subject, loser.
No evidence for criminal corruption, dupe. Or the rest.

No evidence for criminal corruption!!!! WTF, have you been sleeping for the last 10 years.
Nothing, in the opinion of the US Justice system, dupe.

Not to worry, reality will catch up soon...tard.
Employee of Corruption Magnet Debbie Wasserman Schultz Under Criminal Investigation
Wanna bet, dupe? You'll never learn...

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