Hillary continues her blame game, says Bernie inflicted "lasting damage" on her campaign

The Republicans tried many times to ensure there were better regulations and more oversight over the lending practices that led to the crisis. .

No they didn't. In fact, they did the exact opposite of that. Conservatives met with Wall Street in April 2004, and that meeting resulted in the Bush Administration's regulators ceased enforcement of lending standards for subprime loans, removed leveraging restrictions on Wall Street banks, and allowed the industry to police itself. Democrats had nothing to do with that and actually, in October 2003, there was broad bipartisan consensus on GSE Reform that the Bush Administration killed in October 2003.

Not that it would have mattered anyway, since the problems in the mortgage market were tied not to GSE's, but by poor, private-sector loan performance. You can see it in the chart below, how default rates for private-label subprime ARMs started skyrocketing before all other types of loans:


When you look at this chart, what is it you are seeing? Because when I look at it, I see those private-label, non-GSE subprime ARMs and Loans entering default about 2 years prior to the GSE loans. Which proves that the private label loans had a waterfall effect on the mortgage market as soon after they started defaulting, less risky loans began defaulting. One happened before the other. So which came first? The defaulting, private-label, non-GSE subprime defaults, or the GSE-backed defaults? The chart is pretty clear. Now it's just a matter of you accepting facts.
It's very funny now that 90% of the people who still give a shit what Hillary Clinton thinks are RW'ers.
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

This is what democrats do well: Blame.
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

This is what democrats do well: Blame.

It's their entire philosophy.

Blame others and get free shit as compensation.
Clinton book says Bernie Sanders inflicted 'lasting damage' on her campaign

Hillary Clinton believes the “attacks” Bernie Sanders leveled at her during the 2016 Democratic primary “caused lasting damage,” made it harder to “unify progressives” and paved the way for Donald Trump’s “Crooked Hillary” refrain during the general election.

Clinton adds “that’s not a smear” — it’s what the independent senator from Vermont himself says. Sanders lost his bid for the Democratic nomination and endorsed Clinton at the Democratic National Convention.

“He didn’t get into the race to make sure a Democrat won the White House,” Clinton continues. “He got in to disrupt the Democratic Party.”

And while Sanders “was right Democrats needed to strengthen [their] focus on working families” and engage younger voters, “he was fundamentally wrong about the Democratic Party,” Clinton argues, ticking off a list of Democrat-led accomplishments including Social Security, Mideast peace, the auto industry bailout and health care reform....


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids."
-Hillary Rodham Clinton

Hillary seems determined to ensure 2 terms of Donald Trump.

This is what democrats do well: Blame.

It's their entire philosophy.

Blame others and get free shit as compensation.

What is so funny is that they won't even argue it.

They know it's all they stand for.
It shows that like all true psychopaths, Hillary will instantly backstab her own "friends" whenever she feels butthurt about something, and blame everyone else. Another loathsome quality that liberalfilth and their muslim crybaby whoremasters have in common.

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